
Chapter 115 The Old and the New Era Meet Here

Chapter 115 The Old and the New Era Meet Here
Zhu Houcong remembered what Lao Qin had said, that Xu Pengju, a wine bag and rice bag, first received a mission to imitate the Portuguese Hongyi cannon shortly after he ascended the throne in Jiajing, which seemed to have been captured after a previous naval battle victory.

The imitation results are impressive.

At this moment, Zhu Houcong was silent for a moment after seeing the current activities of Frangji from the memorial.

He knew very well that above the sea, Magellan was exploring around the world, and he didn't know if he had died at this time.

But with the completion of this round-the-world voyage, more merchant gunboats will set off from Europe.

At this moment, at least at the level of artillery, European technology should have surpassed Ming Dynasty, otherwise Xu Pengju would not have been ordered to imitate this matter.

Zhu Houcong only heard Lao Qin complain, so he didn't know that the Tuen Mun naval battle that took place in the second half of the 16th year of Zhengde was the first confrontation between the East and the West at sea.

"I remember that before I arrived in Beijing, the Empress Dowager Cishou issued a decree to allow Mr. Yang Ge and others to ask for something related to Frangji."

"It is true." Yan Song bowed and replied, "At that time, the emperor sent back the tribute envoys from Hami, Turpan, and Frangji under the decree of Emperor Daxing and the Queen Mother. They hired several officers, one named Huozhe Yasan, who bribed Jiang Bin and was led before the Daxing Emperor. It was Huozhe Yasan who did the Daxing Emperor's Xi Francai language. Jiang Bin was sent to prison Afterwards, Yasan Huo Zhe was executed. Now that Jiang Bin has been put to death, Nie Shiping, the head of the Ministry of Rites, and Liang Zhuo, the head of the Head and Guest Department of the Nanjing Siyi Pavilion, jointly joined this book."

After finishing speaking, he said solemnly: "The Flangji mission arrived in Nanjing first, and Yasan, who was caught in the fire in the Siyi Pavilion, once relied on the favor of teaching Flangji language to Emperor Daxing, and humiliated Liang with mere slavery. Zhuo was whipped by Liang Zhuo. At that time, Jiang Bin was furious and wanted to frame Liang Zhuo. This incident aroused a lot of discussion in the court at that time, and several important ministers pleaded for Liang Zhuo. Talking about Frangji's cunning, impeaching Jiang Bin for colluding with Frangji people, and suspected of buying Frangji firearms in an attempt to commit crimes, Jiang Bin was quite afraid, so Liang Zhuo was not punished."

Zhu Houcong looked at him deeply again: "You know the ins and outs clearly, so you think you shouldn't simply order to reject Frangji's tribute and drive away the Frangji people on Tuen Mun Island?"

"Franji people are entrenched on Tuen Mun Island, and they should be driven away!" Yan Song replied solemnly, "Manga has sent envoys to ask for help. This matter is only based on a piece of edict. I am afraid that Franji people will not leave Manga. Now Manchuria is in the hands of the Frangji people, and the sea is also becoming more and more rampant. Afterwards, the Nanyang shipping route is not smooth, and the tribute may be greatly affected. The minister thinks that Wu Shilang was good at opening up sources in the past and is familiar with Guangdong affairs. He also expressed his views on the Internet.”

"Is he the Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of War now?" Zhu Houcong recalled, "It was the first time I looked forward, and he also impeached Wang Qiong, Liang Chu, and Jiang Mian, and his words were extreme."

"There is such a thing." Yan Song didn't say much.

Zhu Houcong thought for a while and said, "Then stay in China first, and ask Wu Tingju to go to Shushu to discuss his opinions on this matter."


The [-] chairs of the National Policy Conference have now been settled. There are four cabinet ministers, Jiuqing, Guo Xun, one of the five ministers, and Yang Yiqing, an important minister of the border town.

For the remaining three positions, the Chief Accompanying Bachelor of the Imperial Study has a "selection" strategy, while the other two cabinet ministers are starting the process of recommendation and court recommendation.

