
Chapter 104 Imperial Academician Debate Tournament

Chapter 104 Imperial Academician Debate Tournament
Why for Zhu Houcong, this opening scene is just a psychology?

First of all, Yang Tinghe had to stand up.

Because regardless of the philosophy of psychology, Neo Confucianism is Confucianism, and even strictly speaking, it all comes from the great school of Neo Confucianism, but there are differences in specific opinions and methodologies.

Since it won't damage the status of Confucianism, it's just an internal struggle for a longer-term future.

The signal of the new law comes first, and Wang Shouren is invited to give a speech later. Can the Confucianism interest group represented by Yang Tinghe not panic?
Why is the famous family a famous family?Because of the origin of family education, the descendants of the descendants have been taught by the elders who are far more knowledgeable than others since they were young.As for the imperial examination, the test is Cheng Zhu Neo Confucianism, which is designated as an official school.

If the study of mind becomes the mainstream, will these descendants of the famous families abandon the learning direction of their fathers and grandparents and join the family?Should the syllabus of the imperial examination be changed?
The implications are extensive.

Even if Yang Tinghe retires and returns to his hometown, someone will invite him back to "justice" when this happens!
Secondly, Yang Tinghe dared to stand up in this matter.

Because from Yang Tinghe's point of view, he has the advantage in this wave: at worst, he can win a result where Wang Shouren is blasted into scum by the on-the-spot debate.

There are many people who are discovered to be extremely dazzling after the precipitation of history.

At this moment, the so-called "Longchang Enlightenment", how many people think it is very meaningful?After the Chenhao Rebellion, how many people are aware of the "To Conscience" that was proposed at the end of last year and early this year?

Traffic and communication efficiency is here.

In the eyes of everyone, especially in the eyes of Yang Tinghe, the chief assistant, Wang Shouren was an ordinary man who was ranked seventh in the second class in the third exam. The civil servant is a coward who was promoted by Wang Qiong to quell the chaos of Chenhao, but to avoid court disputes, he said he was ill and retired. He was a flatterer who made great achievements but said that the credit goes to Wang Qiong.

Accept apprentices to give lectures?

There are too many people like this.He has been the governor of Jiangxi for nearly five years, and he is giving lectures in Jiangxi, so it is no wonder he is not popular.

Besides, his military achievements will always give people an illusion, as if a general who has just rushed on the battlefield with a gun took off his shirt and said in front of you: "Fortunately, I am a scientist."

In your impression, he is a city rusher, but he changed his vest to write history, can you accept that he is very strong?
You know the contrast is not so fast.

This is why Yang Tinghe will definitely feel that "I have the advantage" and then stand up: This time it is not as intense as before, and he only needs to fight for the emperor to agree to him to take the stage to argue against Wang Shouren.

Although the veterans of the four dynasties knew that they were being disliked more and more, they still had some face.

At worst, let the emperor completely dislike him through this incident, and then ask the emperor to approve his retirement.He can spread his hands: I tried my best.

In the end, that is, only Yang Tinghe "dare" to stand up now.

Many people were worried that there might be a connection between Xinxue and the new law, but they also knew that Yang Tinghe's "disastrous defeat" in the hall of the Ministry of Punishment had only passed a few days ago.

At this time, only Yang Tinghe dared to stand in front of the emperor to persuade him.

This is psychology.

Yang Tinghe must take the bait, and then face Wang Shouren who "I have a showdown and I am academically invincible".

Director Zhu Houcong was all smiles after listening to the report.

Is it important whether you win or lose the previous scene of forcing Liang Prince Wang Qiong?

At this moment, as long as there are more and more people who can sit on these eighteen chairs, the number of people who have been forced to rely on the emperor's trust will become more and more determined.

Went to a Liang Chu, isn't there still many newcomers?

Just like Yan Song, Zhang Fujing, Xia Yan, and Wang Shouren at this time, they are all underestimated, and Yang Tinghe thinks they can do it with a single sentence, but it is not the case at all.

Zhu Houcong's psychological bureau relies on Wang Shouren's fame that Yang Tinghe was far behind hundreds of years later.

Don't be convinced, this is the strength that has withstood the test of history.

What's more, this is just the opening scene, not the final game.

For example, it is absolutely impossible for Yang Tinghe to think that there is another plan in the Imperial Study Room of the Central Palace.

