
Chapter 119 Yang Tinghe, whose land?

Chapter 119 Yang Tinghe, whose land?
Zhu Qingping didn't know why His Majesty was restless, so she blamed herself.

"Your Majesty, this servant is stupid, the essence of these scriptures..."

"You have studied well." Zhu Houcong came back to his senses, "I understand better every day."

He was waiting for the Guangdong military report, but Zhu Qingping didn't know.

The efficiency of communication in this era is hopeless, even though the urgent delivery on the post road and the military situation at the border are rushing to the capital day and night.

But what determines the speed of information transmission is only the feet of people, the legs of horses, and the efficiency of handover between stations on the post road.

The emperor in the Qianqing Palace was still studying knowledge before going to sleep, and the officials in the Beijing Dynasty had already fallen asleep.

Is it because there are fewer national memorials compiled by the General Secretary of the General Administration?No, it's just that the emperor cared more about the land than many people.

Only this soul, which came from the emperor 500 years later, has some spirit that no one can understand at this time.

Zhu Houcong is the emperor, he is full of blood, and he has many enjoyments at his fingertips, but he feels that the invisible responsibility on his shoulders is also heavy.

When the curtain was put down, Zhu Houcong remembered the changes that might be caused by his imperial decree, and the corners of his eyes were sore.

This time it is not the fate of some eunuchs and maids in the Forbidden City, but the fate of many ordinary people living in this land.

He grew up listening to Cantonese songs, he went to the south to see the sea, and he knew from books the sound of cannons that sounded there hundreds of years later.

He is the emperor, but recklessly changing history is only in the imagination. The fire of Nishikimen reminded him: If you go too far beyond the times, you will be a madman. The emperor is only the original shareholder of the feudal dynasty limited liability company. Do you really think you are? sole proprietorship?
He is the emperor, but some courtiers can always easily uncover a certain scar of the country anywhere, and tell him contemptuously: Do you think it is easy to settle the accounts so that you can sit back and enjoy the dividends?
Imperial papermaker?The most difficult job, okay?

There is essentially no difference between the princes of the court and the princes of the backup.

And a lonely person is a lonely person. As long as he employs people, people have their own selfishness.

Isn't this incident in Guangdong just a matter of selfishness?

He understands better every day, knowing that he is actually in the most advantageous position, and he has reached the most irreplaceable position in this era.


The sound of horseshoes broke the calm of the imperial capital, and when the military report was sent to the palace, the Chang Dynasty was being held.

The ceremonies of the Chang Dynasty surpassed the heavens, so what is there to worry about about the barbarians in the South China Sea?

It was only because the emperor had sent a decree to Guangdong and Guangxi before that this memorial could be submitted to the imperial court immediately after the end of the Chang Dynasty.

Zhu Houcong opened the sealed ink pad and took out the paper. When he saw the color of each character, his hands trembled slightly.

But wait a little longer.

Zhu Qingping and Huang Jin only felt that the emperor was more absent-minded this afternoon than usual. After the second Guangdong military report was submitted before nightfall, the emperor still only kept the report first.

After Chang Chao the next day, a third round of three memorials finally came in.

Headed by Yan Song, Wang Shouren and Yang Shen stood in the Zhongyuan Hall, only listening to the emperor's order to Gao Zhong: "Minister of the National Policy Conference!"


The memorials submitted to Beijing from the local government must go through the Secretary of the General Administration.

The emperor did not give an opinion on a certain memorial in the first place, so the secretary team and the cabinet naturally had to give opinions on drafting.

So in the national policy meeting at this time, the first and second volumes of the three rounds of memorials, the cabinet actually gave their opinions and brought them together—according to the current rules, the emperor’s version of Zhu’s memorials was also given by the cabinet. The one with opinions.

Zhu Houcong sat on the imperial throne, Yan Song was the head of the imperial study, and Wang Shouren spoke about military affairs on Yang Yiqing's behalf. The [-] chairs were filled with [-] people.

Yang Shen stood up.

"The cabinet's opinion is that Wang Hung underestimated the enemy's aggressive advance and led to this great defeat. It is advisable to order the governors of Guangdong and Guangxi and the commander-in-chief to select talents to drive away the barbarians. In addition, Wang Hung's defeat in the battle and Guangdong's crime of sitting on the sidelines and thieves should be thoroughly investigated."

Zhu Houcong's tone is the indifference that the ministers of this session of the National Policy Conference have been familiar with these days.

"Yang Shen, read out the apology form sent to the palace this morning by the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, the governor of Guangdong, and the left chief envoy of Guangdong."

Yang Shen felt that he was a worthless instrumental person, but he could only take these three memos sent to the capital in the third round.

