she's nice but not human

Chapter 110 The strength becomes stronger again!

Chapter 110 The strength becomes stronger again!

Shen Xinghua was puzzled, "Brother Lu, as the holy son of the Demon Sect, wants to kill the master of the Demon Sect?"

"Our magic sect is like this, what kind of magic sect is it if we don't fight each other?"

Lu Nanke said lightly, "Let's just say whether to take it or not."

"It's not a big problem to pick it up." Shen Xinghua said seriously: "It's just that the fee for the Seven Star Pavilion is very expensive."

Lu Nanke snorted, then took out five hundred taels of silver bills and handed them over.

Shen Xinghua took it casually, and then said with a smile: "This is not enough."

Lu Nanke said lightly: "This is just a deposit."

Although it was a deposit, it also consumed nearly half of his net worth.

It seems that I have to find a way to explode the gold coins again.

"One person's deposit? That's enough." Shen Xinghua put away the 500 taels of silver, "I wonder who brother Lu will kill first?"

"...Just one person?" Lu Nanke's "the appearance of the devil's son" couldn't hold back any longer, "Can't you be accommodating?"

Shen Xinghua was even more curious, "Could it be that Brother Lu, as the Holy Son of the Demon Sect, has no money?"

Lu Nanke couldn't help sighing: "Holy Son? Holy Son is just a showman. Every day when I open my eyes, I have to think about how to make money. It's such a big magic door. So many people expect to serve me when I eat and drink. Where did I come from?" What about the money?"

Shen Xinghua nodded, "The little girl can give Brother Lu a [-]% discount, after all we have such a good relationship."

".Can't you not charge money?"

Lu Nanke began to push forward, "Could it be that the relationship between our childhood sweethearts can be measured by mere money?"

Next to her, Bai Qiuyue blinked her apricot eyes, and then wrote in a small notebook, "One of the best ways to thicken your skin is to learn to forget, no matter what others say, even if you counted breaths ago, you have to pretend that you never said it. "

Even Shen Xinghua was surprised by Lu Nanke's shamelessness.

Rather, Lu Nanke at this time is not the same as the devil's son she imagined.

She thought that brother Lu was really as cruel as the rumors in the world, and that he would destroy everyone if he didn't agree with each other.

But this kind of brother Lu is the brother Lu she wants.

"It's all right, but my little sister has a request."

Lu Nanke raised a finger, "One size is one size, this is a requirement."

Shen Xinghua opened his mouth slightly, obviously Lu Nanke's lower limit was lower than she imagined.

After a while, she rolled her eyes angrily, "Just follow what Brother Lu said."

Lu Nanke nodded, "Well, what request do you want to make?"

Shen Xinghua swiped the folding fan in his hand to cover the lower half of his face, "In the future, if Brother Lu gets the "Secret Records of the Innate and Absolute Beginning", can I allow my younger sister to watch it?"

Lu Nanke narrowed his eyes slightly, what does she know?
Seven Star Pavilion is worthy of being the largest intelligence organization in the world.

"Okay, if my brother is really lucky enough to get that legendary book, I can lend it to you, or even give it to you."

Shen Xinghua shook his head lightly, "Little sister doesn't dare to ask for it, so it's decided that, seventeen masters from the Demon Sect' Dao Mie Tianwang" Lin Mieqing and below, I, Qixing Pavilion, will kill all of them within a month. "

She raised her plain white palm, and Lu Nanke reached out and slapped her three times.

"So, the contract is established."

Startled, Lu Nanke quickly lowered his head and spread his palms.

Well, no sweaty hands, that's okay.

He has contract PTSD now, but Bai Qiuyue said that making a contract with monsters requires liquid exchange, so it's fine.


Looking up at the moonlight, Shen Xinghua got up and stretched. The beautiful curves were clearly visible in Lu Nanke's eyes.

"Brother Lu, I'm going to sleep in this yard tonight too."

Lu Nanke raised a finger expressionlessly, "This is the second request."

"Brother Lu is really disgusting. Once someone is useless, he will be so indifferent."

But even though Shen Xinghua complained, he didn't seem to care, "Then it's the second condition."


Lu Nanke nodded, then turned around and walked into the house, "See you tomorrow."

Seeing him walking so gracefully, Shen Xinghua was slightly taken aback, then looked at Bai Qiuyue, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, "Young Pavilion Master, what is your purpose for approaching Brother Lu?"

Bai Qiuyue said calmly, "I think he's very interesting."

"Oh, I hope so."

Shen Xinghua suddenly moved closer, almost touching the tip of Bai Qiuyue's nose.

The expression on her delicate and pretty face is distorted and terrifying, her beautiful eyes are as deep as nine deep, "I don't care what you think, but I advise you to stay away from brother Lu, I will always stare at you. If you dare to go one step further .Ah."

