
Chapter 103 "Psychology and Psychology"

Chapter 103 "Psychology and Psychology" (Seek the first order, add 12 for the leader Sp Baoer)

Yang Tinghe imagined the emperor's reaction after borrowing the case of Qian Ning and Jiang Bin to do something.

He originally thought that as long as he had the determination to leave the court, it would be enough to fulfill his responsibilities.

The emperor refused to let him preside over the compilation of "Daming Loyalty and Singer Jian". He didn't think it was because the emperor was afraid of his own spring and autumn style of writing, but he was ashamed: this seemed to be a decision to keep him in the cabinet. Could it be that he was persuaded to stay? Not a gesture?
But Wang Shouren?

When the arrangement for the first sutra banquet on the second day of next month came, Yang Tinghe became even more entangled.

I had a big fight just now, do I want to argue with him again?

But the new law, learning from the heart... Isn't this just a repeat of the old things before the reform in Xining?

Yang Tinghe really doesn't want to get involved in these things anymore, but as the most important civil servant in the imperial court as a Confucianist, can he not stand up and say something?
Even if he is retired, he still has the status to follow for the rest of his life: a disciple of Neo Confucianism.

Judging from his Yang Ting and his own academic inclination, he was also very uncomfortable with Wang Shouren's lecture on the scriptures to the emperor.

If Wang Shouren just stood there, it would be fine.

But telling the emperor the scriptures?What did I talk about on the second day of May?
"His Majesty Fu Wei used the capital of a sage to spread the way of a sage, and he was in the position of practicing the way. He exercised the right to praise the cultivation of heaven and earth, to restore the peace of the ancients, and to eliminate heresy."

You said "be taught", what are you doing now?
The old man's blood pressure was getting high, and he suddenly felt that he couldn't just walk away.

Now that he's gone, who will resist the intellectual impact of Wang Shouren, the inheritor of the School of Mind?
This is not to say that Yang Tinghe is the orthodox leader and strongest of Neo-Confucianism, but because Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism has long been an official school and is inseparable from politics.

After court the next day, Yang Tinghe stepped out timidly: "Your Majesty, please sing alone."

Jiang Mian suddenly changed color.

As I said before, this kind of drama that cabinet ministers play alone is generally only aimed at political opponents of the same level.

Now Liang Chu has left, and Yang Tinghe has just retired for a few days. Could it be that he is going to attack Wang Qiong and the others again without warning?
Impossible, Jiang Mian is more likely to be targeted.

Zhu Houcong looked at Yang Tinghe, nodded and said, "Go to Qianqing Palace."


Jiang Mianchun's current status is not stable, and he is worried about gains and losses.

After Yang Tinghe left, almost everyone figured it out: Yang Tinghe went here because of Wang Shouren.

After all, the veterans of the four dynasties have things that they cannot let go of and things that they have to deal with.

Is this considered His Majesty's sneak attack?This time, it was Yang Tinghe who was very passive.

Before that, everyone just thought: His Majesty summoned Wang Shouren to Beijing because of his relationship with Wang Qiong, and because Wang Shouren was indeed talented.The emperor may also have some interest in Wang Shouren's knowledge, but the main reason why Wang Shouren came to Beijing was to recite the merits of the Chenhao Rebellion.

It's better now, without being selected by the Hanlin Academy, and appointing him to give a lecture on the next sutra feast before he arrives in the capital.

Under the huge shock of Liang Chu's resignation and Wang Qiong and others staying in their posts despite their guilt, this imperial decree went surprisingly smoothly.

The emperor did not send out the factory guards, nor did he ask the Sanju Division to conduct a thorough investigation of the officials. After all, this was somewhat useful, and no one wanted to offend the emperor again at this time.

What's more, Neo-Confucianism originated from one family, and they are all Confucianism.

At this time, Wang Shouren is on his way to the capital from Tongzhou, right?
But the imperial decree has been issued, what does Yang Tinghe want to do?
In the East Nuan Pavilion of Qianqing Palace, Liu Long's stress reaction came.

His Majesty VS Yang Tinghe.

When is it not when sparks fly and highlight a Kazakh?
He admires Yan Song.

In front of the mentor who had actually broken up, Yan Song, who had a "bad" reputation at the beginning, was calm as usual, just waiting to put pen to paper.

Yang Tinghe suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Today, I will talk about daily life and note officials, which is called recording the words and deeds of the emperor, but it is impossible to only remember the words of the emperor, right?

Who was the emperor speaking to?How is this object right?

Today, Wang Shouren hasn't come yet, but Yang Tinghe is here today to try to persuade the emperor to stay away from learning from the heart.

In the Song Dynasty, there was a debate on the Goose Lake, and at least two academic leaders debated the scriptures face to face.

What about today?Is he speaking to the emperor alone, or is he "bullying" a certain Jiangxi governor and the Zuoqian capital censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate as the chief assistant (resignation has been attempted).

