she's nice but not human

Chapter 112 Peerless Beauty Lu Lishuang

Chapter 112 Peerless Beauty Lu Lishuang

Zhou Kejie said indifferently: "Benefactor Li, could it be that you are teaching the poor Taoist to do things? If the poor Taoist is not old-fashioned, this place should be the White Horse Temple rather than the Kunxu sect."

Li Yushu looked like an old god, "Zhou Zhenren has always been reasonable, or is it that the White Horse Temple wants to protect the demons?"

"Who is a demon from the Demon Gate can be judged by oneself, and it is not up to outsiders to make irresponsible remarks."

Zhou Kejie flicked his fly whisk and glanced around, "Don't you comrades believe in poverty?"

No one answered.

Even Li Yanchong and Xu Sanhu dare not stand up at this moment.

If they are alone, or if they are a few decades younger, they will stand up as soon as their brains are hot.

After a while, someone said: "Zhou Zhenren, you are highly respected, it's not that I don't believe you, it's just that the matter is too big, we have to be cautious."

"Is that really the case?"

Zhou Kejie flicked his whisk, "This place is the boundary of Baimaguan. If the poor way lets her go, who dares to stop her."

"If Reverend Zhou is fine, we naturally dare not make a mistake, but." Li Yushu said with a smile, "Is there anything else Reverend Zhou can do at this moment?"

Zhou Kejie's expression changed slightly, "Poisoned?!"

The expressions of Li Yanchong, Xu Sanhu and others changed, and then they all fell down.

Although the consciousness is still there, the whole body is weak, and even the true energy seems to be stagnant, unable to exercise.

The only person standing at the scene was Li Yushu.

"There is no other way to do this. Master Zhou, you are too strong. If you don't make such a bad move, I'm afraid we won't be able to get the "Secret Records of the Innate and Absolute Beginning"."

Li Yushu smiled and said: "But please rest assured, we will not hurt you."

As soon as he beckoned, several disciples of the Kunxu Sect came forward behind him.

"Take them all down for safekeeping. If something goes wrong, I'll just ask you!"


Those few disciples wanted to step forward after saying that, but Zhou Kejie didn't move at all.

He stared at Li Yushu with both eyes, and suddenly said after a while: "So that's the case, Your Excellency is not the elder Li Yushu of the Kunxu Sect."

"No, this seat is Li Yushu from the Kunxu sect."

The big man with curly beard stood with his hands behind his back, at this moment he no longer had the shrewd calculations before, but instead looked like a master Yuan Ting Yue Zhi.

"But this seat is also the Holy Gate 'Mie Dao Heavenly King'.

"Thirty years ago, the Kunxu Sect was just a small sect with two or three kittens. If it weren't for the careful management of this seat, how could it be as grand as it is today?"

"What?! Demon Gate?!"

"'Mie Dao Heavenly King'?! He is the Demon Sect' Mie Dao Heavenly King' Lin Mieqing?!"

"How could this be?! Our discussion was just forcing the palace, and there was no poisoning."

"My life is over."

"Heavenly King! The villain is willing to obey! Please spare the life of the villain, Heavenly King!"

Lin Mieqing didn't care about the clamor of the rest of the masters from various sects who were sad, remorseful, scolding or begging for mercy.

He glanced at Bai Qiuyue who was standing there pretty and lively, his pupils lingered greedily on the book in her hand for a long time, and then looked at Zhou Kejie again, "Master Zhou, don't you wonder who poisoned the tea? ?”

Zhou Kejie raised his eyelids slightly, "It's nothing more than a certain disciple of the White Horse Temple who was bewitched by your evil sect."

"Not an ordinary disciple."

Lin Mieqing smiled slightly, and said loudly: "My dear disciple! Come out and show everyone! I'll let you fellow seniors be sensible ghosts!"

The heroes of the rivers and lakes who had collapsed on the chair and fell to the ground couldn't help but look around.

At this time, a young Taoist priest in a navy blue Taoist robe walked out slowly.

