It's not the protagonist, what does it matter if you are trapped in the Shura field

Chapter 313 High EQ: She's a Princess of Self-improvement

Chapter 313 High EQ: She's a Princess of Self-improvement

The peaks of the snow-capped mountains fell, causing earth-shattering shocks.

The impact almost caused the surface to sink, and the snow and dust raised all over the sky covered tens of kilometers of the surrounding area, and the entire Far North Plateau was trapped in a white haze.

The earth shook and roared continuously, bottomless cracks were torn open one after another, and the farther mountain peaks were toppling and collapsing.The city of lights on the plain at the end of the south, like a faint candle that is about to be buried in the wind and snow, is dying.

In this scene, human beings are not even qualified to stand up.


After nearly 10 minutes, the shaking began to subside.

As time passed, the entire snowfield gradually fell into a quiet atmosphere, as silent as if nothing had happened.

Just then, a hand stretched out from the snow.

After grabbing the ground with great effort, the owner of the hand broke through the snow on top of his head and climbed out with his body supported.

"Ahem... ha... ha... ha..."

Falling on his back on the ground, the young man gasped for breath with dull eyes, coughing with chest tremors from time to time.Compared to the pain and hypothermia, he didn't even know what he had just experienced.

As a member of the magical detection team, continue to explore north from Lan Shrine, and then...

When the earth was torn apart and the surface collapsed, every second after that he felt that he might die at any time, and even until now, he felt incredible about his survival.

"Cough cough...cough!"

He coughed up blood in his lungs, but he didn't dare to delay, because there were four other members with him—this is a combined team composed of adventurers, knights, and churches. After adapting to multi-force joint operations.

And he is an adventurer.

Looking towards the vast white snow field, his vision was a little dizzy, and he couldn't even distinguish the south, east, north, and south, as if he couldn't see anywhere.

At this time, he remembered the things that the alliance had sent them before the trip, and quickly took them out from his chest with his frozen fingers.

It was a pink crystal pendant.


Triggered by magic power, the pendant exudes a somewhat ambiguous atmosphere—it is said that this thing was made by a succubus, and its biggest function is to guide the location of nearby targets of the opposite sex.

It may also be for this reason that the team is matched with men and women.

Soon, he found the priestess of the Sun Church in the snowdrift, and after pulling her up, her face was as pale as a piece of paper.Probably only when we have experienced this scene together can we understand what it feels like.

The priest barely made a flame and carried a lamp, and the two quickly found the remaining three. Although everyone was in a bad condition, they didn't expect anything if they were still alive.

A group of people staggered and supported each other.

"Just now, what exactly was it?" said a missionary who was also a member of the Lieyang Church.

The adventurer supported him, and inadvertently caught a glimpse of the opponent's pink crystal pointing directly at him.


"I don't know," the knight from Kalishan coughed, "It's too quiet around here, it can't be just a landslide."

"If I'm right, that should be the north." The female elf pointed in one direction.

The five people looked over, under the night, that direction was completely submerged in the wind and snow, and the height of the rise was at least several hundred meters. The five people looked intently for a long time and could not see why.

And at this moment, two huge spheres faintly lit up in the snow curtain.


Several people shivered, and took a step back involuntarily one after another, with goose bumps all over their bodies.

They realized that their gazes were too low, and they all raised their heads high at this moment, too shocked to speak.

Originally, the previous shock made people tremble with fear.

But at this moment, amidst the wind and snow that filled the sky, the unknown that was hidden behind the snow curtain, unable to see the specific face clearly, was watching indifferently like an ancient god.

And horribly huge.

The adventurer realized that his lips were trembling, heard something dripping, turned his head, and he saw water dripping under the priestess' dress.

This is... an ancient magic weapon?
Last time, how did the legion defeat... such a huge existence.

Before a few people froze in place, the two huge balls in the snow curtain moved, and the whole figure looked like a huge castle shrouded in wind and snow from a distance.

It's... moving?
With the extremely slow pace, the heavy hum of metal resounded in the air.


The sound wave set off an impact, and a strong wind suddenly blew across the snow field. Several people couldn't stand still, and fell to the ground again.

And the huge figure in the wind and snow, like a mountain range, steadily moved forward from a distance.

After a long landing time—


The earth shattered again.


after an hour.

Wuguancheng, temporary command office.

The shock under his feet came again, Ryan stabilized the items on the table, and looked up at the beams shaking off the dust.

"For the third time, there will be a march every three or ten minutes."

And this also shows that the magic weapon is gradually approaching the city without a crown.The sound of stepping on the ground shook the people in the city. Since the incident happened, even though a lot of preparations have been made in advance, it is still barely stabilized until now.

It's not that I can't understand the reaction of the people.

Compared with the weapons of the Hooffire Empire last time, the movement caused this time is a bit exaggerated.

"How is the detection team doing?"

"The farthest group has also been picked up," Elufa responded, "The five of them were all very frightened, and they have been asked to rest."

"Take them to the courtyard to rest," Ryan nodded, "It won't be affected by the earthquake."

Just the present world has brought such a big impact, this time the situation must not be dealt with by the experience of the last time.

This is the result of being greatly hindered by Rowe.

Ryan couldn't even imagine what they and the city would have faced without what his best friend had done in secret.

