
Chapter 105 Defeat magic with magic?

Chapter 105 Defeat magic with magic?
"Today, I will speak for His Majesty that 'from the emperor to the common people, everything is based on self-cultivation'."

This moment belongs to Wang Shouren.

All eyes were on him, but most people's eyes were full of scrutiny and vigilance, but Wang Qiong glanced at Yang Tinghe.

Sermons delivered by officials must be reviewed by the cabinet, so Yang Tinghe naturally knew what Wang Shouren was going to say.

No matter what is written in the sermon, you can’t say a single word wrong in the formal part of the sutra feast.

Looking at Yang Tinghe's calm and confident appearance, it is obvious that he has a countermeasure.

He had enough time to think about the content of Wang Shouren's lecture, but Wang Shouren not only wrote it hastily after receiving the order, but also didn't know what Yang Tinghe would say.

Looking back at Wang Shouren with worried eyes, he saw that he was calm and composed, and continued to speak with a relaxed posture: "Zhu Zi has a saying, above the righteousness, it is all for self-cultivation; below the Qi family, it is the ear of this. The so-called above righteousness , After knowing the nature of things, you will know it. After you know it, you will be sincere. If your mind is sincere, then your heart will be upright. If your heart is upright, then you will cultivate your body. Once you cultivate your body, you will be able to regulate your family, govern the country, and the world will be in harmony."

The sentence I said comes from "Book of Rites · University".

The first chapter after the opening interpretation is the opinion of Zhu Xi, the great master of Neo Confucianism.

Zhu Xi said that among the eight items of investigation, extension of knowledge, sincerity, righteousness, self-cultivation, family harmony, state governance, and world peace, self-cultivation is fundamental.

Because a person's conduct and personality have been forged, then it is naturally not a problem to regulate the family, govern the country, and bring peace to the world.

Investigating things, extending knowledge, sincerity, and rectifying one's heart are all processes to achieve the goal of self-cultivation.

It has been almost two years since Zhu Houcong came to this world, so he is no stranger to this must-read classic subject.

So he is a little puzzled now: Why did Wang Shouren limit his explanation to Zhu Xi's point of view from the beginning?
"So to govern the country is to make clear the virtues of the world."

Wang Shouren continued: The reason why we want to govern the country is to carry forward the noble and glorious morality in the world and achieve the goal of peace in the world.

In the book "University", morality is used as a link to unify the "road" that individual self-cultivation and governance need to take.

This article originally written in the "Book of Rites" is a link extracted by Confucianism that is very helpful for the emperor to ask his subjects and Confucian scholars to restrain the emperor.

Confucian etiquette is not only a ritual, but also a constraint on self-thinking, behavior, and pursuit of everyone who recognizes this "ritual".

The pursuit of the royal family is to govern the country and the world, right?Confucianism can provide this path: my thousands and thousands of disciples serve this purpose.

The emperor wants to choose this path?Since the emperor also wants to rule the country and the world, he must at least cultivate himself first.

Therefore, the emperor's words and deeds must be in accordance with the requirements, and the emperor's harem, civil servants are also obliged to say a few words: Your own family can't do well, how can you govern the country and the world?
"Those who want to cultivate their body must first rectify their minds. Those who wish to rectify their minds must first be sincere in their minds. Those who wish to be sincere in their minds must first develop their knowledge. What does it mean to have the utmost knowledge, what does it mean to be sincere in one's mind, what does it mean to rectify one's mind, and what does it mean to cultivate? Its body, the sages have already described it. And the extension of knowledge lies in the investigation of things, and what is the investigation of things is the most important and difficult thing above the righteous heart."

When he said this, there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth: "In order to gain knowledge in the past, I used to think a lot about Gewu, Zeng Gezhu for seven days and nights, and found nothing."

Zhu Houcong finally felt the difference between Wang Shouren and other great Confucians: he knew how to give lectures.

When Yang Tinghe and Shi Juan lectured on the scriptures, most of their examples were allusions from ancient times or previous dynasties, and none of them used their own experiences as examples like Wang Shouren.

Wang Shouren immediately became solemn again: ""University" said: If it is originally chaotic but will not be governed, it is not true. What is thick is thin, and what is thin is thick, and there is no such thing. This is called knowing the foundation, and this is called knowing the best. If you know the origin, you will know the end. What is the foundation? In the beginning of "University", there is another saying that things have their origins and ends, and things have their beginnings and ends. Knowing the sequence of things is the shortest way. Extending knowledge lies in investigating things, the origins, ends, and beginnings of things, and what should be more important? When the time is thin, how to check it?"

Zhu Houcong heard a little taste in this passage.

He knows the general idea, and it is nothing more than to pay attention to the emphasis and sequence of things between the root and the side branches, between the beginning and the end.

In "University", it is said in a vague way that knowing what is fundamental can achieve a state of wisdom.

What is the root of that thing?
I didn't say anything.

Recalling what Wang Shouren said before: What is sincerity, righteousness, and self-cultivation are all clearly explained in "University", or Zhu Xi, the great master of Neo-Confucianism, has already explained it clearly.

But what about reaching the realm of sincerity?The symbol of reaching this state is knowledge, and the method is to investigate things.

But what about how to get things?
Without any explanation, just a sentence: "Things have their origins and ends, and things have their beginnings and ends. If you know the sequence, you will get the shortest way."

This touches on the fundamental difference between Neo-Confucianism and Psychology: everyone's common goal is still self-cultivation, family governance, and world peace, and everyone agrees that self-cultivation is fundamental.

But how to cultivate yourself?
So what Wang Shouren said today is "from the emperor to the common people, everything is based on self-cultivation".

From the emperor to the common people, all are based on self-cultivation.