It is none other than Li Xiang, one of the two true heirs of the younger generation of Baimaguan.

"What?! He is actually a member of the Demon Sect?!"

"Zhou Zhenren doesn't know anyone."

"How could this be?"

"You ungrateful bastard!"

The insults and exclamations were endless, but Li Xiang was expressionless and unmoved.

"My disciple was already a member of the Holy Gate before being accepted by the White Horse Temple."

Li Yushu said with a faint smile: "I have been lurking in the White Horse Temple for twenty years, and what I have done is today. Now that hundreds of disciples of my Duanxin Dao have surrounded this place, what else can Daoist Zhou say?"

Zhou Kejie closed his eyes and remained silent.

"My dear disciple, go and destroy Master Zhou's dantian. My teacher promised you not to kill him, but Master Zhou's abilities are peerless. If you don't do this, your teacher will not be able to spare his life."

Hearing this, Li Xiang walked up to Zhou Kejie expressionlessly and knelt down, then knocked his head three times.

Zhou Kejie raised his eyelids slightly, but there was a faint smile in his eyes, "Good boy, get up and do what you want."

Li Xiang nodded, then got up and turned around.

Lin Mieqing sensed that something was wrong, and frowned, "What are you doing in a daze! If you don't do it again, I won't be able to spare his life!"

Li Xiang looked at him with a smile on his face.

He took a deep breath and said slowly, "Fusheng Wuliang Tianzun, Pindao is a disciple of the White Horse Temple. He has never been a monster of the Demon Sect. Those who are clear are self-cleaning. I believe that all senior colleagues have their own opinions."

Lin Mieqing narrowed her eyes and said coldly, "If you want to betray the Holy Gate, you have to think about it."

Only others have ever betrayed their sect to the Demon Gate, but no one from the Demon Gate has ever betrayed their sect.

Even if they killed each other and calculated each other, no one betrayed the Demon Sect.

Because of the demon's revenge, ordinary people naturally cannot bear it.

Even most of the disciples of the Martial Sect cannot bear the possible revenge from the Demon Sect at any time, unless they never go down the mountain in this life.

So there was no reason for Li Xiang's sudden rebellion at this moment.

After all, if he really betrayed the water, why would he poison him?

Li Xiang said calmly: "Don't be a benefactor, don't spout blood. Pindao worshiped the White Horse Temple since he was a child. Fortunately, the master has good eyes and is lucky enough to worship under him. I don't know when Pindao will become a monster again?"

"Heh" Lin Mieqing didn't want to talk nonsense, the things she had doubted were now done for real.

He didn't know why Li Xiang turned his back on him, but he didn't care, anyway, he never trusted this kid from the beginning.

He waved a palm casually, but it was a palm with all his strength!
All of a sudden, everyone in the hall was pale, and they felt that they were not breathing well, and the air seemed to be drained into a vacuum!In this hall, only that palm is getting bigger and bigger, bigger and bigger
Li Xiang's face was pale, and he watched the palm that gradually occupied the entire field of vision.

This palm was obviously very fast, but it seemed surprisingly slow to his perception.

This indescribable contrast made him sick to his stomach, and even a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

But he didn't dodge, because he couldn't dodge, and because he trusted Master.

"Blessed Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate."

A sleeve that covered the sky and the sun covered the palm that almost drained the air in the hall, and then disappeared it into nothing.

Zhou Kejie had stood in front of Li Xiang at some point, he flicked the jade whisk in his hand and said with a smile: "As the benefactor is one of the four heavenly kings of the Demon Sect, why did he attack the junior?"

Lin Mieqing's expression changed slightly, "Are you not poisoned?"

"It's not just poor people."

Following Zhou Kejie's voice, Li Yanchong and Xu Sanhu also stood up and walked to his sides to stand still.

Also standing up was Shen Xinghua.

But she didn't get up, but still sat on the chair, and even took a sip of the warm tea on the table next to her.

"Since I know about your demon sect's conspiracy, how can the poor be defenseless?"