The words used are different, but the meaning is the same: Wang Hung, the Deputy Envoy of Guangdong Province and the chief official of Haiphong Province, received the order and took the order. After receiving the order, he rejoiced and recruited brave men from the village to plunder the place without thorough preparations. In addition to being brave, the bandits heard the warning and built a strong city.Yuan Yao, a thousand households in the Dongguan Garrison Office, has died in battle, and Wang Hung, who fled back to Hong Kong in fear of the enemy, has been imprisoned for his crimes. Guangdong and Guangxi are dispatching troops to fight against the enemy.In order not to fall into the majesty of the kingdom of heaven, there is still a shortage of warships and soldiers' food and wages...

The seventeen court officials listened silently.

Among them, the five cabinet ministers have actually seen the first round and the second round of reports submitted by Wang Hung, the deputy envoy of the Guangdong Inspectorate, and Prince Yan, the envoy of the Guangdong Inspectorate.

They all just listened, because they knew the difference between the first report on Guangdong military information, the second report, and the third round of these three reports.

Yang Tinghe quietly waited for his son to finish reading.

After Yang Shen finished reading the memorabilia from the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, the governor of Guangdong, and the governor of Guangdong, Yang Tinghe opened his eyes and looked at the emperor.

What greeted him was the emperor's piercing eyes looking straight at him.

Yang Tinghe felt a chill in his heart, and closed his mouth that was just about to open.

The emperor stood up.

So the ministers also stood up.

"It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, right or wrong." Zhu Houcong said in a cold tone, "The martyrs bravely guarded the land and sacrificed their lives for the country. The subjects of the world are like my sons, and my heart really hurts!"

Yang Tinghe and the others watched in astonishment that tears really fell from the corners of the emperor's eyes, and they couldn't help thinking about it while they were grieving on the surface.

They thought it was just a sentence, but the emperor just stood there with his head down.

Yan Song then stood on the spot, feeling emotional in his heart.

Looking at the awe-inspiring emperor, Wang Shouren's heart softened suddenly, thinking of the soldiers and common people who died in the Chenhao Rebellion.

Is there such a sum in the history?Is there any king who really regards his subjects as his sons, and does his father mourn when his son dies?
Zhu Houcong opened his eyes, and calmly ordered: "Sit."

As if it was just a show.

"Graduate scholars, you have read yesterday's military report by Wang Hung and Wang Ziyan, and each expressed his own opinion."

The emperor asked the five cabinet scholars first, and Yang Tinghe said: "Wang Hung first reported to the king before the war started. It is a crime of deceiving the emperor. He did not pay attention to the enemy's situation and went to battle in a hurry and was defeated. It is a crime of dereliction of duty. In the name of war, nuisance The local government extorts money and food, and is guilty of corruption. The officials think that they should be dismissed from their positions and discuss their crimes, and reprimand the Guangdong local government for reorganizing the generals and defeating the enemy and returning to the order."

Zhu Houcong was noncommittal and looked at Jiang Mian.

"...Wang Hung impeached Guangdong and Guangxi before the war, whether he planned to get rid of the crime first or beat the drums, I think it should be investigated carefully."

Mao Ji said solemnly: "The three halls of Guangdong, Guangxi and Guangxi have been colluding, corrupting state affairs for many years, and colluding with foreign thieves. These accusations are really alarmist. Looking at the performances of the Guangdong inspector, the Guangdong chief, the governor of Guangdong, and the general town of Guangdong, it is Wang Hing who feared the war and got away with it." language."

Facing the emperor's eyes, Fei Hong was silent for a moment and then said: "The matter has come to this point, the power of the kingdom of heaven cannot be lightly insulted. It is a matter of minor crimes, but major matters of preparing for war. Guangdong's request for warships and soldiers' food and wages is a matter of fact."

The emperor looked at Shi Pang last, and he said with emotion: "It is advisable to send imperial envoys to Guangdong to supervise the handling, to find out the truth, and to do everything quickly."

Of the remaining 11 people, none of them saw the two memorials that were submitted to the imperial court and the cabinet yesterday only by the Tongzheng envoy.

But at this moment they also understand: Wang Hong's statement is different from other people's.

Zhu Houcong silently opened a melody, unfolded it and raised it up to face the crowd.

The eighteen chairs don't need to be very large, Wang Shouren saw the crooked red writing on the melody.His heart trembled: it was a blood book.

"The blood book can't prove anything, I know." Zhu Houcong looked around and said in a cold tone, "Wang Hung plays the watch, I will read it aloud."

