she's nice but not human

Chapter 106 Holy Son, why is this?

Chapter 106 Holy Son, why is this?
"Did you just mention Lu Wanqing and Shen Xinghua?"

Lu Nanke felt that he didn't hear clearly, so he asked again.

Bai Qiuyue nodded like a chicken pecking rice, then shook her head, "It's them, but they may not come."


Lu Nanke's heart turned cold.

It wasn't hallucinations.
Help!Qiuyue A dream!
【.It turns out that their purpose is here. No wonder I can't find anything weird about myself, and I haven't seen them come out to make trouble again. That's how it is.】

help me!Qiuyue A dream!
[.Young master, don't be nervous, let me listen to my concubine in detail. 】

[If the concubine's expectations are not bad, they must not be having a good time at this time. 】

oh?How do you see it?

【As far as their quick temper is concerned, if they can do anything, they may have appeared in front of the young master at this moment to cause trouble.At this point there are only two possibilities.First, she has no memory like her concubine when she was young.Second, although he has memory, his incarnation is not strong enough, so he forbears it for the time being.No matter what kind, they can't pose a threat to the young master at this time. 】

Lu Nanke thought for a moment, it seems that this is really the case.

Then he was relieved.

but still too dangerous
【Then hurry up and take care of the young concubine, otherwise they will eventually return to normal. At that time, if my concubine protects you, or if the young master has not completed the transaction and leaves this world, the concubine will not be able to protect you. 】

Lu Nanke understood.

Those sisters did not simply lose their connection with themselves in the last world.

Although she and Bai Qiuyue had both achieved their goals, they were still buried by them.

They also arranged for their avatars to smuggle into this world with the help of their own channel, but they didn't expect that the timeline was wrong, so they had the same result as Bai Qiuyue.

That is, their memory or strength was temporarily suppressed.

This gave him a chance for someone like Lu to make a fool of himself!
So race against the clock!If he could complete the deal with Bai Qiuyue earlier and get the "monster organ", he would be able to leave this world sooner!

At that time, it will really be that the sky is high and the birds are flying, the sea is wide and the fish is leaping, and finally you will no longer be fettered!

"Lu Nanke, Lu Nanke."

Lu Nanke came back to his senses, and said nonchalantly, "What's wrong?"

Bai Qiuyue tilted her head, her apricot eyes were full of curiosity, and there was a trace of excitement that she didn't even notice, "Is your Demon Sect going to do something big?"

Lu Nanke was a little dazed, "Ah? Do something big? What big thing? Why don't I, the devil's son, know?"

He saw people around him looking this way, it seemed that Bai Qiuyue's voice was a little loud.

So he moved forward again, but his elbow on the table touched a plate of sprouts, and he pushed the plate of sprouts aside.


I saw a small note under the bean sprouts plate.

Lu Nanke curiously picked it up, but it turned out that it was written in traditional characters, and it was too scribbled, as if it was written with carbon dust on it with his finger.

After careful identification for a long time, he vaguely saw the six characters written on it: "Don't eat, the food is poisonous".

He frowned slightly, picked up a few sprouts with chopsticks, and put them into his mouth to savor.

"Tsk, no wonder it smells weird, is Ganqing really poisonous?"

"Oh? Poison?" Bai Qiuyue tilted her head, picked up a chopstick of sprouts and put them into her mouth, chewed them and swallowed them, "It does have a strange smell."

"Ah?" Lu Nanke stared dumbfounded at her eating the poisoned dish, "You still eat the poisonous food?"

Bai Qiuyue was puzzled, "You ate it too."

"I'm not afraid of poison"

Lu Nanke was about to continue complaining, but suddenly saw that Bai Qiuyue's pretty face, which was as white as jade, began to turn blue, and her originally bright and clear almond eyes gradually lost focus.

Why was this girl so stupid and cute when she was young?She doesn't look like a scheming big sister in the future at all!

Sister Bai seemed to want to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.

Lu Nanke stretched out his hand and said angrily, "Give me your hand."

"Oh..." In a daze, Bai Qiuyue subconsciously handed over her hand, which she used to only hold swords, into his hand.

Lu Nanke didn't intend to take advantage, he silently rubbed the cells of his body.

The magnetic field rotates, the power of [-] horsepower, and the cells reorganize!
Soon Bai Qiuyue came to her senses. She blinked and her eyes became lively and ethereal again, "You know how to detoxify?"

"Probably." Lu Nanke said in his heart that the rotation of the magnetic field is really useful.

Now that I don't have a "perfect state" and can play around like this and help people connect broken limbs, then maybe I can make a lot of money by opening a shop to help people do beauty treatments or undertake jobs such as taking over hands and feet.

