
Chapter 136

Chapter 136
It has to be said that the chief assistant of the cabinet personally took charge of cleaning up Huangzhuang and Huangdian, at least before the final plan was finalized, the efficiency was much faster than before or expected.

Xun Chen and his relatives resisted and made troubles in the past, what was the reason?It was the emperor who was worried that the civil servants would become big, so he had to protect the "loyal" relatives, and he had to care more about the emperor's own money.

Is the civil servant sitting up now?No, after the National Policy Council was established, subtle changes became increasingly apparent.

The Chang Dynasty has also gradually become ceremonial. Things that were often discussed in the Chang Dynasty in the past are now increasingly transferred to the national policy meeting.And those small things, with the new regulations of "in principle, it must be done" in the internal affairs of the six ministries, there is no need to alarm the emperor.

In a national policy meeting with more than a dozen people arguing, the emperor can already sit on the dragon chair and control the ruling.

On the contrary, whoever enters the Imperial Study Room, who attends as a representative of honored ministers and generals, and who is promoted to the rank of cabinet minister and Jiuqing all depend on the holy will.

At the top of the imperial court, because there are more gates and more water, it is more difficult for civil servants to hold together than in the past.

Since the imperial power is temporarily stable, why are the ministers and relatives making trouble?

What's more, most of them are already trash.

"I heard that the governor of Beizhen has entered the palace." The British Duke Zhang Lun asked Cui Yuan worriedly, "Cui Cance, Wang Zuo visited us all after returning to Beijing and asked about our relationship with Guangdong and Guangxi businessmen. Can you tell us more about it?" Bottom! Today, when I ordered my wife to meet with you, His Majesty summoned all our ministers and relatives, and everyone is very disturbed."

In the past, they were all called son-in-law.

Now, they are called Cui Cance, which is a name that has only slowly emerged recently, and is used to refer to the other three ministers who participate in the national policy meeting except the cabinet minister Jiuqing.

Cui Yuan was very helpless: "My lord, many maintenance personnel don't leave the imperial study, so don't embarrass me."

"Then why did you let us wait in the Hall of Martial Ying?" Xu Guangzuo looked at the other ministers and relatives inside and outside the Hall of Martial Ying, "It's not that I'm too worried, Cui Shenzheng, you left Beijing during the court meeting on the first day of May... "

On that thunderstorm night, on the eve of the Great Court Meeting, a fire at the Rijing Gate made the ministers and relatives who attended the Great Court Meeting the next day tremble.

At that time, Gonghou Bo was taken to Qianqing Palace, while other relatives and military generals were waiting in the Wuying Hall for "given food", Xu Guangzuo later heard that many people changed their clothes as soon as they returned home: Of course it was not because of the heavy rain that day. wet.

As for the cold sweat or something else, I don't know, but it was a frightening and unbearable memory.

Cui Yuan continued to look at them helplessly: "There are so many honored ministers and relatives. Naturally, the Qing Palace must have set up a table before passing it on to me."

"We are just family managers and businessmen from Guangdong and Guangxi. When Wang Zuo came to ask, he said everything." Zheng Ying, the Marquis of Wu'an, also came over, "Cui Cance, at least let us prepare a little bit. When we meet with His Majesty, what should we do?" What should I do. There must be a reason for Marquis Wu Ding to go to the camp, right?"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Cai Zhen.

"I don't know anything!"

Cai Zhen felt that if this continued, his patriarchal order would be quarreled to death.

His patriarchal order is also very embarrassing, he is only in charge of the royal relatives.And Cui Yuan is now in charge of the Governor's Mansion of the Zuo Army, and these ministers still look for him to clean up the Huangzhuang Huangdian.

Isn't Cui Yuan already back?
But there was no way, Cui Yuan was too low-key in the past, he belonged to a different kind of relatives, and most of the people who communicated were literati and refined scholars.

Guo Xun has been demoted, and Zhu Qi has even been expelled from the world certificate, but this news is only known to the Minister of State Policy.And each copy of the world certificate is divided into left and right, one copy is kept by Xun Chen, and the other is kept in the palace.

The two had to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds, and Zhu Houcong didn't make a big deal of it to make them lose face.