[Chen Wang, the Deputy Envoy of Guangdong Press and Inspection, inspected the seaway, weeping blood and playing! 】

[Since the early years of Hongzhi, barbarian bandits have ravaged the sea and territory. From time to time, Yuan Guangshoutu, the father of Yuan Yao, who is now guarding thousands of households in Dongguan, died, and it has been 28 years! 】

[Before Zhengde, from Xinning to Jiqi, barbarian ships came in droves, and there were no settlements in the first years.Every time he arrives in the Celestial Dynasty, even if there is no survey and cooperation, the company must board the ship to collect taxes, and there is no fixed time.In the second year of Zhengde, the rebel Jin ordered his ministers and Ke Dao to release 50 taels of silver into Beijing, and re-distribute 27 taels of silver. Guangdong's silver reserves were all empty. 】

[In the fourth year of Zhengde, Governor Chen Jinzuo invited Fanbo to arrive in Hong Kong at a rate of three out of ten.Since then, three out of ten ships in Guangdong have gradually become a rule. 】

[In the ninth year of Zhengde, Guangdong Dahang "Fanbo Tribute Trade Law", from the sea of ​​Tuen Mun to Guangzhou City, there are many sails and masts. 】

[In the 12th year of Zhengde, Franji's large ship broke into Guangdong Province, and the sound of guns and guns shook the city.From then on, Franji's barbarians and all the cunning gathered in Tuen Mun, Kwai Chung and other places in Hai'ao, set up camps, made large-scale firecrackers, used them as attacking tools, and killed people and seized ships.The situation is very rampant, and the ambition is to annex, the figure stands on the stone, and governs all kinds. 】

[Those people are cunning, and they have linked up with the localities for many years, so that the old system of dividing points is greatly damaged.Today, according to the holy order, I dare not fight timidly.As soon as the note arrived, the barbarians refused to accept Wang Hua, and the minister asked for it himself.However, the sea ban is deserted, the frontier guards are empty, the ministers and soldiers are weak and the boats are few, and the barbarian boats are strong and powerful, and they are all dead! 】

[If your Majesty sees this, the minister may have been buried in the belly of a fish.Under the nine springs of the minister, I am ashamed of the holy grace like the sea, and the death is hard to calm the waves, and I have no face to see my folks again. 】

[The strength of Fran's robot battles and the strength of giant ships are really a great disaster for the Celestial Empire!The Emperor Fu Wei is for the sake of the family and the country, so don't neglect it!Corruption of ink in Guangdong and Guangxi has corrupted the country, and the serious illness has not healed. This victory is also lost! 】

[The minister left this legacy before the war, I only hope that the sage will shine like the sun and shine on the universe, even though Guangdong and Guangxi are far away, there is nowhere to hide!The subject is dead, and this soul is also willing to patrol Nanyang for the Ming Dynasty forever! 】

The emperor read out the memorial himself, Wang Shouren looked at Yang Tinghe sadly.

Do you want to say that treachery seems loyal?

Zhu Houcong slowly put down the blood letter, calmed down and looked at the crowd: "Yuan Yao and other 670 people sacrificed their lives, and Wang Hung was defeated and fainted and returned to Hong Kong to be imprisoned. Please allocate 43 yuan for the construction of warships and the flattening of food and wages." Thousand 950 seven taels, what do you think?"

Chen Jin felt like sitting on pins and needles.

The emperor didn't ask what the old system of drawing points was like, but now he only asked about the food and salaries needed for the war in Guangdong, but he mentioned the results of the battle earlier.

Zhu Houcong looked at Yang Tinghe again, and the chief minister of the cabinet was silent for a moment and said: "The war has begun, and the mange of the Nanyang vassals is related to the tribute of the vassal state. We should ask from Guangdong and Guangxi to calm Xuanwei as soon as possible."

"Scaries?" Zhu Houcong was very polite, and he didn't interrupt Yang Tinghe.

"...a small country, occasionally occupying a favorable location..."

"A good location? Whose land?" This time he interrupted.

Yang Tinghe heard the chill in Zhu Houcong's tone, shut up and looked at him.

"Yang Tinghe, whose land is it?"

Yang Shen, who was standing by the side, looked at the emperor's side face in disbelief. These were the three words he said coldly by his name.

Yang Tinghe felt cold: "Tuen Mun Hai Ao has always been under the jurisdiction of Dongguan County, Guangzhou Prefecture..."

"When did my homeland of the Ming Dynasty become a barbarian land?" Zhu Houcong narrowed his eyes slightly, and turned his more oppressive gaze to Chen Jin, "Guangdong Zuobu Zhengshi."

Then there was Guo Xun: "General Officer of Guangdong and Guangxi."

He paused, and stared at Yang Tinghe again: "There is also a cabinet scholar. Who was guarding it when the family lost its land? Whose fault? Internal minister? Xunchen? Chief official? Or the imperial governor?"

He didn't ask the important ministers of the auxiliary country.

A very sharp question, after so many years, why has my door become someone else's location?

Those who are named are all as good as sitting on pins and needles.

Those who were not named also felt the emperor's suppressed anger.

In the Zhongyuan Hall, everyone was in a square for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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