Among the foreign ministers who had seen the eighteen chairs, Song Bao was caring and sensible, while Long Long was dumb and cowardly.

Zhu Houcong received a surprise when he was enthroned on the full moon, and it was not rude to come and go.

Come out to hang out, who hasn't encountered a surprise?


On the day of the Great Court Assembly, Fei Hong and Wang Shouren, who had already arrived in Beijing, would undoubtedly be able to participate.

After the process is over, the hot topic in Beijing has become the debate on Neo-Confucianism and Psychology at the Tomorrow Jingyan.

It has been a long time since the scholars in the capital had so many topics that are dense and open to discussion, a little sensitive but not fatal.

Using Yu Qian's posthumous name to discuss the rights and wrongs of Emperor Yingzong Jingdi, no one was caught by the factory guards!

Sometimes you can't say that Yang Tinghe is overly sensitive. The emperor is interested in the study of mind, and there are indeed endless disputes among scholars because of this.

The newly appointed editor of the Imperial Academy, Huang Zuo, stood alone in the outer corridor of the review hall of the Imperial Academy, watching the elders arguing endlessly in the courtyard: Not all civil servants in the current dynasty were pure Neo-Confucianism Some disciples have intensively studied the study of the mind, and some are even inclined to the study of the mind.

It stands to reason that the appointment of Jinshi in the new department is not so fast, but this time is special.

Sanding Jia has an old rule, all of them are admitted to the Hanlin Academy.After Yan Song asked to revise "Daming Loyalty", the emperor arranged for the position of Sandingjia first, using a reason that no one else could fault: the person has been delayed for more than a year!
So Huang Zuo started to work.

The new colleague Huang Zuo can't be said to have received a warm welcome, at least it can be said that people hate ghosts and jealousy.

It's terrifying to sacrifice a cabinet minister and a man from the Ministry of Rites before officially entering the officialdom!
Therefore, there is no room for Huang Zuo to participate in this discussion. He looked at Fei Maozhong with a little envy: the edict to invite Fei Hong into the cabinet has just been summoned to be drafted, and now there are two cabinet ministers and nephews in the Imperial Academy , then don't make friends with each other.

As for Huang Zuo?Sorry... I choose to write more or less.

Now Huang Zuo hopes to go to work at the Museum of History earlier. The Museum of History is located at the north side of Zuoshun Gate, beside Wenyuan Pavilion, not in the Hanlin Academy.

It's just that the work of compiling "A Mirror of Loyalty of the Ming Dynasty" has not yet started, and he still needs to go to the Imperial Academy to learn the rules first.

Zhang Fujing was much more fortunate. Before his "Re-discussion on Fuguoshu" was handed in, the decree came down: Tanhualang Guanzhenghubu.

It seems that there is no Hanlin Academy background, and the upper limit has been lowered.But can Zhang Cong really climb up on an ordinary road at the age of more than 40?
Now in front of him, his left leg is Wang Qiong, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials who sent him to Tanhualang, his right leg is Yuan Zonggao, the leader of Conglong Zhichen, his left hand is Yang Tan, the head of the household department of the unit he works for, and his right hand will not trouble him. Chen Jin, the leader of the procuratorate.

Four of the nine ministers served him alone, and he was the one who was given the name by the emperor.

It's you, you also give it a go.

Now it seems that the only uncertainty in him is Huang Zuo who is still in a relationship.

Otherwise, he has a high probability of climbing to Jiuqing's position.

Zhang Fujing felt that it had exceeded expectations, so he still wrote the memorial and handed it in.

This time, it is no longer like answering questions in the imperial examination, bluntly speaking about many ills, and giving out several solution entry points that I think.

This time Zhang Fujing specifically elaborated on the issue of land tax how to clear the land and expand the tax base.

Just after noon, the emperor's will came.

"... Zhang Fujing follows the example of this booklet, and then talks about various things, each presenting a memorial book and offering a strategy."

It was Huang Jin, the imperial eunuch next to the emperor, who came to announce the decree. Zhang Fujing received the decree excitedly: "I must spare no effort in the household affairs and express my humble opinion!"

He was over 40 and hurriedly prepared Xie Yi. Huang Jin waved his hand and said, "Tanhualang doesn't have to be like this. Your Majesty knows that Maogong's family has no money left, and the minister is dedicated to serving His Majesty, and there is no shortage of expenses inside and outside the palace."

