Chapter 324 Find someone to take the blame
Two days later.

The heavy rain stopped in the early morning hours, and the air smelled fresh and washed.

The magic copper acid deployed throughout the city was loaded into one car after another, sent to the magic battleship of the five princesses of the Lion Garden, and finally gathered in a specific container.

The craftsmen are very busy, for fear that the part they made will not come in handy. In fact, the amount of savings has already exceeded expectations.

Lovely stood at the window of the battleship's command room, watching this scene and couldn't straighten up laughing.

"Ahahahaha! It's really embarrassing for the perverted fetishes of the miscellaneous fish to fight~"

Saya hid under the window next to her with her eyes wide open and terrified, not daring to speak or cancel her disappearance, and swallowed.

So much magic copper acid...

If you are poured in, you will never come back...

On the other side of the city street, the marching legion is being baptized by the residents, throwing flowers and clean water along the road.

But in fact, this is not the main force of the legion, but just a backup transport team.The real army set out for Tietongling two days ago. Considering that the outcome of this battle is crucial, the people need to see hope in the crusade, so that the reserve force retains the ritual sense of this part of the routine.

"Please be sure to come back!"

"Fight bravely, we await the good news of peace from you!"

"As long as this battle is over, the war will be over, right?"

"Come and join the celebration!"

"May the clean water bless you."

Crownless City is a city of craftsmen, but not everyone is a craftsman. The maintenance of a city requires the support of all walks of life. Some of them are maids in workshops and restaurants, some are starchers in tailor shops, and some are ordinary clergymen of the church. , It is often related to the city of artisans that they stay here, and this part accounts for the majority of the population.

Regarding the conspiracy to destroy the city, they may not necessarily care about such profound things. Their only wish is that the city can usher in peace as soon as possible.

And the expedition of the Crusade Legion made them believe that after this battle, that day would not be far away.

Soldiers go out to fight against evil, and return victoriously. This is what is written in the poems of those hymns, and it is also a topic that knights and adults like to talk about.

Especially in a city that has gone through turmoil, was devastated by war, and ushered in the first sunshine two days after the heavy rain and earthquake, it seems that even the gods can see people coming all the way, and protect the gift of blessing.

Compared with the streets on the way to the expedition, the streets on the other side seemed a little deserted.

A man and five women stood at the door of a closed workshop. The signs with roses and wine glasses were all tilted to one side, obviously it hadn't been opened for a long time.

"Who are we standing here waiting for?" A Yining asked.

Luo Wei leaned against the wall and folded his hands, raised his head and shrugged: "I hope he doesn't come."

The reason why they are here is because two days ago, Luo Wei felt that someone was probing his thoughts. Although it was only for a moment, it is better to be on guard.

Generally speaking, the price of this ability is very high, unless it is a god with authority in this area, it is not easy to achieve it.

And at that time he was...

Both Vermeer and Aining couldn't help but glanced at Saya who was not standing with them in the distance. The angel changed into a new god-level battle suit, adding a black battle skirt design on the basis of the original red and white color scheme. Inlaid with gold edging, it makes the whole person look more stable and temperamental. Standing there is heroic and overwhelming, with a kind of unstoppable momentum.

It's hard to imagine such a proud Valkyrie, hiding in the room with Luo Wei for the past two days, not knowing what she was doing...

And her complexion was more rosy and shiny than usual, it was hard not to feel that it was because she had received some kind of nourishment.

Ayi Ning sighed at her helpless resentment, standing there like this deliberately couldn't come over, she was very clear about what she wanted to cover up, didn't she want to cover it up even more.


Vermeer took another sneak peek.

Saya wore braids today.

Although it still doesn't look so easy to get along with, this slight change gives people the feeling that there is an extra cuteness in the heroic spirit.

Sure enough, I did something embarrassing... Woohoo, I even made a mark with a kiss...

Saya gave them a hard look.

Dont look at me!That bastard was there on his own, I didn't beg for mercy! !

Is she warning me to stay away from Luo Wei in the future... No!

At this time, footsteps came from a corner of the street, and two combined turns with very different heights and shapes appeared in front of them.

"You are so bold that I dare to walk with him." The petite half-dwarf with green hair complained.

Marshal of the Hooffire Empire West, Felika.

And beside her, there is no doubt that the third-level god who is also Marshal with her, East Marshal Marcus.

"Hmph, don't make it sound like I'm only using force to solve problems."

"Which time have you not used force to solve it?"

"You know, Felica, it's because you keep saying things like this that you tend to die short."

"Don't worry about it, you still have to catch up with me in terms of age."

Luo Wei looked at the two and shook his head. To some extent, they were really at odds.

To be able to walk together to this day is really worthy of being a marshal-level figure.