Cui Yuan also changed a little bit. He said: "Don't worry, Your Majesty is merciful. Today is a happy day for the married woman to visit the Queen Mother and Princess. What are you afraid of? Your Majesty has been busy for several months, and now he is holding a banquet." Calling all the honorables and Qi Qi to come, how can we do anything?"

"But what is Wang Zuo being called into the palace at this time?" Zhang Lun was terrified.

Cui Yuan looked at him: "How do I know? Yingying, why are you so worried about Wang Zuo entering the palace?"

Zhang Lun said awkwardly: "I can't help but think too much, after all, Wang Zuo visited all his relatives before."

In the Hall of Martial Arts, there is a shadow of a cup bow and a snake, and no one can fathom His Majesty's intentions.

The two brothers Zhang Heling and Zhang Yanling are conspicuous because they have no friends around them to talk with.

After keeping a low profile for several months, he supervised the construction of Emperor Zhengde's Kangling Mausoleum, and now Emperor Ruizong Lie has also been buried. His Majesty is appointing ministers to work with the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Industry to oversee the construction of the Kangling Mausoleum.

If there is no problem, then there is merit.

But thinking of Wang Zuo's smiling face and some of the questions he asked during his previous visits, the two brothers now do not seek meritorious service, but nothing to do.


This is the first time for Wang Zuo to meet the emperor in the East Nuan Pavilion of Qianqing Palace.

Luo An also came.

"Comparing me to Huguang strong medicine, you also write it down?" Zhu Houcong asked with a half-smile.

Wang Zuo leaned against the stool given by the emperor with half of his buttocks, and replied respectfully: "I only know how to report truthfully."

He used you as a joke, I don't care whether you reprimand him or not, if I hide it for him, isn't that courting death?
"You guys are all good." Zhu Houcong laughed, "He made an apology, and you also submitted it. This trip to the south, why did I submit the other two things I entrusted to you recently?"

Wang Zuo bent over and said: "The guilty ministers of Guangdong and Guangxi, your Majesty will leave it to Zhang Futai for interrogation Liwei, and it is inconvenient for me to send someone to interrogate myself. Of course, I still need to check the confession that Zhang Futai handed over to me, so it was delayed for a while. time."

"Walk through Xunqi's mansion once and confront him face-to-face?" Zhu Houcong looked at him, "Some people have no business dealings with Guangdong and Guangxi."

"They are all the pillars of the country. I simply go through them all. Naturally, it is not a confrontation. Since Your Majesty has approved the request of the minister, the minister is visiting to help Ninghou to bring a message. Those who have business contacts discuss how to deal with them. Those who do not have business contacts The Marquis of Funing wants his children to go to Guangdong and Guangxi to use things. Firstly, it will deceive people, and secondly, it will also restrain them, so as not to worry His Majesty at this time."

There was a smile on the corner of Zhu Houcong's mouth: "Where is Shi Bao?"

"Although arrangements have been made, if you still receive a secret report from Commander Shi, this matter will not be considered as a resumption of the order. With the help of Mr. Liang, the people in Commander Shi now have proper identities and have been spread to Nanyang. Only at sea The wind and the waves are unpredictable, but seven people were lost."

Zhu Houcong put away his smile and nodded: "You arrange everything at home."

"I know. The adult ones are serving in Beijing, and they have been arranged for security missions. The young ones are raised and sent to the health school."

"Speaking of Jinyiwei's health education, how are Lu Bing and Yan Shifan doing?"

The emperor asked again face-to-face, and Wang Zuo replied solemnly: "Mr. Lu Xiaoqian has a very good foundation in martial arts. It was just a headache for him in his studies. After Chief Yan's son left, the two became good friends. Master Yan's family has a long history, His intelligence and energy are extraordinary, now Mr. Lu Xiaoqian listens to his persuasion and studies hard. Mr. Yan said that he was defeated in a battle before, so he asked Mr. Lu Xiaoqian for advice on how to fight."

"...Let's see what happens to this pair of living treasures in the future." Zhu Houcong thought about the appearance of Lu Bing and Yan Shifan hooking shoulders together, and found it interesting in his heart, and then said to Wang Zuo, "You have worked hard this time going south. But the matter of Guangdong and Guangxi still remains I won’t reward you if you haven’t done all the work. There is another thing I want to ask you: Has the leader of the group of pirates who went to Dongguan to meet the defeated bandits found any clues?”