Because of this, there is no chance of winning right now.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help shaking his head. Why is this close friend always so clever, and the existence that many forces now regard as the enemy, but he has been defeated in advance.

It's as if I could predict it in advance...


Four in the morning.

In the quiet courtyard, all the forces are counted together.

In addition to the lords of more than a dozen small countries and races in the surrounding area, all the respectable craftsmen arrived. In addition, Moira, the chief war officer of the Arashi Temple, also officially attended.

Of course, the most surprising.

It is His Royal Highness the Fifth Princess of the Shiyuan Kingdom.

This is the first time that the five princesses have participated in a meeting related to the power of the Uncrowned City Alliance. The arrival of Lovely not only means that the magic warship will intervene in the situation as the key to the next attack. After all, the power of the magic cannon was obvious to all last time; The princess of Shiyuan undoubtedly has the status of influencing Shiyuan's decision-making in Wuguancheng from a rational point of view, making the craftsmen seem to see a savior one after another.

Of course.

It's only logical...

Since being expelled from the circle of power in the royal capital.

High EQ: She is a princess of self-improvement.

Low EQ: She talks like fart.

But after all, as the royal family of the second largest country in the west, her presence immediately raised the level of the entire meeting.Coupled with the petite and lovely appearance that was born like a porcelain doll, and a princess tutu dress that looks like a star holding the moon, many people on the field expressed their sincere admiration for her beauty and aura.

She deserves to be the princess of the lion garden country.

Those who think so even include Elf Queen Elfah.The elves on the lake don't have so many royal etiquettes. Compared with Loveli's untouchable dignity, this queen of hers is almost like a local emperor.

But looking down a little, she understood.

God gave her a lot, but also took away a lot from her...

And after marveling at the temperament of the fifth princess and not daring to look up, everyone also discovered that the area occupied by the other party was clearly Luo Wei's position.

That is to say...

That guy really belonged to the fifth princess, right?

She kept it secret all the way, as if she really didn't want people to know that she was working for the princess, and even now she didn't know where she was hiding.

"Please don't mind me, just treat me as a member of the crusade."

After finishing the formal self-introduction, Lovely said with ease.

After she finished speaking, she turned her head, only to find that none of the group of people who had come over and followed behind her had disappeared at some point.


What about people? ?
Saya, who had disappeared, came down to tell her the answer. Lovely frowned quickly, but she could only see the figure of the Royal Knights. She wanted to see behind but was not high enough.

You bastard! !
What are you doing standing behind me!
She can't dance there in front of so many people.

Ryan could see from the opposite side that Luo Wei and the others were standing next to the royal knights behind Her Royal Highness. In fact, they were only two steps away, but they were blocked by the crowd.

He shook his head helplessly and smiled, this guy really didn't want any chance to show his face.

Obviously standing here.

He is the biggest hero.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Ryan walked out of his position and came to the center of the ring square.


He said aloud.

"I don't think I need to say much about the scene. I believe everyone is very clear about why we are here. With the help of various forces, the information we have obtained has a general understanding of the current situation."

Looking around at the crowd, Ryan took a slight breath.

"Next I will tell you about the crisis we are about to face, and—"

"Then let me listen to it too."

The rough voice interrupted Ryan's speech, echoing in the courtyard like a bell.

People looked towards the source of the sound. From the large portal next to the square, a burly figure slowly walked out. His short white hair was messed up on his head, his face was embarrassed, his body was covered with stains, but his eyes were bright.There is also a red-haired skillful girl by her side.

Former Marshal of the Fire Empire East - Marcus.

When seeing this person appear, the crowd immediately felt like boiling water. No one could forget that it was this person who led the army to storm Wuguan City head-on just a while ago.

Most people dare not speak out, but there are also some power lords who are not afraid of their sharpness.

"How dare you show up here, Marcus." The general of the demon clan said.

Including Dundry and Vanessa, they all looked at this man with hostile eyes.

Marcus smiled mockingly.

He seemed to have completely lost the commanding aura of a marshal, like a down-and-out ranger fighting alone, ignoring the speeches and gazes of these people at all.

Instead, he asked in an unfixed direction:
"Where's Rovie Brook?"


No one responded.

Ryan curled his lips, now he knows why Rowe is hiding...

And at this time.

Another deep and majestic voice sounded from the direction of the portal at the courtyard entrance.

"Hehe... It seems that things are going to get interesting."

People were unfamiliar with this voice, but when they looked up, the people who appeared there shocked everyone.

Surrounded by several Lion Garden knights in blue and white armor, a tall, broad-shouldered middle-aged man wearing a Lion Garden military uniform stepped out calmly and quickly.

He has curly brown hair with a strand of gray in it, tough and steady facial features and a resolute wide chin. His eyes can't see through, giving people the impression of a politician and strongman as stable as Mount Tai.

Lovely stood up immediately.

While the other party was standing with his hands on his chest, he lowered his head and gave her a military salute.

Then he raised his head calmly with a smile.

"Good evening, Your Highness Lovely."

It's no wonder Lovely was so excited, because the man in front of her was the one who made her talk like fart.

The current Prime Minister of Lion Garden Kingdom——

Randall Ospold.

(End of this chapter)

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