Chapter 314 When it common sense?
Randall's appearance suddenly made the atmosphere in the entire courtyard extremely tense.

Just standing there, he seemed to exude some kind of invisible powerful aura, which made people unconsciously bow their heads and show timidity, and his aura even overwhelmed Marcus on the other side who killed and became a god.

Although Marcus had a history of bloody massacres, the powerful godheads united and could barely fight him twice.

And facing this one, if one is not careful, even one's own country may be lost.

Iron Prime Minister.

In 20 years, the second largest country in the world, which upholds the elegant tradition, will be turned into a weapon of war, monopolize the power of Lion Garden, and annex more than ten small countries around it by force.

The impact of this on the world is by no means comparable to that in the empire. As long as his hand reaches out to the map, the country will be destroyed and the blood will flow into rivers.

What's more, he is still the chief culprit in occupying the Crownless City.

Dundry even knew that once he was allowed to win the Uncrowned City, it would be their turn to be the neutral country of Mount Cali next.

Under the sharpened claws of the lion, the banners of white flowers and war horses will surely be stained red with blood.


Marcus didn't disdain Randall at all. When he was the Marshal of the Empire, he used many methods to lure the other party to show up, but the other party never showed up.Now that it appeared in front of him so straightforwardly, he didn't care at all.

"Where's Rovie Brook?"

Marcus asked again.

Luo Wei: "..."

your sister!The other party bombed you until you lay in bed for half a month, and you just forgot?What are you looking for me for? Fuck him!
Bella, hanging above, suddenly pointed at the crowd.



Yep, it's the machine girl again.

The knight in front of him moved away blankly, and Luo Wei stood there exposed, squinting deeply at Bella.

The machine girl quickly hid behind Marcus.

"Isn't this here?" Marcus smiled deeply, "I thought you didn't plan to let me join."


Everyone on the field showed puzzled eyes, asking Marcus to join?Rowe?When did this happen?
But remembering that Marcus crushed the wrong person for him with his bare hands, and he was the first one to look for when he entered the Crownless City, it seems that there is always a connection between the two.

Luo Wei: "..."

I knew it.

The artisan will launch a plan, and Marcus will definitely intervene after knowing it. How can he be forgiven by everyone in his capacity?
It's not about finding a big wronged species to tie them up.

If you think about it with Saya's butt, you will know that there will be no other person to carry this blame except him.

Can't you impress them with your true feelings?Please start your show?

"I told you the truth to let you know who to seek revenge, but I didn't say that I wanted to recruit you."

"Oh?" Marcus was indifferent, "Is Felika okay?"

Everyone became suspicious again, isn't that...

"I'm fine, you don't need to worry."

Accompanied by the sound, a petite figure yawned and walked out of Luo Wei's workshop.

"Hmm... It's just that staying up late is not good for the skin."

Looking at the long green hair, the petite half-dwarf figure, and the clever machine girl hanging beside her, people reacted one after another.

Filica? !

One of the three wizards, Marshal of the Hooffire Empire West! ?
The representatives of various forces looked at the field and were stunned. What kind of wind is blowing today? The two marshals, the lion garden princess and the prime minister all appeared in the courtyard meeting! ? ? ?
Is the world about to change?

And three of them are actually related to Rowe Brook?

Facing the sight that Qi Shushua cast, Luo Wei rubbed the corners of his eyes sadly, "Can you solve your personal grievances by yourself, and treat me as if I don't exist?"

That’s all for the three of them. On the one hand, Felica’s attendance is because she helped the whole plan a lot, and she is the only one who knows the ancient magical weapons best; Impact.


"Why are you here to join in the fun?"

Luo Wei looked coldly across the crowd.

Everyone looked over one after another, and found that his words were directed towards Prime Minister Randall of the Lion Garden.

This immediately shocked everyone.

How dare he speak to the Prime Minister of Shiyuan like this? !Except for the marshal and the princess, no one present dared to speak like that.

However, Rowe didn't have any worries. There might not be anyone in this world who really knew Randall, but he was one of those who knew Randall better.

This person is by no means the type that can be affected by emotions, his heart is as hard as steel, and it is impossible for him to be swayed by words.It's just that ordinary people need courage to even raise their heads under his flawless aura.

After all, by convention.

When he shows up in front of you, you're almost doomed.The lords of all the factions present basically had this concern. The loss of Wuguan City directly made their territory precarious. The craftsmen could only hope that he would be noble, and it was too late to kneel down and beg him.

But Luo Wei will not give him a good face.

This guy has long been aware of Lovely's challenge, but he still hasn't forgotten what happened five days ago, so don't blame him for spoiling his fun by going around in circles to disgust him.

Randall smiled deeply, as if not surprised.

"On this occasion, I have come to meet the man who has found out the truth of all this."

He also looked at Luo Wei through the crowd.

""Fake Match Swordsman" Rowe Brook, or should it be more appropriate to call you "Champion Swordsman"? "Randall said calmly.

Then he raised his eyes slightly.

"I'm here—to apologize to you for what happened five days ago."


The people around the meeting square became even more shocked than last time, Randall...

To apologize to Luo Wei? !

People cast their unbelievable eyes on Rowe again, which also means that apart from the three big shots, even Randall has something to do with him? !
What is the origin of this...

Vermeer stood beside Luo Wei with her head bowed deeply. It wasn't that she didn't dare to look up at Randall, but she was worried that the reaction on her face would reveal her thoughts after hearing this.

This, this is too scary.

Rowe squinted his eyes, and seemed to understand why Randall made such a low-level temptation.

He seemed to have seen through that he had found out the truth about the craftsmen's association, and used this method to lower himself and get in touch with the insider.

It was consistent with Marcus's intentions, but Randall's actions were not seen through until now... No, the other party told him on his own initiative.