There is also a student who is extremely smart and has already torn away his superficial emotions with a single sentence: What kind of spring and autumn brushwork will Yan Song play in that small book?
"Elder Ge, what do you need to sing alone?" Zhu Houcong spoke first.

Yang Tinghe looked at him with complicated eyes: Did you already see that Yan Song is a rebellious kid, so he ordered him to be a daily commentator?

At this moment, I can't think too much. For the sake of dignified learning and righteousness, Yang Tinghe bowed solemnly and respectfully: "Your Majesty! The case of Qian Ning, Jiang Bin and other traitors has been closed. Your Majesty is indeed the emperor of mercy. There are many memorials in the daily reading, and the lectures are written on the feast day. Don't stop, His Majesty's studious and diligence are not inferior to the ancient sages."

Zhu Houcong was amused: "Mr. Ge, you are angry with me, and I am also angry with you. It has been more than a month since I arrived in Beijing, and we have known each other for so long. Why don't I say something from my heart first?"

Faced with Zhu Houcong's natural, frank and gentle tone suddenly, Yang Tinghe felt ashamed and warm in his heart.

I just don't know what kind of medicine he sells in his gourd.

"I'm listening carefully..."

Zhu Houcong smiled, and then sighed again: "Young people are full of enthusiasm, and they have never traveled thousands of miles in a trapped fief. They are so high on ordinary people or just a joke. If the emperor is like this, he has to guard against it. You are worried that I will cause trouble because I don’t understand, because I don’t care about the consequences, because I am passionate and emotional, and because you have to take responsibility in your position, you always persuade me. I understand all these. Which virtuous minister does not want the emperor to treat himself Is it both respectful and joyful? I know all about your difficulties."

Both Yan Song and Liu Long couldn't help but look sideways at him.

This is really a heart-to-heart talk, and it must be a good story if it is recorded in the daily life note.

Yang Tinghe was naturally emotional for a while, and his voice was choked up: "Your Majesty is so considerate of the old minister, the old minister is really... ashamed..."

"It's just as difficult for me." Zhu Houcong said leisurely, "There have been so many things in the past month or so. I thought that all the gentlemen already knew a little about me. I knew that I was not a confused young man, and I also knew that I was not a fool. The emperor who doesn't know the general idea and is frizzy. The disaster of the Japanese Jingmen, since I was safe and sound, I didn't go into it. I always give priority to being cautious when I am always in court. But even so, I want to wait for Fei Qing When people arrive in Beijing, they will listen to their opinions, and they will ask questions that I still need to think about in detail, and this is what happened."

Yang Tinghe carefully recalled the behavior of the emperor this month, and knew that it was true, so he knelt down and lowered his head in shame—whether it was sincere or not.

"After all, it's because I'm too young, and the time I've been sitting on this throne is too short." Zhu Houcong asked him to get up and sit down, "You guys need to get to know me well, let's discuss things as they are, and things will pass when they pass. Don't think too much, even handed over the dictionaries. This is also very good, the more turmoil experienced between the monarch and his ministers, the faster they understand each other. So it is really unnecessary for Ge Lao to praise me like that when he came up. I will neither get carried away because of some sweet words, nor will I linger because of a momentary anger."

He looked at Yang Tinghe's extremely complicated eyes and smiled naturally: "It's difficult for anyone. You will never see a situation where the emperor is benevolent and the people are full of justice". Wang Dehua and the others will never be able to take shortcuts without being blamed. It is also never possible to expect all the courtiers to be like Yu Gong. In fact, I am very rational, calm, and realistic. There are many state affairs, and the heavy responsibility rests on my shoulders, as well as on the important ministers such as the cabinet ministers and nine ministers. We may as well directly Come on, keep it simple."

"...Your Majesty understands, I really admire His Majesty's breadth of mind."

"Is it because of Wang Shouren's preaching?" Zhu Houcong pointed it out with a smile, and then said, "I know, the Imperial Academy did not select, and Wang Shouren never entered the Imperial Academy. , Is there something I haven't thought through yet? Mr. Ge, be blunt!"

He blocked Yang Tinghe's reasons one, two, three, and four. Yang Tinghe thought for a while and said, "Your Majesty is very studious, which is a blessing to the Ming Dynasty. The old minister also admires Wang Shouren's talent and achievements. It's just learning from the heart." However, he has gone astray in the way of learning, abandoning the principles of heaven and disregarding them, and taking selfishness and human desires as a matter of course. If you continue on this path, those with extraordinary talents may be poor enough to be rational, but how many people are there who are such immortal Huiying talents?"

