Chapter 111

Lu Lishuang? !


The wound on Lu Nanke's finger had healed, so he had to pierce it again to write on the book.


"Don't recognize your relatives indiscriminately, she is still a big girl with yellow flowers. 』

"Mom! I am Lu Nanke!"

"Lu Nanke?The kid that someone picked up from the trash can? 』

"Mom! Where are you?"

As for what was picked up in the trash can
He is already 27, still care about this kind of joke?

"Of course I'm going now, this is just a spiritual consciousness left by me before I died. 』

Lu Nanke was not used to it. Although it was his mother's style, it felt quite playful.

A teenage version of mom?Do you want to be so lively? It always feels weird.

"Mom, where are you? How can I find you?"

"But it's just a spiritual consciousness, how does it know where the main body has gone, anyway, it's just not in this world, maybe it's ascended?" 』

Lu Nanke's face darkened and he had nothing to say.

『Let’s not talk about this, let’s calculate the time. It should be nearly [-] years since I was injected into this book. What about my mother’s daughter-in-law and grandchildren?Pull it out for my mother to see! 』

"." You are walking the dog!You can pull it out for a while, right?

"I'm still alone."

"oh?What about the two girls in the next room?Hmm. The descendant of Qixing Pavilion and Tianjian Pavilion? 』

"Just friends for now."

"Does that mean we won't be friends in the future?"But what about the other consciousness linked to your spiritual consciousness?Fortunately, Wei Niang blocked her for the time being, her feeling was very similar to that of Wei Niang's junior from Tianjian Pavilion in the next room.But this spiritual sense is so strong, stronger than before Wei Niang left, she didn't ascend?Or just leave a spiritual consciousness like Wei Niang? 』

"I don't know that, but mom, you won't be seen by her if you communicate with me directly?"

"No, she was blocked by others.And can you stop calling me mom?They are only two decades old. 』

The 20-year-old mother Lu Nanke was numb, "Then what should I call you?"

"Lishuang?Shuang'er?Or my sister will do.No, no, no, he is younger than you now. 』

"Mom, don't play with me, I'm already 27, I'm not your toy anymore."

"It's boring, what's the point of raising a child if it's not for fun! 』


The trace of doubt in Lu Nanke's heart dissipated.

Who else could make such violent remarks except his mother?
"Mom, I want to tell you something about me."

Then he told all about himself.

Not only in this world, but also the mental journey of the past few worlds, as well as the encounters with them.

Maybe he didn't just tell his mother, he didn't care if his mother in this world could understand a piece of spiritual knowledge, anyway, he said everything in one go.

Maybe he was also under too much pressure and took the opportunity to vent it.

"Who knows what you say! 』

Sure enough, it's still my mother's style.

"But even though I don't understand, you must have worked hard. 』

Lu Nanke's eyes turned hot, and he wrote on the paper, "Yeah, I'm so tired. Mom, I miss the tomato scrambled eggs you made. Although you often put less salt and it doesn't taste good, I really want it."

"It's not as cute as when I was a child, but forget it, it's my fault that I didn't care about you before I left. 』

"Mom, what should I do now?"

"Just do what Bai Qiuyue said. Although she didn't tell the truth, it's nothing to worry about.According to what you said, she should be prepared to win. Once the vitality of the world is unsealed, it will be difficult for you to check and balance it.At that time, if she wants to break the contract and force you to stay, you will have no way to resist, and the other big monsters you mentioned will not be able to save you. 』

"Then what should I do? Do you still have to do what she said?"

"But she didn't know I was there. 』

"Good boy, as long as you do what she says, they will probably recover their memories and even some of their strength after the vitality of the world is unsealed."But she is the body, and the others are avatars, so she feels in control. 』

"But as long as you cultivate to the level you should have, I can pull you out of this world through the link of spiritual consciousness, even if she is there, she can't stop you." 』

Lu Nanke lifted his spirits, "Then I can completely get rid of their threat?"

"Not necessarily, but at least they won't pose a threat to you for a short time. 』

"I understand, then do as she says."

"Yes, and you have a question. 』

"what is the problem?"

"You don't look like a person from this world, so the next time I meet an enemy, my spiritual sense will rely on my attachment. Then don't resist, and then see how I do it." 』

"it is good."

Lu Nanke felt relieved.

For some reason, he seemed to feel at ease as long as his mother was around.

This is probably the relationship between knowing where your roots are?
The words on "Secret Records of Xiantian Taichu" disappeared, not only the words written by my mother, but also the words written by him with blood.

But at this moment, Bai Qiuyue's doubtful voice sounded again in her mind.

