Chapter 307 Stepping My Sister Into a Ditch

"Why are you drunk again?"

Ayi Ning supported Luo Wei, originally she just came out to have a look, but she could smell the smell of alcohol from a distance.

But when he saw himself, it was as if he saw some savior. He was still staggering, but he walked straight over.

I really can't help you.

I can't just leave it alone like this, and this guy can't wait to get in the door, obviously because he wants her to take care of him...


He has been very busy these two days. He has been busy day and night. They can't share it, so they can only do their own things as best they can.

Entering the room, she watched as Luo Wei kicked off his shoes twice, and walked on the floor of her room.

"Hey wait, why are you unbuttoning it!"

The cloak fell, she was supported and continued to move forward, but she couldn't resist him, and walked towards the bathroom without stopping.

Ayi Ning: "..."

Do you want to take a bath and feel comfortable?

Arriving at the door of the bathroom, Luo Wei took off his shirt. The moment the picture appeared, Ayining quickly turned his head away, his face became a little hot.

"You...can you boil water yourself?"

With her elbows pressed against his ribs, Ayining looked away and finally led him into the bathroom.

And Luo Wei has already begun to solve...

"Wait, wait, wait...!" Ayi Ning hurriedly led him inside, to prevent him from continuing his movements immediately, and went to unscrew the water first.

Fortunately, the facilities in the workshop have been remodeled by Ke Luoxi, equipped with a special boiler room, and hot water will naturally come out when the valve is turned on.

And Luo Wei took advantage of this opportunity to return to the original.


Ayi Ning closed her eyes, and dragged his arm to the tub with her senses, and lifted it slightly to allow him to roll in.

When the water was almost filled, she would not be able to drown her head while sitting in it, so she closed the valve and got up to carry it on her back.

"Go clubbing slowly, I'm going out."

After going outside and closing the door, Ayining stood there and sighed.

I really found myself in a big trouble...

As soon as I come here, I will take a bath with her. Although several people in the valley share a bathtub, this is after all...

Only she usually uses it.

Feeling a little uneasy for a while, Ayi Ning wondered whether to ask Vermier or Saya to come over, after all, he...

But then I thought about it again, the clothes were thrown outside and the people were inside, what would the two of them think when they saw it.

Moreover, why didn't they look for them, but came to her... If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have let him in and knocked on Vermier's door directly. It wasn't because I wanted to share my sister's worries and let them have less contact.


It's better to wait for him to wake up after taking a bath and go back to his room to rest. This way, he will be taken care of without letting others succeed, as if nothing happened.

Thinking of this, she glanced at the direction of the door.

This time the door is locked.

Surely it won't be discovered again?


Three 10 minutes later.

Ayi Ning sat on the bed with her knees hugged and didn't hear any movement in the bathroom.

Are you still out?
Could he have fallen asleep in the bathtub?

It is impossible for a water attribute user to drown in a bathtub with his strength.But after all, he didn't wear any equipment, so it stands to reason that he was a waste of waste, so he could beat him to the ground with one hand.Ayi Ning also knew that outsiders were never allowed to enter the workshop because he was worried that his strength would be greatly reduced without equipment.


Mingming was as weak as an ordinary person after night, and she didn't know how to restrain herself day by day. She was worried that one day Saya accidentally missed him in the room and killed him.

The difference in strength of the main body is almost hundreds of times. I really don't know how he managed them to be submissive, and he doesn't have any special... strengths.

special... long...

A Yining held her face in her hands, and quickly shook her head to shake the picture away, so that she wouldn't think too much about it.

It's all because he insists on staying here, and can only spend time with him. He doesn't know how long it will take, and he keeps making people worry.

Another 10 minutes passed.

Still nothing.

Ayi Ning: "..."

Could he really have something to do in there?
As time went by, the worry in my heart became more and more multiplied. I thought that Saya accidentally killed him, and if I accidentally drowned him, then this...

She couldn't accept this absurd reason, so she came down without any hesitation, and walked quickly to the door.

"Are you in there? How's it going?"

There was no response, she opened the door without hesitation, and rushed in quickly——

In the bathtub, the person she was looking for was sitting there with his head bowed, his black hair was wet and water dripped down, and there were foam everywhere on the surface of the water.


Seeing this scene, Ayining felt lucky and at the same time suddenly lost her temper.

I was worried to death outside, but you cleaned yourself up inside...

like a child.

She suddenly had the feeling that the other party was willful and unreasonable, but she had no choice but to tolerate him, so as not to be angry.

What are you trying to do by insisting on washing yourself clean...

She walked to the side, leaned over and pawed at the basin.

"Are you feeling okay? The water is already cold, and you will get sick if you soak it any longer."


It should be uncomfortable and unable to speak, but the breathing is quite even and slow, and there is nothing wrong at all.

"Get up and dry off your body, sleep well and you'll be fine."

"Hey, did you hear that?"

"Get up soon."

As if responding to her continuous urging, she saw Ro Wei staggering forward, and then——


Standing up unexpectedly, Ayi Ning closed her eyes before seeing something, but a lot of water splashed out all of a sudden, so she hurriedly avoided it.

She turned around and squatted there, but there was no movement behind her again.

She dare not look back now.

What do you mean... Ask him to get up and dry his body, do you want me to wipe him?
Why am I being a sister and a mother at the same time...

