Chapter 300 is a phantom beast, a very big phantom beast

"Large Eudemons?"

In fact, they are no strangers to Eudemons.

The most obvious example, Athetana is a phantom beast, and it is also very large. means that her main body is very big.

But Athetana is probably not the same as the Eudemons that appeared here. To be precise, Athetana's existence is relatively more special.

Mother Goddess is a natural phantom beast born from the orc tribe. It is a phantom beast species native to this world. The number is extremely rare, and they are generally relatively independent. They live in their own territory and can understand human nature.

And most of the rest of the Eudemons do not exist in this world, they will suddenly appear in some force fields influenced by the superior, as if to indicate some kind of change in the world.

This situation is undoubtedly coming suddenly.

"From the team who escaped back, I learned that the source of the earthquake started there," Dundry said in a deep voice, "the aura of the space there seems to have been rewritten."

Luo Wei nodded, "What about the situation on the ground?"

He saw on the road that the alliance had established communication nodes underground, probably to deal with this situation.

"Part of the streets in the Crownless City collapsed, but the damage was less severe than expected," Dundry relayed the news from the communication, "Ryan is already rushing this way, by the way, the battleship in the sky and the courtyard of silence Nothing happened."

It turned out to be the case.

Luo Wei roughly clarified the status quo. There is a double-layer structure underground in Wuguan City. The zenith collapsed by the earthquake just now does not affect the support of the roof structure of the upper layer. The load-bearing system of the two may be calculated separately.

The monsters are hidden in the interlayer, and when they are excited, they can quickly occupy the underground waterway through the collapsed sub-layer zenith, which is hard to guard against.

From this point of view, Wuguan City even left such a trick at the beginning of its design.But the other party probably didn't expect that they were no longer the owners of the city at this time, and the solid structure above also protected the current city from disaster.

"How?" Dundry said solemnly, lifting the heavy knight's shield, "If you are willing to fight side by side with me, the knights of Kalishan will be your strongest backing."

"Huh? Fighting side by side?" Luo Wei looked at him blankly, "What fighting side by side?"

Dundry was taken aback.

"Phantom beast?"

"What, you actually want me to deal with Eudemons?!"

Dundry: "..."

Ayi Ning could see it.

This guy is playing dumb.

Dundry's face froze. Considering the unpredictable behavior of this person, he thought a little bit more, thinking that the other party was going to solve it alone, so he asked for assistance.

The result was unexpected...

It's not that the other party didn't take him with him, but that he didn't intend to go at all...

He put down the shield he was holding, and there was a rather complicated helplessness in his eyes.Tired, destroy it.

Seeing that his momentum had collapsed, Rowe spread his hands, "Ryan will be here soon, let him leave your shield."

"Then what are you doing here?"

Dundry was curious and asked one more question.

After asking, he regretted it.

Luo Wei moved a step closer to A Yining's side, looking at him as it should be.

"Why, can't you see it?"


Dundry took people away with a dark face.

After the knights left, Ayining stood there and glared at Luo Wei: "Have you learned to use me as a shield now?"

"Just tell me if I asked you out alone."


Ayi Ning did not want to continue this topic.

What kind of relationship would they meet in the sewer.

But thinking of the knight's reaction, she couldn't help but laugh a little. The other party even told him the situation of the battleship and the courtyard so that he could fight without any worries.

The result is...

The other party is probably wondering, why do you ask so many questions if you don't go on a crusade...

"So, what is the reason for your decision?"

If the source of this incident is Eudemons, there must be his reasons for not solving it.

Luo Wei turned around and pressed her shoulder solemnly.

"What if, I mean what if, that phantom beast is a bug the size of a five-story building?"


Ayi Ning's face visibly froze.

"Then... that can't be left alone! If you are just worried about me, then why not..."

"Actually, I just think that the two of us are not safe enough," Luo Wei smiled, "The best way is to return to the battleship and let everyone get off, but in this way, the main force of the obvious forces has already arrived, so why not directly How about handing it over to them? By the time we arrive again, it might be over long ago.”


It does seem to make sense.

When he faced these things, he was really sober, and he would not take the responsibility on him and be led into action because of his temporary response.

In my impression, it seems that no one has figured him out yet.

"Then... we just let it go?"

"When they are about to end, you can go over to see the situation, look up and learn," Luo Wei waved his hand, "Also, don't forget what we are here for, the other party's actions are just obstructing, what we have to do is It's business. Could it be that you really think you're dating?"

"I didn't." Ayi Ning looked at him angrily, "I never thought about it that way, how could someone have a date in a place like the sewer, as if it was something unseemly..."

"Can't see anything?" Luo Wei smiled.

It's a relationship that can't be seen, right?

Isn't this the perfect interpretation of their mutual relationship?
"Nothing at all!"

Luo Wei smiled and brushed the ends of her hair off her face. In fact, there were more reasons why he didn't go to fight the Eudemons.

Now that Ryan is on the way, he naturally has no intention of taking his side mission monsters. He really needs to jump out to observe the situation and use the magic detector to see if there are any other abnormalities.

But most importantly.

It's not that you don't have confidence in your own strength, but that it's best to keep a low profile as much as possible during this period.

After all, he left a big gift for the Mechanic Goddess.

After tidying up her younger sister and walking forward, A Yining was stunned behind for a moment, then she thought of something and quickly caught up with him.

"You made up bugs five stories high to scare me!"


The two used magic detectors to detect along the road in various areas of the underground waterway.

There were times when there were reactions, but most of them were the magical items carried by the members of the alliance. They encountered the teams they had rescued before one after another, and the two of them also gained a lot of thanks along the way.

Ayi Ning was a little helpless for these thanks.

Although he said it was none of his business whether to do this or not, he still stood up without hesitation when others were in crisis.

It was only when someone went to carry out the Eudemons crusade later on that he stayed out of it, as if he didn't care.

Really are……

Rather than trusting others, it is better to be able to comprehensively judge the pros and cons of a situation.

"Isn't this device capable of detecting responses from deeper underground?" she asked.

The two of them had also walked around a lot. If there were no accidents, the main forces of the various forces should have arrived, but there seemed to be no progress on their side.

"Let's try this first, after all, we can't improve it at hand."

This detector looks bulky, but it actually feels like a flashlight to Luo Wei.

Hold it and shine it on the ground. If there is a magic device hidden underneath, it will react and emit bright light.

When there was a response to the detection before, it was the result of him holding the detector to take pictures of people, at least it proved that this is not a piece of scrap metal, which is a waste of work.

The problem is the depth of detection.

The artisan association arranged phantom beasts here, in fact, it should be for the purpose of moving the ancient magic weapons here, and then launching an offensive from the ground to destroy the city. These things must be inseparable from the cooperation of the magic devices. It can be said that there must be something here. existing.

Luo Wei also tried front, back, left, right, and even above, but nothing seemed to work. In order to facilitate hiding, the biggest possibility should be underground.


But at this moment, the detector suddenly lit up, and by the way, there was a beep.

"This is……!"

Ayi leaned over and saw the device in Luo Wei's hand pointing directly down.

In other words, they finally found an underground magic device.

Luo Wei scanned the surrounding area with the detector, and then moved to the area where there was an oblique response. The result was that it was buried very deep.

"It seems that luck is not too bad."

He smiled, and then looked at A Yining who was still there in a daze.

"Sister, you can start digging."

Ayi Ning: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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