Chapter 325 You still treat it as a relic

There was a heavy trampling sound, and even the earth was weeping.

There was a busy scene in the barracks. The pack beasts raised by the ogre dragged the logs and rolling stones. The demons and human knights pulled the ropes to raise the mechanism without admitting defeat. At the place, we flap our little wings and serve energy-enhancing drinks.

Another group of adventurers was about to go underground to clean up the troublesome monster lairs. The angel's shadow passed over their heads. Before they could look up, a giant dragon landed heavily beside them, holding a stack of letters in its claws and handing them over. .

Farther away, the tents of the major churches were stationed, and batches of medical supplies and magic props were brought in. The priest rolled up his sleeves and carried the stretcher inside.

Different races, different camps, intertwined in the same military camp, just looking at it is dizzying.

"We're really doing something amazing, right?" Joey said as he walked through the barracks with Ryan, his eyes froze.

"Yeah..." Ryan smiled and expressed his emotion. He participated in the Crusade Legion to solve the major crisis, and joined hands with many forces to fight magnificent battles. Isn't this the dream scene in the adventure career?

I have listened to these legendary poems told by foreign travelers since I was a child, and now I have personally experienced them, and I always feel that they are not real.

Ryan looked down at his hands, which were trembling slightly.

That's not fear.

but excited.

Sure enough...adventures are awesome.

If the last battle in the Vigilance Mountains was just for emergency, this time it was a completely formal expedition. Churches, knights, adventurers, and craftsmen who defended their own cities all joined in. This kind of atmosphere is very exciting.

"This is probably the first time someone has united so many forces." Joey said in a daze, no doubt he was completely immersed in this scene at the moment.

Ryan frowned.

"That's not necessarily the case." He smiled and looked back, "Joy, have you forgotten the time Rowe invited us to dinner last winter?"

"You mean the New Year's Eve dinner army?" Joey looked at him with trembling lips, "Can that count?"

Making rice cakes, making dumplings, cooking glutinous rice balls? ?
Joey thinks it's better not to associate this scene with those in front of him, the dream will be shattered...

Sheldon touched his dark head aside, not because he couldn't understand Joey's mood.

"Ahaha... Just think of him as the one who gave us a good start."

"Haha," Ryan also laughed, and patted Joey on the back, "You are glad that Jutman is not here, so I can't make fun of you."

"Others are already mocking me when they're not here," Joey said blankly, "Why can this guy be with the lake elves!! And Jass, it is said that the underground adventurer team also has many female members!"

Ryan: "..."

Because of the combat deployment, Jutman, who is good at making traps, and Jass, who has a keen sense of smell, went to help, and Jinlisi, who can communicate with the giant ogre, was also invited.As for John, he naturally stayed with the craftsmen.

Everyone is busy.

But Ryan didn't say that as a joke.Thinking about it carefully, it was after the New Year's Eve dinner that all major forces suddenly came to him, and gradually the current alliance came into being.

Perhaps it was from Rovina's seemingly unscrupulous behavior that he saw the possibility of gathering the same force.


Ryan sometimes wonders whether these forces were deliberately pushed to him by that bad friend. He originally explored the ruins with Sherond and received commissions to help deal with the troubles in various territories. Elfa and the others came to him The timing was too coincidental.

Ask some time later.

If that's the case, the guy will have to pay for the next drink.

After passing through the barracks and coming to the passage in the valley below, the dwarf king Kamesh turned his head worriedly, and immediately became energetic after seeing Ryan.

"Oh, my friend, it's good to see you're all right!"

Facing the dwarf king who was hugging him up to his chest, Ryan patted him on the back.

"Sorry, Kamesh... I can't stop the magic weapon from your territory."

"Don't say such things," Kamesh buried his head in his arms, "Me too... I don't mind too much, just a little bit."

Ryan knew that the other party was feeling sorry for the half-built underground palace. If the magic weapon went down, he might have to rebuild it in another place.

Dwarves like to dig down and explore the treasures of the earth. They have mature skills accumulated over a long period of time. They can often dig a mountain to nothing and build a magnificent underground city inside, as a symbol of glory for the local dwarves.

In addition, Tie Tong Ridge was surrounded by mountains on all sides and located on the edge of the Broken Ridge Plateau. For magic weapons, this was equivalent to a step-by-step downward step, and it was the only place along the entire path that could temporarily trap her.

Changing to another location, not only would it take more time to detour, but it would take ten days and a half months for the magic weapon to resume action after falling from a direct drop of several thousand meters.

"The underground palace can be rebuilt at any time. The most important thing is that your people survive."

"Really, really?"

In the past two days, the dwarves of Iron Barrel Ridge have migrated to the foot of the western Cape of Thunder, which is the territory of the Northland Brontosaurus. They have never allowed other creatures to approach them. Now because they joined the alliance to fight, they agreed to the temporary settlement of the dwarves. ask.

The Northland Thunder Dragon was originally of the same lineage as the Cang Qinglong led by Vanessa of the Restraining Mountain. At the beginning, they were separated because of the destructive blow of the magic weapon. Maybe the two clans are now at odds, but when it comes to the issue of the magic weapon, the two races are different. attitude is the same.

"I can't guarantee anything else, but I promise you that your people will be fine in this battle."

"I know this, I mean that the underground palace can be rebuilt at any time..."

Ryan: "..."