Although she didn't know why, she absolutely hated Bai Qiuyue.

This disgusting feeling was disgusting for no reason, and she even wanted to tear her apart.

Although she had never seen this Bai Qiuyue before, just like the princess Lu Wanqing of the Great Zhou Dynasty and the maiden Zhao Xi of the Demon Sect, just hearing the name made her sick to the point of nausea.

From a young age, Shen Xinghua knew that he was different.

Unlike ordinary children, she is the kind of person who is born with Su Hui.

And when she was a child, she discovered that Brother Lu might be the same person as her.

So she can become the real Pavilion Master of the Seven Star Pavilion at a young age, and Brother Lu can become the Holy Son of the Demon Sect.

In Shen Xinghua's eyes, except for a few people in this world, other people are no different from ants.

This feeling is very strange, obviously many masters are stronger than her, but she just has this feeling.

So she found out a lot of things with the help of Seven Star Pavilion.

For example, there were mountain spirits and ghosts in the world hundreds of years ago.

It's just that 300 years ago, for some reason, no strong man could reach the legendary supreme state.

However, there are records in the archives of the major powers, and even the kung fu techniques of many top powers can clearly reach a higher level. Seniors.

So. It's because the heavens and the earth are shackled.

Shen Xinghua had a feeling that her bloodline might not be mortal, but a fairy god or something that surpassed mortals too much.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain her weird feeling.

And there are only four people who can give her this feeling.

Lu Nanke, and three other people who only knew their names.

Bai Qiuyue, Lu Wanqing, Zhaoxi.

She wasn't sure at first, but after seeing Bai Qiuyue today, the feeling of disgust became ten times more obvious!
And the feeling for Lu Nanke was nine times stronger!
It was a disgust from the bottom of my heart, a hatred of blood that could be compared.

So she was also looking forward to that happening.

The breakthrough of heaven and earth vitality.
She had a hunch that if that day came, there would only be these few people who could be compared to her in this world.

Then Bai Qiuyue approached Big Brother Lu because she felt the same way as herself?
Bai Qiuyue tilted her head, "I hate you very much."

The corner of Shen Xinghua's mouth grinned, and the folding fan in his hand immediately slashed towards Bai Qiuyue's throat!
There was a soft sound of metal clashing, and sparks flew everywhere!
Seeing the blade of the fan being blocked by the long sword, Shen Xinghua immediately swiped at Bai Qiuyue's fair and smooth cheeks.

Let's see how you can stay by Brother Lu's side after your disfigurement!

But this change was also blocked by Bai Qiuyue.

With a clear sword heart, she can almost predict the opponent's moves.

This is basically close to Lu Nanke's so-called "complete state".

If you want to make a comparison, she now has about [-]% of the "complete state".

However, the two may have a wonderful tacit understanding. Although the attack was fierce, it was not really serious, and it was more of a test.

Maybe there is still a desire not to disturb Lu Nanke.

But Lu Nanke in the room obviously knew about it.

He leaned on the door frame and quietly looked at the two fiercely fighting outside.

"Is it okay for the two of them to fight like this?"

[It's okay, Shen Xinghua is not a concubine's opponent, but she should have more calculations.This person is just as the concubine said, once things are out of her control, she will throw her mind away and ignore them. 】

[Now that she is still restraining, it means that she has not exceeded her self-righteous control. She is just testing, so nothing will happen. 】

Lu Nanke sighed: By the way, why did Lu Jianmin do this?What is his purpose in unblocking the vitality of the world?
[I don’t know, I didn’t understand all this at that time, and I gradually understood some things until the vitality of heaven and earth was unblocked and awakened. 】

[This matter was indeed done by Lu Jianmin, but he was not in charge. I vaguely remember that it was the royal family of the Great Zhou who actually did this.I forgot the method, I only remember that many people died. 】

So don't you know why Lu Jianmin did this?
[It is said that it is for my concubine and uncle Lu Lishuang. 】

Lu Nanke: "."

Mom, mom, I still can't get around you.

In fact, Lu Nanke is already suspicious now.

Every world has traces of my mother's existence, but it always seems to have been dead for many years.

But since I am "Tang Monk Meat" in the eyes of these mythical concept demons, then is my mother an ordinary middle-aged woman?

In Lu Nanke's impression, there is no trace of his father's existence at all.

Not even photos or relics.

When I asked in the past, my mother said that she passed away very early. Later, as I gradually matured, I was afraid that my mother would be sad, so I didn't ask again.

Now it seems that my mother is also a big problem.

But these can only be said after finding her.

He was helpless again: So I have to grow enough to kill Lu Jianmin within a year?

