she's nice but not human

Chapter 107 Seven Star Pavilion Shen Xinghua

Chapter 107 Seven Star Pavilion Shen Xinghua
"Responsible? Responsible for what?"

Lu Nanke suddenly dismissed it, "Don't say such things in the future, people in the province call me 'male'."

Bai Qiuyue was puzzled, "What is Nanning?"

"It's not important, but you have to pay attention to yourself, how can you eat poisonous things casually?"

Lu Nanke wanted to say more, but when he turned around, he saw that the waiter was still standing there.

He waved his hand quickly, "If you don't hurry up now, what are you still doing?"

The waiter in the store plopped and knelt down, "Grandfather! Your great kindness and virtue will never be forgotten!"

Lu Nanke didn't stop him either.

He can use his modern three views to force others, because he is strong enough.

But this person forgets.

After all, we won't see each other again in the future. To infect him with your own three views is pure deceit.

He has no strength of his own.

After waving his hands, Lu Nanke said: "Let's go quickly, go home and start a small business or buy some land and then marry a wife. The world is too chaotic, it's not suitable for you."

He was not interested in asking the boy's name.

"Thank you benefactor!" The boy kowtowed again, then turned around and left resolutely.

"Back to that sentence." Lu Nanke raised his hand and patted Bai Qiuyue's bright and clean forehead, "You know it's poisonous and you still eat it?"

"You ate it too, so I feel fine." Bai Qiuyue blinked her big innocent eyes.

Lu Nanke was helpless, "You are so stupid, how did you get all the way here?"

"No one else can beat me." Bai Qiuyue said it as a matter of course, "Just go like this, and I'm not stupid, others don't have this comfortable feeling like you."

Lu Nanke understood, what a comfortable feeling.

In addition to my three views that are very different from this world, it is probably the attraction of my "Tang Monk flesh".

Although this silly girl has not awakened yet, she is still a husband after all.

"But it's hard to guard against poisoning, right? Just like today, if it weren't for me, wouldn't you suffer? Those people are obviously here for you."

Lu Nanke still intends to let her have a long memory.

By the way, why would such a stupid and cute girl become a black-bellied monster in the future?
Is 10,000+ years really so outrageous?

Bai Qiuyue has never thought about these things, "But no one has poisoned me along the way."

"Not in the past doesn't mean there won't be in the future, don't you see it now."

Since he wanted to give her the fake "Secret Records of Xiantian Absolute Beginning", she would definitely be targeted before he "takes away" "Secret Records of Xiantian Absolute Beginning".

At that time, it will not only be the so-called magic sect and the underworld, but also the heroes of the righteous way. How many people really don't care?
Even in a sect like Baimaguan, Yun Qingzi, the Supreme Elder, did something like a beast?

Tsk, I really don't know how this girl came all the way to Baima Temple.

With a thought in Lu Nanke's mind, the magnetic field rotated with full force to sense it.

Sure enough, he sensed a powerful force not far away.

From the perspective of strength, it is obviously not as good as Yun Qingzi and Zhou Kejie, but it is much stronger than Wu De and Li Xiang.

Congenital master?

No wonder the girl was fine all the way to Baimaguan. It turned out that the "Sword Master" Bai Wentian secretly sent Youtian Jiange's innate masters to protect her daughter.

But with this strength, I'm afraid she won't be able to protect Bai Qiuyue in a few days.

Lu Nanke asked, "Where do you live now?"

Bai Qiuyue shook her head, "I will arrive in Luoyang today."

"That means there is no place to live? By the way, why did you come to Luoyang? To participate in the Dao Discussion Ceremony?" Lu Nanke began to think of a way.

Bai Qiuyue shook her head first, and then nodded, "Originally, I just came to tell the news of the death of the white horse disciple, but this grand ceremony seems very interesting. I want to see if there are people as interesting as you, such as Lu Wanqing and Shen Xinghua."

Then she seemed to think of something, and suddenly asked: "You are the Holy Son of the Devil's Gate, so if you come, will your Saintess of the Devil's Gate come too? The one named Zhaoxi."

Lu Nanke: "."

He knows it!

Since Lu Wanqing and Shen Xinghua showed up, how could Zhaoxi be missing?
The witch saint?
Right now, I only hope that the "top" is "Biao·Zhaoxi", preferably the one with amnesia.

But for the time being, Bai Qiuyue's side is more important.

After thinking for a while, Lu Nanke came up with a bad idea, "Anyway, you have to go to the White Horse Temple, and I happen to live in the White Horse Temple, how about you staying in my yard tonight?"

Immediately afterwards, he continued, "Of course, the same courtyard has different rooms."

Bai Qiuyue said without hesitation, "Okay."