He grinned, patted Kamesh on the shoulder, and continued on his way.

The dwarf king stood there scratching his head.

"I can build a smaller one without any problem...!"

Hearing his shout, another lord in the distance turned around and immediately knew that Kamesh was reluctant to part with his precious underground palace, and wanted Ryan to find someone to help him build it, and he immediately laughed.

"No matter how small it is, it is still a ruin."

Kamesh: "..."

Accompanied by another earth-shattering rumbling sound, the magic weapon took another heavy step forward, everyone in the barracks stabilized their bodies in the shock, and then received the order to evacuate.

At most two steps, the magic weapon is about to step into Tietong Ridge.

Considering that craftsmen may not necessarily follow common sense and must not wait for the last moment to take action, it is very likely that the next step will be to sound the clarion call for battle.

"Quick, evacuate!"

"Drop everything at hand and withdraw from the bottom of the valley!"

"Go and call back all the adventurers from the underground!"

The entire valley floor where the dwarves lived suddenly became noisy, and the crowds withdrew towards the south like a flowing river, looking down from above as if gushing out of a narrow bag mouth.

They will first retreat to the back and waist of the mountain, and then according to their own combat team, they will be assigned to various points on the mountain to fight according to the plan.

The Legion actually does not have a nominal commander-in-chief, but this does not affect anything. After the tactical configuration is arranged in advance, the legions of various forces will lead their own troops to carry out operations. They are the leaders and elites in their respective territories, and they understand what they should do. What, there is no need for people to direct every step of the way.

That's what alliances are about.

It is not an army commanded by one person, but each of them is an army capable of being alone, and there are many powerful godheads in them.

But now, after experiencing so many incidents, the various forces have already passed the stage of intrigue.After the conspiracy and atrocities of the craftsmen's union are made public, the lord who dares to join at this time but deliberately does not do anything will only be labeled as secretly colluding with the craftsmen's union and making everyone an enemy.

Even Randall, the Prime Minister of Lion Garden, spoke publicly, daring to hinder the army's battle, causing losses to Wuguan City, which is now controlled by Lion Garden, and will surely usher in iron and blood sanctions from Lion Garden's army.

No one can guess how true or false his words are, but no power lord dares to bet.

This is simply sending the reason for the war directly to the prime minister.

And those forces that did not join the alliance and chose not to participate in the war naturally would not be affected by the results of the battle, and they would not have a say in the situation in Wuguan City after that.

One sentence can stabilize the surrounding situation, probably only this person has such courage.

Above the clouds, the magic warship hovered far away.

The petite fifth princess stood on the deck with a cushioned chair overlooking the ground. The strong wind blew her long light yellow hair and delicate skirt, standing upright like a small point against the wind.

Up to now, looking at the entire Uncrowned City and surrounding forces, she is the only one who is not under Randall's control and plays a key role in the battle.

His sapphire-like eyes stared intently at the scene on the ground. Not long after the last action, the huge black shadow covering the snowfield whimpered again.

Do you despise intelligent beings?

No one knows, but human beings who have taken precautions in advance are not easy to mess with.


Only 15 minutes had passed since the last operation, and the magic weapon uprooted the huge limbs from the snow field.

The surrounding snow was shaking, and the huge weapon was slowly receding, its exterior covered with a layer of gilded splendor.


The earth tore a huge gap, and she jumped out, flying like a mountain with unreasonable expressiveness.

A black shadow enveloped the ground, and the distance that originally took two steps was smoothed out at this moment, and the huge body fell heavily on the north peak of Tietongling.

The rocks cracked and the sky collapsed.

The huge peaks shattered in response, half of the peaks sank into the valley, and the people who fled the catastrophic area quickly realized that this thing has always had another name——

The weapon of destruction.

Even if he is defeated here, the scars he left on the landscape will probably not fade away for thousands of years.

But the movement of the magic weapon did not stop.

After destroying a whole row of mountain peaks, her body slowly leaned forward. Even standing on the top of the opposite peak, she seemed to feel the oppression of a whole mountain falling in front of her eyes.

This thing really shouldn't exist in this world.

People have expressed their conviction in their hearts that any solid city-state built by intelligent creatures on the ground is like a toy in front of them, and no capital city can withstand such a collision.

In a scene that could be called terrifying, the magic weapon fell heavily.

She maintained the angle of inclination to avoid turning over due to the toppling, and just fell into the bottom of Iron Barrel Ridge.

Boom————! ! !
The huge body smashed through the surface and fell directly into the underground space dug out by the dwarves, and the underground palace underneath was sat down.

Kamesh, who was lifted into the air by magic, was heartbroken watching this scene.

He looked at Alfa beside him.

"It can be rescued later, right?"

Elfa looked at him with a complicated expression, shook her head and sighed.

"You still treat it as a relic."



This shock lasted for a very long time, and the surrounding rocks also cracked and toppled under the impact, causing landslides.

And after that, the magic weapon, most of which was stuck in the valley, completely lost its movement.

Everything became silent.

In the sky, a few small dots fell from a distance above, passed through the smoke and dust without a trace, and landed on the back of the magic weapon.

Luo Wei walked out of Saya's arms and glanced at the people behind him.

Take a deep breath slowly.

Then he took the sword and waved away the smoke and dust, staring coldly ahead.

"Then start looking for holes."

(End of this chapter)

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