"Thinking of the Ehu Lake meeting in the past, the reason why we participated in the road together was because of the method of teaching people. Zhu Zi said that knowing things is just one thing, and it is an appointment to return after extensive viewing. Chen Gezhu seven days and nights, twenty years of history, always Stuck at this level. Read extensively, asked about the sages, and finally re-read this sentence because of the method of teaching people: From the emperor to the common people, everything is based on self-cultivation."

That's right, the famous Ehu meeting, the debate between Zhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan, two giants of Neo-Confucianism and Psychology, originated from how to teach people how to cultivate themselves.In other words, from the Confucian classics, how to know: to obtain wisdom.

Because the explanation of the study of things and knowledge in the Confucian classics is too simple and too vague.

Zhu Xi's explanation is: Investigating things and extending knowledge are one, so read more, observe things more, analyze, synthesize and summarize based on experience, and then draw conclusions.

Wang Shouren didn't mention what Lu Jiuyuan said, as if the lectures to be reviewed could not mention the point of view of psychology.

At this time, he used himself as an example, implying that he had read enough books, experienced things and time enough, but he still didn't know how to learn from things.

Now that he finally asked the question, the audience became curious: Is his point of view hidden in this sentence?

"Everyone takes self-cultivation as the foundation. If there is a way to teach others, then everyone can extend their knowledge, know the foundation, know the sequence, and get close to the Tao. The emperor can get close to the way, and ordinary people can also get close to the way. Therefore, the sage can teach without distinction. If everyone can be knowledgeable, sincere, upright, and self-cultivated, the family will be in harmony, the whole country will be governed, and the world will be peaceful. Since everyone can learn the way, the way to teach others can also be learned by everyone. Although it is difficult to achieve knowledge , when there is a direct and convenient method.”

He's still hooking people.

It is said that what he realized from this sentence is why everyone should take self-cultivation as the foundation, and the saint also advocates teaching without discrimination. of the world.

Since everyone has this possibility, then there should be a simple and easy way to cultivate one's morality by investigating things from the source.

A method that is too difficult, how can you make it possible for everyone to learn it?Extensive viewing of the Expo as Zhu Xi said?You pay to buy books for ordinary people to read, and teach them to read first?You paid him to travel around?
Zhu Houcong said secretly: Although he did not explicitly say that Confucianism is not good, he just pointed out that Confucianism is not good through logic.

Or put it the other way around, Neo Confucianism has been the mainstream and educated the world for hundreds of years. Has every family been in harmony, the whole country is governed, and the world is peaceful?

So it means you don't have that ability.

"The way is simple." Wang Shouren paused, looked at Zhu Houcong after creating enough atmosphere, and said, "Because of knowledge, what is caused, is conscience. Good, between the beginning and the end, between the beginning and the end, before the knowledge comes In between. The way of great learning lies in Ming Mingde, in being close to the people, and in ending in the ultimate good. Knowing what is in order is the closest to the way, and goodness is also close to the ultimate good. If you want to achieve the great way, you must first develop a conscience."

"How to acquire good knowledge? Don't practice it because the knowledge is not perfect, and don't think that you have acquired knowledge because the practice is effective. The way to develop conscience is to practice when you have knowledge, and then make the knowledge good after practice. This accumulation of small steps and small accumulation The law of flow, the unity of knowledge and action, daily progress and daily innovation. Those who innovate every day advance every day, and those who do not innovate every day must retreat every day, and there is no one who does not advance and does not retreat. These two processes come together.”

"The Emperor Fu Wei is respected by the Son of Heaven, Zhuo Cheng's talent, daily improvement, knowledge and sincerity, sincerity and sincerity, and heart and self-cultivation. If the foundation is accomplished, the world will eventually be peaceful, the virtues will be enlightened, and the people will be enlightened." We are called relatives, and the best is returned."

Zhu Houcong said very normally: "I would like to be taught."

Then I looked at Yang Tinghe: Zhiliangzhi was stuffed into the views of your ancestors of Confucianism, what would you say?
Zhu Houcong, who had asked Yan Song and Liu Long in advance, discovered the beauty of Wang Shouren's sermon after listening to it.

Although the sutra feast is more symbolic, isn’t it essentially teaching lessons?

It is the Son of Heaven who teaches.

Now Wang Shouren started with one of the reasons for the Goose Lake meeting, and what he came up with was the ultimate proposition: the method of teaching people how to learn from things.

The fundamental purpose of this study of knowledge is for self-cultivation, and the purpose of self-cultivation is to regulate the family, govern the country and the world.

Zhu Xi said that from the emperor to the common people, one must cultivate oneself.

Wang Shouren said that my method is the daily improvement and daily innovation that Ercheng said, but I think that we should improve every day through the cultivation of conscience.

Everyone understood: Wang Shouren didn't mention the most common rhetoric about mind and nature.

But he started with Zhu Zi's point of view and ended with Er Cheng's point of view. Now it seems that he is the authentic Neo Confucianism.

Zhu Houcong's evaluation is: Is this going to use magic to defeat magic?

His eyes focused on Yang Tinghe, and after the official presiding over the ceremony asked Yang Tinghe to start, Yang Tinghe calmly walked from the side to the center of the presentation.

It was Yang Shen, the librarian again, who opened the sermon for his father, waiting with bated breath for his father to render Wang Shouren speechless.

Wang Shouren stepped aside and stood up, looking at the chief minister of the cabinet in awe.

What will he say when he has already walked in front of the emperor?
 Solemnly declare: The speeches of the characters in this novel are fabricated for the sake of the plot, and do not represent the author’s understanding of, or approval of, or opposition to, academic thought, nor does it mean that the speeches of the characters in the novel are the true views of historical figures.If there is controversy, please remind yourself: this is a web article!This is a web article!This is a web article!

(End of this chapter)

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