The heroes of the rivers and lakes who slumped crookedly on their chairs and the disciples who collapsed to the ground were overjoyed.

Someone said eagerly: "Zhou Zhenren! If there is an antidote, why don't you bring it early? We can also help the White Horse Temple to fight against the evil sect!"

"Yeah yeah!"

The sound of echoes is endless.

The corners of Shen Xinghua's mouth raised slightly, and he accidentally laughed out loud.

"You girl! What are you laughing at?!"

Shen Xinghua glanced at the man.

Is it the owner of the Dongting water village?

She ignored him, but she had already made a note of him in her heart.

If he is not dead today, then the Seven Star Pavilion will make a move.

Zhou Kejie glanced at Shen Xinghua slightly from the corner of his eyes. He didn't order Shen Xinghua to be lenient, but the other party was not poisoned.
He didn't doubt Li Xiang.

However, according to the news, this girl was acquainted with Lu Nanke, presumably it was because of Xiao Lu's face that she didn't poison her.

That being the case, that is one of our own.

Zhou Kejie no longer pays attention to her.

His gaze was on Lin Mieqing again, "Lin Tianwang, Pindao doesn't want the White Horse Temple to be stained with blood. If you take someone away now, Pindao won't pursue today's matter, how about it?"

With so many people watching, how could Lin Mieqing shrink back at this moment?
If it was normal, it would be fine, he might follow the trend and go downhill, and there would be no loss anyway.

And if you want to snatch "Secret Records of Xiantian Taichu", there will naturally be many opportunities for that little girl in Tianjian Pavilion on the way back.

But such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity like today will never come again.

He has the heart to compete with the Demon Lord, but he really needs the "Secret Record of the Innate Beginning".

If he has this divine book, he believes that his own strength can be improved to another level, even surpassing Lu Jianmin. It is not impossible.

So this time he planned this matter without the knowledge of Mozun and brought his cronies.

In other words, he was planning this matter 20 years ago.

If he retreats today, it will no longer be a secret that the young master of the Tianjian Pavilion returns home with the "Secret Record of Xiantian Taichu", and what he will have to face at that time is the snatching by all kinds of powerful people in the world, and even the other three heavenly kings of the Demon Sect and even others. The Demon Lord will also intervene horizontally.

He really wasn't sure about taking the book.

Besides, this time is also a battle of his prestige.

Demon Venerable Lu Jianmin has dominated the world for more than [-] years. If he wants to compete with him, he must establish enough majesty in the Demon Gate. Otherwise, even if the Demon Lord dies, what awaits him at that time is that the Demon Gate will be torn apart again.

Fortunately, he still has a backup.

Thinking of this, he immediately used his whole body's power to gather in his palm, and then made a "broken heart palm" move!
"What's the use of real people saying these things now! Xu Sanhu! If you don't take action now, let alone wait!"

"Master! Be careful!"

Zhou Kejie's expression changed when the bad wind hit him.

Facing Lin Mieqing who was attacking suddenly by Xu Sanhu with all his strength, he could have dealt with it, but Li Xiang roared and stopped in front of Xu Sanhu!

Xu Sanhu's fist strength, which seemed to be inferior to Li Xiang's, exploded at this moment with the power of Yu Lin Mieqing's "Broken Heart Palm"!

Zhou Kejie sighed secretly, but felt very relieved.

It's just that he fell into a passive state.

If Li Xiang is not saved, then Li Xiang will die under this fist!

But if you save Li Xiang
Zhou Kejie made his choice without any thought.

With a casual push, he threw Li Xiang and Li Yanchong, who was stunned at the sudden change, a few feet away, and then Xu Sanhu's powerful punch hit his chest hard!
Accompanied by the sound of bone cracking, a mouthful of blood spewed out, Zhou Kejie raised his palm and slapped Xu Sanhu's celestial spirit cover, killing this innate master on the spot!
Immediately after he turned around, he hastily slapped Lin Mieqing with all his might!
Boom boom boom!
Zhou Kejie took three steps back and shook his body before barely standing still, but at this moment his face was as golden as paper, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding profusely.

