Chapter 323 Rowe Brooke Must Have His Purpose
It rained heavily in Wuguan City all night.

Staying indoors in this kind of weather is the most reassuring, even in another space underground in the city, it seems that you can faintly feel the peaceful atmosphere.

Early in the morning, everyone was eating breakfast in the dining room of the workshop, but two seats were empty.

The angel who accompanied the sunrise was the earliest to get up on weekdays, and was often the first to come to the restaurant, but at this time he was absent with another person, the answer is self-evident.


spent the night together...

Vermeer shrank her hands, although she was a little concerned, but thinking of staying with her for five days before the appearance of the magic weapon, she didn't think about it all the time.

Saya, on the other hand, seemed to have been completely ignored a few days ago. From the expression on her face yesterday, it could be seen that if she was treated like this, she would not know how disappointed she would be.

Not sure what they did in there...

Ayi Ning drank the porridge and looked at her calmly.


Originally, Vermier's status was considered unshakable, but in a sense, she was really allowed to be bullied.

He also said before that he might need to cooperate with Saya to help his sister gain an advantage, but now it seems that Saya is not easy to mess with.

The most important thing is that she can't influence Luo Wei's thoughts.

What this guy is going to do, what kind of thoughts he has about whom, he can't figure it out at all.

"The artisans should be rushing to work on the incident yesterday, right?" Iluth spoke steadily from the side.

"Ah...yes," Vermeer blinked, "After all, the Alliance has defended the city many times, and for the sake of the artisans, it still has the right to speak."

"Hehe, then I look forward to the day when this matter becomes known."


Magic Copper Acid can be used to deal with Mechanic Girl, and she was there when she discovered it.

But when I think about the fact that the whole city is manufacturing and planning to invest in war, it always feels like I'm doing something extraordinary...

If the craftsmen knew what Luo Wei had done, I don't know what they would think.

It must be regarded as a pervert...

Does Iluth really want to see this situation?Uh... seems to want to know how he will respond!I definitely don't want to see him embarrassed!
"What are you snickering about?"

When the cold voice came, Vermeer raised her head immediately, her hair standing on end.

What... when did you come in?

Seeing Luo Wei stepping in from the door and sitting on his seat, Vermeer quickly restrained his expression.

Bad, almost exposed again!
Saya also followed behind, but her head was lowered the whole time, her hair was completely messed up and she didn't dare to look up at them.

Ilus held the soybean juice drink and smiled teasingly like shaking a red wine glass.

"Heh... Whose family's little yellow flower is this, as if it has been destroyed by a storm, it's really pitiful to look at."


Shaye's face was blushing, she didn't answer her words, and sat on a chair to eat breakfast in silence.

Ayi Ning opened her mouth slightly at the side.

Iluth's description may be a bit exaggerated, but from the sidelines, she is different from her usual heroic spirit. At this moment, Saya can feel a little bit of femininity from her.

This is……

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like you just fell asleep in your arms... right?

Saya showing such a side made her a little bit stunned. After shaking her eyes, she quickly retracted her gaze.

Ai Ning shook her head in her heart.

I care about what they are doing, no matter how intense it is, it has nothing to do with me.

But for some reason, she couldn't help but look at it a few more times, feeling a strange emptiness in her heart.

Breakfast passed in a delicate atmosphere.

Luo Wei packed up the empty plate in front of him, wiped his mouth and got up calmly.


Saya was burying her head there, pretending that other people couldn't see her, but from the corner of her eyes, she felt that there seemed to be some kind of change in the eyes of those three people.

She raised her eyes slightly, then turned around after a pause, her eyes suddenly jumped.


Rowe was standing behind her chair.

Being dragged up by the wrist in a daze, the angel who didn't understand the meaning was stunned, and a trace of confusion flashed in the crimson eyes.

What do you mean... Impossible...

Luo Wei responded to her with "Congratulations, you guessed it right".

Saya: "!?"

Again……? !

Last night you already... I...

With her disheveled appearance, she staggered and her ears felt hot for a moment, you bastard... you have no shame!
"It's just an exercise to restore the power of an angel, right?" Rowe said with a smile.

"...Yes." Saya responded with a trembling voice.

And the steps she took when she was pulled away seemed a little weak no matter how you looked at it.

Vermeer: ​​"..."

Ayi Ning: "..."

For some reason, they suddenly felt sorry for Saya.

Wei Mier scratched his head itchyly, was he going to compete with the angel for a meal?

Always felt……

In this situation, even Saya's legs were trembling. If she went by herself, she might pass out soon, and then she fell unconscious and fell to the side, and the two of them were in front of her who was sleeping...


Don't do that kind of thing...!
"Also, don't go."

Accidentally exposed his thoughts, the other two looked over.