She had read in a story book that drunk men are like children, they are often particularly obsessed with certain things, and seeing them today is as expected.

"Really, really, I'll take it for you and wipe it off myself."

She pulled a bath towel, roughly figured out the location, and handed it to him. This time, the other party didn't play tricks, and there was a rustling sound after taking it, as if she listened to her very much.

I haven't seen you so obedient... always against me.

Soon Luo Wei walked past her, and Ayi Ning, who was squatting there, felt relieved when he was wrapped in a bath towel, and quickly got up to follow, and supported him.

"Okay, okay, hold on, I'll go out to see the situation in a while, and let people see you like this, I really can't tell."

Helping him to walk into the room, the route deviated from what she imagined.

"Hey, hey, not over there! Where are you going?"

A Yining hurriedly brought him back, but the next moment Luo Wei insisted on going over again, and couldn't stop him after several attempts. It was impossible to go out to confirm in this situation.


A Yining glanced over there, there was no doubt that it was her bed...

Is it because you want to fall asleep when you see it?
Why are you obsessed with this kind of thing...!
Almost tripped him, and after helping him up, Rowe leaned against her, but still facing that direction.

Ayi Ning sighed helplessly.

"Okay, okay, here you go, help you over there."

Only then did Luo Wei walk obediently.

Ayi Ning: "..." he is obedient only if I cooperate with him...

After finally putting him down, Ayining felt that she was exhausted, more strenuous than fighting monsters, so she lifted him up along his calves, and then wiped her head with her arms as if she was done.

"Okay, you can sleep in peace."

Seeing his brows closed with peace of mind, Ayi Ning could understand the feelings of Saya and the others, probably because she was worried that an accidental mistake would kill him, so it was not good to stop him too much.

How can there be such a fragile invader...

It seems that tonight I can only make do with it, Ayining turned around, intending to clean the bathroom and lie down on the chair until dawn, but was grabbed by the arm.


Unexpectedly, he got up suddenly, stumbled and sat on the bed, and Luo Wei quickly pulled her shoulders, let her lie down, and got up himself.

What do you mean...?Give me the bed?
Seeing him sitting up, obviously not intending to lie down next to her, Ayining blinked, feeling a little at a loss for a moment.

"No, no, there's no need to think about me, I can sit on the chair..."

Halfway through the speech, her eyes froze.

Because when she saw the other party, it was true that she was not lying beside her, but moved to the end of the bed after moving around.

Ayi Ning: "..."

I thought he would think about her when he was unconscious, but it seems that she was thinking too much.

This made her eyes look contemptuous for a moment.

"You shouldn't..."

Soon Luo Wei confirmed her conjecture, but A Yining didn't want to be able to guess what he wanted to do at this time...

Lying at the end of the bed, leaning towards her, there is a space in front of him, obviously waiting for something to be put on it.

Ayi Ning: "..."


Seeing that the other person closed his eyes and looked full of waiting, she knew what this guy was looking forward to.

Is this your plan for tonight?You thought about it the moment you saw me in the hallway, didn't you...!
Ayi stared at him and sighed resentfully.

He shouldn't have done this kind of thing to him in the first place, but now he feels that he deserves it.

If you don't agree to him, there will definitely be troubles in the future. Although I don't know why he has to wash so clean, but the other behaviors he shows are almost as if he is destined to get this point.

I haven't reached the point where I have to actively cooperate with you...

She turned her head sideways, lowered her arched legs little by little, pausing for a moment every time she moved closer, and the soles of her feet got closer to him.


Ayi Ning held her breath, and when she gradually became conscious and thought it was not right to go on like this, Luo Wei grabbed her ankle and helped her complete the last step.


This time, let him succeed.

The feet in socks were pressed against his chest through the bath towel, and Ayining pursed her lips, feeling that he leaned over to lock her with his arm, unwilling to let her pull it out.


She sighed, since his wishes had already been fulfilled, there was no point in entanglement any longer.

Seeing that he didn't move, that he really wanted to fall asleep with peace of mind, A Yining put down the arms he was supporting, and lay down little by little.

Sleeping with your sister's feet in your arms, does that make you feel at ease?

She thought about this question in a complicated way, and then slowly closed her eyes.

Then she felt the sensation of the towel being pulled away.


There is no doubt that there will be a big problem getting up now, my feet are stepping on his chest, and I can even feel his thumping heartbeat.

Alas, pushing the envelope.

She moved her toes to signal him not to make more crooked ideas, but the other party hugged him even tighter.

no way.

Only now... please satisfy him a little bit.

In the silent night, she moved her feet slowly, caressing his chest, soothing his naughty heart.

Little by little, stepping gently from time to time, Ayining's mood also became a little strange.


Will I know what he wants?

But since she did this, the other party has never responded, as if a child who has received an extra reward is so satisfied that he cannot be more satisfied.


She let go of her hanging heart, and fell into a deep sleep under this atmosphere a little bit.


The next day.

The mud on the corridor has dried, but footprints can still be seen faintly, as if someone accidentally stepped into a mud pit halfway and came back, leaving a long series of marks in the hall and corridor.

And these footprints first stopped at the door of a certain room along the road, stayed there for a while, and then extended all the way forward, leading to the door of another room, and stepped in there directly.

And distinguish from the shoe size.

Gender is male.

Saya: "..."

Angel Rage: 50%


(End of this chapter)

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