Chapter 306 Can't I Ask You Out?
After the crowd dispersed, the two met in front of the clock tower.

"How do you feel?" Luo Wei teased.

The setting sun elongated the shadows of the two of them. It has been almost a year since they ventured out of Harley Village. At this moment, they face each other again in another city. People can’t help but think of the farewell morning. The blond boy bid farewell to his best friend and embarked on different paths .

The sunlight that day was faintly visible, and it seemed to be exactly the same as the setting sun, but it seemed completely different.

"This is much more people than the courtyard meeting," Ryan scratched his face in a little embarrassment, "I was almost nervous when I first stood up."

What has changed is growth. Compared with a year ago, both of them have made great progress.

What remains unchanged is the original intention. Along the way, the reason why the two embarked on the journey in the first place has not changed at all.

Even though the attire has changed a lot, you can still find the sense of familiarity from the eyes of the other party.

"Have you grown taller?" Rowe glanced at the top of Ryan's head, and it stands to reason that the two of them should be about the same height.

"That's how I feel about you," Ryan said helplessly, "and it stands to reason that you should be thinner than me, and you can't even tell now."


That might be because the food on his side is better.

In addition, there are a lot of foodies, and at night... ahem.


"Do you want to compare?"


The two compared their heights, and it was clear that they were still the same height.

As for physique, the role of muscles in this world is mainly to control the technique of exerting force, and the strength of strength is related to the utilization rate of magic power.Although Luo Wei's magic power is small, his skills and experience can allow him to maximize his strength, but the number of sword skills he uses is not as many as Ryan.

So no matter how much their strength increases, they probably won't be able to become as strong as Marcus.

Luo Wei has no such plan unless he deliberately trains his muscles.

"By the way, Luo Wei, are you free next?"

"what happened?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I just have time and want to walk around the city," Ryan said calmly, "I still want to see people's reactions down-to-earth."


Good guy, you're pulling me to work again.

I'm afraid he won't be able to come back before midnight, and Luo Wei has already subconsciously started to think of a reason to run away.

"What's the matter?" Ryan looked at him with a smile, "Could it be that only Miss Priest and the others can ask you out, but I can't?"

"……you are vicious."

"Haha, don't say that," Ryan patted him on the back, "We haven't been together for a long time."

Luo Wei spread his hands helplessly, "Okay, let's go, lest you say that I value sex over friends."

"I didn't say that."

As the sky gradually darkened, the two of them walked around the central square and circled in the direction of North Street first.

Mineral lamps were lit on the street, and the road was still congested. The army of Lion Garden maintained order and called the vehicles that were too slow to get off the fast lane.But because the slow lane was also full of traffic, the horse-drawn carriage and the tricycle collided with each other by turning randomly.

"You're good at bumping!"

"Why hit you!"

"You wait, I will drive out my crawler when I go back!"

Luo Wei looked at it and shook his head. It seems that they should consider adding a turn signal, and emphasize that the right transfer turns left, and the left transfer goes straight...

Most of the workshops on the side of the road are in operation, and the flames in the fire seem to be felt outside.

But there are also a small part, like stars that have lost their light, embedded in the brightly lit streets, quietly.

"It seems that most people tend not to make a decision," Luo Wei said. "Consideration takes time. Maintain the status quo while you are hesitating, and then slowly find out the answer."

Ryan also saw these in his eyes.

He didn't repeat the answer already spoken by Luo Wei, but turned to look at the extinguished workshops: "Actually, the person standing on the podium today should be you."

Rowe sneered.

"Then you are embarrassing me too much. You should do this kind of trouble."

"But these, after all, were all discovered by you," Ryan turned to look at him, "The city still doesn't know who found out the truth for them, if it wasn't for your unwillingness to be mentioned, I would have said on stage Out of your name."

"I don't have any credibility," Luo Wei spread his hands, "it will only make things more complicated by mentioning my name."

Ryan stood on the side of the road and took a breath with a complicated expression.

"When I explained this proposal to you word by word, you quickly supported me, but I have been wondering if you actually have a better way."

"Oh... If you want to say that, it is true."


Ryan fell silent.

In that case, wouldn't it be that his own decision disrupted his plan?
"But if you think my plan is perfect, then you are very wrong." Luo Wei said at this time.


"It's very simple. There is more than one way to achieve the goal. You and I will have different choices, just because of the different styles of acting." Luo Wei wrote lightly, "My plan may not let these workshops go out, but even if the essential It is true that they are thinking of them, but their behavior is similar to that craftsmen will deceive and use them."


"So you don't need to be influenced by me at all. The goals we want to achieve are the same, but the trade-offs are different." Luo Wei raised his head, "You lose this part of the power, but you get morality, and the people are also clear-eyed To the status quo. You also said that the city still depends on themselves after all, your plan and my plan are just to make them realize that there will be a time difference between sooner and later."

He didn't intend to influence Lane's way of doing things.

In the matter of saving the world, Rowe hopes that Ryan can become the real Ryan, not the second Rowe.

Therefore, he did not intend to take Ryan away as a tool man at all, but regarded him as another force that could really fight with him in the finale and resist at the same time.

"Besides," Luo Wei smiled, "Using my method, you will be scolded by the people for cheating them, and when you get out of the city, don't blame me."

Continuing to hide it may be able to maintain the stability of the artisans.

But when you know that they don't report it, if you handle it carelessly, it will also cause backlash.

This is a matter of choice, no one is right or wrong, unless Ryan said that he did not expect the artisans to leave, then Luo Wei would look down on him.

He supports the other party on the premise that he is clear about the stakes and has a sense of responsibility.

Ryan had a look of embarrassment on his face.

"I don't know why, but sometimes I feel that I am really taken care of too much by you, Luo Wei."

"That's probably your hallucination, well, I'll just repeatedly criticize your naive and optimistic attitude."

"That's right..."

Ryan smiled and looked up.

"But it's also because of this that it has always inspired me to see where I'm going."

Luo Wei shook his head, and slapped him on the back of the head unceremoniously, "Stop sensationalizing me here, anyway, no matter whose plan you use, you are the one who implements it, and it has nothing to do with me. Figure out how to deal with it yourself Those troubles, I don't have the time to listen to your reasoning here."

Ryan shook and smiled helplessly.

It seemed that he was counted down by him again.

This best friend is really helpless as always, always feeling as if no one can influence his point of view.

"In that case, why don't you go have a drink with me before you get busy tomorrow? I know a good pub on North Street."

Rowe shrugged.

"You treat me, and don't drag me to a meeting again later."

"Hahaha, no, let's go then."


Afterwards, the two stayed in the tavern until late at night.

Luo Wei returned to the courtyard in a daze, and walked in the corridor at the door of the room, complaining helplessly in his heart.

It turned out that he came back in the middle of the night.

He was about to take the key out of his cloak to open the door, when he heard the door open from the other side of the corridor.

The two looked at each other in the corridor.



Then Luo Wei walked over.

(End of this chapter)

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