It's just that he has no plans to develop in this world so he doesn't care.

Bai Qiuyue's beautiful eyes sparkled, "Can you teach me?"

Then she suddenly realized, "I can use my family's sword technique to exchange with you."

Lu Nanke was about to speak, when suddenly there was a loud noise, and the waitress who had just served the food hit the next table heavily and collapsed the square table next door.

Lu Nanke glanced at it, blood spilled from the little two's seven orifices, his chest was sunken, and the blood spilled from the corner of his mouth even brought out pieces of internal organs, which seemed to be dying.

He firmly grasped Lu Nanke's trousers, and struggled as if he was dying, "Guest officer. There is poison in the dish. Go away!!!"


Seeing the sudden humanity light in the boy's eyes, Lu Nanke was quite speechless.

It was touching, but he couldn't understand it.

Just because I regard him as a person, can I even give up my life for a stranger like myself?

"Heh, a dog-like thing also deserves to make decisions for the Son?"

A short-short man with a big head and a thick neck came out of the back kitchen cursing and holding a kitchen knife.

After seeing Lu Nanke, he smiled, pretended to cup his hands and said, "My subordinate 'Xue Tu' Zheng Xiang has seen the Holy Son."

He looked at Bai Qiuyue, who was lying on the table but was blindfolded and looked at the audience curiously through her arms, "In this way, that 'sword master' Bai Wentian will have to be controlled by my demon gate! The Holy Son is really good at tricks." !"

Bai Qiuyue blinked her big eyes and whispered, "You know him?"

"I don't know." With a dark face, Lu Nanke grabbed the waiter on the ground whose pupils had begun to spread, and then
The magnetic field rotates, the power of [-] horsepower, and the cells reorganize!
The broken internal organs, shattered ribs, and broken meridians of this young man all began to recover.

He recovered from his injuries in less than a cup of tea!

The shop waiter opened his blank eyes, and after seeing Lu Nanke, he murmured, "Guest officer, are you dead too?"

"I'm still living well, and you are also living well."

Lu Nanke pulled him up, then took out a hundred-liang silver note from his pocket and stuffed it into his pocket, "Although I have a magic book here, I can't give it to you, and I don't know how to teach others. You take it, it is your reward for saving my life."

The shop clerk shook the banknotes in his hand, with tears in his eyes, he was about to kneel down, "The villain can't—"

"Whether it's your business or not, even if you go out and throw it away, burn it or tear it up, it has nothing to do with me. I owe you nothing."

Lu Nanke interrupted him directly, and then waved his hand, "Go home, this kind of place is not suitable for you, but wait first."

He still needs to settle the matter here, otherwise the waiter in the shop will be silenced if he walks out the front foot.

Let the waiter who was grateful to Dade with tears in his eyes stand aside first, Lu Nanke turned his head and swept across the inn this time.

At this moment, a needle can be heard in the inn, and everyone is looking at this side with malicious intentions.

And the door of the inn was closed at some point.

Lu Nanke looked at that "blood slaughter" Zheng Xiang again.

Zheng Xiang woke up from the shock just now.

"It turns out that the son and the daughter of the 'Sword Master' were not poisoned."

Obviously, both of them had already eaten the poisonous vegetables, and Bai Qiuyue already had symptoms of poisoning just now, why did they recover immediately after turning around?

But it wasn't enough to scare him.

It's nothing more than pretending to eat vegetables but not actually eating them.

It seems that the Son of God has long been prepared.

What really frightened him inexplicably was Shengzi's way of saving Xiaoer.

Although it was just a random blow from him, he was sure that the waiter who had never practiced martial arts would never survive!

But it was just a cup of tea, the waiter in the shop recovered from his injuries
Has the Holy Son entered the innate realm? !
No, even the innate realm can't achieve such an effect.

Zheng Xiang's pupils shrank sharply, and suddenly he had a bold guess!
They came here this time to snatch the legendary "Secret Records of Innate Ancestors"!
It was about to succeed, but suddenly the Holy Son stepped in and fell short!
Yes, the Son was not at all involved in this at first, and didn't even know about it.

He only found out after killing Yun Qingzi!

And Shengmen also sent someone to contact Yun Qingzi, so Shengzi got clues from Yun Qingzi, and then found Linwei Escort on purpose?
He was still the true biography of Baimaguan a year ago, so he must be the spy who inserted Baimaguan into the Holy Gate!

Respecting the Lord and remembering the old days, he was specially promoted to the Holy Son!

This kid is so gracious and doesn't want to reciprocate!

It must be the legendary book that can revive a dying person!

