she's nice but not human

Chapter 109 The Moon Is Beautiful Tonight

Chapter 109 The Moon Is Beautiful Tonight
"Three is too much, one."

Lu Nanke began to bargain, "One condition is the limit I can accept."

Shen Xinghua frowned, "If that's the case, then the younger sister has no choice but to raise the requirements for this condition."

For example, there were originally additional conditions such as "not violating the morals of the world" and "won't embarrass you".

But now if there is only one, these cannot be counted, and there will be no other preferential treatment except "will not hurt you".

"Okay." Lu Nanke smiled, "But in the final analysis, I am still the one who will do things in the end. If I choose not to accept Xingbao, what will you do to me?"

Shen Xinghua's beautiful eyes widened, "Why is this! Brother Lu clearly promised me!"

Lu Nanke smiled triumphantly, "My brother is the Holy Son of the Demon Sect, are you teaching me how to do things?"

Dude is a magic door!Isn't it normal that words don't count?

Now Lu Nanke wants to humiliate Shen Xinghua severely!
"Woo what?"

Shen Xinghua puffed up his cheeks and complained, "Then someone placed an order to buy Brother Lu's head. I won't tell you."

Lu Nanke was shocked, "What? Someone bought my life?"

Shen Xinghua turned his head and ignored him.

Wu De next to him frowned and said: "Although the Seven Star Pavilion is an intelligence organization, I have heard of it before. There are rumors in the world that the Seven Star Pavilion seems to be involved in the assassination."

Intelligence organization plus killer organization?
Lu Nanke thinks this is more reasonable.

How to assassinate without information?

He looked at Shen Xinghua.

Shen Xinghua returned with a gentle smile, "If it weren't for this deterrence, how could an organization with so many secrets about the world still exist?"

Lu Nanke glanced at Wu De, "Is it okay to tell this secret?"

Shen Xinghua blinked her beautiful eyes, "Because he is someone that Brother Lu trusts, so he will trust him too."

Bai Qiuyue suddenly said, "I also heard Dad talk about the Seven Star Pavilion at home, and he said that it is the largest assassin organization in the world."

Lu Nanke understood.

Therefore, it is not a secret that the Seven Star Pavilion is an assassin organization in the eyes of the big forces.

Shen Xinghua cast a sideways glance at Bai Qiuyue.

Although it was only the first time seeing him, for some reason, she hated this white-clothed girl swordsman very much.

Lu Nanke shook his head, suddenly looked at the door with a heartbeat, and then said to Wu De: "It seems that Lao Li is fine, now you can rest assured."

Wu De was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Lu Nanke with a complicated expression.

Even Shen Xinghua was a little surprised.

Only Bai Qiuyue was expressionless and ignorant, still eating the candied haws that she didn't really want to eat.

They were surprised because Lu Nanke's strength was much stronger than theirs.

Although Wu De had fought against each other before, neither side was serious. He knew that Lu Nanke was better than him, but he didn't expect to be so much stronger.

After all, Li Xiang hasn't sensed it yet.

Shen Xinghua had almost the same idea.

I haven't seen him for many years, but brother Lu has become so powerful, even better than her, the current head of Qixing Pavilion.

As for Wu De, whom he had known since childhood.
She has no interest, and her strength is not enough, so she doesn't catch her eyes.

For her, there are only a few of her peers who can care a little bit.

After all, after she ascended to the position in Seven Star Pavilion, the ones she will face in the future will be all the strong men of the older generation.

Not long after, Shen Xinghua was the first to sense the approach of outsiders, and almost at the same time Bai Qiuyue slightly raised her eyes and glanced in that direction.

After a few breaths, Wu De, who had fully used his induction skills, felt the familiar breath.

Li Xiang was right.

Lu Nanke noticed the reactions of the three of them.

It seems that in terms of strength, Xingbao is on the same level as Bai Qiuyue, and Wu De is still a little behind.

But this is normal.

Although they haven't awakened yet, those two are mythological root monsters after all.
Not long after, Li Xiang stepped into the hospital.

It was the first time Lu Nanke saw a smile on his face in this world, and even his footsteps were brisk and not as heavy as before.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, seeing Bai Qiuyue and Shen Xinghua there, he was slightly taken aback, then looked at Lu Nanke, "Who are these two?"

"Bai Qiuyue, the young master of Tianjian Pavilion, and Shen Xinghua, the young master of Seven Star Pavilion." Lu Nanke raised his chin, "This is Daoist Li Xiang, a true disciple of the White Horse Temple."

Shen Xinghua bowed slightly to salute, but Bai Qiuyue didn't respond.

"Fu Sheng Wuliang Tianzun, the poor Li Xiang has met the two young pavilion masters."

He had a lot of things he wanted to talk to Lu Nanke, but this was not the time to talk.

He gave Wu De a look, and then said: "I think the three of you still have something to say, so Brother Poor Dao will not bother you."