Even in this incident, he and Vermier's strength was tested.

old monster.

Luo Wei closed his eyes and suddenly smiled jokingly.

"Is it common sense to show your breasts when you apologize?"


Weimir's tensed brows suddenly loosened, and her eyes blinked briskly.

hmmmm? ?

Randall's... boobs?

Saya looked at him contemptuously, and Lovely turned around with a complicated expression.

What nonsense are you talking about...!
The people around were also stunned by this sentence for a long time, where is this common sense... and such common sense! ? ?

Facing the reaction of the surroundings, Ayining lowered her head and sighed, and then turned the style of painting to his domain with one sentence. By virtue of Randall's self-declining status, this can be regarded as a scheming counterattack.


Fortunately, she didn't have such common sense, otherwise she would have made mistakes several times, wouldn't it be...

The lords of all the forces were a little confused, turned their eyes in confusion, and slowly looked at Randall.

This... is really a bit...

Randall lowered his head and laughed twice.

"It's really ashamed to be exposed on this occasion. Presumably the lords of various forces don't want my figure to leave a shadow in everyone's mind."

He himself snorted and didn't seem to mind.

"So I have prepared other compensations, hoping to make up for my mistakes."

Randall looked at the knight on one side, and soon the other side went to the rear.After a while, another figure stepped out from the passage door.

It was a girl with fiery red hair.

Wearing the church's girdle sacrificial battle attire, the gauntlets and armor prove that he is a military officer rather than a civil servant. Although the whole body is inlaid with gold and decorated with hanging tassels and ribbons, his frizzy red hair is a little careless, slightly There is also a little frivolity on the immature face.At first glance, it gives people a good status, but a little impatient impression.

Several people around Luo Wei froze for a moment.


Could it be that Randall also knows about the "beautiful involuntary girl", is this...?
Saya gave him a hard look.

He dares!

Luo Wei swallowed, he really didn't dare.

Knowing who this person is in his heart, he glanced at Randall calmly, but he didn't expect that even this person could be invited.

This made him start to think about whether it would be better to run away and not get involved with her.

And the red-haired girl walked down the steps, passing through the crowd without any scruples, without looking at Randall, and came straight to Vermeer.

Vermier blinked, and found that the other party didn't look at Luo Wei, and Luo Wei also had an expression of not wanting to look at her.

"My name is Celis, and you are Vermeer, right?"

Looking for me?

Weimil took another look at the other party, but suddenly saw that the coat of arms of the Church of Prayer was hanging on the other party's waist.

"What's wrong, did I find the wrong person?"

The red-haired girl looked back at Randall, who said nothing.

"Yes... I am, may I ask who you are?"

Realizing that the other party was a member of the church, Vermeer answered aloud, but was a little at a loss.

How does the church... have anything to do with Randall?
"My name is Celis, do you have bad ears?" The red-haired girl looked directly at her, and suddenly lost her momentum, "Well... how should I say according to the process? Congratulations or something ?”

Vermeer: ​​"?"


What process, why ask me...

"Oh, I just said that I'm not suitable for this kind of thing," Celis said annoyedly, "In short, I came from the head teacher's side, and taking this opportunity to give this to you, it's like paying back the favor of that uncle over there." .”

Celis shoved a golden heraldry box into Vermeer's hand, and the latter continued in a daze, still not understanding the situation.

In fact, the people around didn't understand what kind of development this was, and they were at a loss.

But Luo Wei knew who the opponent was.

Celis Krystal, the red-haired girl in front of her who looked unkempt, frizzy, and bewildered.

He is the vice-president of the Judgment Tribunal, an organization directly under the Prayer Church for the Purification of the Water Goddess.That is, the superior leader of Vermier's teacher Shatis, and now the number two person in the prayer church.

status, even above the pope.

secondary god.

One of the strongest in the world.

"What is this?" Vermeer asked because he didn't know.

"Clean water kamiori, a second-level god material for making protective gear, can keep you from dying." Celis said, and then added, "In most cases."

"...clean water?"

Wei Mier was stunned for a moment, because the other party was careless, she didn't know at this moment that the person standing in front of her was the strongest thug she had ever received since the establishment of the Praying Church.

"That's right, it was made by the goddess of water purification."

That rascal?
Vermeer felt smoke coming out of her head.

"Ah, I slipped the tongue..." Celis paused, "Anyway, it's yours, so stop talking about it."


Rowe glanced coldly at Randall in the distance, and probably understood the other party's intentions in his heart.

This is using and praying for some kind of transaction made by the church to send this second-level god material to them in this way.Although a few minions were missed a few days ago to come over to test it out, this item now will undoubtedly ensure Vermeer's safety in the future.

And when the treasures of the church are given as gifts through the church itself, there is no reason for people to refuse.Celis probably also knew that Vermeer was the saint chosen by Shatis, and it was only with Randall's help that she bypassed the authority to achieve this.

This old thing.

It's clear he's holding a grudge.

And at this moment, Celis turned her head to look at Luo Wei, and looked him up and down.

"I heard that you are the one who killed Ma Tai, the chief priest of the pilgrimage? How about it, before I leave, do you want to teach you two tricks?"

Rowe twitched the corners of his mouth.

Everyone in your church has to ask it again.

"……Not interested in."

"What!" Celis seemed to be shocked, "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and you don't want it?"

Luo Wei looked at her with a face of refusal.

The second-level god fought against him, so that's called giving advice?I'm afraid it's not pressing him on the ground and rubbing it.

"I'm not interested, but I think one of them should."

Luo Wei glanced at Saya beside him.

Come on Scarlet Winged Angel, the opportunity to temper has come.

Saya: "?"

(End of this chapter)

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