
Chapter 114 The Real Purpose Behind the Primary Screening

Chapter 114 The Real Purpose Behind the Primary Screening

After the imperial decree was delivered, the Hanlin scholars suddenly lost their interest in talking, and went back to their rooms.

If it is a preliminary screening, then it is based on the article, everyone is an opponent!

After passing the preliminary screening, how to select the next step?
"Everyone who is invited to be recommended must pass this course!" Wang Qiong said to Wang Shouren, "With your talent, this initial screening is not a problem. But if you want to sit in the top spot in the imperial study, you have to do it." Get ready to debate the Confucians!"

Wang Shouren only felt that his target was already shining brightly.

The Bachelor of Attendance has never attended a lecture, and the emperor, who is not ready to study hard at all, just wants to use him as a tool!
But the Chief of the Imperial Study... really suits him very well.

He didn't need to take any real job and be constrained by his subordinates of Neo Confucianism. He can not only use his rich experience in state affairs to influence the direction of many major events, but also be prominent enough to be rich in history.

It's also very fragrant...

He was quite calm and honest: "If you get this position, you don't need to mention the merits of calming the chaos. Talking about Confucianism...Your Majesty is rewarding me with an opportunity."

Although the emperor was not prepared to cause chaos due to the academic dispute, he still gave him a chance to fully demonstrate his insights.

"Then are you still hiding your clumsiness this time?"

Wang Shouren smiled meaningfully: "Since Yangming knows how to fight, he naturally strives to do his best."


When the news of the [-]th place was announced, the front wave kept surging, and the back wave also began to slap it away.

The wind is high and the waves are rough.

But is that a mess?
After Yang Tinghe sat in the study for a long time after returning from the national policy meeting that day and said to Yang Shen, "If Yan Weizhong comes to visit, please invite him directly", only then did he know that his son had stopped him several times.

Really tired.

"Have you rushed to rush?" Now he was asking his younger brother Yang Tingyi.

"It's already been arranged. No matter what, I will invite them all to come to Beijing. If it is not for the position of the chief companion of the Imperial Study, Wang Shouren cannot be allowed to enter the Imperial Study." Yang Tingyi was very serious, and then looked at Yang Shen. "Yongxiu, you also need to go all out this time. The three scriptures, your insights, you must do it with your heart!"

Yang Shen nodded silently, his heart was equally heavy these days: he was reprimanded by his father, but he also fully understood the difficulty his father was in now.

The emperor not only allowed civil servants to enter the stage of approving awards, but also gave a lot of power to the cabinet ministers Jiuqing. My father could not find any position to oppose such a change.

Is the Yang family going to be enemies with all the other courtiers?

Just beginning to plan to work hard on the selection of the other two cabinet ministers and the chief accompanying bachelor of the imperial study, the emperor issued another imperial decree: the chief of the imperial study can recommend talents with outstanding talents from officials above the third rank.Firstly, the knowledge is screened, and then the best ideas are selected through debates, and finally the national policy meeting decides the candidates.

The three checkpoints are set very reasonably: the chief of the imperial study is to assist the emperor in making decisions and approving Zhu. Such a large amount of memorials and replies really requires very quick thinking.

Yang Tinghe looked at the current Manchu Dynasty and decided that Yan Song had both sufficient motivation and sufficient strength.

Instead of letting Wang Shouren go to that position, it is better to choose Yan Song.

"Now I just want to implement the few new policies that are worried about in the edict of your majesty's ascension to the throne. The rest is the fundamental matter of Neo Confucianism." Yang Tinghe said slowly, "Besides the cabinet ministers and nine ministers, I want to keep Wang Bo'an in the third place. The only thing is to make him speechless during the next month's group debate. Several Confucian scholars and elders who have become officials have their own strengths in learning and history, and we must allow them to arrive in Beijing within a month."

"There is another way!" Yang Tingyi said, "It's just that Wang Xian still uses the excuse of abolishing the abolishment and re-establishing the three major battalions. His Majesty is worried, pressing Chen Hao's meritorious deeds and saying that we will do it in the next step. If he can claim his deeds as soon as possible, If we work together to promote Wang Bo'an's conferment, we can solve this worry."

Of course Yang Tinghe knew this method, but at this moment, the word "work together" is very harsh.

Even if it's him, he's not sure whether the emperor's main candidate for the imperial study is Wang Shouren or Yan Song, or if he has other goals.

How can we talk about working together in this situation?

How many high positions above the third rank will be disturbed by making up two cabinet ministers?
Yang Tinghe felt quite exhausted physically and mentally, and had to finish the matter of cleaning up the Huangzhuang Huangdian that he led.

Yang Tan is guilty of a crime, so he dare not neglect, but the clan represented by Cai Zhen and the courtiers behind Zhang Jin...

After discussing in the mansion for a long time, Yang Tinghe, who was sitting alone on the chair, really showed the sad expression that Liang Chu imagined.

"...Father." Yang Shen, who came back from seeing off the guests, looked at him worriedly.

Yang Tinghe came back to his senses, and pointed out: "You should write these three classics in a practical way. Your Majesty does not want to promote the study of the mind and replace the theory of theory. Your Majesty just wants to bring this water to life."

After so many rounds, Yang Tinghe finally got to know Zhu Houcong better and better.

It's just a pity that it's a little late...


No matter what, the world would never have imagined that the real purpose of the emperor's "general election" for the head of the imperial study with great fanfare was actually heart-wrenching.

