Chapter 286 As You Wish, Lady Goddess
Luo Wei inexplicably felt that he had been teased.

Taking a first-level god to go shopping is not as heavy a burden as he imagined.

Maybe on the day he returns the God Core, she will be able to truly adapt to everything in this world like a girl.

"Hey! Brother over there, can you help me?"

On the side of the street, someone was pulling a stone pillar on the house with a rope. It seemed that there were people under it, and there were not enough people.

This kind of problem can be solved by craftsmen, but the equipment and materials seem to be insufficient.

Luo Wei gestured with his eyes, but Minoni didn't intend to just watch.

"Let me come too."

Well, offering help is the fastest way to integrate, and the other party usually doesn't mind who you are when expressing gratitude.

The two came to the free end of the rope, and pulled back listening to the command of the leader——

The fallen stone pillar was immediately pulled up, almost hitting everyone in reverse, and the people trapped inside were quickly rescued.

After finishing these, the leader came over and smiled at Luo Wei, "Thank you, brother, you are really strong!"

Luo Wei: "..."

He actually didn't do much at all.

It was all done by the understated first-level god behind him.

"And this lady, thank you for coming to help, we will definitely survive this disaster!"

"Well, you're welcome." Minoni said calmly.

When the other party continued to rescue, Luo Wei glanced at her.

"Isn't that a good response?"

"Really," Minoni opened her eyes slightly, "I still don't understand the difference."

"Sometimes it's actually better to think less. The more you think, the more choices you have in your mind. In the end, you don't know how to respond."

"Is that so, what you said... makes sense."

She still doesn't feel natural.

But in the end, let the supreme god speak in a human way, even if she has been trying to do this, it is still a bit difficult to understand after all.

It's quite normal when talking about business, but in trivial daily communication, useless information occupies a large part, which may make her confused.

Since there is no need, why say more?

Since there is no information, why express it?

She probably just didn't understand that communicating with people is actually a joyful thing.Of course, Saya still hasn't figured out the sophistication part, let alone the Demon God from Outer Worlds.

"Chicken balls! Big, tender and juicy chicken balls!"

Attracted by the yelling, Minoni looked over there.

Rowe understood.

Let her go shopping today to her satisfaction.

After packing and reminding her to pay attention to the heat, Luo Wei watched her take a bite, and the pulp burst in her mouth, which made the girl blink, her eyes lowered slightly, and her movements stopped there.

"What should I do if the street is scared?"

she asked.

White pulp flowed down her mouth.

Luo Wei: "..."

"It's edible, it's okay."

Hearing his words, Minonie raised her chin, put her hands on her mouth and swallowed, and swallowed the chicken and cheese juice that was about to flow out of her mouth.

Luo Wei smiled wryly in front of her and handed her a handkerchief, but he didn't have the guts to go up and wipe her mouth.

"It has a very strong milk flavor, mixed with the juice from cooking chicken, very delicious."

"At this time, it's actually good to say that it's delicious."


Having not eaten for 200 years, Luo Wei did not expect such a serious reaction after tasting the food.

Hmm... from the description, her sense of taste is similar to that of a human.Chicken balls in white sauce are a snack of chicken breast wrapped in white cheese. It is easy to make. It seems to be very popular in foreign countries besides Lion Garden.

The two walked along the busy rebuilding street.

Get close to the things you are interested in, and help when you meet someone who needs help.

After solving a few mercenaries who were taking advantage of the chaos, Minoni looked back at him: "Is this the status quo of the human world?"

Luo Wei shook his head at her.

"The human world is not static. Yesterday and the day before yesterday, the atmosphere of this city was completely different from today."

"Change...Humans are really a magical species."

"But it doesn't change every moment." Luo Wei looked up at the distant sky. "In fact, there are many towns whose atmosphere doesn't change much."

Minoni followed him to look at the half-set sun, but failed to express her opinion.