Iluth: "..."

Ayi Ning: "..."

Is this guy really out of his mind?

Ayi Ning pursed her lips, knowing that the two of them were doing something between lovers at the moment, which made her cheeks feel hot for a while.

In this way, their relationship is gradually developing.

He really...wouldn't he forget his sister?



The ruins of the battle of the gods, in the narrow space.

In the dark blue cave, a huge sarcoma monster is entrenched above the zenith, with an eyeball growing at the end of the dense nerve structure, and ooze-like tentacles waving around.

This monster occupied nearly one-third of the cave, and a huge eyeball in the center blinked and looked at the man on the stone steps below.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Zorman?" said the sarcoma monster.

"You know we have no choice, Second Aluma."

Zorman stood there, his brown curly hair darkened by being an apostle of the Machinist, his skin marbled.

He didn't look up at Aluma who became the center of the ceremony in order to control the black flame body, and his expression was slightly anxious.

"Master Icarus is sleeping, we need to eliminate all hidden dangers for her."

"But, you know I can only use this ability once," Aluma said in a soft voice, in stark contrast to her weird appearance, "I think it's better to use it after the war begins."

Zorman shook his head decisively.

"Have you forgotten what Rowe Brook did to us? This man is extremely dangerous. If you wait until the war breaks out to speculate on his thoughts, I'm afraid it won't help to know then."

In his hand he held the information from the courtyard meeting.

It is obvious that the combined forces of the Crownless City will fight in Iron Barrel Ridge, but Rowe Brook's abnormal behavior during the meeting cannot be ignored.

Marcus's machine mother pointed out what he was doing.

Is there a plan he thought of in advance?

Those people will definitely re-discuss later, and the people I sent out were eliminated by Dragon Queen Vanessa and Yingsu after sending back the news, and the situation in Wuguan City is now in jeopardy.

Zorman wasn't worried about what would happen to the magic weapon.But at this juncture, this dangerous sense of doubt made him have to be vigilant, and finding out what Rowe Brook was thinking became a lingering worry in his heart.

They really suffered too much at the hands of this person.

have to guard against.

After Aluma became this posture, he continued to absorb the power left by the ancient gods in the Knot God Mine, and possessed the ability to read thoughts for a short time.

Although this ability can only be used once, and it is only a moment like a passing moment, as long as there is a reason, he believes that he can guess the opponent's intention.

"Well, since you insist," Aluma shook his head and sighed, "he has appeared in our ritual field, so he does meet the reading requirements."

"let's start."

Zorman said succinctly.

He didn't want to wait any longer, he had to know what the other party was planning now.

"After that, you have to provide me with more sacrifices. This ability will cost me a lot."

Aluma complained that, as a genius in the field of ritual magic in the craftsmen's association, her research on flesh and blood magic in secret had already surpassed the conventional field, and she led the birth of the black flame body by absorbing Gui Wuhai's forbidden power.

At this moment, she was waving her tentacles, her whole body exuded a faint light, connected through the black flame body arranged on the scene, and slowly captured a trace of Rowe Brook's original breath.

"I'm going to start—"

Aluma's voice became low and low, except for the ones stuck on the wall, all the tentacles gathered near the giant eyeball, condensing into a sphere wrapped in scarlet lightning, like a crystal ball foretelling a prophecy.

And that, without a doubt, is the power of divinity.

"Lovie Brooke at this moment..."

Aluma's eyes were fixed on the huge ritual sphere, trying to overcome the barriers of body and soul, and directly touch the thoughts of the corresponding person.

The entire cave began to vibrate. This taboo act undoubtedly had a heavy load, but Aluma did not stop.

"At this moment..."

After reading the moment of catching wind and shadow, Aluma's eyes relaxed, and he froze there suddenly.

The sphere in her hand quickly dissipated, and all the tentacles shrugged and bent.

Zorman waited anxiously for the answer, watching Aluma's eyes slowly turn over, and seemed to be looking at him in a daze.

"Lovie Brooke is in heat right now."


Zorman frowned, suspecting that he had heard wrong.


"Rovie Brooke is in heat at the moment," Aluma repeated. "Although I don't know who it is with, that's what the result of the ceremony told me."

Zorman froze there for a long while and didn't come back to his senses.

His brain was running fast, trying to decipher whether there were other possibilities, and then he raised his head and looked at the huge eyeball in disbelief.

"Are you sure your ceremony is correct? It's daytime!"

"I know," Aluma replied blankly, "and it's not even noon yet."

Zorman: "..."

He was silent for longer this time than last time.

After a long time in the cave, there was no sound, he looked up at Aluma, and Aluma looked at him.

"Rovie Brook must have his intentions in doing this."


(End of this chapter)

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