Now it is Zhu Qingping who feels the pain first.

"...Your Majesty, there are so many, the servants are almost out of breath."

"Don't worry, start from the shallower to the deeper, and take your time. Just use the method I taught you. You've seen how to do it before. Sex first..."

The dialogue is thought-provoking, but it's very serious academic research.

With a bitter face, Zhu Qingping worked for the emperor, took a pen and began to sort out the classics and insights presented by the Hanlin scholars and those who had a Jinshi background in the Manchu Dynasty and were recommended.

Before falling asleep, the two tried for a few nights and found that the posture was wrong, so Zhu Houcong changed his mind.

He has to use his more systematic approach.

Whether it is Zhu Xi, or many other Confucianists who came after him, no one has used Zhu Houcong’s familiar method to sort out in a more orderly manner, expressing clearly the world outlook, outlook on life, values, methodology, etc. of Neo Confucianism.

A lot of opinions, highlighting a foggy and random.

In other words, they do academics, and there is no so-called academic paper norms in later generations.

Say what you think of, and don't give you a source when citing scriptures.If you are not knowledgeable enough and your memory is not good enough, some articles will make you sick.

Totally unsystematic and extremely poorly targeted!
Being an emperor is a good thing, otherwise, in this era, how could there be so many targeted "thesis materials" for one decree?
Learning is to talk about methods.

So now, Zhu Qingping started to do trivial work.

She had to find the source from the Four Books and Five Classics and other classics according to the method set by the emperor, and then mark the numbered index written by the emperor on a piece of paper on those classics, meanings, insights and insights, just like doing sentence reading.

At the same time, for the important terms of Neo Confucianism that I am already somewhat familiar with, I sorted out different people's explanations of it, and extracted them into a special booklet.

This is Zhu Houcong's inductive analysis method, and Zhu Qingping is a tool beauty.

Seeing that she was familiar with the method, Zhu Houcong walked towards the Zhongyuan Hall with her hands behind her back.

There are also tool people in the Zhongyuan Hall. Huang Jin, Yan Song, and Liu Long read through the memorials to be submitted to the imperial study room every morning.

With the assistance of three people, both Yan Song and Liu Long can say whether the review of the cabinet's draft opinions is accurate or not, the reasons, and the opinions that can be given-of course, it is mainly Yan Song.

Zhu Houcong's original purpose was to give comments and see the feedback or implementation effects below. This is a learning process, so with the attitude of first respecting the opinions of cabinet ministers and trusting their abilities, the current work of reviewing memorials and plans is much more efficient.

"You are already the companions of the imperial study, but if you want to become the chief, you have to double, six articles each!"

"I obey the order." Yan Song couldn't wait.

Liu Long didn't want to be the chief of the imperial study, but he didn't dare to talk too much.

"Today we will talk about the Book of Rites."

Zhu Houcong also learned that he didn't have to finish approving all the memorials every day. Yan Song, who was determined to improve, tried his best to prioritize according to the content of the memorials at his request, so Zhu Houcong would have more time.

While being able to chat with Zhu Qingping in private, he still has to listen to lectures—anyway, he only listens to lectures, and no one forces him to ask questions or test him.

Yan Song also began to enjoy the rare days when he could go home on time—although Yan Shifan had already been sent to Jinyiwei Sheren's official school, Yan Song actually hoped to spend more time with the emperor.

Habit will be a very powerful force, which is why Yan Song is going all out now.

So when he saw another memorial the next day, based on his current understanding of Zhu Houcong, he solemnly said after Zhu Houcong came to the imperial study: "I think this memorial is not properly drafted by the cabinet! "

Zhu Houcong is watching.

Yan Song briefly explained that this is the "tacit understanding of work" formed during this period of time: "Although the imperial court allowed Frangji people to come to Beijing to meet and discuss tribute matters in the 14th year of Zhengde, the officials have always wanted to learn from Franji because of the great behavior of the emperor. Langji said that the Frangji people bribed Jiang Bin again, so he went up to ask for the expulsion of the Frangji people on Tuen Mun Island. Now he went up to talk about it again, and the cabinet thought it was okay, but the minister remembered the source of the matter."

Zhu Houcong had already finished reading this guide, and looked at him after putting it down: "Tell me."

"In the ninth year of Zhengde, when Wu Shilang was appointed as the right minister of Guangdong, he promulgated the "Fanbo Tributary Transaction Law". Fanyi merchant ships can come to our Daming at any time, and they can pay taxes and trade when they arrive in Guangdong. The barbarian merchant ships came one after another. However, although this method has the advantage of opening up the source, Wu Shilang was also impeached. Since the Franji merchant ship also came, it is even more complete. The previous situation is: I am one of the tribute countries of the Ming Dynasty, Manlajia located in Nanyang was overthrown by Franji in the sixth year of Zhengde..."

Zhu Houcong listened to him speak in an orderly manner about the matter related to the Guangdong tributary trade, including Wu Tingju, the pirates and pirates on the sea route outside Gaozhou Dianbai Port, and the harvest of the Guangdong Shipping Department when Wu Tingju was in office. Big profits.

He listened quietly before looking at Yan Song, and then asked Huang Jin, "When was this book presented?"

"Chang Chaohou just arrived today."

Zhu Houcong looked at Yan Song deeply.

Is there really such a profound insight, can you tell it after reading this book?

(End of this chapter)

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