There were so many memorials submitted every day, but Yan Song seriously did his homework on this "little matter".

Anyone who understands understands that Yan Song went to see Yang Tinghe "by order", and he did not hide his desire to be the chief of the imperial study from the emperor.

Zhu Houcong would not point it out. As for whether it was Yan Song giving him a reminder out of loyalty, or it was a conspiracy between Yan Song and Yang Tinghe, Zhu Houcong didn't care about the difference.

He only knows two things.

First, these people made a fuss about this matter, not for the matter itself, but for the personnel changes at the top of the court.

Second, in their eyes, this incident is definitely just a trivial matter, a lead.

In the Dongnuan Pavilion, Huang Jin found all the related memorabilia and files from the Department of Internal Documentation and the Sixth Section Corridor.

Zhu Qingping continued to immerse herself in her studies on the small desk beside her, and when she took a break occasionally, she saw the emperor drawing a pen on the paper with wide open arms.

Could it be that you are painting?
In front of Zhu Houcong was a large diagram of the relationship between the characters, with many time points marked.

As early as 28 years ago, before Zhengde was enthroned, some western pirates came to Guangdong.In the sixth year of Hongzhi, Yuan Guang, a thousand households of Dongguan's garrison of thousands of households, led his troops to fight against him, and was shot and killed.

In the sixth year of Zhengde, Malacca, which Zhu Houcong was familiar with, had been invaded by the Franji people.Two years later, the Department of Shipbuilding of Guangdong Province recorded that Frangji came to request trade and was rejected.

The area around Tuen Mun Island, which is now the vicinity of Lantau Island in Hong Kong, has been invaded by the Franks since then.

One year later, in the [-]th year of Zhengde, Wu Tingju started to work on the "Fanbo Tributary Transaction Law", but the Franji people who invaded the former tributary state of the Ming Dynasty, Manlajia, were not included in the list, and they could only conduct maritime transactions outside the official channels. Smuggling deals.

Three years later, in the 12th year of Zhengde, Franji's fleet of eight merchant ships broke through the interception of the Daming Navy and entered the inland river of the Pearl River.At that time, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi arranged for them to learn etiquette, go to the court, and finally get a reply that they could go to Beijing to negotiate tribute matters. It was Chen Jin, the censor of Zuodu of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.At that time, Guo Xun also served as the commander-in-chief of Guangdong.

This group of people who entered Beijing was the mission headed by Pi Laizi that Yan Song mentioned.Their translator, Huozhe Yasan, was finally introduced by Jiang Bin and became Zhu Houzhao's Portuguese teacher.

Today, Chen Jin is one of the Nine Ministers and attends the national policy meeting, but he is guilty of the crime.

Guo Xun, who also attended the national policy meeting, represented the five governments and the Ministry of War, and was busy with the major event of abolishing illegal activities and reestablishing the three major battalions.

Wu Tingju is the left servant of the Ministry of War, second only to Wang Xian, and Yang Tingyi is the third right servant of the Ministry of War.

Jiang Bin had just been executed, and Zhang Zuo said that day: Wang Qiong and the others had a lot to do with Jiang Bin, and Yang Tinghe and the others probably had more cards in their hands.

In the lobby of the Ministry of Justice, they didn't play those cards.

Now, is this a card?Wu Tingju once impeached Wang Qiong, Liang Chu, and Jiang Mian, and his words were very rude.

The Frangji mission was able to enter Beijing when Chen Jin, Guo Xun and others went to the imperial court when they were in Guangdong, and this mission was later connected with Zhu Houzhao himself through Jiang Bin. The translator Huo Zhe Yasan dared to humiliate the court official Liang Zhuo.

"The water is very deep..." Zhu Houcong looked at the event development flow chart and the character relationship diagram in front of him, and added a few more strokes:
Admiral of Guangdong City Shipping Department's internal minister.

Goods brought by trade: Huangdian?

Smuggling benefit chain.