After announcing the decree, he rejected Zhang Fujing's Xie Yi, and he went back to the palace without hesitation.

Zhang Fujing's heart was agitated, and he began to ponder over the following memorials.

Undoubtedly, although the emperor may not start to implement new laws soon, but now he wants to see how various people can solve many ills.

But most people talk very superficially, and there are very few people like Zhang Fujing who dare to go deep into some fundamental ills.

Zhang Fujing, who only talked about the overall entry point in the policy theory without elaborating detailed strategies in many fields, now has to consider how to analyze the many issues he has mentioned in one breath and come up with strategies.

After this matter is completed, I am afraid that it will be time for me to end my "political observation" and get another real job.

He doesn't care about tomorrow's debate on Neo-Confucianism and Psychology in Wenhua Palace. With his current official position, he is not qualified to attend tomorrow.

This is just used to conceive the memorial.


Yang Tinghe attached great importance to it.

Burning incense and bathing, fasting and studying are necessary.

During this period of time, Yang Shen, who thought he had gained some new understanding of the way of being an official and how to behave in the world, originally wanted to invite Fei Maozhong and Fei Hong's parent and son Fei Maoxian to have a meal together.

Later, I realized that I still had to go to the Jingyan tomorrow, and it was not appropriate to have a banquet the night before.

This is another improved performance!
At this moment, in the Zhongyuan Hall behind the Qianqing Palace, Yan Song and Liu Long hadn't left work yet.

"Yan Song, is your son better?"

"...Your Majesty laughed at the stubbornness of the dog." Yan Song was a little embarrassed and moved, "After taking the medicine, there is no serious problem. It just hurt one eye of the second son of the head of Wei. I am really ashamed that I have no way to teach my son."

Zhu Houcong was looking for some topics to adjust his mood.

The factory guards naturally paid close attention to Yan Song and Liu Long, the two day-to-day officials who attended the emperor's daily life.

Yan Song's son, Yan Shifan, had a confrontation with some classmates in the social school, and was beaten up and carried home with a bruised nose and swollen face. It is said that it is because Yan Song's reputation has deteriorated now.

There is no need for factory guards to pay attention, because the lawsuit has reached Shuntian Prefecture.

Yan Shifan was told that being blind in one eye was retribution, so he caught the little kid who said this during the siege and gave him a hard look.

Look at this, it seems that Yan Shifan's character has been formed with the ruthlessness of the present world's retribution.

Zhu Houcong also wondered if there might be new possibilities because of the changes he brought to Yan Song.

Now it seems that Yan Shifan's physical disability and childhood experience have been placed here.

Yan Song... There is a high probability that in the future, he will still pay the price for this sentence of "teaching children without a way".

But Yan Shifan will not harm the people under his own rule in the future?
"It's a good thing for a child to be filial. Now that you've reconciled with your partner, you don't have to blame the child too much. It's not good if you have a strong temper. You can't stay in that social school anymore. Why don't you send me to study with my breast brother? At an older age, we can learn from each other and learn from each other, and in the future we will be able to do both civil and martial arts."

Yan Song was stunned: Your Majesty's breast brother?

But the word "capable of literature and martial arts" stimulated Yan Song, and he thought of Yu Qian.

"I... thank you for your majesty's grace! The grace is like heaven, and I will teach my son with all my heart, so that I can live up to your majesty's high expectations!"

With a smile on the corner of Zhu Houcong's mouth, he asked Lu Bing and Yan Shifan to discuss each other first.

The touch and ecstasy belonged to Yan Song, and Liu Long only felt envy and inferiority.

The transparent person is himself.

He just slowed down a lot of things, but it wasn't that he couldn't understand them completely, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to enter the Hanlin Academy.

It's just that Liu Long really couldn't learn Yan Song's quick wit and decisive spirit.

Not to mention Cui Yuan's reminder.

I only heard His Majesty continue to comfort Yan Song: "Loyalty to the emperor, use things, why is it wrong to talk about it? At that time, the atmosphere was tense, didn't you also want to ease the conflict? You and Liu Long stayed by my side the most time, and Mr. Yang Ge was just worried. State affairs, overly sensitive to say that."

Yan Song knew that even he had guessed the emperor's mind wrongly, and now he was really not going to follow suit and agreed to Yang Tinghe's resignation.

Since Yang Tinghe will stay in the cabinet and still be the chief assistant, it will be even more difficult for Yan Song to deal with himself.