On the contrary, her reaction made Lu Nanke unable to articulate all the reasons he had thought up in his heart.

Even this guy began to suspect: Could it be that she actually has your memory or that you are her now?Are you playing with me?

After all, no matter how you look at it, it looks like this girl is attacking Lu Nanke in reverse.

[Young master's thinking has always been out of the ordinary. Although the young master is not ordinary, he is still confident.This is very good, but if the concubine wants to, why send the young master to the past?This is the world where the concubine belongs, if the son appears in front of the concubine, even they can't take him away. 】

When Lu Nanke thought about it, what she said seemed quite reasonable.

[Or is it that the son wants to serve the concubine?Although the concubine does not insist on the son, if the son is willing to recommend himself as a pillow mat, the concubine will also consider it. 】

sorry!I was wrong!
Lu Nanke slid to his knees.

[Young master, be cautious in your words and deeds.It's better to complete the transaction between you and me first. 】

You ancients are so old-fashioned.

Lu Nanke pouted, stood up and began to search the corpses.

How can I kill the monsters without exploding gold coins?He is quite confident in his burst rate.

After a while, he found a total of more than 300 taels of silver, of which more than ten taels of silver were broken, and the rest were bank notes.

Tsk, the explosion rate of so many monsters is not as high as that of Yun Qingzi alone, so no matter how many mobs there are, it is better to kill a boss.

What's more, Yun Qingzi also exploded a magic weapon "Qinghong", and opened the follow-up "Secret Record of Xiantian Taichu" mission line by the way.

But he was still very curious, "You trust me so much? They say that men and women can't get along with each other, so you don't worry if we are alone? And I'm the son of the devil, don't you worry that I'm dealing with them? Bitter trick? Maybe my purpose is to gain your trust."

Bai Qiuyue blinked her big eyes, then tilted her head, "Then you are?"

"Of course not, I'm a gentleman, if you say different houses, you will definitely have different houses."

Lu Nanke's face straightened, "This place is not safe, let's go back to Baima Temple first."

"Okay." Bai Qiuyue felt confident.

After the two left, a handsome middle-aged cold-faced old man appeared in the inn.

Looking at the corpses all over the floor, his expression changed slightly.

"'Blood Slaughter' Zheng Xiang?"

Seeing a familiar face, he quickly stepped forward and knelt down for an autopsy.

"Punch through the heart."

He stroked the cotton-like wound lightly with his fingers, and his expression changed again, "There is no internal force, and no vitality of heaven and earth. What is this?"

He turned to look east.

The strength of the demon son is not inferior to his own!No!Even stronger than yourself!

This "Blood Slaughter" is known as one of the "Sixteen Demons" in the Demon Sect, even if he wants to kill him, it will take a lot of effort.

But the devil's son pierced the heart with a punch, and he pierced the heart from the front.
It can't be so easy even without precautions.

"Pavilion Master, Miss is afraid of causing trouble when getting along with him."

But he knew there was no way to persuade him.

"Sword Saint" Bai Wentian's greatest goal in this life is to fight the "Demon Lord"!
If the disciple of the Demon Lord is so strong
Fortunately, they went to the White Horse Temple. In the White Horse Temple, nothing will happen to Miss.

Now he only hopes that this matter will be over soon, and that the young lady can return to Tianjian Pavilion as soon as possible.

With a sigh, he then began to help with the finishing touches.

What kind of world is this? The Holy Son of the Demon Sect kills the person of the Demon Sect, but one of the "Double Swords" of the Heavenly Sword Pavilion wants to wipe the opponent's ass.
Inside the White Horse Temple, Bai Qiuyue walked and ate a bunch of candied haws in her hand, while her clear and distant apricot eyes were still looking around curiously.

Lu Nanke didn't like candied haws, but when he passed by the Baima Guanmen market just now, he saw Bai Qiuyue staring at the candied haws, so he had no choice but to buy a bunch for her.

"Is this candied haws delicious?"

He doesn't like eating candied haws.

Or I like it when I was young, but when I grow up, I only buy candied haws with raisins.

"It's sour, but the sugar coating is very sweet."

Bai Qiuyue took a bite of the candied haws, her sour oval face wrinkled, she hurriedly licked the candied haws before recovering.

Lu Nanke said casually, "Since it's too sour, don't eat it."

"No." Bai Qiuyue looked at him seriously, "This is the first time you bought food for me, I have to eat it well."


What the hell!Dude has lived for 27 years, how could he be manipulated by a teenage girl?

The main thing is that this girl is not a scheming girl, but really thinks so, and really said so.

She wasn't shy, but Lu Nanke was a little shy.

This is probably "as long as I am not embarrassed, then the embarrassing is someone else"?
Taking a deep breath, Lu Nanke calmed down his slightly accelerated heartbeat, and then asked: "Isn't the meal I treated you to before considered a gift?"