A local wealthy family in Guangdong...Liang Chu, who can still exert some influence in the court...

The Ministry of Rites in charge of tribute matters... Yuan Zonggao, Mao Cheng, many middle-level officials...

He put down his pen and shook his head: What does it mean to move the whole body by pulling one hair?
If this time it is really Yang Ting and their plan, then it is another matter of fact.

This matter continued to ferment, and Wu Ting named the "initiator" to relax the Guangdong maritime ban, and watched the Frangji people set up camp on Tuen Mun Island for several years. Should they be held accountable?

He, Wu Tingju, was at odds with Wang Qiong, Jiang Mian, and Liang Chu, and this time he did not get the support of Yang Tinghe and others. Once he was questioned, Yang Tingyi would naturally be suitable to be promoted to Zuo Shilang.

There is a high probability that a war will be needed to drive away the Franji people. If there is a problem in the war, Wang Xian, Minister of the Ministry of War, who is currently busy hosting the re-establishment of the three battalions, may be in a quagmire.

Chen Jin and Guo Xun were there when the Fran robot fleet entered the Pearl River. Did they leave any clues in this matter?
With the war together, the tribute trade will be affected. Will Yuan Zonggao, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, be impeached?He was the guarantor for Wang Qiong and Chen Jin.

As a local tycoon in Guangdong, Liang Chu, in this situation, will he try his best to protect himself from being caught by the new tail?

Zhu Houcong sneered, and said, "Call Zhang Jin, Zhang Zuo and Luo An over here!"


Yan Song pointed out Wu Tingju, and Zhu Houcong would slowly think about his intentions.

However, the degree of importance that this letter received in the emperor's mind must have far exceeded the expectations of some interested people.

Yang Yiqing said that there is no need to be in a hurry in the Beijing camp, and that many civil servants are unwilling to "recklessly initiate border provocations." Perhaps in the eyes of some caring people at this moment, the problem of Francois is easy to solve.

There is nothing wrong with the end result and the process can be put to good use.

What Lao Qin said was that Jiajing later dismissed the shipping department and further strengthened the sea ban. Is it one of the follow-up effects of this incident?

So Zhu Houcong will not tolerate this matter going in a certain direction.

Everything was calm for the time being, but there was a news in Jinyiwei that was almost settled a long time ago: Wang Zuo, who cleaned up Jinyiwei's interior after the disaster of Nijingmen, was transferred to Beizhen Fusi.

Two days later, Wu Tingju's memorial was submitted.

"Fanguo Folangji, the previous generation did not understand China, or it is said that the Nambali Kingdom was renamed. In ancient times, there was a wolf Xugui Kingdom, which was divided into two continents. All of them were cannibals. Before Java, ghosts ate human flesh. Folang Jiguo is opposite to Jiguo. After Hongzhi, there was Folang Jicannon, and its country was the ancient Three Buddha Qi, and it was the capital of all kinds of Boyi..."

Zhu Houcong showed Huang Jin's familiar "speechless" expression again.

He was really speechless, Sanfoqi was an ancient country in the Sumatra area south of Malacca, Wu Tingju, the left servant of the Ministry of War, actually thought that the Portuguese were from the ancient Sanfoqi.

Because a large number of officials were vacant after the first visit, he, the left servant of the Ministry of War, was promoted from the right deputy capital censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate at that time.

At that stage, Zhu Houcong "trusted" the cabinet and asked them to solve the problem of these vacancies first.

The result is such a guy who doesn't know much about Franklin: does he really not know?
Wu Tingju's point of view is: he is cunning, and he should be ordered not to pay tribute and ordered to withdraw from Tuen Mun Island.If you don't follow, you should send the heavenly soldiers to destroy them, and order them to withdraw from Manchujia, so as not to destroy the friendship of the tributary and vassal states.

Zhu Houcong asked Yan Song: "Wu Tingju's opinion is consistent with the cabinet proposal."

Yan Song had already read it, and replied solemnly: "In that case, His Majesty ordered it."