[Is there any problem with this book? The concubine seems to be staring at this book in a daze. 】

"No, I just want to see if I can see the life of you and Shen Xinghua when you were young, but the book doesn't show anything."

[Because the personality of the concubine and others is much higher than this book, even if it is not awakened, it is not something that can be seen in a mere book, even this book is extraordinary. 】

Lu Nanke understood.

"By the way, you and Xingbao really won't attack me tonight?"

【.Young master's self-confidence always makes the concubine envious.But at this time, they are following the rules of this world, and they will not do that kind of thing, please rest assured, young master. 】

"Then I'm relieved, alas."

Lu Nanke let out a long sigh, which seemed to be a pity.

He took off his blue gown, lay down on the bed and pulled the quilt, and then seemed to think of something suddenly, "It means you can see everything around me now?"

[If I want to. 】

Startled, Lu Nanke quickly took off his underwear and collapsed on the bed into a "奆" character, "Then you are taking advantage of me?"

[The concubine can even transform the son into a woman in the future. 】

"Sorry! I was wrong!"

Lu Nanke immediately put on his underwear again and got into bed to sleep.

"Good night."

【Good night, son. 】
Silent all night.

After waking up the next day, Lu Nanke was rather disappointed, "No one really attacked at night."

According to the plot, shouldn't there be a night attack, right? Then everyone pulls each other or something.

It can only be said that the people in this ancient fictional world are really conservative, and the kind of plot that we like to hear and see has never happened!

【Young master seems to be very disappointed, so it's better to stay here with my concubine after the matter is over. 】

"Have you seen Tu Qiong Dagger?"

[The concubine has never concealed her identity. If the young master wants to leave the concubine, he will not stop him, but if the young master wants to keep the concubine, he will not refuse. 】

What a scumbag's speech!

If it was before, Lu Nanke would have believed her.

But my mother was right last night!

When the time comes, she will be powerful, who can defy her?Even Ms. Lu, Xingbao, and Zhaoxi are useless, after all, they are just incarnations and Bai Qiuyue is the body.

At that time, she really broke the contract and refused to let herself go, but imprisoned herself as a star, who can save herself?
No one can save themselves!
"Forget it, I won't go out today."

Lu Nanke put on his clothes and sat cross-legged on the bed, "Tomorrow is the time to do big things, and today we need to recharge our batteries."

Moreover, he had just finished practicing the magic power of the Baima Temple town school, and the magnetic field rotation also increased to [-] horsepower, and now is the time to consolidate it.

One hundred thousand horses seems to be the threshold.

Lu Nanke stopped talking, but closed his eyes and tried hard to control his surged strength.

This practice is two days later.
Bai Qiuyue came out of the house and looked at Lu Nanke's door.

Lu Nanke was still in the room, and Shen Xinghua seemed to be in the room too.

It's been two days, and they haven't been out of the house except when eating.

Bai Qiuyue blinked her almond eyes and didn't bother them.

She originally thought that Lu Nanke didn't practice, but now it seems that he can practice well.

She also has some expectations.

Among her peers, she has never been invincible, even Shen Xinghua, who she finds annoying, is no match for her.

It's not that her realm skills are not as good as hers, but that she has a clear sword heart.

Or is it the "perfect state" that Lu Nanke said?
She didn't understand it very well, but it happened naturally when she was a child. She still remembered the sour eyes in surprise from her father.

Leaving the courtyard, following a young Taoist priest to the main hall, she recalled what her father said, so she straightened her clothes and walked into the main hall.

The main hall is very solemn at the moment, besides Zhou Kejie at the head, the grand master chairs on both sides are also full of elders from various sects.

Even the disciples standing behind them looked at Bai Qiuyue who walked into the hall vaguely.

Recalling her father's repeated instructions, she cupped her hands like a teacher who taught etiquette, "Tianjian Pavilion Bai Qiuyue, I have met Master Zhou."

There are good intentions and malicious intentions in those eyes around her, none of which can be concealed from her "bright sword heart".

But she didn't care, and she didn't want to know them at all, so she just saluted Zhou Kejie.

She didn't feel the old Taoist's emotions were real, but she could vaguely feel that she was kind to herself.

"Fusheng Wuliang Tianzun, the master of the young pavilion came to the Pindao White Horse Temple for that transaction?"


As soon as he said this, many masters from other sects who came to watch the ceremony stared at Bai Qiuyue more solemnly, which meant something inexplicable.

Bai Qiuyue tilted her head, "I don't know about this, I came here to say something, Yun Qingzi of your school died in Jingchuan Town, and I buried him, so I came here to inform the White Horse Temple."