At this moment, Luo Wei lowered his head and smiled, looked at her and said, "Do you want to go and have a look?"

The girl's bright star pupils turned around, and for the first time a light lit up inside, like stars being lit up.


Lion Garden Kingdom, south of Mansai Plain, White Harbor Town.

The waterwheel was turning lazily by the stone bridge, the gravel road was crooked with mud and grass, and the dwarf lying on the cargo box of the carriage was belching contentedly.

The aunt of the flower shop on the street stood at the door with one hand propped up on her waist, the other hand held a kettle to water the flowers, but she looked up at the gradually sinking sunset.

"Hey Hank, how was your day?"

"Haha, as always, go to the tavern and have a drink. I can only point to this glass all day."

The old acquaintances who met each other patted each other on the back and said a few sarcastic remarks about being careful and being caught by their wives.Not far from them, there were adventurers returning from the ruins with a full load, and the wear and tear on their armor did not conceal the joy on their faces.

Farther away, there are bards playing the lute on the street, telling about the girl they love.


Minoni stared blankly at this scene, unable to say anything, and walked forward beside Luo Wei.

The two circled around the town, the academy and Xinshi Street in the west, the tavern area, the shop area and the adventurer's guild in the east, and finally headed towards the mountain road where the church of prayer is located.

Stopping at the edge of a cliff where you can look down, with birds chirping overhead, Luo Wei chose a seat and sat down.

Minoni sat not far from him holding her skirt.

"Compared to the previous city, I like it more here."

Looking up, the town under the setting sun at the foot of the mountain is quiet and serene, exuding a warm force.

This scene was even enough to shock her.

"As long as you like it," Luo Wei closed his eyes and said, "Maybe when you wake up, you will find that this place has not changed."

He could sense that time was running out.

Let her fall asleep under such a picture, maybe she can also have a good dream.

Minoni never moved her eyes from there, and looked into the distance without thinking.

"I have one last request."

"You said."

"I want to know, what is the love that the poet sang just now? Why do you burn yourself for a person who abandoned you, and still remember it so much in your heart?"


Damn bard.

"That's art of expression." Luo Wei said with a dark face.

"But he said that love is the most complicated relationship between people, and this happens to be what confuses me the most."

While speaking, Minoni sang a cappella——

"I heard that you have changed people around you again, I don't care"

"I heard that I was still panting, you dismissed it"

Luo Wei: "..."

The lyrics, which were originally full of resentment in the jokes and self-deprecation, were sung by her clear voice, but turned into narrative poems.

But she's a quick learner...

"Why all this, I smiled silly"

"Abandon me, I can only burn myself"

"Burning—burning to the fullest—"

At the climax of singing, Luo Wei didn't dare to disturb her, and listened to her emotionless and natural singing skills, and listened to the whole song quietly.

Unexpectedly, he could still hear the first-level god singing to him. This is really lucky for three lives.

When Minoni closed her eyes and sang the last stanza, he stretched out his hand and clapped cooperatively.

clap clap clap...

"Why applaud?" Minoni opened her eyes, a little puzzled.

"This is a compliment." Luo Wei affirmed.

"So? I think if I can understand the most complicated relationship between human beings, I might be able to understand it correctly."

Luo Wei sighed slowly.

"As you can see, this is the most complicated relationship, not to mention you, even humans may not understand it."

"Can't you demonstrate it to me? It's like shopping for advice before."

"I'm afraid... the person who can demonstrate to me is not here now."

Luo Wei scratched the back of his head with a headache, how can this be a demonstration, it is impossible to call Vermier or Saya over now, it is too strange to do such a thing in front of a first-level god.

Minoni tilted her head and looked at him.

"Isn't that the same as 'let's go buy a pair of shoes?'? Can't you use me as an example.”


Totally different, obviously.

"This is not an idea that can come up anytime and anywhere," Luo Wei shook his head and said, "If I demonstrate it to you, it will be considered a hooligan at best."

"... Playing hooligans?"