Zhu Houcong looked at him and thought he meant "I have reminded you".

More words, he didn't seem to know, and he didn't seem to be able to say.

Zhu Houcong frowned: What kind of posture are you putting on?If I have to ask, what do you know?
But this is meaningless, Yan Song is just doing his duty as an accompaniment to the bachelor in the imperial study, and it is useful enough to remind Wu Tingju, who is familiar with the matter, to express his opinion.

If you ask other questions, you can refuse with the sentence "I don't know".

Some of the things that Zhu Houcong sorted out and speculated before are probably just Yan Song's own guesses.

After Yang Tinghe was "backstabbed" once, it was absolutely impossible for him to cooperate with Yan Song so heart-to-heart.

If it's just Yan Song's guess, can he say it indiscriminately?What if he was misled by Yang Tinghe?
Tribute trade...

Zhu Houcong didn't think too much anymore, and said directly to Huang Jin: "In that case, let's play!"

This time it shouldn't be a sneak attack like in the lobby of the Ministry of Justice, Zhu Houcong had already paid enough attention to it in advance.

Consider this a real practical lesson.

The imperial edict departed from the capital.

At this moment, after Zhu Houzhao's death, the Frangji Mission, which had been driven away by Yang Ting and them, was on its way to Guangzhou.

Their speed is far inferior to the fast transmission of imperial edicts.

When the imperial court repatriated Pilaizi and others, they also returned the "gift" they had requested for tribute trade.

This group of people has just arrived in Ningbo, Zhejiang, and they are planning to purchase a batch of Ming goods here before heading to Guangzhou by boat.

"Oh, my dear Lord Lai." Pi Laizi's determination to trade is quite firm, and now he is visiting an important person, "How do we outsiders know that Master Jiang has the ambition to snatch the throne? It is really wronged, Injustice!"

Now, he can already speak some official dialect of Ming Dynasty.

Ryan, the guarding eunuch of Zhejiang Bosi, looked at the barbarian with uncomfortable appearance, strong body odor and bad accent, and shook his head firmly: "If there is no match, the imperial court will not trade with you. When Jiang Bin is involved, I can’t even call him Mr. Jiang now. You should leave quickly and sincerely send envoys to the Ministry of Rites. Only when you are familiar with the etiquette can you enter the gate of our city’s bureau again.”

Pilaizi looked at his translation in a daze.

I still don't understand some words.

Negotiations were fruitless, and he finally left behind two young women with a style of the Western Regions, which made Ryan curse inwardly: Are these ghosts here to entertain me?
But the beauty of the Western Regions is a very good gift.Although I can't use it, the ancestors in the palace are probably happy to see him...

It was only later that Pilaizi learned that this country not only has trade ports in Guangdong, but also in this port named Ningbo.

After getting on the boat and walking to the stern, he looked at Ningbo Port with bright eyes.

"It's unbelievable! What a vast and fertile piece of land! Beijing, Nanjing... so many people, so rich people, so many goods!!"

Pilaizi left Guangzhou early last year, first went to Nanjing and then went all the way to Beijing. He witnessed the vast territory of the Ming Dynasty, the grandeur of the city, and the wealth and luxury of the officials.

"That's the warship they used to patrol the ocean, right?" Pillai looked at the newly hired general translator meaningfully, "I haven't seen any of the huge treasure ships you're talking about."

"Honorable Baron Pilaizi, that happened many years ago. Didn't you also come here as His Majesty's distinguished special envoy when you heard about the huge treasure ship and knew about the existence of the Ming Dynasty? "

"Yeah, it's a pity that I didn't see such a huge fleet again." Pillay's light blue eyes showed longing, "but it also makes people yearn even more."

Naturally, what he yearns for cannot be a huge fleet.

What he longed for was only the wealth in this land.

 1.07 words, daily 1+15.Thanks to the leader Sakurababy and the lovely and charming villain Professor M for their rewards.The leader owes 10 more, and the first ten thousand owes [-] more...

(End of this chapter)

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