"The minister has posted many times to visit the old man in the past few days, hoping to untie the knot, but he is not allowed to enter the mansion. After His Majesty released the old man the day before yesterday, the old man was busy with tomorrow's debate, so the minister did not go again disturbed."

Anyway, the emperor made a step for him Yan Song, and Yan Song did his best.

Zhu Houcong looked at Yang Shen's proposals for the last batch of Yingdian exams that were submitted by the deadline yesterday, shook his head and sighed: "Yang Yongxiu has been famous for a long time, but I didn't expect to prevent you from visiting Mr. Yang Ge. The meaning of elder Ge. When Elder Yang and Wang Shouren have finished debating the scriptures tomorrow, you might as well go to visit again. Enemies should be resolved rather than knotted. The same is true with you and Master Wei, and the same with Yang Ge. "

Yan Song and Liu Long's hearts trembled together: So, Yang Tinghe didn't know that Yan Song had voted for the invitation, and the emperor knew everything about Yang's house.

This is of course the proper meaning in the question, but the point is what the emperor said to Yan Song now.

His Majesty does not "understand" Yang Tinghe as he said the day before yesterday, but has always maintained the highest level of vigilance.

If there is absolutely no compromise between this pair of monarchs and ministers, there is only one left.

How many years will the new law start in Jiajing?

The regular court of this sutra feast is not over, and this sutra feast is not attended by as many people as the May [-]nd sutra feast.

Those who could witness this debate with their own eyes were nothing more than senior court officials and senior academicians of the Imperial Academy.

Yang Tinghe felt relieved at this point: If the emperor allowed more people to watch as before, then the purpose of using the dispute between Neo-Confucianism and Psychology to provoke troubles is very clear.

God knows how many civil servants who are not well-educated and have an unstable moral heart will be bewitched by fallacies and heresies?

The influence of psychology, the smaller the better.

After today, the world only needs to know that Wang Shouren, the new Xinxue disciple after Chen Xianzhang and Zhan Ruoshui, is not knowledgeable and can't be refuted.

If it was Zhan Ruoshui who studied under Chen Xianzhang, inherited Baisha School and became Ganquan School, Yang Tinghe would be very afraid.

But for Wang Shouren, who had just made some progress after the Chenhao Rebellion and just started lecturing in Bailu Cave, Yang Tinghe didn't think that his understanding of psychology was stronger than that of Zhan Ruoshui.

This is Yang Tinghe's impression of the fact that Yang Tinghe has been trapped in the whirlpool of the court for many years, and Wang Shouren has also been away for many years.

At this moment, Yang Tinghe, who had entered the Wenhua Palace and met the emperor, was confident.

In the previous tedious etiquette process, Zhu Houcong didn't pay much attention to Wang Shouren, a big celebrity.

It would be bad if Yang Tinghe misunderstood him. It was hard for him to lower his vigilance that day.

This scene has to go on well, so he is looking forward to it like many people, but what he is looking forward to is Wang Shouren.

Such a great reputation won't cause you to stretch your hips, right?

This is not to make him argue with Yang Tinghegang in the power struggle of the court, but to purely debate the classics in his strongest academic field of thought.

For this kind of debate, what Zhu Houcong is looking forward to is not the witty words and lotus blossoms in the process-these must be words that will make him hear in a cloud.

What he was looking forward to was just a situation: evenly matched, even Yang Tinghe was at a disadvantage.

That's enough.

Although the emperor is very smart, knowledgeable, and steady, he is also studious and young.

Youth is the time to learn!
No one can say that it is wrong for the emperor to be addicted to studying and unable to extricate himself!
As for why you have to learn the mind as well - don't you all have your own strengths, regardless of the outcome, and even Wang Shouren seems to be more knowledgeable?

"Follow the order! Today's sutra feast, no history. The two lecturers will explain the sutras separately, and then ask each other for help. Mr. Wang, please!"

It is said that they are asking each other for advice, but the imperial academician level debate competition has officially started.

Wang Shouren saluted and stepped forward.

 I would like to take this opportunity to report the results of the first order: 24 in 10236 hours, and 9012 in total. Thank you for your support, so... I owe +10, 2 chapters were paid yesterday, and now I owe a total of 19 chapters.Now that the first ten thousand has been achieved, it is time to announce the original number: Banmu Nanshan.

(End of this chapter)

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