Chapter 299 The Promise in the Sewer

In the narrow space, the Earthly Branch Sword shines brightly.

Ayi Ning held up the long sword and used the sword energy to support the weight of the entire zenith.

Luo Wei couldn't help with this, so he looked at her feet for her. When the earth vein ore pillar poked out from the two people's feet, he grabbed her waistband and quickly backed away.

After Ayining was moved in this way several times, the shock finally began to subside gradually.

"It's really possible to encounter many accidents when I come out with you."

She didn't take off the support of the sword energy, and used the zenith to stop the falling boulders one after another, with a somewhat helpless tone.

Luo Wei fumbled in the cloak, "Since it's a date, how can there be no surprises?"

"I don't want such a surprise... um!"

Before she finished speaking, her mouth was blocked by a bottle of magic potion, and with her eyes widened, Luo Wei poured it all down for her.

Gulu, Gulu, Gulu...

With a movement of her throat, she was forcibly fed a whole bottle of potion in a posture of raising her hand and standing a sword, and a lot of it dripped down the corner of her mouth.

A Yining finished drinking, before she could catch her breath, Luo Wei took out a second bottle.


You bastard...!
Gulu, gulu... Ayi swallowed hard and looked at him angrily.

"Why are you looking at me like this? What I'm feeding you is not an aphrodisiac."


Ai Ning gritted her teeth.

Even if you feed that kind of thing, I can't resist now!
After drinking the second bottle, she coughed twice, the liquid medicine flowed out from her chin, and even her neck was wet.

"No need! I don't need to fill up so much!"

Afraid that he would take out another bottle, A Yining hastily refused.

What's strange is that even though the vibration has completely subsided, heavy objects continue to fall from above.

"It's not like an ordinary earthquake, is this what craftsmen will do?"

"Nine out of ten." Luo Wei raised his head to listen to the movement above, but frowned, "Do you think there is something wrong with this voice?"

Ayi Ning listened for a while, but saw that Luo Wei really took out the third bottle of potion.

"What are you doing..."

"It's okay, I'll feed you slowly this time."

Realizing that something was wrong, Ayi Ning choked up when facing the liquid medicine that was gently handed to his mouth.

Didn't this turn into letting me take the initiative to cooperate and drink it?

Hearing the slight tearing sound beside her ears, Ayining sighed and raised her head slightly.

Luo Wei supported her back with one hand, put the mouth of the bottle on the girl's tender red lips with the other, and tilted the bottle slightly.

Ayi Ning swallowed bit by bit, her eyes wrinkled with resentment.

Don't be so slow.

Being fed water like this always feels like something is wrong, so it's better to pour it down for her in one gulp.

After drinking the whole bottle, the rustling sound became more and more obvious. Luo Wei stood there, raised his sleeve intimately, and wiped her mouth.

And at this moment, a horrifying monster's face climbed up the vein ore pillar and appeared behind him.


The densely packed monsters all showed their figures, clinging to the pillars of the veins and roaring at them.

Luo Wei continued to wipe the water off Ayining's chin as if he couldn't hear it, and the latter also stood there motionless.

Until the monsters rushed up——

Boom! !
A Yining let go at that moment, the two of them leaned over and sank at the same time, and the sword light burst out again.

"Ripple Sword—"

"Huagui Sword——"


Jumping out through the zenith, all the surrounding monsters were smashed to pieces.The two looked down in mid-air, and there were all kinds of huge eggs piled up on the fallen zenith. Those monsters seemed to be drilled out of those translucent membranes.

How could there be such a thing above the underground waterway?

Luo Wei squinted his eyes and looked up, and soon realized that these huge eggs were not simply hanging above, but hidden in the interlayer between the two zeniths.

"Be careful."

Ayi Ning reminded them that there was a monster with insect wings on the side and rushed towards them. The monsters here could not be detected remotely with their breath, and they seemed to have an aura of non-realism.


The two stepped on the magic platform, slashed lightly, and their movements were almost in sync.

The monster that attacked them was chopped into three pieces and fell powerlessly.

Although it can't be sensed remotely, you just need to spread the qi around and wait for them to "hit" on it.As long as A Yining is willing to maintain this pace, Luo Wei can also feel the change of air flow.

That's why she was asked to fill up the magic power. After all, I don't know how many of these things there are.

Swinging the sword to the left and right in the group of monsters, the sword light danced and chopped five or six of them into pieces. These things are much easier to kill than the monsters in the ruins of the gods, and it is not surprising that there are so many.

What they lack most in the God War Relics is the experience of dealing with a large group of monsters.

"I didn't expect to have an actual opponent in tonight's training."


Ayi Ning didn't respond to his words, Luo Wei noticed something wrong with her face from her breath, after frowning, she raised her head and looked around——

The monsters in front of them are all large insects without exception, such as praying mantises and flying insects, all of them are as big as a cow.

He was a little sympathetic for a while.

"Are you... afraid of insects?"

"do not talk……"

It seems so.

This guy hides very deeply, and he hasn't seen it for so long, so when we usually meet, he is actually trying to be brave?

No wonder she took out the mosquito net early.

Fortunately, the proportion of such creatures in the God War Relics is very small, and she didn't hesitate to swing the sword. If it wasn't for the Qi resonance, Luo Wei might not have found it.


