Chapter 304 Fantasy World Traffic Jam

Two days later, Wuguancheng.

The sun was shining brightly, and the newly paved streets were crowded with people, everyone trotting along.

In the center of the road, the road is divided into two strands, which are used for the transportation vehicles to pass each other.

Keep right.

That's what the interim regulations say.

But even so, due to the different travel speeds of various tools, the streets are still tightly packed, and even further dividing the fast lane and the slow lane will not help.

The sound is equally noisy.

"Hey, that carriage, who put you in the fast lane! Can you run 30 per hour in the city!"

"I'm losing my temper. If I knew it earlier, I would have stepped on my unicycle. I would have said that simplicity is the ultimate form of development!"

"It seems that it's time to develop a speed measuring tool, and this group of pedestrians are always walking around, so there is no way to let them pass the time together?"


At the corner of the street, in an open-air workshop, an old craftsman with bare arms beats an anvil, as if returning to the time when he was an apprentice blacksmith 50 years ago.

Suddenly, the old craftsman threw down the hammer and looked at his own apprentice.

"Hurry up, haven't you delivered it yet! I demolished all four walls of the workshop, how can this group of people be so annoying!"

"There's no way, it's still stuck in traffic."

"Heh, traffic jam, just learn a new word and show it off in front of me, are you trying to drive me to death and inherit my workshop?"

"Don't dare! I, I'm going to urge them!"

After the apprentice left, the old craftsman smiled and looked at the busy street.

After experiencing the war, I originally thought that the city would be destroyed, but looking at the vibrant scene now, it seems that I have returned to the best days of watching the city develop step by step.

"Oh, I didn't expect to live to this age to experience it again."

"Is there a traffic jam...?"

For some reason, he felt that the person who invented this word really dared to think.

If this will become a word casually mentioned by the people of Wuguan City one day, the old craftsman can't even imagine what kind of picture it is.

"You can't lose to the younger generations."

He smiled, and there was strength in his cloudy eyes, and he gripped the hammer again.


Wuguancheng South Street, praying church.

Based on the big actions in the city in the past two days, the charcoal in the furnace of almost every workshop has not been extinguished, and more and more casualties were caused by accidents.

Furnace explosion, heatstroke, collapse of dangerous buildings, being hit by a magic rail car on the road... There are many reasons for this, and there are even more contusions and fractures caused by forging, and some people even got burns because they forgot to turn off the fire while sleeping next to the stove.

In order to deal with this situation, the praying church vacated the entire hall, even the prayer benches were moved to the sides, and all the beds used to rescue the wounded were placed.

But at this moment, the hospital bed in the hall was empty.

"Are there any wounded coming?"

Wearing a blue-and-white priest's dress, the dark blonde long-haired girl who was standing there turned around and asked.

The nuns opened their mouths wide in surprise.

"No, no more..."

After receiving the order from the bishop, they originally thought that the hall would be very busy, and everyone was ready to continue to treat sleepless nights.


Since the girl came to the church, they did nothing, they just watched the gorgeous water-blue holy light constantly appearing in the hall, and the wounded people who filled the hall just stood up in front of them.

What happened next was even more outrageous. The wounded who were brought over later didn’t even have to enter the door of the church. One second they were dying on a stretcher, but the next second they were alive and kicking. The priest who carried the wounded was also at the door Face dumbfounded.

Didn't you keep screaming that you were going to die on the road? Why, we worked so hard to bring you here, and you stopped pretending when you got to the door?
Anyway, let's go in and think about it, hey!

The nuns who knew the inside story were stunned.

Not only was the spell used by the other party beyond imagination, it was never even mentioned in the church classics, what puzzled them even more was...

Could it be that this girl's magical power is unlimited?
Three full hours have passed, how could someone be able to chant such a high-level spell for three hours? !She didn't even change her face, and smiled softly at them a little blankly.

This... Who is this person?

At this moment, the nuns saw the archbishop coming out of the office after finishing his work, and leaned slightly to salute the girl after seeing the girl.

This shocked the nuns even more.

The archbishop saluted her? !

But within the scope of their understanding, there is indeed an independent existence that overrides the status of bishop.

Thinking of the behavior of that girl, it seems that the answer needs no further words.

She is a saint.


The magical battleship, Sky Wings.

"There is obviously a problem with your arrangement. How can you trust the next angel so much?"

"Is there a problem with my arrangement? The airspace is not the ground, and we have a limited number of people. Naturally, we must maximize the role of everyone."

In a separate combat conference room, Saya and Moira discussed the issue of high-altitude inspections.

There have been monsters falling from the sky before, and no one is sure whether the craftsmen will bury the arrangement at high altitude. The situation of the airspace must be guaranteed by their flying combat power.

"But you can't guarantee that every place has been carefully checked," Saya said, pointing to the magical airspace map, "Then you might as well center on the hovering of the battleship, gradually check outwards, and leave a guard post at a certain distance along the way, and wait After the outermost layer is confirmed, the team will be closed and re-executed.”

"It takes enough manpower to achieve the effect you said, and we don't even have enough people in rotation," Moira retorted, "You want us to just fly around the clock like this?"

"Isn't the manpower problem something you, the chief combat officer, should solve?"

"Aren't you ashamed to say that I am maximizing the solution to the shortage of manpower?"

"Then you can't either..."

The two continued to discuss. They are both the chief combat officers who have led the Angel Legion in many battles. The two often confronted each other because of their different styles of commanding the army, but they also exchanged a lot of useful opinions.