As soon as she said this, the whole room was in an uproar.

Many people looked at an old man sitting at the back on the left.

The old man Lu Nanke also knew Li Yanchong of Jade Sword Gate.

Li Yanchong's expression was dignified, and his eyes were a little stunned, "Could it be that you were the one who left so quickly when I saw the old man and his disciples arrive?!"

Bai Qiuyue nodded, "If it's the one who buried Yun Qingzi, then it's probably me."

As soon as she said this, the original noise in the room disappeared immediately, and it seemed that a needle could be heard in the room.

After a while, a bearded man laughed boldly, "Zhou Zhenren, just now Elder Li said that Daoist Master Yun Qingzi of Guiguan died at the hands of the Demon Sect, and the people of Jingchuan Town also died in terrible conditions."

He turned his head to look at Bai Qiuyue and narrowed his tiger eyes slightly, "Could it be that the young master of the Tianjian Pavilion colluded with the monsters of the Momen? Then the deaths of the innocent people in Jingchuan Town will have to be discussed."


With a sigh, Zhou Kejie's expression was heavy, "Uncle Yunqingzi went mad, and the people of Jingchuan Town were also killed by him. Afterwards, his heart burned and he died. There is no need to say more about it."

"Zhou Zhenren"

"Fusheng Wuliang Tianzun! I don't need to talk too much!"

With a flick of the whisk, Zhou Kejie's face darkened.

The grand master's aura made no one dare to speak out for a while.

"This matter has been settled. Pindao will send his disciples to Jingchuan Town to open an altar to save the souls of the dead later, and try to find survivors and relatives of the victims to pay for their pain. There is no need to say more about it."

Zhou Kejie took out a simple thread-bound book with a dark blue cover from the wide sleeve of his Taoist robe.

Everyone's eyes were attracted to it, and many people's breathing even began to become heavier and thicker.

Zhou Kejie threw out a soft force, and the book floated in front of Bai Qiuyue, and she subconsciously took it in her hand.

Looking down, the cover of the book is impressively written with six vigorous characters of "Secret Record of Xiantian Taichu".

She looked up, her eyes blank.

"This is the "Secret Record of Xiantian Taichu" mentioned by Pindao when he was discussing Dao with your father 'Sword Master'. At that time, Pindao had made an agreement with your father. Tao then lent him the book for a year to study.

"It's better to hit the sun than choose the day. You can take this book back to Tianjian Pavilion and give it to your father."

Bai Qiuyue tilted her head, she didn't seem to have heard her father mention this matter.

But maybe Dad didn't think it was necessary to let her know, and she didn't care much about other things.

Secondly, how could the master of the White Horse Temple lie to her as a little girl?

So she nodded and put away the book, "This junior knows."

"Pay attention to the Demon Gate, why don't you leave today." Zhou Kejie suddenly added.

He turned his head to look at the group of Lin Wei Escorts who were sitting a little far away, and then said: "President Xu, who was entrusted by someone to return this book to the White Horse Temple, was intercepted and killed by many monsters from the Demon Gate. Pay attention to safety, and remember to hurry back to Tianjian Pavilion as soon as possible."

"The juniors can save it."

Bai Qiuyue cupped her hands, turned her head and was about to leave.

Zhou Kejie flicked his whisk, and glanced at everyone in the hall, "Now that this matter is over, let's start the 'Discussion on Dao Ceremony' normally. You all brought your disciples here, and you must have been looking forward to it for a long time."

After he finished speaking, only a few people including Li Yanchong and Xu Sanhu responded.

After a long while, the bearded man laughed boldly, "Haha! What the Master said is very true! But in my opinion, it is better to explain this "Secret Record of Xiantian Taichu" first. This book is a legendary book in the world. Is it inappropriate to hand it over to the young master of Tianjian Pavilion? According to the information I have learned, this woman had an affair with the Holy Son of the Demon Sect, and this book may eventually fall into the hands of the Demon Sect. Resist the power of the 'Demon Lord'."

Zhou Kejie frowned, "What's Elder Li's opinion?"

This person is Li Yushu, the elder of the Kunxu Sect. Although his appearance is rough, he has a lot of thoughts.

Looking at it now, the information provided by Seven Star Pavilion is correct.

Zhou Kejie's eyelids were slightly closed, and he remained calm.

"I don't have any high opinion, just"

Li Yushu pointed at Bai Qiuyue, and several disciples from different sects stopped her.

"This witch who is having an affair with the Son of the Demon Sect can't leave with the book!"

 update completed!Then go to work!

(End of this chapter)

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