Lin Mieqing's face was also flushed and his blood was churning. He took five steps back and held his breath to suppress the blood rushing up to his throat.

Feeling the taste of rust in his throat, Lin Mieqing's expression was solemn, "As expected of the master of the White Horse Temple, I have been taught. My heart to Wu is not pure, and I am not qualified to ask a real person for advice, but today I won with a conspiracy. That. Next year today, I will go to the real person's grave to pay homage in person."


Li Xiang was about to rush forward, but Zhou Kejie waved him away.

Li Xiang gritted his teeth, and stepped back to stare at everyone in Lin Wei's bodyguard, as well as Li Yanchong, who might also have a problem with his defense.

The corner of Zhou Kejie's mouth was bleeding and his face was like gold paper, but at the moment he was calm and peaceful, "Does Lin benefactor think that he has the overall situation under control?"

Lin Mieqing calmed down and said: "Does the real person have a backup? Could it be that he is waiting for that Taoist Wu De to lead a surprise attack on my Holy Gate resident in Luoyang City?"

Zhou Kejie remained silent, Li Xiang's face showed surprise, and then his face sank like water.

That's right, this was something he and his master planned early in the morning.

On that day, Lin Mieqing sent someone to find him and asked him to be an internal response, and then poisoned the tea of ​​all the heroes on the day of the "Discussion on Dao".

He told his master about this, and the master asked him to follow the trend, and except for the members of the Linwei Escort and the masters and apprentices of the Yujianmen who were sure that there was no response from the Demon Sect, the other heroes of the world would not replace the poisonous tea.

At the same time, the master also arranged for Wu De to take people to take advantage of the chaos to sneak attack and take away the demon gate sub-helm in Luoyang City, which was sold clean by Li Xiang.

It stands to reason that everything is under Master's control, but never thought that Lin Wei's Escort is actually an insider of the Demon Sect?
It shouldn't be that Li Xiang didn't know about this.

This shows that Lin Mieqing never trusted him from the very beginning!
He looked at Lin Mieqing not far away, standing there with his hands behind his back.

Now that the overall situation has been decided, why doesn't he act?

And those of his subordinates only stopped Bai Qiuyue from leaving, and the other heroes of the Jianghu were not killed either.

Even though the poison he sent himself was strange and difficult to find, it was only a poison that made people weak and unable to use their internal energy, and it would not hurt people's lives.

how so?

Could it be
Li Xiang suddenly opened his eyes wide.

He got it!

The people in this hall and even the White Horse Temple are all bait!

Lin Mieqing not only wants to steal books and kill people, but also uses these "bait" to go fishing!

And the fish he caught was the master's ultimate backhand——Lu Nanke!

Not only did he want to steal the book and kill people, but he also took the opportunity to eliminate the Holy Son of the Demon Sect who had a gap with him in the Demon Sect!
Li Xiang was extremely anxious, he even prayed in his heart that Lao Lu would never come!

If they can leave alive, Old Lu will surely avenge them in the future!
Although Lao Lu is unparalleled in strength, since Lin Mieqing has such a plan, he will naturally not be afraid of him!

Old Lu!Don't come here!

At this moment, Zhou Kejie sighed, and Shen Xinghua put down his teacup for the first time and sat up straight.

Lin Mieqing chuckled, "The fish finally bit the hook."

Only one person laughed loudly, "Zhou Kejie, it's true that the older you get, the more timid you become. Where did all your enthusiasm go?"

Everyone in the hall suddenly felt their eyes light up, and then they all raised their heads in astonishment.

Only a clear sword cry can be heard!The dome of the White Horse Temple Sanqing Hall, which has been passed down for thousands of years, has been washed away by wind and rain and time, and it disappeared like dust!
Then one person paced down from mid-air!

It's Lu Nanke!

 Go to work!I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival!

(End of this chapter)

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