
Chapter 107 The Gap Between People

Chapter 107 The Gap Between People
"Father, Your Majesty asked the person who defeated King Ning to quarrel with Mr. Yang Ge. Did you win the quarrel?"

"...It's not a quarrel. You don't take good care of your injuries, how did you hear this?" Yan Song was speechless looking at his son whose legs and forehead were still wounded.

"Uncle Dong told me. Dad, Your Majesty asked me to study with his baby brother. You should teach me more. My son must know about the things around His Majesty. Otherwise, how can I talk to Brother Lu? You are living Officer Zhu, you know everything His Majesty says and does. Since your son is being trained as a future humerus together with Brother Lu, of course you have to work hard!"

Yan Shifan's other good eye, whose face was swollen from beatings, was also blue, but it was full of fighting spirit.

"...heal well!"

Yan Song, who came to see how his son was doing, had a headache. Why is this child so restless?

Speaking of His Majesty... Yan Song slowly frowned after walking out of the room.

His Majesty has been very silent since returning from the Wenhua Palace, and then even stopped today's daily lecture, and is not going to read the Yingdian test strategy sent by Yang Yiqing first.

Could it be that His Majesty is not satisfied with the result of the debate in the Wenhua Palace?
In the southern outskirts of the capital city, by a river bend next to the post road, there are Qiaotoujiao shops, tea stalls, and restaurants, forming a small village.

The weather in early June is already very hot, but there are still many people coming and going from here, either passing by or resting.

Just because this is not too far from the city gate, the most suitable place to rest your feet.

Sending off or welcoming someone here is also interesting because of the willow trees planted all over the river bend.

In the past few days, there have been frequent visits by big figures here.Today, several people are waiting here.

"Don't write it all down, you didn't remember a paragraph?" Xu Guangzuo looked at Guo Xun with disbelief and even a little contempt.

"...Grandpa, you won't remember it even if you go!" Guo Xun was embarrassed and annoyed, "He is full of words, what are the principles of heaven, human desires, and conscience? How can someone remember it?"

"Who wins and who loses?" Xu Guangzuo actually didn't care about the deep meaning behind it, he just waited here boredly and talked about the topic that is being talked about now.

Guo Xun was silent for a moment, then shook his head expressionlessly.

Don't ask, don't ask.

I just couldn't tell who was winning and who was losing.

If you can understand, remember, and see who wins and who loses, you still come here eagerly to wait for Yang Yiqing?
It has been a month, and the strategy of re-establishing the three major battalions has put together a dry memorial, and in the middle of it, soldiers have been searched and handed over a memorial that should be tested by the palace.

After Yang Yiqing entered the Beijing Miansheng, he was about to go to the three sides of the general system. He was an old acquaintance with many people in the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies. Now Guo Xun dragged Xu Guangzuo together to ask Yang Yiqing to help with the reset of the three major battalions.

Yang Yiqing, who is in charge of the three sides, and the three major battalions in the future will definitely have many business contacts.

Bian will enter Beijing, and Yang Yiqing can also go through the list first.

"Xia Gongjin is here too!" Xu Guangzuo suddenly raised his chin in the direction of the western suburbs, "It seems that he came from the hometown of Tuanying."

After Guo Xun looked over, he said, "Master Guo, why don't you go and meet him. Xia also helped a lot with the strategy of the five mansions before."

Without Xia Yan, the Five Houses would not even be able to come up with a strategy that was dry in words but still detailed in content.

After some politeness, Xia Yan asked expectantly: "Guohou, you know about the sutra banquet. Today in the Wenhua Palace, Wang Futai and Yang Gelao debated and analyzed the scriptures. I don't know how the process is?"

Guo Xun couldn't help but twitched his brows, and replied: "First, Wang Futai gave the lecture, and then Yang Ge gave the lecture. Your Majesty asked a question, and the two gentlemen each expressed their opinions. Your Majesty's praise of the law of conscience is not without merit."

"Is it the method of attaining conscience, not without learning from the heart?" Xia Yan confirmed earnestly.

Guo Xun thought about it for a while: "It's the way to cultivate conscience."

Yang Tinghe and Wang Shouren's words are so long!So incomprehensible!Who can remember?

But His Majesty said only a few words in all.

