This director only makes bad movies.

Chapter 70 Xu Nan is a Good Boy

Chapter 70 Xu Nan is a Good Boy
During this time, Xu Nan had nothing to do.

The film schedule has been confirmed, and there is not yet time for publicity.

He didn't have that plan to make a movie either.

During the Spring Festival, everyone was reunited, but he was alone.

Simply, I went to the cemetery to see Xu Nan's cheap dad.

To be honest, Xu Nan always felt that this guy was a cheat.

The stock market has been ups and downs for many years, and I finally made money. I have nothing to do when I have nothing to do, so I have to make movies.

Make a movie, let's make a movie, but it turned out to be a hit.

Just throw yourself on the street, and commit suicide by jumping off a building, leaving him a mess.

Xu Nan really couldn't figure it out.

You said that you are a guy who can make money in the stock market. In theory, you should have a big heart and relatively thick nerves.

Why do you jump off a building if the movie fails? It's not completely bankrupt.

No matter how bad the situation was at that time, it couldn't be worse than when you first entered the stock market.

Since you were able to get out in the stock market before, why don't you have the courage now.

I don't understand, I really don't understand.

Maybe the movie is Xu Nan's father's dream, and the dream was shattered, which hit him hard?

People cannot be resurrected after death, and Xu Nan has no way to go underground to ask why.

He can only come here to send a bouquet of flowers to Xu Nan's father, and relieve the loneliness of being unaccompanied by the way.

It's lonely when I'm alone during Chinese New Year.

By the way, I would like to thank Xu Nan's father for leaving him a pretty handsome face. This is also the biggest legacy left to him by the original owner. If he really can't get along, he can still rely on his face for a living.

Leaving the cemetery and returning home, on the way, I met my neighbor, Uncle Zhan Dahong.

This house was left to him by Xu Nan's father. He took out a mortgage loan to collect the funds for the first movie. Later, the movie box office exploded and Xu Nan paid off the loan. Previous debts have also been paid.

Zhan Dahong greeted Xu Nan when he saw him.

"Xiao Xu, why don't you come to my house to eat dumplings. It just so happens that your aunt makes a lot of dumplings."

"No need for Uncle Zhan, I'm still used to being alone." Xu Nan refused without hesitation.

Although he was lonely when he was alone, he was at least at ease, and other people's families were happy, so what happened to him getting involved in the past?

Zhan Dahong persuaded him a few more words, seeing that Xu Nan was determined, he stopped persuading him.

But half an hour later, he knocked on Xu Nan's door and brought him a bowl of dumplings.

Xu Nan's heart warmed, and he immediately thanked him.

"Thank you, Uncle Zhan."

"It's a small matter. It's a waste to have too many dumplings." Zhan Dahong didn't take this matter to heart.

Before leaving, he specifically asked: "Xiao Xu, I heard that the schedule of your movie has been confirmed, will there be a premiere ceremony?"

Xu Nan nodded and said: "Yes, now, any movie with a certain scale will hold a premiere ceremony, which is convenient for publicity and more attractive to the audience to watch the movie."

"Oh, then can I go? Your aunt hasn't been to the premiere yet, so she wants to learn more." Zhan Dahong asked.

"No problem, I'll give the ticket to Uncle and send it to you." Xu Nan nodded in agreement.

In the premiere ceremony, the louder the better, adding two more people is not a problem at all.

Moreover, Zhan Dahong was his elder and had a close relationship. Xu Nan had no reason to refuse such a legitimate request to attend the premiere.

Zhan Dahong nodded in satisfaction, with a sentimental expression on his face: "Well, when your father made a movie, I actually persuaded him, but he insisted that becoming a director was his dream, and in the end he invested all the money in the stock market into it." , and later.”


Zhan Dahong sighed.

He has a really good relationship with Xu Nan's father.

There is a saying that if two men want to have a strong relationship, they must either carry a gun together or wash their feet together.

He and Xu Nan's father washed their feet together.

Of course, Xu Nan's father secretly told him about this, but Aunt Zhan didn't know about it.

So, the relationship between the two is really good.

At this moment, Zhan Dahong's sentimentality is an expression of true feelings.

Looking at Xu Nan who was smiling, he seemed to see Xu Nan's father in a daze, and he couldn't help it.

Xu Nan could understand, but he still persuaded, "It's okay, Uncle Zhan, everything is over."

Zhan Dahong laughed at himself: "Yeah, the matter is over, why should I mention him?"

"lets change a topic."

"Xiao Xu, I actually follow your Weibo and know that you have sacrificed a lot for your new movie."

"I know that you are a talented person, but you just lack an opportunity. I also know that your new movie is an excellent movie, which is different from the previous movies."

Xu Nan nodded naturally: "Don't worry, Uncle Zhan, this movie was carefully crafted by me, and it will definitely not disappoint you."

"You can take Aunt Zhan there with peace of mind, and I promise to open your eyes."

Zhan Dahong nodded, he believed that Xiao Xu's movie must be of good quality, he watched the child grow up, how could he lie to him.

And as an elder, I should find a way to support Xu Nan.

"How about this, when the movie is online, I will invite my clients, as well as the employees of my law firm, to book out to watch your movie and increase your box office."

Xu Nan said in shame, "Isn't this too expensive?"

Zhan Dahong immediately said: "What's the expense? I watched you grow up, and finally made a wonderful movie. I should support you."

"Don't talk nonsense, I still don't pay attention to this little money. If you refuse, uncle, I will be angry."

"Then I will trouble you, Uncle." Xu Nan could only nod.

This is the network.

Uncle Zhan is his elder, if he wants to support his film, it is really difficult for him to refuse.

Seeing that Xu Nan agreed, Zhan Dahong nodded in satisfaction, waved his hand, and said coolly.

"Okay, I'm leaving, I'm going back to eat dumplings."

"Take care of yourself by yourself, don't work too hard."

After speaking, Zhan Dahong left.

On the way, he happened to glance out of the window.

On the roof of the building in the distance, a young swallow was struggling to get out of the mud nest. Under the supervision of the adult swallow, the young swallow bravely left the nest, flapping its wings quickly, and then soared into the sky
Zhan Dahong's heart skipped a beat.

He suddenly thought of Xu Nan.

Isn't this child just like this young swallow, ready to soar into the sky at any time.

He's a talented guy who just lacked opportunities in the past.

As long as "Captain China" becomes a big hit, he will immediately be able to rank among the famous directors.

Zhan Dahong laughed.

Thinking that Xu Nan, the child he watched grow up, will become a great director in the future, he suddenly felt warm in his heart.

Old Xu, you have a good child, don't worry, your child will fulfill your unfulfilled ideals for you.

(End of this chapter)

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