"You said it was to return my favor, this is the first time." Bai Qiuyue was very serious.

"Okay, okay, but I still saved your life, and now you owe me." Lu Nanke's eyes overflowed with a smile, and even his voice was subconsciously gentle.

"Well, I will find a way." Bai Qiuyue nodded seriously, and even clenched her fists as if to cheer herself up.

so good.
Lu Nanke teased in his heart: Fairy Bai, you were really cute when you were young.

【.Don't talk too much. 】

She is shy!

Lu Nanke's mood became better and better, he took Bai Qiuyue back to his small courtyard, only to find Wu De still sitting there drinking tea.

Lu Nanke frowned slightly, "Why are you still here?"

"Junior brother Li was called away by the master, I will wait for him here, and wait for you to come back by the way—"

Wu De turned his head while talking, but when he saw Bai Qiuyue, he was stunned for a moment, "Ah? Where did you abduct this girl? Lao Lu, I didn't say it. Although you are in the magic gate now, there are still some things that are still Can't do it."

He sighed sadly, "I wasn't quite sure when I calculated the 'Peach Blossom Evil' for your fortune-telling, but I didn't expect you to be... oh."

Lu Nanke's face darkened, "This is Bai Qiuyue, the young master of Tianjian Pavilion, put away your dirty thoughts."

Wu De sneered, "I'm sorry, I was wrong, I know you don't have that kind of thought, I just made a joke."

Lu Nanke's expression turned serious, "Of course I have that kind of thought, but I won't be in your white horse watch anyway. Even if I do, I'll bring her back to the Demon Sect as Mrs. Yazhai."


Dare to love you really have that idea!

But Wu De also knew that Lu Nanke was just joking, he knew what the other person was like.

Old Lu wouldn't do that kind of thing.

Probably maybe maybe not.
"Let's not talk about my business." Lu Nanke asked: "The Lord really called Lao Li away?"

"Yeah, I don't know why Master asked him." Wu De scratched his head, and then immediately reacted, "Don't change the subject! It's your matter that is more serious now! Lao Lu, you are still young, so don't degenerate into a You are really a member of the Demon Sect! Otherwise, the poor will have to cut off your robes and sever justice and relatives!"

Lu Nanke rolled his eyes, "As for it, no one said anything, why are you so anxious. Besides, do I look like that kind of person?"

"You have had a lot of peach blossoms since you were a child." Wu De continued to sigh, "Do you still remember when you were a child in Peach Blossom Village? At that time, the little girls in the neighborhood surrounded you. Watching the door, but you... I know your character, but sometimes you can't guard against others who come to the door."

"No." Lu Nanke laughed, "I won't provoke others when I'm idle."

"But Shen Xinghua, the young master of the Seven Star Pavilion, has come to the temple." Wu De looked at him vigilantly, "Don't attack them. Although the Seven Star Pavilion is not a pure orthodox sect, they control the world's intelligence and information. If you try to make trouble, big things will happen.”

"Don't worry, I will never take the initiative to find her, is that okay?" Lu Nanke was impatient, "I'm busy, so I don't have time to talk about love."

Shen Xinghua. Anyway, in this world, he doesn't want to have any contact with the other party.

But I'm afraid that the other party will take the initiative to come to the door.

Otherwise, why would Xingbao come to this world?

Now I just don't know what's going on with her, does she have memory but no power?Or is it similar to Bai Qiuyue?
Just when Wu De was about to say something, his gaze suddenly turned to the gate of the courtyard.

Tuk Tuk-

There was a knock on the door, and then a gentle voice sounded behind Lu Nanke, "Excuse me, is this the residence of Lu Nanke and Lu Shaoxia?"

This voice is too familiar!

Lu Nanke turned his head subconsciously, and what caught his eyes was a gentle girl in a light yellow and elegant long dress standing tall.

It's Shen Xinghua!

Seeing Lu Nanke, her black and white beautiful eyes were moistened for a while, and she subconsciously rushed forward.

But she stopped in front of Lu Nanke, bit her lower lip lightly with her white teeth, and stood with a smile on her cheeks.

"Brother Lu, long time no see, how are you?"


Lu Nanke glanced at Wu De.

Wu De was "stunned".

He looked back at Shen Xinghua again, the gentle girl stood with her hands on her back and smiled gently.

Bai Qiuyue looked curiously.

Lu Nanke was numb.

What's the matter--
At Zhou Kejie's residence, Li Xiang was restless.

Zhou Kejie, who was sitting across the table, poured a cup of tea by himself, and only after a while did he say, "Xiang'er, do you have something to hide from your teacher?"

Li Xiang's mind went blank, and his back was instantly soaked in cold sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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