Wang Zuo got off the stool and knelt down: "I was unable to go to the sea to pursue them that day. After that, Guangdong also had to concentrate on preparing for the Tuen Mun battle, so I let the thieves escape a little bit. I went back to Beijing and checked Zhang Futai's confession to me, so I arrived in Beijing. Only Wang Ziyan knows who is the leader of the gang of pirates. Unfortunately, Zhang Futai was too decisive to use the sword at that time."

"Didn't we find any clues from Wang Ziyan's cronies, housekeeper, and money transfers?"

"The minister is not doing his job well, and we haven't found out yet." Wang Zuo knelt down firmly.

"Get up." Zhu Houcong said after thinking for a while, "Go to the southeast again, and check from the three lines."

"Listen, sir!"

"First, what is the relationship between the staff member of the Shouning Hou family, Mr. Fang, you mentioned, and the volume of "Wild Notes" that has suddenly spread in the south of the Yangtze River in the past six months."

Wang Zuo was surprised by Zhu Houcong's first sentence, but he was a professional. He asked, "But in the "Wild Records" written by Zhu Zhishan, there is a talk about the ten clans of Xiaoru, Yifang, Emperor Taizong?"

"Secretly investigate." Zhu Houcong nodded, "Second, the cooperation between the big households in the southeast and Guangdong and Guangxi merchants is focused on the fact that due to the changes in Guangdong and Guangxi, which big family businesses used to rely on Guangdong and Guangxi merchants to sell overseas silk and porcelain , tea and other channels are cut off.”


"Thirdly, Zhang Zilin's first secret performance after arriving in Nanzhili. It was found that the three officials killed were all involved in private salt, and the official voices were also mixed. They all had the reality of greed, extravagance and pleasure." Zhu Houcong's eyes showed chills, "This The person who planned the killing of officials in the southeast, I am afraid that there is still a situation that will be burned all over the southeast. Even if they are not good officials, they should be punished by the court! The Beijing camp and the elite soldiers from Guangdong and Guangxi still need to be prepared, and they will not be able to go to the southeast after a year , you go first and add another layer of shock to Zhang Zilin!"

Wang Zuo said awe-inspiringly: "I obey the order!"

As the governor of Beizhen, he already knew a little about this matter.

Zhang Zilin probably didn't say this to close the case. It could only be that the officials who were killed really had something to kill, or that most officials in the southeast were charged with similar crimes.

So right now, the southeast should be like a restless gunpowder pile. How many people are afraid of being affected?

Wang Zuo took the order to leave first, and Zhu Houcong looked at Luo An: "Is it difficult to control such a smart and capable subordinate?"

Luo An looked ashamed: "If there is no support from His Majesty for the minister, the minister will not be able to restrain himself."

"This sentence is absolutely right!" Zhu Houcong said, "Since I ordered you to be the commander of the Jinyiwei, you have my backing. I spent several months and only focused on the important officials in the court. Now, it is We need to frighten Xunchen, and frighten the place! Zhao Jun and Shi Bao are working hard in Guangdong and Guangxi, and good news has come. You and Zhang Tong, next, we need to work hard to take care of Jinyiwei and Neichang. Now, you must use your arms like your fingers!"

"I will definitely do it!"

Zhao Jun, who was already a Zhengqianhu, made contributions in the first battle of defending Dongguan in Guangdong, and after he was promoted to a general, he made contributions in the second Tuen Mun naval battle.

Right now, just relying on his status as the former minister of the hidden residence, he was directly promoted to the Commander of the Guangdong Capital by His Majesty alone, and he was appointed as the Commander of the Guangdong Capital temporarily from the second rank.

Guangdong, however, did not send a new capital commander and chief military officer, which means that Zhao Jun has become the real boss in the sequence of military attaches in Guangdong.

As for Wang Hung, his contribution will be recounted later by the Ministry of War along with Zhang Fujing.

After Zhang Ting, the commander, went to Guangdong and Guangxi for some experience, he was transferred to Dongchang.

Originally, under the admiral and eunuch, there was only one Dongchang to punish thousands of households and one to punish hundreds of households, but it is now undergoing changes.

