
Chapter 118 Where did the robbery start?

Chapter 118 Where did the robbery start? (add 22 for Mystia, the lord of the guild)

Have you argued enough?

Every word is being speculated by everyone.

They don't know under what circumstances and in what tone these words were spoken. The only thing that is certain is that His Majesty feels that this debate should stop.

So the debate came to an end, and the ministers who participated in the national policy meeting had to go to the Zhongyuan Hall to tell the emperor how many academicians they thought were highly knowledgeable and quick-witted.

There are six ministers in the cabinet, and Sun Jiao has not arrived yet.

Both Jiuqing and Guo Xun are here, and Yang Yiqing has already left for his post.

Yan Song couldn't sit down in those vacant seats today, he and Liu Long stood by the side.

Zhu Houcong has calmed down. After all, he doesn't know whether the war has started and what the situation is like.

He just saw through a little more.

Therefore, all the important ministers obviously feel that the emperor's eyes are more indifferent.

"From the Song Dynasty to today, we have debated for hundreds of years, and the learning of the heart has not died." Zhu Houcong didn't look at anyone, but just said, "Don't get the purpose wrong. Write three names for each person, Huang Jin, take it up statistics."

There is no room for further discussion here.

Everyone has a pen and paper in front of them, just write down the three imperial study companions in their hearts.

Liu Long breathed a sigh of relief: Maybe he can get away, and he is free to study history.

Cui Yuan reminded him that he felt more and more deeply now.Beside the emperor is only suitable for those who are capable and ambitious.

Yan Song stood very calmly, not sure if he cared.

Fifteen sheets of paper were collected, and Huang Jin quickly counted them and handed them to Zhu Houcong.

"There is a clear distinction between Wei and Wei." Zhu Houcong put the paper on the imperial case, "Except for Yan Song and Yang Shen, none of them has been recommended by more than seven people."

Yan Song's eyelids couldn't help shaking, but Yang Tinghe's expression couldn't help changing.

"Is this chair in the Imperial Study Room safe?" Zhu Houcong looked at them, "Is Xinxue completely defeated, and people who want to recommend Wang Shouren won't write his name? Or is it that Wang Shouren won, and faced with a group of passionate people?" If people talk about it, I will not use him, and you also expect him to retreat in spite of difficulties?"

"...I am ashamed of my trust in His Majesty."

For that sentence, just listen to the previous sentence. Your Majesty asked them if they feel uncomfortable sitting in a chair, so they can't sit for now.

So they knelt down in a circle in the central hall.

"Liu Long moved to the Imperial Academy to accept the decree. Yang Shen and Wang Shouren will serve as companions in the imperial study, Yan Song will be the chief, and the rest will be sent to the imperial study to wait for orders."

Yang Tinghe immediately said: "I am ashamed to be listed in the Taiwan Pavilion, and the dog can no longer hold an important position in the imperial study. I ask your Majesty to choose another talented person."

"A virtuous person does not avoid relatives, and he is not the chief. What is the old man worried about?" Zhu Houcong finished the sentence without any fluctuations in his tone, "Yan Song, take a seat. Today we will discuss the matter of sending internal ministers abroad, including guarding eunuchs in various places and admirals in various government departments. and the battalion supervisors."

Yan Song's heart trembled, he knelt down to thank him, and then took his seat with the head of the imperial study.

Liu Long thanked En and left with a sigh of relief: After staying with the emperor for two months, the Imperial Academy Chengzhi, who was directly promoted to the third rank, was only one step away from the head of the academy.

Not long after, two newly-appointed companions to the imperial study and commentators on daily life entered the Zhongyuan Hall.

The temporary center of the court has decided on this.


The eunuchs sent to the local area are generally divided into four categories.

The first category is at least provincial eunuchs, who are usually dispatched by the ceremonial supervisor.

The second category is the military eunuchs dispatched to the army, usually dispatched by the Imperial Horse Supervisor.

The third category is some mouths related to taxation and banking, such as the Shibo Division, such as the Salt Division, and this category is called the Tax Supervisor.

The fourth category is to supervise production in some mines, shipyards, military factories, manufacturing bureaus and other places.

The eyes and ears of the emperor can touch everything.

For the emperor, of course, it is of great significance.Therefore, even though many civil servants in the past dynasties denounced the harm of sending eunuchs abroad, the emperor seldom abandoned this method.

The enthronement edict mentioned the issue of the ministers, and now Zhu Houcong brought it up for them to discuss.

The people sitting here are all smart people, so Zhu Houcong looked at many people coldly and denounced the ministers sent abroad as lawless, incompetent and corrupt state affairs, and asked directly: "The main purpose of the ministers sent abroad , is to set up another supervision in addition to the governors and inspectors in various places. The governors and inspectors sent by the Metropolitan Procuratorate are all Jinshi. Can education and official selection fail to achieve the goal of combining ability and political integrity?"

