Chapter 305 The Instinct of Anger (Updated)
When the dragon delivering the letter spread its wings and flew away, the crowd looked at the sky and couldn't help sighing.

These days, the giant dragons have started sending letters...

Probably only the current Wuguan City can see such a miraculous sight, which makes people pay more attention to the next speech. Under the circumstances, it must be very important news.

Rowe sat with his arms folded against the edge of the clock tower loft, overlooking the crowded square below. He rejected Ryan's request to speak on stage, and decided to witness this moment at the highest point in the city.

There is no doubt that.

He has indeed rewritten history and reshaped possibilities. The node in front of him did not happen in the previous round.

Although the time has not yet come, it is the time of the Artisans Association, and in their time, the banner of resistance has been raised before that.

The rest is considered useless.

As Ryan hurried through the crowd, he didn't seem to have made much preparation for this speech, and planned to go directly to the stage, making people unable to help but sweat for him.

But since it's Ryan, there must be no problem.

He is very good at infecting others.

Be prepared to read according to the manuscript, but you will not be able to perform at his level.

Under everyone's gaze, the blond adventurer stepped onto the podium, watched him close his eyes and slowly took a breath, the crowd almost fell silent spontaneously.

"Everyone, what I'm going to say here today shouldn't have been told to you so early."

Under the effect of the magical amplifier equipment, Ryan's voice spread throughout the square. His voice itself has a clean and bright penetrating power, which can calm people's hearts.

As for the sponsors of the equipment...

Naturally, it was a princely imp with a pile of official documents higher than her own.

Without any opening remarks, Ryan did not welcome everyone to the scene, because he himself was not speaking as the master.

"Continue to hide it, and you will still fight to keep everything you have, just like the two days of intensive manufacturing. But until the end, you will not know who the real enemy is."

Ryan looked around.

"I'm not the king of the city without a crown, nor a citizen of the city without a crown. I can tell from the way I dress, I'm not even a craftsman."

He laughed at himself, and some people laughed, because many of them knew who was helping them on weekdays, and who was the first to unite the surrounding area when facing the army of the Hooffire Empire. Forces resist.

"So, in fact, I have no right to decide the fate of this city. Those who can decide the fate will always be the people of this city, and each of you is closely related."

"Therefore, I have no right to continue to hide the truth from you. If knowing everything will make you feel confused, and you will not be able to see where the road ahead is, it can only show that this city without a crown, and those names in history are not too much left The cities below are not much different.”

The audience fell into silence.

The person who laughed before also restrained his expression.

At this time, no one in Wuguan City would think so, otherwise why would they stay in a city that was about to repeat the same mistakes and be destroyed?
They stayed here because they believed that it would not be destroyed. They stayed here because they were proud of this city. They believed that it would stand upright with hope and trust, and that it would continue to exist as the most prestigious artisan capital on the mainland. The reason they stayed.

Abandoning a city is easy, and Kobo can start over from anywhere.

But if you abandon your faith and become a deserter, the profession of craftsman will be despised anywhere in the world.

Don't they know that this is a land of disputes?Don't they know that countless cities have collapsed here?
But they still come.

Not everyone can do the job of a craftsman.

"If you don't think so, then please be angry, angry for the betrayal that happened in this city. I don't expect each of you to stay, if the truth will make you unable to see the way forward, please always keep in mind This anger."

Someone in the crowd clenched their fists and looked at the Lion Garden Army stationed on one side one after another, their eyes turned red.

Lion Garden Soldier: "..."

Ryan closed his eyes, and said at this moment: "See? This is how they use you to transfer your hatred to other places. Your enemy is not Lion Garden, at least not the culprit of all this."

The craftsmen under the stage were stunned for a moment.

Someone clenched their fists and said, "Who the hell is that!!"

Everyone knows that since Ryan said this on stage, it means that they have always believed that the calamity came from the Hooffire Empire is inaccurate. Now if it is not the Lion Garden Kingdom that took the opportunity to occupy the city, who else could it be? !
Ryan looked at them and said slowly:

"Artisans Association."

The audience was in shock for a long time.

But after the shock, the crowd quickly became noisy and whispered, understanding the answer.

The managers of the city betrayed the city?

Luo Wei witnessed this scene from the clock tower, and even from the atmosphere, people were more willing to believe that the betrayal of the Artisans Guild disappeared after the war officially broke out, and did not play a role in protecting the city.

But Ryan's next words may tear up their last chance of luck.

Because this is a very serious problem.