"Don't worry, this guy just walked through the gate of hell," Luo Wei shrugged, "I won't vent my anger on you."

"Hmph, mind your own business." Marcus said disdainfully, "I came here because you said you had something for me."

In fact, Marcus's situation didn't need Ryan to save him at all.

Did the marshal not expect heavy rain?After he passed the fuss, he would slowly recover. If Ryan hadn't been in charge of this matter, he might have beaten and hammered the magic weapons all the way in the past two days, black flame bodies and monsters Killed completely.

But it was also because Ryan was in charge that the legion felt that he was dying for a crime, and they were less hostile to him.

"I do have something for you, and it actually has something to do with the person next to you."

Hearing what Luo Wei said, the girls wondered why the person he was waiting for was Marcus at first, but now they heard that it was related to Felika, and they probably understood.

Shouldn't he be thinking...

Give the task of magic copper acid to Marcus to perform?
Uh... Several people all cast contemptuous glances at him. No wonder they were obliged to accept him when the decision was made at the meeting. They thought it was because they were afraid that their identity as the instigator would be exposed. on your own.

"But I also have one condition," Rowe said while looking at Marcus, then squinted his eyes, "It's okay to leave your machine girl to me for safekeeping, right?"

Vermeer: ​​"..."

Ayi Ning: "..."

He... really holds a grudge.

But think about it, he even dared to question Randall face to face, what else would he dare not?

Marcus glanced at his side, there was no movement there.

"Come out," Luo Wei also looked in that direction coldly, "I know you're there, little Bella."


In the air, a red-haired girl in a pleated black dress slowly appeared, her eyes were wide open in panic, and a drop of sweat dripped from her forehead.

Duo Mi on the other side didn't dare to come out at all.

She didn't want to be used as a scapegoat again, and if she could, she would stop Bella from escaping without hesitation.

"Oh...then I'll leave it to you."

"Mr. Marcus-sama...!"

Marcus smiled lowly, but kept looking at Luo Wei, "She can't learn anything about girls by my side, she only knows how to fight on the battlefield. It would be good for her to stay with you for a while."

Contrary to the relationship between Saya and Lovely, in fact, although the four Marshals of Hooffire each have a machine girl, the relationship between the master and the machine girl is not as close as it seems.

Domi can only be regarded as an assistant to Filica, and as an assistant, there are magic dolls who perform even better.

Marcus himself is opposed to magic technology. Bena has already been recognized by him, but what he recognizes is at the level of a soldier. Marcus will definitely not be able to do something like sleeping with a little machine girl in his arms at night. Yes, it would be tantamount to denying her qualifications as a fighter.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Marcus, who has lost everything about himself, would make such a decision.

As a defeated general, he bears all the blame, and his subordinates should have their own lives.

The group then boarded the magic battleship of the princess and imp.

When Lovely saw them coming up, he was about to laugh at Rowe, but when he saw Marcus, his face turned black.

"Hehe..." Marcus seemed to have expected this kind of reaction from the fifth princess, and turned his head slightly to look at Luo Wei, "Do you still remember the very beginning, I said that sooner or later I would get online through you of."

"Yes, yes, you have a clever plan." Luo Wei curled his lips.

From then on, I knew that the craftsmen would rebel, right? It was far-fetched beyond 01:30. This guy should change his career to become a comedian instead of being a marshal.

The corner of Lovely's mouth twitched, but her clever little head quickly made her realize the truth of the matter.

"You... plan to let him carry out this task?"

"I want to stop it," Felica shook her head aside, "but Lunkong is so powerful, this guy is truly unstoppable."

"That's it." Luo Wei said as a matter of course.

Of course Marcus is the most suitable candidate for this matter.

Not only can he avenge him, but he can also avenge his mother-in-law, without having to do it himself, why not do it?
No matter how spectacular the accident with that giant machine girl is, she won't be able to find him.

Ai Ning looked at him speechlessly.

I think you just want to find someone to take the blame.

Lovely looked at him contemptuously, then slowly took a breath, crossed his fingers and said, "Then you are welcome to board the battleship, former marshal of the empire, at least during this time, I will not be like other forces hostile to you."

Marcus didn't salute Loveli. In his heart, he probably still has the integrity of a soldier.

"Then let's start heading north. If that kid thinks he saved his life for no reason, we can't let him do everything first."


And at this moment, Iron Barrel Ridge under the Broken Ridge Plateau.

In the eyes of the giant dragons and angels soaring in the sky, they could already see the huge black shadow dragging the earth shaking and shaking the mountains on the snow field.

Ryan closed his eyes in the barracks.

Everything is ready, and there is no retreat behind him, he still insists that he does not intend to let the magic weapon set foot on the suburban area.

So there was only one thing left to do now.

right here-

Stop her!


(End of this chapter)

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