I'm afraid this kid has practiced the skills above!
Thinking of this, Zheng Xiang's small eyes sparkled with greed, "Since the Holy Son has obtained the "Secret Record of the Innate and Absolute Beginning", why not dedicate it to the Lord?"

"What day first? What is the secret record?" Lu Nanke's expression was puzzled, not as if it was fake.

Then he suddenly realized that the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, revealing a smile that was "evil, charming and crazy" and "limited to the Son of the Demon Sect".

He stretched his wrists and stood up, wrapped around his body with thunder snakes, "Since that's the case, then don't blame me, the Holy Son, for cleaning up the house for Master!"

Zheng Xiang was startled, his pupils shrank slightly, "Heaven and earth vitality?!"

If he is just a beginner, then he is not afraid.

But this kid has actually been able to borrow the vitality of heaven and earth?
The holy gate does not allow such a powerful holy son to exist!

Zheng Xiang took half a step back, pointed at Lu Nanke like a sword and sneered, "Humph! For the sake of the lord, call you a holy son. If you don't know good and bad, don't blame me for being merciless! So what if you can borrow the vitality of heaven and earth! Brothers together, you can't finish killing you for an hour and a half!"

What a crazy tone!
How cowardly to speak!

Lu Nanke just wanted to find a reason. Since everyone here is from the Demon Sect, he will not be polite!

He flashed in front of Zheng Xiang in an instant, and then punched Zheng Xiang in the chest!
"The magnetic field rotates, and the power of [-] horses! Bear paws fucking attack!"

I saw a hole the size of a bowl was blasted out of Zheng Xiang's chest!The ribs, heart and lungs of the internal force were all blasted into pieces and protruded from the back!

Only at this time will he raise his arms to resist!
Lu Nanke didn't feel bloody, he only had one word in his mind at the moment - cool!

Withdrawing his hand, Zheng Xiang's dead body fell down.

He turned his head, grinned, and rushed towards the magic masters who drew their weapons.

"Crows take a plane!"
After a stick of incense, there was no longer a master of the magic sect alive in this inn.

Lu Nanke's body was spotless. He looked down at his hands, then clenched his fists, and then nodded slightly, "I see. It seems that I belong to the category with relatively high traffic."

After fighting for so long, and still shooting at the level of [-] horses of magnetic field rotation, but I didn't feel tired at all, as if I hadn't consumed at all.

If the rotation of the magnetic field is replaced by internal force, he probably belongs to the kind with extremely deep internal force.

It's just that he is still dissatisfied when he sees the inn that is in a mess.

"Sure enough, there is no 'Complete Realm'."

The so-called "complete state" refers to the control of power by the strong magnetic field.

These include the combination of moves and the grasp and use of tactics and fighters.

It even includes insults and indecent moves such as throwing lime, digging out the crotch, inserting eyes, stepping on toes, spitting, and poisoning.

But when fighting against a strong enemy, you can always grasp the initiative and the first opportunity. When you make a move, your strength can be completely concentrated and condensed, and there is no waste or omission. Even if you only use a little force, you can produce Ten or even one hundred percent terrorist killing effect!
If there is no perfect state, it is like splashing water vigorously. It seems grand, but when facing a real peerless master, it consumes one's own strength out of thin air.

If you put in a lot of effort, you may only achieve one or two points, and you will not be able to break through the opponent's weaknesses.

And if the level of completeness is high enough, even with electric current alone, Lu Nanke is sure to defeat the so-called "innate master" of Fang Tiandi.

But how do you comprehend your own "perfect state"?

You must know that everyone's "complete state" comprehension method is different. What you need is to understand what kind of person you are.

There are strong people who understand themselves, and realize that they are not really devoted to martial arts, but a complete master of magnetic fields.

There are strong people who suffer for half their lives, and finally realize that what they are after is peace in the world and realize it.

So here comes the question, what kind of person is Lu Nanke?

He originally thought he knew himself very well, but now he has no complete realm at all, which shows that he actually doesn't understand himself.

When he was thinking, he suddenly felt his frown being gently caressed by a slender jade hand.

When he regained consciousness, he saw Bai Qiuyue innocently looking at him with big black and white eyes, and her hand was stroking his brow at the moment.

"What are you doing?"

"Your frown looks ugly, I'll smooth it out for you."


What the hell!Why is the girlish Bai Qiuyue so cute? !
Lu Nanke felt that his whole body was about to melt!

With a sigh, he said helplessly, "I was harmed by you."

Bai Qiuyue didn't know why, but she still patted her chest, "It's okay, I will take responsibility."

 Ask for a monthly pass!Destined to draw!
(End of this chapter)

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