Can you not remember your Majesty's words?

Xia Yan saluted very carefully: "Thank you Guo Hou for letting me know!"

It seems that knowing this conclusion and this distinction is very important to him, and Guo Xun didn't say anything about the process, which is not what Xia Yan wants to focus on.

Guo Xun knows that Xia Yan is very smart, so now it seems that he is really not smart.

"After His Majesty got up and drove back to the palace, the Datian official almost shed tears. It seemed to be a pity and unwillingness." Guo Xun added.

This was also the reason why he couldn't see victory or defeat: the emperor said that Wang Shouren's method had merit, but why did Wang Qiong have that expression.

Xia Yan was stunned for a moment, and then apologized to Guo Xun: "It's the official's abruptness. Wang Futai was recommended by the Great Heavenly Official in the past, and he was able to be worthy of the sutra lecture. The Great Heavenly Official hoped that Wang Futai Show what you have learned so that the court can learn more about everyone and manage the world. Today, Wang Futai only wants to be undefeated. The Datianguan is happy that he has not been defeated, but also regrets it. The Datianguan has always known Wang Futai With profound knowledge, I think Wang Futai is a clumsy person today."

Guo Xun suddenly opened his mouth.

He just added a sentence, and Xia Yan figured out that Guo Xun didn't understand, and then apologized for asking Guo Xun this question, and explained why Wang Qiong reacted that way.

Where do you see it?

After Xia Yan was promoted to the Ministry of Military Affairs and supervised the dismantling and reorganization of the three major battalions, he was simply a workaholic, and often only spent time in the original east and west government offices outside Beijing.

He left the city after Chang Chao today, he should have no reason to know the details of today's Jingyan, otherwise he wouldn't be able to ask himself.

So is there such a big gap between people?
After waiting for more than a quarter of an hour, Yang Yiqing finally arrived shortly after Yang Tingyi, Yang Tinghe's younger brother who served as the right servant of the Ministry of War, arrived here.

Running all the way, Yang Yiqing was wearing a loose Taoist robe, and greeted Xu Guangzuo, Guo Xun, Yang Tingyi, Xia Yan and others with a smile.

"Building the platform, you have worked hard all the way."

The three sides are in charge of the general system, and the official positions are called Duxian and Zhitai when they are called face to face.

Yang Yiqing asked Yang Tingyi first after finishing his polite manners: "I heard that today is the day of the sutra feast, and Jiefu and Wang Yangming will lecture on the sutra together?"

Yang Tingyi, who was there, heard the words and said: "If you want to know the details of the platform, you will be entrusted by your brother when you come to the official. Please go to the mansion to renew your old friendship after you arrive in Beijing."

Guo Xun suddenly became nervous.

Although Yang Yiqing has not been formally appointed to a new position and is still in the state of being an official, this is the meeting of two people at the cabinet level in their private houses.

It's not that there can't be, but it's very eye-catching after all.

And at this time, everyone's purpose must be the same, and they are all for the reset of the three camps.

Guo Xun didn't think about whether it was appropriate for them to come to greet them in person, and now he said with a smile, relying on the status of the marquis: "Unfortunately, this Marquis and Ding Guogong are also planning to invite Yang Zhitai to come here. Sit down at Wangyue Tower. I am afraid that the Empress Dowager will take up his post soon, and His Majesty is worried about the re-establishment of the three major battalions. This Marquis has a heavy responsibility, and I would like to ask more advice from Zaomian."

"Mr. Dingguo and Marquis Wuding came out of the city to meet me, and I was in a state of panic. How dare Sannan refuse to obey his request?" Almost without thinking about it, Yang Yiqing smiled apologetically at Yang Tingyi, "I have to ask Shilang Yang to tell you Husband, Sannan will visit again tomorrow."

The status of Duke and Marquis is detached and prominent, but Yang Tingyi understands that this is of course just an excuse.

Sitting here absent-mindedly for a while, Yang Tingyi returned to the Ministry of War after the group entered the city together.

"When I went to the old man's house, I said that Yang Zhitai was incapable of separating himself. Duke Dingguo and Marquis Wu Ding went out of the city in person and invited Yang Zhitai to Wangyue Tower first."

The servants accompanying him rushed to Yang Tinghe's residence after receiving the errand, and only saw Yang Shen after the report.