Yang Tinghe's eyes were concentrated immediately, and he looked at the emperor worriedly.

This is no longer a dispute between the study of the mind and the study of Neo-Confucianism. Is it necessary to deny the efficacy of Confucianism?

"All ministers are ministers who participate in national policy. There is no need to generalize, and you can't break and stand." Zhu Houcong grasped the rhythm indifferently. Quite a few. The direction of discussion among the ministers should be how to strengthen the supervision of the local area without excessively restricting the talents of the main officials in the military and political lines."

So we couldn't discuss it anymore.

Because those who advocate the removal of foreign ministers just want to leave more space for civil servants. Who wants to have more supervision systems?
It's not good to blatantly say that doing this is to suppress the imperial power.

"That's the old rule, think carefully after you go back, and discuss it after you come up with a plan within a month." Zhu Houcong raised this issue first, and then continued, "Since Wang Shouren has arrived in Beijing, Chen Hao's chaotic narrative Let’s discuss the results today.”

Wang Shouren, who did not become the chief of the imperial study but did enter here, turned his head and looked over.

There was no particular expression on the emperor's face.

Think about it carefully, from the disposal after the sutra banquet to the suspension of the debating of sutras today, and then listening to the teachings of sages just now, the interpretation and selection system may not be effective in selecting officials with both ability and political integrity. The emperor really does not value the so-called knowledge .

The emperor didn't intend to value him because of his knowledge.

Today he entered the imperial study, one of his colleagues is Yang Tinghe's student, and the other is his son, the role of this target is not over yet.

But now he still has to claim credit, how does His Majesty want to play with him?
With Wang Xian as the main speaker, the Xu Gong in the Chenhao Rebellion began to present the plan.

First of all, the conscripted troops who went south were laborious but in vain, and only paid a small amount of rewards. Under the background of abolishing and reorganizing the three major battalions by recruiting troops, both Jiang Mian and Wang Xian believed that the situation could be suppressed.

As for the honored ministers and generals who received rewards for following Zhu Houzhao to the south, all rewards will be recovered.

Guo Xun can't speak for these people. Recently, he is still chasing the gang who killed good people and pretended to be meritorious in the Tang Majiu Rebellion.

In the end, it is the credit of the real heroes and generals headed by Wang Shouren.The rewards of the soldiers have actually been discussed a long time ago, mainly about how the local civil and military officials or Wang Shouren should be rewarded for their contributions.

Mao Ji spoke clearly and logically, thinking that meritorious service should be ennobled and planned to be named Uncle Xinjian. Shi Ping, Fei Hong, Zhang Zilin, Dali Temple Minister, and Tongzheng envoy all thought so, but Wang Qiong and others were silent.

He failed to become the chief of the imperial study, but after all, he entered the imperial study and stayed by the emperor's side at all times.

Could it be that he is invited out now to take up a different position?Can it appear on the scene of this national policy meeting?
They suddenly discovered that the emperor might not really plan to reuse him, but just kept him in the capital, and would take it out at any time to tease the important officials of Neo Confucianism?

But Zhu Houcong said: "Yang Yiqing's participation in the national policy meeting has to be in charge of the three sides, and he also needs a civil servant who can often participate in military and state affairs. Wang Shouren leads the military department with the title of Zuo Shilang, and he reads the national policy meeting with Tongzhi in the imperial study, and participates in the national policy meeting. When the important ministers of the border town are unable to attend the meeting, they will take the responsibility temporarily."

Yang Tinghe and the others were dumbfounded.

So it turned out that what he left for Wang Shouren was not the chair of the chief of the imperial study, but Yang Yiqing's half chair?
Because of his meritorious service, he was promoted to the rank of Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of War. Although he did not go to the Ministry of War to perform his duties, he was only half a step away from Jiuqing.

Coupled with his status as an accompanying student in the imperial study, Wang Shouren...has the qualifications.

Civil servants are willing to send him an earl to be a minister and general; how can he get a chair in this national policy meeting if he only credits meritorious service in the civil service sequence?
But now it's done.

First, he was granted a bachelor's degree as a lecturer at the Sutra Banquet, and then he was selected as a companion to the imperial study room to debate the scriptures, and he gained a halo of close ministers. Now he only holds the title of the left servant of the Ministry of War. The identity of Yang Yiqing temporarily sits.

Bringing the merits of suppressing the rebellion to Beijing, does anyone else in the court dare to stand up and say that Wang Shouren knows soldiers better than Wang Shouren?