"What Your Majesty just said just now is all side-effects. Now Your Majesty is confused and seeks to solve it by learning from the heart. I am afraid that there will be many lucky people in the world who will use false learning to seek background and transfer. Then follow your heart's desire and make progress day by day. For the sake of daily innovation, you will not know how to restrain yourself if you want to show off your desires. If you don’t seek the most reasonable, you will not return to etiquette. If the learning of the mind is manifested, it may cause a new disaster for the Ming Dynasty!"

"This disaster is so serious that the old minister is not just alarmist. Today, the old minister is also expressing his heart: Compared with this disaster, using the wrong person at the wrong time, and using the wrong new law, the harm is far less! Two or three generations In the future, the world will be full of selfish desires, disloyalty and filial piety, people without country and family!"

This time, Yang Tinghe didn't cry miserably, nor spoke earnestly, and spoke more calmly—at least he explained his desire to drive away Wang Qiong and others in the case of borrowing Qian Ning and Jiang Bin.

Zhu Houcong asked while thinking: "It's just that I'm a little interested and want to hear his opinion. Is there such a big harm?"

He understood one thing: the Shangjing Banquet only had a greater impact, but in essence, it was the emperor's interest in Xinxue that would trigger a chain reaction.

"The king of Wu is a good swordsman, but the people are full of scars. The king of Chu has a thin waist, and he starved to death in the palace." Yang Tinghe said solemnly, "Your majesty is the king of a country, and his words and deeds will be carefully pondered by his subjects. Your majesty The hobbies and hobbies are the shortcuts in the eyes of the lucky ones. If the study of the mind enters the room and uses the heresy and the end of the study to show the position, the world's scholars will not know what to do, your majesty can learn from it!"

"In the Spring and Autumn Period, the contention of a hundred schools of thought was of no benefit? What's more, the study of mind also originated from Neo Confucianism."

"After the Spring and Autumn Period, the princes fought for hegemony, conquered endlessly, and the people died." Yang Tinghe showed rich experience in debates, "The Qin Dynasty was violent, burning books and burying Confucianism, and died in the second generation; in the Han Dynasty, a hundred schools of thought were deposed and only respected Confucianism, and finally a strong Han was created. Since the imperial examinations, Tang and Song dynasties have emerged in large numbers. The sages of Cheng and Zhu have surpassed the two sages of Confucius and Mencius in their profound knowledge. This is the foundation of our learning, scientific career, and ritual system for more than a hundred years in the Ming Dynasty! Your Majesty, today Ruoqi's intellectual dispute will shake one of the most dangerous foundations of our Ming Dynasty now!"

Yang Tinghe first talked about the disadvantages of mind learning: you have to be very talented, then you may be able to take this path.

But most of the people in the world are fools or foolish people. In the future, it is the most likely situation that they will use their hearts to learn from this banner to show off their selfish desires.

The most important thing is that the vast majority of officials and students since the founding of the Ming Dynasty have studied and researched knowledge under the framework of Cheng Zhu Neo Confucianism, and followed the teachings of etiquette and law.

What kind of huge interest group should these people be?

Now if the emperor has a signal to advocate the study of the mind, it will first of all be the way out for the younger generations of these prominent families, and then it will be the harm caused by the competition between the two schools.

Zhu Houcong was not surprised by Yang Tinghe's conservative tendency, but he was surprised that he would oppose it so fiercely from the very beginning, and the reason was very good.

This problem does exist in the study of the mind, and this situation did appear after the study of the mind became the mainstream in the late Ming Dynasty.

But just right.

Zhu Houcong's purpose was not to suppress Neo-Confucianism with his heart. He would not do things like digging his own foundation.

He directed the scene for another purpose.For him, it is natural to learn from each other's strengths by surpassing their vision, and even finally extract some new developments from him.

Can't the emperor be "sophisticated"?

So Zhu Houcong pretended to think about it carefully: "Elder Ge's words are reasonable. But I am in the stage of studying and improving my knowledge. I still want to hear my thoughts. Elder Ge doesn't have to worry that I will go astray. Or what to do with the dispute of Confucianism. Although I don’t dare to say that I am the immortal Hui Yingcai that Mr. Ge said, I don’t think I’m stupid. Besides, I have the teachings of Mr. Ge by my side, don’t you think so?”

Yang Tinghe opened his mouth, unable to refute for a while.

...Don't tell me, you are really a bit of Su Huiying, I have been planted in your hands for several rounds.

What do you mean by being obedient, are you really planning to keep yourself in the cabinet?
"...Your Majesty wants to hear the insights of the mind. Your Majesty ordered me to speak directly and simply, so I will speak directly." He made up his mind and said, "I dare to ask Your Majesty to also serve as the lecturer on the second day of next month." Officer. At that time, my minister and Wang Shouren will talk about the scriptures. If your majesty wants to confirm each other, you and Wang Shouren will follow the example of the sages and have another debate on Neo Confucianism and Mind, so that your majesty's confusion will be cleared!"