After conveying the news, Yang Shen absent-mindedly said "Got it", and continued to rush back to the flower hall.

"...Ge Lao, why didn't you take advantage of the victory and pursue it? Now, although His Majesty only said that one of his small skills has merits, the word "Zhiliangzhi" has spread more and more widely!"

The chairs in the flower hall were full of people, many of them looked worried.

And Yang Tinghe, who was sitting on the main seat, frowned tightly and said nothing.

"Elder Ge's remarks today are deafening, but His Majesty is not moved at all. Invite Wang Shouren to give a lecture, and Elder Ge has demonstrated his learning in the battle, and he has no choice but to respond to the orthodox school! I hate Wang Shouren for using military sophistry on the sutra banquet. , it is not the work of a gentleman!"

Seeing Yang Shen came back, Yang Tinghe interrupted and asked, "What's the matter?"

Yang Shen thought that his father failed to invite Yang Yiqing, so it might not be good to say it here, so he shook his head: "It's a small matter."

Although it was a trivial matter, he didn't explain it clearly. Yang Tinghe knew that he would ask again later, so he said to everyone who rushed to his house tonight: "There is no need to worry. I have already stated my interests to His Majesty that day. Your Majesty is very eager to learn now. It's amazing." Skills, obscenities and tricks are not enough. Today, Wang Boan avoids talking about the fundamental issues, and a gentleman can clearly distinguish the foundation of his knowledge. Even though Chen Baisha and Zhan Ganquan have preached the mind for many years, they have not caused many scholars in the world to follow them. Dao. Today, Wang Bo'an is nothing more than relying on Chen Hao's fame to reach the heavens. Your Majesty wants to see it and borrow his military merits. Yu Gong's posthumous posthumous title is Zhongwu, and Wang Bo'an also agrees with Wen Yunwu. Lectures on the scriptures are false, and they are called real, otherwise the imperial examination policy questions Why do you need to ask the honorable generals?"

This kind of explanation made many people "understand" a lot about the preaching of the scriptures at the Jingyan, but some people still muttered angrily: "How solemn is the Jingyan, how can it be..."

"Speak carefully!" Yang Tinghe interrupted him with a frown, "Wang Bo'an is well-learned, but it is true that he can realize the method of conscience, which is already a display of his talent. Although he is avoiding talking about it today, how can he know him?" Haven’t reached great achievement in studying the scriptures in the heart? If you are really clumsy, the situation today will be really difficult to deal with. Let’s revise books and invite me to Beijing to wait for changes.”

It is always right to prepare for the worst first.

Now let's just talk about a conscience, what if the latter seed really grows and sprouts?

As for Wang Shouren's many calculations when he went to the Jingyan lecture today, Yang Tinghe, who suspected that he had stepped into a trap that day, didn't think about it later.

But there is no way, this is a conspiracy, but the only way to go is to refute Wang Shouren in the sutra banquet.

That's why he read Wang Shouren's lecture first as a cabinet minister without paying attention.

It's a pity... this Wang Bo'an is indeed a character who can put down the chaos of Chen Hao with a wave of his hand.


It wasn't until everyone left that he asked Yang Shen, "What happened just now?"

After Yang Shen answered, he asked: "Father, what is your majesty's intention of persuading you to stay and making new enemies for you?"

Yang Tinghe remembered the "heart-to-heart" that day, and gradually turned into teaching his son some practical things. He could only sigh: "The monarch and his subjects always want to keep this dignity. As a father, you can't leave, and you can't stay. You still need to do your best in your position, and there must be a place for this fistful heart."

Yang Shen understood for a moment, and immediately asked in a speechless voice: "So you're using that heresy to kill your father?"

"Whether it is really possible to implement the new law, or whether it is difficult to implement due to the turmoil of the public, we can also see one or two from this intellectual dispute." Yang Tinghe shook his head, "Fortunately, it is only an intellectual dispute, with the least turmoil. Your Majesty's conspiracy is not considered a waste. To go ahead for my father is to do my best. Do you understand?"

Yang Shen can only say that he half understands.

But he was puzzled by one thing: the 15-year-old emperor really had so many calculations and intentions in this matter?
Is there such a big gap between people?

(End of this chapter)

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