Wang Shouren just sat between Guo Xun and Yan Song, and Yang Shen, the only remaining companion in the imperial study, was stunned.

"The next topic is the emperor's brother's mountain tomb and the ceremony of initiation, and the ceremony of Yu Zhongwugong's posthumous posthumous title."


It's not the end, everyone knows that the people on the eighteen chairs are all in place, it's just the beginning.

Being impeached and not resigning, and not being questioned without evidence, this is just one more privilege than ordinary courtiers, and it does not mean that you can sit back and relax.

No one in the capital knew about the naval battle at the mouth of the Pearl River. Xinxue finally entered the palace and came to the emperor's side. The descendants of Yu's family were going to Beijing to participate in the posthumous ceremony of Yu Qian. The last cabinet minister, Sun Jiao, was coming to Beijing with the emperor's mother and sisters. .

And Liang Chu's boat has entered the Xiangjiang River, and he can reach Lingnan after passing the Lingqu.

Lingqu, which communicates the two major water systems of the Yangtze River and the Pearl River, is the main channel of north-south transportation.

At this moment, Liang Chu sat in the cabin with a smile and said to Zhang Tong and Shi Bao: "I was in the hidden mansion in the past, so I didn't have the chance to see the scenery of Dongting, right?"

Like Luo An and Lu Song, they followed Zhu Houcong from the Xing Palace. Today's Zhang Tong and Shi Bao were originally deputy guards of the Wang Mansion, but now they have the official position of Jin Yiwei Commander because of Conglong Zhigong.

Zhengsipin, two.

Sending a court official back to his hometown, do we need two such high-quality Jinyiwei hall officials?
Zhang Tong asked respectfully: "Mr. Liang, can't you talk about the dispatch of Shi Bao when you get here?"

Liang Chu let out a long sigh, looked at the two old ministers who wanted to make meritorious service, and moved his gaze to the Dongting: "Your Majesty has a lot of things in his heart. If you ask me, I don't know. I'm afraid that when you arrive in Guangzhou, there will be imperial envoys to dispatch you." .”

Zhang Tong Shibao was thoughtful, and then asked: "Don't you need to hurry?"

"Don't be too tired, just walk slowly." Liang Chu remembered the leisure badge he got again, and said slowly, "There is no rush, and there is no rush."

After finishing speaking, he owed the two of them: "Although there are not many people in Beijing who are familiar with your appearance and official positions, they will definitely be noticed by interested people. This journey can not be said to be a safe and secure one. The old man's safety is a minor matter, and His Majesty's is a matter of concern. Heavy, I have to ask you two to be more vigilant."

Zhang Tong and Shi Bao changed their colors slightly.

Liang Chu looked to the north: "I'm afraid the chief of the imperial study has already been settled, and my old friends will eventually realize that this matter is unusual. It's not easy to go in the second half of the journey."

All kinds of temple calculations, how can we know where the calamity started?

"Who is so bold?" Shi Bao couldn't help asking.

But Liang Chu can only be a riddle first: "Water bandits and bandits will naturally be more courageous. But don't worry, two commanders, I have been delayed in Beijing for so long, and the healthy servants at home should have passed Lingqu to meet up."

For the first time, Zhang Tong Shibao sincerely recognized this loser who became an official in the court struggle.

How easy is it to be a cabinet minister?
At this moment, the military emergency report from Dongguan County has been quickly relayed.

Half a day later, the procuratorial commissioner of the Guangzhou government made another urgent report and rushed north. At the same time, a large group of people rushed straight to Dongguan Haiphong Road in a murderous manner, and another fast horse went straight to Wuzhou.

After hearing the news, the eunuch of Guangdong and Guangxi, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, and the chief military officer in Wuzhou rushed to the capital, and at the same time, the two giants of Guangdong and Guangxi rushed to Guangzhou.

Before they arrived, a ship slowly arrived at the mouth of the Pearl River, which appeared to be normal.

"So, you must follow the cumbersome etiquette you mentioned before you can get the emperor's approval through this department called the Ministry of Rites and obtain the qualifications for the transaction?" Pi Laizi frowned, "There is no one like Mr. Jiang around the new emperor. Can nobles make this matter faster? I am His Majesty's special envoy!"

"...Your Excellency the baron, he is not qualified for trading, but for paying tribute. Also, you can no longer call him Mr. Jiang, he has already been punished for his crime..."

"I remember you said that after we left Guangzhou, a new nobleman came here, what's his name?"

"Marquis Funing." His interpreter sighed, "but Your Excellency the Baron, if you want to continue to find people trusted by His Majesty and the imperial court in Guangzhou, then there are also the General Town of Guangdong and Guangxi, the Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, the Governor of Guangdong, the governor of Guangdong The chief envoy..."