She didn't seem to understand what it meant, but after learning that the idea would not be born immediately, her eyes drooped slightly, as if she had missed another opportunity.

Luo Wei closed his eyes and smiled wryly.

To make such a request is at most impulsive...

But seeing her a little disappointed, it was a bit unbearable, after all, it was a long night waiting for her.

He slowly took a breath and said, "I can't demonstrate what love is to you by asking myself. Even if I try, it will be inaccurate. I hope you can understand this. I don't want to mislead your perception."

Minoni just nodded slightly.

"But... I can show you other emotions." Luo Wei continued, swallowing his throat at the same time, feeling like he was dying.

"Huh? What is it?"

The girl raised her eyes slightly.

Luo Wei looked embarrassed: "This may require your cooperation, don't think I'm offending."

"What do I need to do?"

"Just sit there."

Minoni kept observing, and sat there without saying a word.

Luo Wei took a deep breath slowly, and moved closer so that he could reach out and touch her.

Then, he stretched out his right hand little by little, looking up in front of Minoni's gaze, beyond the boundary of her gaze.


The long white hair was covered, and Luo Wei slowly put his hand on her head.



The supple texture was unimaginable. Seeing her dull eyes trying to see the situation clearly, Luo Wei laughed at himself inwardly.

I'm afraid... no one has ever dared to do such a thing to her.

"How do you feel?" he asked.

"You're putting your hand on my head."

Feelings are actions...

Luo Wei adjusted his inner emotions, looked at her, and then gently stroked her head back.


Minoni's eyes jumped, and she looked back at him, while Luo Wei looked at her, stroking her long hair over and over again like petting a cat.

Dare to touch the head of a first-level god... I am really tired of working in normal times...

But now Luo Wei only treats her as a little girl as much as possible, and because he lent his strength, he is about to fall into a deep sleep with no time limit.

"There is a wonderful power," Minoni stared at him with star eyes, "You seem to hope that I will have a good ending, is there a specific adjective for this?"

"It should be said to be comforting."

"I see, there is indeed a feeling of comfort. Is this the connection between people..."

She suddenly thought of some of Altina's behaviors in the past, she always hugged her from behind suddenly, now it seems that she may also hope that she can integrate into this world.

Thinking of this, she closed her eyes and concentrated on experiencing this feeling, washing away her perception over and over again, unwilling to let go.

This world is still worth taking a look at at the beginning.

"Lovie Brook, thank you."

"Actually, just call me Luo Wei." Looking at the peace she enjoyed peacefully, she tried her best to comfort this demon god from outside the realm.

"Then, Luo Wei, I will try to look forward to the world after waking up, then take me to see this world."

"As you wish, my lord goddess."

There was a slight smile on the corner of Minoni's mouth, as if she was satisfied.

A beam of twilight was drawn from her body, and the outline of the pure white girl gradually became transparent, as if she had fallen into a peaceful sleep, and gradually disappeared into nothingness.

And that beam of pure white light slowly entered the divine core on Luo Wei's body.

Luo Wei's hand stopped in the air, and he looked down at the lone shoe on the ground.

Will definitely see you again.


After a moment of silence, he took out the sealed divine core in his arms, the shackles on the surface were dyed pure white, and the divine power resonated with the remaining guidance in his body.

The setting sun on the side of the sky was about to fall to the horizon, and Luo Wei watched the moment that was about to enter dusk, and stood up.

Holding the divine core in his hand, he took a slow breath.

Then, he pressed the sealed pure white core into his body.




When he opened his eyes again, a trace of pure white flashed across his pupils, and quickly returned to normal.

After confirming that he was still himself, Luo Wei picked up the pair of shoes on the ground, packed them together with the packaging, and turned around in the direction of the city without a crown.


It's time for the artisans to come and prepare sacrifices for him.

 The lyrics are adapted from "Burn Butcher Burn" sung by Dandelion in the second season of The Witcher

(End of this chapter)

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