[It's okay if you don't stop it, but when the memory of the three of them wakes up, I'm afraid that more trouble will happen to me. 】

Lu Wanqing and Zhao Xi don't seem to be here, so what should I do next?
Lu Nanke complained in his heart: Since you are foresight, you can't give me something good or something?For example, what magic tricks, magical weapons, treasures, etc.?

[Young Master already has the secret book "Taiqing Dao" of the Baima Guanzhen School, and the magic weapon already has the 'Qinghong' Excalibur. Does it mean that Young Master needs things like gold and silver? 】

need!I need it!
【.That being the case, after the White Horse Temple's "Discussion on Dao" is over, the young master will go to Wangwu Mountain. There is a treasure buried by the richest man Li Nong 200 years ago. If the young master can take it away, he will naturally have no worries about money. 】

Done!Then go to Wangwushan!
[It is appropriate to do so. 】

Now that he has decided, he no longer struggles, and Lu Nanke looks at the yard outside through the punctured window paper.

At this moment, Bai Qiuyue and Shen Xinghua have already exchanged hundreds of moves, regardless of the outcome.

Finding a loophole, Shen Xinghua immediately withdrew from the battle circle, and Bai Qiuyue did not rejoin.

"That's the end of the night."

Shen Xinghua opened the folding fan with a swipe, and squinted her beautiful eyes to look at the girl in white who she hated in front of her, "I will keep an eye on you."

After finishing speaking, she glanced at Lu Nanke's room, then walked into the room on the left and closed the door.

Bai Qiuyue stood there for a while, then walked into the room on the right.

And Lu Nanke in the middle room was sweating profusely on his forehead.

【Young master, what's the matter? 】

Lu Nanke murmured: "I'm afraid I will suffer tonight!"

【Why? 】

"Based on the nature of urine, the two of them will definitely attack me at night! Even if you didn't know how to do it when you were young, Shen Xinghua can't say for sure!"

【. The young master's self-confidence made the concubine look sideways again. 】

"Then tell me if you have any thoughts about me."

[The concubine is not as crazy as them. 】

"So you have an idea?"

[. If the young master thinks so, the concubine can't help it. 】

What a scumbag speech!

"That means they won't attack me tonight?"

【Won't. 】

"I can rest assured that."

Lu Nanke sat on the bed, took out "Taiqingdao" and flipped through it.

Soon he closed the book.

Without him, I don't understand.

"Qiuyue A Dream!"

[.Young master, relax your mind, I will take you to practice. 】

Hearing this, Lu Nanke closed his eyes and sat cross-legged.

Afterwards, he felt a breath coming from his dantian and traveling through his whole body along some kind of mysterious route, and quickly completed a week.

And it hasn't stopped, and every week it goes, it will grow by one point.

It took about a stick of incense to stop and return to Dantian.

[Young master can follow this route to practice. 】

Lu Nanke was stunned, and then closed his eyes.

The trickle-like breath was instantly swallowed up by the rotation of the magnetic field generated by his rubbing cells.

Then this magnetic field force traveled all over the sky along the route just now.

His strength is growing rapidly!
Eighty-one thousand horses! 8 horses!Eighty-three thousand horses
In the end, it was raised all the way to [-] horses before it stopped!

He lowered his head and clenched his fist, and glanced at the golden Razer wrapped around his fist, "Sure enough, magnetic field rotation is a superpower that can be cultivated."

People with magnetic power are born with it.

After awakening, it can grow according to the strength of the heart.

But people with magnetic field power can also enhance their magnetic field power by practicing exercises.

"Sure enough."

In this way, he will be more sure about taking Bai Qiuyue away two days later.

Thinking of this, he took out "Secret Records of Innate Ancestor" and opened it.

In fact, he had quietly opened this book to Bai Qiuyue and Shen Xinghua just now.

But nothing appeared in the book.

Sure enough, this thing has no effect on the mythical concept monsters, even if they haven't awakened yet.

After all, the personality is too high.

Let's see Wu De and Li Xiang tomorrow.

Just as he was about to close the book, the infusion fluid that was originally blank suddenly appeared with beautiful handwriting as if soaked in ink.

"Is this book finally owned? 』

Startled, Lu Nanke blurted out, "Who are you?"

There was no response from the book.

[Son, but what happened? 】

With a thought in his mind, Lu Nanke forced himself to calm down.

As long as it is not a subconscious initiative, Bai Qiuyue will not know.

And judging from her current reaction, she couldn't see the contents of this book!

So he pricked his finger and wrote a paragraph in the book.

"I am the owner of the book, who are you?"

"I?Of course I am the previous owner of this book, my name is Lu Lishuang. 』

 I can't pay for my mortgage, and I've been working part-time recently.

(End of this chapter)

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