Pilaizi listened carefully to the information, and then said: "After docking, you go to Tuen Mun Island first and tell General Andrade that I have returned."

As soon as their boat docked at the pier, when they saw Pi Laizi and others appearing on the deck, a gong whistle sounded.

"Come here! Come here! Found a criminal! Hurry up and report to the inspector and Mr. Taiwan. Brothers, you have done a great job. Hurry up!"

Pilaizi didn't realize it was aimed at them at first, and he couldn't understand the hurried shout mixed with accent.

But then, rockets and sentry ships surrounded their civilian ship for "mission", and the inspectors and officials with all kinds of crude and cold weapons rushed over in fear and excitement.

"I am the envoy of the great Portuguese King Manuel I. What are you rude savages doing? I want to see your diplomats!"

"Man-eating red-haired ghost!"

A whistle stick hit his stomach so hard that Pi Raiz nearly vomited.

"Folks, I have caught a few red-haired ghosts. This is the leader of the red-haired ghosts. The criminals His Majesty ordered to arrest, make way... Hey! Which bastard threw it on me?"

Gravel and rotten vegetable leaves flew across the sky for a while, and Pilaizi looked at the oriental savages who also gritted their teeth and threw sundries at them in bewilderment and anger.

Only then did he realize that in the past, the Canton City Wharf, where people of different races were often seen, could not see his kindred at this moment, not even the barbarians from the Spice Islands.

In the end what happened?
Soon he had no time to think about it, because gravel was deadly.

"Don't throw it away! Damn it!" the officials of the Inspection Department covered their faces and roared angrily, "This is a criminal! How can I escort him to Beijing after being beaten to death? Get out of the way, I beat someone up!"

The whistle stick majesticly smashed the shoulders and arms of the people in front, and then they headed to the inspector's yamen with great credit.

Strangely, the inspector was not sitting in the hall.

After asking, I went to the governor's office.

"Your Excellency, my lord from Taiwan, I'm going to be overwhelmed!" Xiong Fang, the inspector of the Inspection Department of Guangzhou Prefecture, looked anxious, "Dongguan County's troublemakers are very powerful, so we can't arrest them all and send them to prison, right? Civil uprising, what will happen then?"

"Is it true that Wang Hung is dealt with by the imperial court? The defeat of Tuen Mun is a fact. The imperial court will pay for the fallen soldiers. How do you do things? Can't you explain clearly to those unruly people?" Guangdong's inspector Wang Ziyan said with a sullen face, " Don't report this trivial matter, handle it yourself!"

After Xiong Fang was driven away, the remaining bosses continued to discuss with serious thoughts.

"The Franji ambassador didn't know whether to go by land or water after he left Nanjing, and he had to tell the pass again! The Haiphong Road should also send more people to patrol." Now it was Zhang Nie, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, who reprimanded Wang Ziyan, "There are not enough sentry ships, and the governor will adjust them. Wang Hong's subordinates, you must suppress them!"

Fu Lun, the eunuch of Guangdong and Guangxi in the township, suddenly said: "A few days ago, under the command of the supervising army who supervised the trouble in Tengxia in Guangxi, two hundred households and four Jinyiwei banner schools went to Guangdong for business."

When these words came out, Zhang Nie, Wang Ziyan, and Guangdong Zuo Buzheng Tang Muyan all fell silent.

"A little bit of Frang's opportunity is small, and Wang Hung's crime of underestimating the enemy and rushing forward is unforgivable." The prince said coldly, "The next official should reorganize the officers and soldiers, and command the conquest. However, the warships were damaged a lot, and Guangxi's troops could not be adjusted. Build warships, go out with a large army, and prepare food and salaries for the vassals. This is the first order of His Majesty to send directly to Guangdong and Guangxi. Wang Hung will harm the country, and we must not worry you any more!"

Tang Muyan nodded solemnly: "It should be so."

"Masters from Taiwan, adults from Taiwan!"

Xiong Fang, who had just been driven away, came in again, and Wang Ziyan was about to lose his temper when he said happily, "The leader of the Franji bandit, what kind of ambassador has been caught!"

Everyone in the room showed joy on their faces: "Where is it?"

Although the war was lost, at least it was not without an inch of success.

"Immediately go to the prison, and say that I got it by searching the city of Zhouzhou! Tortured and tortured, and forced to ask the truth about the camp on Tuen Mun Island!"

The apology table for Tuen Mun's defeat has already been posted. Besides, it can't be said that it was captured in battle. Isn't that the work of Wang Hung?
The next battle should be a complete victory!
 Today is 1.27 words, every day 1 + 1, leader owes -10 = 10, the first [-] owes = [-], please vote!
(End of this chapter)

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