And at this moment, the door of the combat conference room was pushed open, and people from Yingsu walked in.

"What's the matter?" Moira asked, turning around.

"That... is Miss A Yining. She asked the angel to help Yingsu. The traffic jam in Wuguan City is very serious, which greatly affects the efficiency of information transmission."

The two of them were still propped up on the map, and they raised their eyes and looked at each other.

"Look," Moira said sternly, "Now other places still want people from me, where do I get so many people?"

Saya frowned.

Traffic jam?

Isn't this what that bastard said at the meeting last night, and what about traffic lights at crosswalks, I don't know what he was talking about.

"Since you think manpower is such a big problem, there is only one way."

"How?" Moira asked.

"Go to those dragons for help."


Moira hadn't thought about it.

Angels are different from dragons. Angels do not have their own territory, nor can they expand their race through reproduction. The number is as many as they want.If one dies in battle, one less will be lost. It will take a long time for new feathers to fall from the sky.

Although the dragons can thrive, in the previous wars, the appearance of magic weapons from the Hooffire Empire caused serious damage to the hometown of the local dragons.

Therefore, although Vanessa sent manpower to station on the battleship, a larger part is rebuilding the alert mountain.

"Go ahead and talk." Moira glanced at Saya.

"Go by yourself," Saya stood up as if she wouldn't ask someone for her, "I'll go out and make a round of inspection."

Moira shuddered, "You didn't go according to the plan you said at all, did you?"

"of course--"

Saya turned around at the door.

"I'm not the next angel."

Moira: "..."

Sure enough, she was still very upset about this junior who was on an equal footing with her, why was she able to develop such beautiful wings?

Sensing some resentment in the room, the people from Yingsu stood there and swallowed their throats.

"That... the matter of support..."


Moira sighed deeply.

"I'm going to ask and answer you now."


The ruins of the battle of the gods, the quiet courtyard.

Luo Wei yawned and came out of the room, just running into Ilus who was reading a book leisurely on the recliner in the living room.

"Get up, it seems that yesterday was busy again."

"...I didn't intend to worry so much."

He stood there with sleepy eyes, unconsciously looking at the soft black silk feet hanging outside the recliner, and quickly moved his eyes away after realizing it.

Thinking is always good, but promoting such a huge national plan is not as simple as "as long as you have a pair of hands".

Based on the various situations encountered, since Ryan invited him to participate, he just gave some suggestions and naturally did not refuse. As a result, the two-day meeting lasted half the night, and he had to use modern knowledge to solve the problem.

At any rate, many things have been finalized, but last night before going to bed, I went to visit the three Minornies, and the three girls gathered around him for a hundred thousand reasons. When I noticed the time, the sun was almost at noon.

The previous day, and the day before that were in a similar situation, and various matters were waiting for him to solve.As a result, they obviously got along well, but they couldn't even hug my sister's little feet these few nights, let alone fight with the little boy or the angel all night.

too difficult……

"Hehe... If you can't adjust your schedule, I'd be happy to help you occasionally," Iluth looked at him shallowly, "But you shouldn't have forgotten that your friend will give a speech in front of the citizens later."


The help she said meant the Arcane Magic Blade (ASMR).

The courtyard needs someone to guard it. It is not safe to put Athetana alone. After all, I have promised not to let the Mother Goddess get into a battle casually, so I can rest assured that Iluth is there.

Lu Yi followed A Yining to the East Street.

Vermeer was praying at the Church on South Street, Saya was discussing strategic arrangements with Moira on the Magical Battleship, and everyone seemed very busy.

As the evening approaches this afternoon, Ryan will deliver a speech at the central square of Crownless City.

The content is obvious.

In fact, it may be better to tell everyone the truth later. After all, it is easier to unite people by resisting external enemies than by internal betrayal.

But this is Ryan's decision, and since he knows the stakes, Rowe understands his approach.

It is to let everyone know who has been harming this city.


Crownless City, the central square.

Today was an important day, and the craftsmen who had manufacturing tasks at hand didn't come, but the apprentices they sent still surrounded the square tightly.

Because the combined forces promised to give Wuguancheng an answer today.

And this answer determines whether Wuguan City will unite in the future, or it will fall apart and become the dust of history like countless names that have stood here in the past.

The Lion Garden Army, which took over the city, acquiesced to this.

Not only that, they also sent troops to maintain the law and order of the speech, but they did not participate in the speech in the plan.

And when the crowds were crowded in the square, waiting anxiously or quietly for the start of the speech, a dark figure flew across the sky, and its huge body pressed down like a hill.


The crowd let out horrified cries, lowered their bodies one after another, and saw a black giant dragon falling towards them.

But the giant dragon stopped there, not far from the crowd on the ground, keeping a distance and flapping its wings.


The crowd stood up slowly, puzzled in their eyes, the dragon didn't seem hostile, and didn't understand what it was trying to do.

At this moment, the giant dragon seemed to have found its target, and slowly lowered its legs and stretched out its claws.


said the dragon.

The person who was held in front of his eyes by the giant paw was stunned for a moment, and blinked without realizing it.

The giant dragon half-closed its eyelids, and there seemed to be some helplessness in the dragon's eyes:

"I'm here to deliver the letter."

That person: "..."


 There is another update tonight, don't wait.Candidates who have finished the exam have a good rest~

(End of this chapter)

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