You brought me to the sewer...

It sucks.

"Actually, I hate it too." Luo Wei said suddenly, "But it shouldn't be to your level."

Afterwards, he pulled Ayining behind him, aroused his divine power, and cut out the "Ripple Sword Guangyi".

The centers of the multiple water-blue rings are dyed with pure white brilliance, hanging in mid-air like halos, continuously pushing out large ripples of chopping rings.

Ai Ning lowered her head.

From the perception of qi, those monsters within the range went forward one after another, and were strangled to death wave after wave, and this cycle repeated.


When the surroundings became silent, no moving monsters could be sensed within the range.

Luo Wei turned around and patted her on the head lightly.

"I can't promise anything else, but I swear I won't throw bugs into your back collar."


Ayi Ning bit her lip, not knowing what it was like for a moment.

She didn't want them to think that this was her weakness, and if it wasn't for breath synchronization, she wouldn't let them see it at all.

"You don't have to worry about me like this, in fact, I also..."

"What are you talking about?" Luo Wei patted her again and smiled, "Isn't it my brother's job to protect my sister in this matter? In the future, if you encounter these things, just leave them to me as much as possible."


Ayi Ning's eyes trembled and softened a little.

In fact, this kind of thing passed by gritting his teeth, and no one had ever said that he was willing to do this for her.But because of this brother-sister relationship, it seems that he should hope that he can rely on him in this matter.

Obviously he also said he hated it.

In order to take care of my sister's feelings, I have to bear it myself...

Really, obviously it didn't drag me down because of these.It's just that when I was young, I went to the mountain to collect herbs, and was surrounded by a group of big insects, leaving a deep shadow. In fact, I was rescued by my master before I was touched.I still remember that Anais hugged her afterwards, and both of them cried for a long time.

"Speaking of which, there should be no reason for these things to appear," she said calmly, "Can you think of the reason?"

"If it's related to the earthquake, it should be deliberately arranged by the craftsman," Luo Wei looked at the corpses of monsters around him. "Although these things are very fragile, they are very aggressive and concealed, and they are very suitable for sneak attacks."

"Well," Ayi Ning nodded, "If I'm right, I should plan to clean up this area to prepare for the future arrangement."

It seemed she was unaffected psychologically.

Luo Wei thought the same as her. There are usually some low-level adventurers here, who will come to deal with some slimy silt monsters.This kind of thing should have been done in the last round. For Wuguan City, which was caught in a war at that time, these novice missing craftsmen will still have legitimate rights and can easily cover it up.

But this time...

His eyes froze, and he suddenly turned to the exit.

"Could it be that……"

"Are they trying to prevent the forces in the open from investigating here?"

After the two finished speaking separately, they rushed towards the exit covered by falling rocks.

The situation outside may not be optimistic.

Although Ryan regarded this as the key point and invited a lot of people to investigate, the area was too wide after all, and the various teams were scattered. Luo Wei didn't meet a few investigation teams along the way.

This has led to the fact that in the face of a sudden attack, the combat power cannot be concentrated, and casualties are prone to occur in the case of being caught off guard.

Quickly rushed to the area where the investigation team met before along the underground waterway. Following the sound of the battle, a group of five demon soldiers were surrounded by monsters. One of the members was sitting on the ground, and the wound seemed to be bleeding heavily.

"I will deal with the monsters, and you will treat the wounded."

"…it is good."

Ayi Ning understands that this is not just about her. Dealing with these monsters is like chopping melons and cutting vegetables for him, but the lives of the seriously injured are constantly passing, and every second counts.

"Ripple Sword Shining Flash".

"Hua Gui Sword Ling Shan".

The two passed across the streamer at the same time, tearing a gap in the monster's attack, and then Ayining raised the earth wall to separate the monsters layer by layer, and maintained the resonance with his Qi, and practiced the sword swing with him in his heart. , At the same time began to treat the wounded on the ground.

This multitasking ability made the corner of Luo Wei's mouth raise a smile, and he swung the sword of Cangliu heartily.

In less than 5 minutes, under the joint counterattack of the demon soldiers, all the monsters were wiped out, and the condition of the wounded was temporarily relieved, and there was no longer any fear of their lives.

The two gathered almost at the same time, before the panting Mozu soldiers expressed their gratitude, Luo Wei interrupted:

"Tell me the locations of the other teams you know."

The other party was stunned, but quickly understood and reacted. After being informed of the specific location, before he had time to show the way, Luo Wei hurried away with Ayining.

Demon soldier: "..."

"They seem to be on the right track."

"Who are these two...? Why have you never heard of them?"

"do not know……"

The Mozu soldiers looked at the earth wall that had risen from the ground.

"But we were saved."


After the two arrived at the target location, they left an earthen wall in the same way after their shots, serving as barriers for the alliance members.

Gradually, he also learned the location of more teams, and finally met Dundry, the chief knight of Kalishan.

Naturally, this divine being didn't need their help. In fact, he met many teams on the road with his combat power after he rescued many teams.

And from the other party, Luo Wei learned a slightly unexpected news.

The underground waterway of North Street N07 is deep.

There are traces of large Eudemons.

(End of this chapter)

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