Not all artisans have any loyalty or absolute trust in the artisans, but the biggest problem is-once the artisans collapse and the city is occupied by the Lion Garden, everyone in the Crownless City will lose their political system, and they will not even be able to compete with the Lion Garden. There is no representative organization for negotiations, and everyone in Wuguan City will become homeless overnight.

Short name: illegal immigration.

In other words, the city without a crown has been destroyed in terms of politics.

Ryan quickly told the truth one after another.

What are the craftsmen planning, how to control people's thoughts in the past few decades, how to secretly build ancient magic weapons and goddesses of mechanics in the ruins of the war of gods, and rubbing the materials that Luo Wei and the others brought out from the craftsman's headquarters , distributed to those present.

These are ironclad evidence.

When the names of their relatives appeared on the list of experimental records, some people soon burst into tears. After years of searching, the last ray of hope in their hearts was also wiped out.

No one wants to believe that this is the truth, but the evidence and the actual events that happened are in front of them, and the so-called only solution is the truth.

That's why it's not right to tell them now.

People can go through fire and water for some reasons, but the problem itself has changed, which is a bigger blow than not taking it seriously.

Artisans came to this city with dreams and enthusiasm, only to be told that the city itself is a trap.It’s like the protagonists in those novels have worked hard for decades, and finally tell you that it’s just a dream, who can accept it?
At least Luo Wei can tell that his time travel is not a dream.

He can't have such a beautiful dream.

Therefore, whether this city is worth staying for craftsmen, I am afraid everyone will have different choices.

"This is the fact before your eyes. Tell me the answer, artisans! Should you leave to witness the destruction of the city, or fight for it even if you have nothing!"

The crowd was visibly shaken.

It is difficult for anyone to make a decision after knowing that he is in these things.

"What are we... going to do?"

someone in the crowd asked.

"I can't give you the answer," Ryan said in a deep voice, "I said that you are the ones who decide the fate of this city."

"Lian... are you leaving too?"

"No," Ryan grasped the hilt of the sword, "It is my promise to stop the dispute in the Uncrowned City together with all the forces. I will fight here until the end, no matter who the enemy is."

Rowe smiled on the clock tower.

Ryan does have the confidence. Even if all the artisans in the city run away, the major forces can still find artisans who continue to make detectors, and they have been working overtime for two days, and they have already accumulated a certain amount.

The only problem is that if the craftsmen do leave, the city can't be called a city of artisans.If you can't gather enough power, it will be difficult to take back the city from Randall.

Of course, in Luo Wei's view, the best way is to cheat——

What artisans would conspire?I have no idea.What?You said the artisans will collapse?In fact, there is another artisan in our city who will be responsible for the management. Look, it is them. Now it is time to return the city to us.

Of course, these are all things after defeating the artisan association's conspiracy.In this way, Ryan gave the problem to the craftsmen themselves in advance, and after telling them the truth of the matter, the trick of cheating will no longer be used.

The Lion Garden Army is listening by the side, you say you don't know?

Therefore, knowing the truth often has to pay a price.

"I believe many of you will stay," Ryan looked at them seriously, "Even if the artisans are gone, the core of the city has not been lost, and I can see that wave in the process of getting along with you. Spirit."

"If you have lost even this spirit, even the instinct of anger, then I can only say sorry, after defeating the craftsman will fulfill the promise, I will not have any nostalgia for this place, and I will never come here Proud to be here."

The crowd fell silent.

Someone is determined to stay.

Someone hesitated.

Someone gets lost and leaves.

Today, the decision to come to Wuguan City to realize their dreams is once again faced by them.

After all, this is still a city of artisans.

Both Rowe and Ryan's methods are only to help them solve their problems, not to make them stand forever.

As Rowe said at the beginning.

If the city can't bear the test, even if it survives this time, it will be destroyed sooner or later.

And following the helpless figure of the departing person, the remaining craftsmen seemed to gradually awaken the anger in their hearts.

Someone always remembers the original intention.

Part of the strength is lost, but the part that remains becomes stronger.

Some people in the crowd began to raise their fists.

"Revenge on the betrayal of the Craftsman Guild!"

The people around stood still for a moment. Affected by this emotion, those who had lost their loved ones also wiped away their tears and stood up.

People clenched their fists one after another, and the voices gradually merged into a sea of ​​voices.

That is--

"Revenge on the Artisans!"

"Revenge on the Artisans!!"

"Revenge on the Artisans Guild!!!"

On the clock tower, Rowe glanced at Ryan who turned around and raised his eyes.

Abandoning the city and trying to build a new city through screening, the artisans will not understand at this time.

they will face.

What a force it is.

(End of this chapter)

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