This director only makes bad movies.

Chapter 422 Spielberg is angry

Chapter 422 Spielberg is angry
Xu Nan's new movie was about to be released. The news, like a stone falling into a calm lake, caused quite a stir.

"What, the new movie directed by Hua Xia is about to be released?"

"But his movie has just been released, why is it going to be released again?"

"Yeah, is there something wrong?"

People in the circle felt very strange. Xu Nan's movie "The Ax of Cherry Blossoms in Washington" has only been released for a few days. Why is there a new movie about to be released? What's the situation?
Because it was a bit outrageous, many people thought it was fake news.

More people think that Xu Nan's new movie has started preparations, and the release is fake news.

But soon, more news spread.

Because George wanted to contact the theaters, he couldn't hide a lot of news. Many people in the industry knew about Xu Nanxin's movie and the release date of Xu Nanxin's movie.

"Damn, it's really going to be released. The release date has been set, and it will be in half a month."

"What the hell, two movies are released one after the other, what's going on?"

"It can't be a copycat touching the tiles."

Many people thought that what Xu Nan took was Shanzhai Pengci, because only Shanzhai Pengci could shoot so fast.

It just so happened that Spielberg's new movie was about to be released, and Xu Nan definitely wanted to meet Spielberg.

This is the opinion of the majority of people in the circle, because Xu Nan started out by taking pictures of Shanzhai Pengci, and it is normal and reasonable to continue to shoot Shanzhai Pengci.

But as more and more news spread, everyone realized that what Xu Nan was going to shoot was not Shanzhai Pengci, why, because the name of the movie was different from Spielberg's new movie.

The name of Xu Nan's new movie is "Area 51", which is completely different from Spielberg's new movie "Western Story", and it is obviously not a copycat.

If the name of the Shanzhai Pengci film is different, there is no way to deceive the audience, and there is no way to attract a specific audience, so Xu Nan did not have a Shanzhai Pengci this time, and he made an original film.

Then the question arises, since it is an original film, why is it going to be released in half a month? Fifteen days, the film preparations are not enough.

Everyone in the circle was confused by Xu Nan's operations. They knew that you made movies very quickly, and the knock-off tiles only took less than ten days to finish, but you also made original movies so fast. Is there something wrong? up.

The last movie "The Ax of Cherry Blossoms in Washington" took more than a month from project approval to release, which is already extremely fast. This movie only took [-] days. Is there something wrong with my brain?

This can no longer be described as fast, it is simply the speed of light, completely beyond common sense.

People in the circle can't understand it, and even find it puzzling.

Some people think that Xu Nan is drifting away.

"Obviously, this Huaxia director didn't put his mind on filming at all."

"That's right, in fifteen days, what good movie can be made, even the preparation of the movie is not enough."

"The Shanzhai Pengci film was shot like this because it is a genre film, and it can be used for reference. How can an original film be possible?"

"The movie looks like it's going to hit the market."

"For sure, the quality of the [-]-day movie must be very poor."

""The Ax of Cherry Blossoms in Washington" can be regarded as a qualified spoof film after all, and "Area 51" is probably not as good as a copycat movie."

Many people in the industry think so, what a good movie can be made in fifteen days.

Every classic movie is shot with excellence, every shot, every picture can be used in textbooks.

To achieve such an effect, there is not enough shooting time.

Fifteen days?
To be honest, many people can't imagine how a complete and qualified movie can be made in fifteen days.

From preparation, to shooting, to post-production, to release, for any process, fifteen days would not be enough.

A movie was made in such a short time, what else could it be if it wasn't rubbish?
There were many people who didn't like Xu Nan. After knowing that Xu Nan planned to make a movie in fifteen days and release it, some people started to feel weird.

"Xu Nan will fail soon."

"I don't believe his [-]-day movie will be successful, because there's never been anything like it in Hollywood."

"We knew that Xu Nan would definitely fail, but obviously, his failure came sooner than we thought."

"The success of "The Falling Cherry Ax in Washington" made Xu Nanpiao overwhelmed, and he was overwhelmed with pride."

Some people in the circle spoke in an ugly voice, like a curse.

The main reason is that they are really unhappy with Xu Nan. If Xu Nan continues to succeed, it will almost subvert their three views.

Only Xu Nan's failure can make them calm down.

In many cases, a group of people's malice towards a person is unreasonable, even bottomless.