Wu De didn't know why, "What do you think I'm doing?"

Li Xiang's face darkened, and he couldn't help but drag him along, "Stop talking nonsense! Go, go!"

Why does this guy have no eyesight at all?
Why do you, a disciple of the White Horse Temple, get involved in the matter between the Holy Son of the Demon Sect and the young masters of the Tianjian Pavilion and the Seven Star Pavilion?You are not Kun Dao!
Wu De had no choice but to be dragged away by him.

But he felt that Li Xiang gave people a different feeling today than in the past, as if... a lot lighter?
As the two left, Lu Nanke walked to the stone table beside the locust tree and sat down, then prepared three cups and poured three cups of tea, "Now tell me, who is going to kill me?"

Shen Xinghua walked up to Lu Nanke and put his hands behind his hips to tidy up the skirt. Afterwards, the beautiful buttocks pressed against the stone bench were slightly squeezed and deformed. Lu Nanke subconsciously glanced where he was watching.

Shen Xinghua's beautiful eyes curved, "So brother Lu agreed to his conditions?"

She could see Lu Nanke's reaction, but she didn't say anything, and even turned sideways to make her curves more obvious.

Then she quietly cast a sideways glance at Bai Qiuyue, seeing the girl in white with a straight body like a knife, she curled her lips secretly.

It seems that this person is not a big threat.

Although she herself found it very strange that she hadn't seen him for many years, but after seeing Brother Lu again, not only did she not have any sympathy, but on the contrary became more cordial.

But maybe this is love at first sight?

It's probably not enough to fall in love with, but it must be enough to not hate it.

Bai Qiuyue tilted her head, her sword heart was clear, and she could feel that this woman was extremely hostile to her, although she didn't know why.

But she felt strange no matter how she looked at it, so she asked.

"Lu Nanke, why is she twisting around? Is it because of her waist and legs?"

Shen Xinghua: "."

Okay, young master of Tianjian Pavilion, right? Just wait.

Lu Nanke slowly got black lines on his forehead, "If you can't speak, don't speak, just watch quietly."

"Oh..." Bai Qiuyue glanced at the two candied haws left, her small face wrinkled, and continued to fight with the candied haws.

Only then did Lu Nanke turn around and say, "I only promise you one condition, and I will see if the time comes. If you are dissatisfied, then forget it."

Who wants to kill himself?

It doesn't matter.

Anyway, no matter who comes, just blow it up and finish the job.

Shen Xinghua's beautiful eyes lit up, "As expected of you, the Holy Son of the Demon Sect, that little girl said directly, it is the people from the Demon Sect who want to kill you, and they have placed a big order."

Lu Nanke raised his eyebrows, "Who is so stupid to reveal his identity when placing an order with the killer organization?"

"That's not the case. The Seven Star Pavilion takes orders without asking where they came from, but although there are many forces who know that the Seven Star Pavilion is an assassin organization, they are not many in the entire Jianghu.

"But Qixing Pavilion is the largest intelligence organization in Jianghu, so it's easy to investigate. But usually we don't tell the outside about this kind of thing. After all, we also need to accumulate word of mouth to do business."

The girl blinked, "But who told you to be my Brother Lu~ If Brother Lu wants to talk nonsense to the outside world, then I will have to swallow the bitter fruit myself."

Heh, even if you are not awakened now, you still want to take advantage of me. Lu Nanke said lightly: "If you don't want to say it, you don't have to say it."

"Sigh, Brother Lu is not as fun as before." Shen Xinghua pouted, but said it anyway, "It's Lin Mieqing, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of your Devil Sect, the 'Mie Dao Heavenly King'."

"Four Heavenly Kings"

Lu Nanke wanted to complain before.

This setting is really outrageous.

But "Dao Exterminating Heavenly King" is a familiar name.

Those shit eaters whom he turned into "Kirby of the Stars" before seemed to be his subordinates.

The man behind the incident against the White Horse Temple this time should be the "Heavenly King of Dao Extermination".

In other words, those who ambushed Bai Qiuyue in the Waiting for Fenglai Inn were also his subordinates.

No wonder he wanted to send someone to contact Your Excellency Seven Stars to kill him alone, because he dared to block his way.

If you don't do it directly, you might be afraid of Lu Jianmin.

But being able to kill himself shows that he doesn't really care about himself, the so-called holy son.

Forget it, anyway, if that guy dares to come, he dares to kill himself.

He has more questions to ask.

"So Lin Mieqing is also targeting the White Horse Temple this time? What are they going to do? And what is the reason?"

The folding fan in Shen Xinghua's hand was half-opened to cover the lower half of his face with crooked eyebrows and eyes.

Lu Nanke understood.

One thing can only answer one question, right?

"Tell me, I promise you the second thing too."

"What Lin Mieqing needs is "Secret Records of Innate Ancestor", because he wants to become the new Lord of the Demon Sect."