Zhu Houcong smiled all over his face: "The old man's words are very kind, so it will be decided like this. On the second day of next month, we will only talk about scriptures and not history. Then I will listen with all my ears!"

Yang Tinghe achieved his goal, but when Xie En left Dongnuan Pavilion, he felt something was wrong when he saw the emperor's sincerely happy expression.

It's not right.

It seems... It's the feeling that I have stepped into a trap.

The monarchs and ministers who have "heart-to-heart" on the surface will naturally not foolishly believe what the other party says.

It has long been a habit for Yang Tinghe to speculate on the emperor's intentions.

It's not that he couldn't think of the emperor's intention to use this to involve his energy, and he still suspected that the emperor would raise his heart to suppress Neo Confucianism and occupy the magpie's nest, and then use his heart to learn from his disciples to implement the new law.

The imperial decree has been issued, at least this time, Wang Shouren will definitely appear at the sutra feast.

Yang Tinghe's most pragmatic goal is to only let him go this time, and completely argue against him this time.

It's just that Wang Shouren, who had a lot of loopholes in his previous knowledge and only recently found a so-called "conscience" theory to mend it, can he still argue in this hundreds of years of debate between Neo Confucianism and Psychology? What's new to even argue against yourself?
Yang Ting and Bai Bai didn't believe it.

He has confidence in his knowledge!

Is the emperor going to play tricks on his side?

Yang Tinghe, whose symptoms had deteriorated from Zhengde PTSD to Jiajing PTSD, returned to Wenyuan Pavilion with all kinds of worries, while Zhu Houcong continued to review the answers to the palace examination questions submitted by the counselors in Beijing one after another.

At this moment, Wang Shouren had just arrived outside Beijing.

Wang Qiong specially came out of the city to meet him, even though Wang Qiong was under a lot of criticism at the moment, even though he hadn't left his duty at the moment, even though Wang Shouren came to Beijing in the name of Xu Gong, and the Ministry of War and the Metropolitan Procuratorate where his official worked would just send people out of the city to greet him .

But now the Ministers of the Ministry of Officials, Ministers of the Ministry of War, Ministers of the Ministry of Households, Ministers of the Ministry of Industry, the top leaders of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Yuan Zonggao are theoretically all grasshoppers on the same rope.

Because Yang Tinghe wanted a cleaner court, and because the emperor tried his best to protect it, the court formed a clear pattern.

Now, people who disrupt this pattern are arriving one after another.

Before the narration of Chen Hao's Rebellion had begun, Wang Qiong said directly: "Bo'an, on the second day of next month, Yang Jiefu wants to debate the scriptures with you at the sutra feast!"

Wang Shouren was only stunned for a moment, and then smiled casually: "Then argue."

"Are you sure?" Wang Qiong was a little nervous.

"How can we be sure? Do your best." Wang Shouren said modestly, "Even if you dare not claim victory, you will not lose easily."

"Bo'an, in the current situation in the court, I am afraid that you will be the winner! Chenhao's chaos and narration of merits are related to the matter of the honored officials and generals and the re-establishment of the three major battalions. The old minister is in his old age. No matter what, they can’t find your flaws in your knowledge! I have heard that Mao Ji and others discussed privately, and want to ask His Majesty to award you as an honored minister!"

Wang Shouren's face changed slightly.

Once he became a minister and had a title, he became a warrior in the eyes of many people.

But the images of a master of knowledge and a warrior are too far apart.

How does this help him promote the study of mind?
As for the status of the honored ministers in the court, Wang Shouren thought very little about it.

Wang Qiong told him the news to stimulate him.

In the eyes of "pragmatists" like Wang Qiong, the practical use of learning for most people is only before the imperial examination.

Just don't understand the exam.

But in the imperial court and even within the ruling framework of the emperor, the schools of learning are nothing more than tools.

"Your Majesty is the first to ascend the Great Treasure, and among the first few memorials approved and returned, you, Wang Bo'an, have a copy!" Wang Qiong encouraged, "I am going to ask you for the scriptures before entering Beijing. This time, I must grasp it carefully. Opportunity! Let's go, enter the city first, I will hold a banquet in my residence tonight, and then I will discuss it with you in detail!"

Wang Shouren, who had just entered Beijing, became the new protagonist at the center of the stage, and his counterpart was Yang Tinghe, the chief assistant of the cabinet.

The courtiers of the court seemed to be divided into two sides, becoming a cheerleading team waving the flag.

Nearly 350 years after Zhu Lu's debate on Neo-Confucianism and Psychology at the Goose Lake Meeting, there was another debate on Wenhuadian.

On the second day of June, "Psychology" will be staged on time.

They were really arguing about psychology and Neo-Confucianism, while Zhu Houcong was playing with psychology.

 A total of 2.2 words today!Although there are only 7 chapters, I am not lying!
(End of this chapter)

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