Although they can't change anything, but a group of people crazily bad-mouthing, in fact, it is quite easy to affect people's mentality, and some people can't even bear it, which leads to poor state and finally fails.

Fortunately, Xu Nan has a big heart, and he has seen this kind of scene a lot, so he doesn't panic at all.

The plan is progressing steadily. As for the criticisms from insiders, let them go. Everything will be known when the movie is released.

On the other side, Spielberg also knew about the release of Xu Nan's movie.

"It will be released in half a month. So, Xu Nan's new movie will be released eight days earlier than my "Western Story"?"

Spielberg asked.

His secretary nodded: "Yes, I have already contacted the people in the theater, and they confirmed that Xu Nan's new movie will be released in half a month."

If a movie wants to be released, it has to go through the theaters, so the news obtained from the theaters is very authentic.

Spielberg immediately frowned: "It will be released so recently, maybe it's my new movie that wants to imitate me."

The reason why he thinks this way is mainly because Xu Nan has a criminal record, and the release time of the two movies is very close.

It was released eight days earlier, which happened to be the promotional period for his new movie "Western Story".

Especially Xu Nan is a guy with a criminal record.

At this moment, Spielberg's heart has sounded the alarm, and he can't help but think of Cameron, who is as famous as himself.

At that time, Cameron underestimated Xu Nan, but he was overthrown by the joint efforts of the cinema and Xu Nan.

My own fame is not less than Cameron's, and even older than him, maybe Xu Nan will do the same thing.

Although the probability is very small, in case, he is old and really can't bear it.

The secretary shook his head: "No, the name of Xu Nan's new movie is "Area 51", which is completely different from the name of our movie. It should not be a copycat."

"Furthermore, according to what I've heard, Xu Nan really doesn't plan to make knockoffs. What he wants to make is a pseudo-documentary, which is completely inconsistent with our film genre."

Hearing what the secretary said, Spielberg's face softened. The name is different and the type is different. It should not be a copycat.

Because of Xu Nan's birth, the United States has more types of Shanzhai Pengci, which not only cultivated a large audience in the United States, but also let the insiders know a lot about Shanzhai Pengci.

The core of this type of movie is the big production of Pengci. If the name and genre are different, it is not Pengci at all.

It seems that Xu Nan's film is indeed an original film, and it only took [-] days to complete the project approval, preparation, shooting, post-production, and release of the original film.

Spielberg was very uncomfortable.

He liked movies since he was a child. When he grew up, even though he didn't get into the film school, he still chose to make movies. It has been more than 40 years since he made his first movie.

For such a long time, Spielberg has long regarded movies as his second life, and even the pillar of his life.

Watching Xu Nan plan to produce a movie in only [-] days and then release it, it was like seeing his goddess being embraced by others, I felt very uncomfortable.

By doing this, Xu Nan didn't take the movie seriously at all, he was just fooling around.

The most important thing is that Xu Nan's new movie was released eight days before him. What is he trying to do?
Who doesn't know, his Spielberg movie will be released soon, and the schedule has already been confirmed. You, Xu Nan, deliberately chose to release it eight days before me. You are provoking me.

It was released eight days in advance, basically equivalent to the same schedule, which made Spielberg very angry.

Generally speaking, when a movie is released, most directors will choose the schedule very carefully, for fear that they will bump into a good movie and cause their movie box office to be suppressed.

For example, after Spielberg confirms the schedule, under normal circumstances, no one will choose the same schedule as him, and will deliberately bypass this schedule to avoid being robbed of the box office by Spielberg's new movie.

The bigger the production and the new movie from the big director, the faster everyone will hide. No one dares to joke about their own career, and they will hide as much as they can.

But you, Xu Nan, deliberately approached me, didn't you take me seriously?
Or, you won Cameron with the support of the theater, so you feel that you can ignore other directors?
Spielberg didn't know that Xu Nan's movie would only take a few days to complete the box office harvest. He thought Xu Nan chose this schedule to provoke him.

This kind of behavior makes Spielberg, who has been successful and rarely fails, very angry.

He was almost seventy, and the older he was, the more stubborn he was, and the more he hated people who disobeyed him.

Spielberg is in such a state now, he was angered by Xu Nan's behavior, and felt that Xu Nan was provoking him.

Do you really think you can do it?
Okay, then I'll see how your new movie is, and whether it can compare to my masterpiece "Western Story".

Let the box office do the talking.

This time, Spielberg wants Xu Nan to know what is most important in the movie.

(End of this chapter)

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