To put it bluntly, he is not Lu Jianmin's opponent, that is, his own strength cannot match his ambition.

So the idea came to "Secret Records of Xiantian Taichu".

"By the way, it was Mozun who sent the darts to Linwei Escort Bureau. Maybe it was for fishing or for other reasons, but Lin Mieqing knew about it. Even if it was a conspiracy, he would jump. go in."

Chen Xinghua smiled sweetly, "This message is from my younger sister to Brother Lu, no money will be charged~"

Lu Nanke was thoughtful, "I see."

Think shit!
This matter is easy to solve.

Anyway, after two or three days, the whole world will know that "Secret Record of Xiantian Taichu" has fallen into the hands of the Son of Demon Sect.

If Lin Mieqing wants to snatch it, come here.

It just so happened that Lu Nanke could take advantage of the situation and kill him, and by the way, kill him to build his prestige.

Lu Jianmin, right?
I can't beat you, an old bastard, can't you beat your subordinates?

you wait for me!

Watch buddy smash all your men to pieces!At that time, I will find you, an old thing, to explode gold coins!

"One last question." Lu Nanke stared at her eyes that were not covered by the fan, "What does the devil's maiden want to do to me?"

Compared with the so-called "Dao Exterminating Heavenly King", this matter is more important to him.

After all, that Demon Sect Saintess is so Zhao Xi!

Shen Xinghua raised three slender and white fingers, "Then this is the third condition?"

Lu Nanke nodded, "Allow you."

"Well, little girl, you have to think about what you want Brother Lu to do."

Shen Xinghua closed the folding fan and tapped his tender chin, "I don't know the specifics, but according to the gossip that my little sister has learned, the witch saint may be planning to use Brother Lu as a training furnace."

She tilted her head, "Perhaps Brother Lu, the Holy Son, was established for this purpose."

Lu Nanke: "."

Although it was outrageous and he didn't want to admit it, at this moment he really believed it.

But if Shen Xinghua hasn't awakened yet, then Zhao Xi shouldn't have awakened either, right?
Qiuyue A dream!help me!
【.Young master now thinks of me as a concubine. 】

Let me tell you what to do first?This is a transaction involving us!

【My lord, don't worry, Zhao Xi won't have any memory left, and Shen Xinghua, she has indeed lost her memory.Don't worry, son, as long as they capture the concubines when they were young before they awaken their memories, they will not threaten you. 】

Now the question is when will they wake up?What if you wake up tomorrow?What if he wakes up after a stick of incense?
[No, if the concubine's expectations are not bad, they will not awaken before the vitality of the world is broken, just like the concubine's.So just attack the concubine when I was young before that. 】

So here comes the question, when will the vitality of heaven and earth be broken?
[The concubine did not exist in the original history, so it has nothing to do with them to break through the vitality of the world. 】

Who did that?
[Young Master's adoptive father, 'Devil Lord' Lu Jianmin. 】

I knew it was him!

So what to do?I'm going to kill him?
[No, the concubine’s body also needs the vitality of the world to be washed away. According to the time calculation, there is still one year, so what the young master has to do is to attack the young concubine’s body within one year. 】

What if the three of them make trouble?
[It's very simple, the young master only needs to mix up the three of her and let the three of them fight among themselves.At that time, the three of them will be busy fighting among themselves, so they probably won't have the time to interfere with you and me.When the vitality breaks through the world and awakens the concubine's body, even if they also awaken at that time, there is no way to recover, after all, this side of the world is where the concubine's body is. 】

Lu Nanke understands, this is making me green tea, right?
[Young Master, if you want to think this way, it’s actually fine. 】

Lu Nanke took a deep breath.

This is all to get rid of their interference, right?Surely I'm not a scumbag, right?
【.That's right, the young master is pure and benevolent, so feeding demons with his body is a last resort. 】

Whether others believe it or not, anyway, Lu Nanke himself believed it.

He suddenly turned his head to look at Shen Xinghua, his eyes were affectionate, "Xingbao, the moonlight is so beautiful tonight"

"Yeah." Shen Xinghua shuddered, "Brother Lu, your expression is disgusting."

"How could it be!" Lu Nanke turned his head to look at Bai Qiuyue with the same affectionate gaze, "Could it be that my expression is really disgusting?"

Bai Qiuyue looked at it for a moment, then seriously shook her head and nodded again, "I don't know if it's disgusting or not, but I always feel like drawing a sword and stabbing you in the face a few times."

The smile on Lu Nanke's face froze.

He sighed, and his face returned to seriousness, "Xingbao, can you Qixing Pavilion place an order now? I want to kill a few people."

Shen Xinghua smiled and said, "Who does Brother Lu want to kill?"

Lu Nanke's eyes dimmed, "All the famous and famous people under Lin Mieqing's subordinates will be killed."

(End of this chapter)

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