The first is the name, which was changed from Dongji Incident Factory to Internal Inspection Factory.Secondly, in addition to the admiral and eunuch, the inner factory also has a command envoy, the third rank.Zhang Ting was promoted from the commander of the third rank to the commander, and temporarily acted as the commander.

Luo An didn't know how the national policy conference passed this reform, but he knew from what the emperor said to Wang Zuo just now, and from the exhortations to him, that the next step would be for His Majesty to frighten the ministers and places, and secure the throne. One step away.

After taking the order to leave, Luo An saw the eunuch who was going to the Wuying Hall to summon his relatives on the way out of the palace.

His Majesty, who was just sixteen years old, really showed his magnanimity and strategy after entering Beijing, far surpassing that when he went to the palace.

He could see that Wang Zuo, that shrewd fellow, sincerely respected the abnormality and worked tirelessly.

Guangdong, Guangxi and his party, what are the things that convinced Wang Zuo?

Today, when a woman is ordered to enter the palace, the temperature is too obvious.

First of all, it is natural to go to the Renshou Palace, which has a more respected status on the surface, to meet the "Empress Dowager Zhaosheng Cishou", but this is just a scene.

Afterwards, the eldest princesses who were still alive, the wives of the honorable relatives, and the wives of important court officials went to the Qingning Palace in the east to meet the Queen Mother Shao and the Queen Mother Jiang, as well as the two elder princesses who were waiting for titles. Princess.

In Renshou Palace, Empress Dowager Zhang didn't have the interest to express anything, but suppressed her shock and anger but was helpless.

Because when the emperor came to say hello as usual this morning, he stayed a little longer.

Many euphemistic words were used, and many respectful guarantees were made, but there was only one purpose: someone killed officials in the southeast, there were wars in Guangdong and Guangxi, and the northwest was approaching the peak season of northern captives and bandits in winter, and food and wages were worrying.

Can the dry shares of the three Huangzhuang and several official shops and Huangdians belonging to Renshou Palace be handed over first?

It sounds like Yang Tinghe is trying to force each other, but how can Empress Dowager Zhang say no?Concubine Shao has become the Empress Dowager. In terms of status in the palace, she is already the second child!
What's more, the emperor also said: The Kangling supervisor is rolling the account, and after the end, he can make meritorious service for the Marquis of Shouning and Marquis of Jianchang, and make up for this "relief of worries for the country" in other forms.

"...Mother's Queen." Zhuang Su's Empress Xia looked at Empress Dowager Zhang worriedly.

Thinking of the Zhang brothers who were about to go to the Qianqing Palace for a "banquet", Empress Dowager Zhang calmed down and forced a smile, "What's wrong?"

Xia Shi hesitated to speak.

Forgot the fire of Niseimon?Now that the matter is over, why not warn the Marquis of Shouning and Marquis of Jianchang?

His Majesty said that the state affairs are difficult and the food and wages are worrying. Donating one or two will surely make Long Yan happy, and enjoy wealth and honor in peace from now on!

She always felt that Empress Dowager Zhang was getting more and more worried, and she still seemed unwilling.

But these...wasn't it because of Zheng Wang's gossip case back then, or because the Zhang brothers were too domineering, that the friendship between the Emperor Zhengde and the Queen Mother Zhang gradually weakened, so that he rarely entered the palace to favor the concubine?
As a result, no heirs were left behind, which made the two of them end up like this now.

The Xia family only remembered that after Emperor Zhengde came back from his southern tour and became seriously ill, Empress Dowager Zhang never visited him.

Now even she couldn't help but suspect something.

So she forced a smile and said, "May I help you walk around the imperial garden?"

The Qingning Palace was full of fat and powder, and the ladies were full of smiles, flattering respectfully, making homework, and waiting for the banquet to be seated.

In the Qianqing Palace, all the relatives have arrived, and the tables and chairs have even been placed on the cloud platform outside the Qianqing Palace.

Zhu Houcong looked at the huge group of people supported by the state, and thought that eighty-ninety percent of them were trash, but he still smiled and said, "Sit down."

Although it is not cold at noon in October, it is still a bit windy today.

The sweat on the foreheads of many anxious people was blown by the wind, and they became sober.

How can there be a good feast if it is not a joy or a festival?

(End of this chapter)

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