
Chapter 137

Chapter 137

On the throne, the emperor is "young".

Those lucky enough to sit in the main hall of Qianqing Palace are those with higher status among relatives: those with world certificates, those with real jobs, and those with special connections like the Zhang brothers.

The emperor in their eyes is very young, but the emperor in their hearts is very scheming.

The deeds of the past six months are enough to explain many things, but what kind of feast is today?

"Should I talk about it first to eat more at ease, or should I eat and drink enough before listening to me?"

God is sorry, I didn't eat in the morning in order not to lose my appearance after entering the palace!

But your majesty emphasized the words "satisfy and drink enough", so you should have told us to choose "satiate and drink first", right?

Cui Yuan took the lead to stand up and said: "I would like to listen to your majesty's oracle!"

Many foolish people then stood up in a panic or woke up and said, let's listen to the training first. Seeing that there is no tacit understanding, it is equivalent to lax military discipline.

The people outside the hall reacted a little slower, and then they shouted together.

Zhang Lun yelled in his heart: Cui Yuan, you trust me!Obviously know something, just don't say it!

"Sit down and listen. Gao Zhong, pass some tea and snacks first." Zhu Houcong smiled all over his face, "They are all loyal ministers, and the relatives of the state are a family, that is, talking about the family."

It was Gao Zhong who arranged the chores in Qianqing Palace, and the palace became busy inside and outside.

Words about the family and family life spread outside the hall, and the relatives who couldn't feel the atmosphere up close relaxed.

Now that the dim sum and tea were on the table, some foolish people outside the hall began to eat without hesitation, and even chatted and laughed quietly.

Xu Guangzuo and others looked at the emperor worriedly, only to see that he didn't seem to care, with a smile on his face.

The smiles they saw when they first looked at the court reappeared, and they cried out in their hearts: I want to be outside the palace, not in the palace.

"Don't be restrained." Zhu Houcong also said, "All of them have made great contributions to their ancestors, or they are married to Tian's family, just like their own family. It's like the emperor's shop set up by the emperor's brother. Everyone also helps Take care of it. Thanks to everyone, I heard that the business is good."

Wu'an Hou Zheng Ying couldn't help shaking when he heard the words.

Zhang Lun lowered his head: Our ancestors have made great contributions, which means we are useless now.

Business is good...Your Majesty, just tell me what you want, it's scary!

However, Zhu Houcong continued to be scary, with a smile on his face: "The sea ban, the ban is also ordinary people, everyone is not among them, the pillars of the heavenly family. The income of the official store goes to the national treasury, and it also needs to take a lot of expenses and salaries. It is better to be less troublesome." , which makes sense."

The wind was blowing, and the two brothers Zhang Heling and Zhang Yanling could not help but move their buttocks, as if there were nails on the stool.

There were whispers of chatting and laughing faintly outside the hall, until Cui Yuan "took the trust" again, left the table and knelt down and said loudly: "Your Majesty is ashamed of your grace, please listen to His Majesty's reprimand!"

The sound came out, and there was a panic outside the hall.

It was shady and cool inside the Qianqing palace, but it seemed that the wind was blowing up outside the palace for a while.

A banquet was also held in the courtyard of the Ministry of Criminal Justice in Nanjing.

The banquet was held in the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and the relatives of Nanjing who came here for the banquet did not have to be so confused.

I have to come, because Zhang Zilin gave the banquet on behalf of the emperor.There is no doubt that His Majesty had arranged this trip before Zhang Zilin went south.

It is very clear that I am sitting on pins and needles.

"Although there are occasional bandits and border troubles, the world is generally peaceful." Zhang Zilin, who is in charge of punishment, has good observation and memory. The emperor always remembers, "Taiping, it is time to live a rich life. Everyone wants to be rich. Days, many years ago, your fathers and grandparents went to battle with this desire to kill the enemy. Or they gave up the future of being an official and married the royal family. If you are content, this is great wisdom. If you want to go further, this It’s also human nature.”

The one sitting closest to Zhang Zilin was the very young Xu Pengju.

The governor of Zhezhi, the important ministers of the Jiuqing, especially after the trial of Qian Ning, Jiang Bin and other people who were extremely arrogant in the past, Zhang Zilin's aura is extraordinary.

And this kind of extremely easy-to-understand words were spoken by him in an indifferent tone, which was not a little cold.

"But the father is content, the son is not necessarily satisfied. So all in all, everyone still wants to go further. Whether it is wealth, or power, or title, or more shade, more relatives, this is very good. Appreciate the self-motivated."

After handing over the sailors from the Nanhu Camp and Anqing Camp to Hu Zan to help Zhu Wan suppress the bandits, Li Quanli, who rushed here, heard Zhang Zilin say coldly, "It's all very good."

In Qianqing Palace, Zhu Houcong's tone was very sincere, and his smile was also very kind: "If a person is not self-motivated, isn't he just a waste of food waiting to die?"

The people outside the hall who had eaten just now could vaguely hear what was said inside, after all, it was extremely quiet.

Who started messing around outside just now?Then is waiting to die next?

"I'm not scolding you." Zhu Houcong said with confidence, "I really hope that you will be self-motivated. I let Guo Xun participate in the national policy meeting when he was busy planning. He helped me re-train the three battalions. Afterwards, I will make great contributions, and I hope that there will be a new Duke in the Jiajing Dynasty."

"If you don't want to make progress and don't dare to make meritorious service, then it is good to enjoy the honor. It is also good to have some self-motivated spirit and to manage the family business well. But now there are some bad things. Pass it in, I've been thinking about it for a long time, and I want to say something to you."

"After much deliberation, there are only four words: loyal to the emperor and law-abiding." Zhu Houcong finally put away his smile, "Loyal to the emperor, share the worries for the emperor, and don't add to the worries for the emperor. Law-abiding people are not afraid of bullets and are worthy of grace."

"These four words, how much have you achieved in the past? Can you do it in the future?"

Zhu Houcong raised his hand: "I don't listen to verbal excuses or guarantees. Today I will first reassure you, and second, explain my rules."

So Xu Guangzuo and the others choked back the words, feeling uncomfortable.

"If you are loyal to the emperor, you will all cooperate with the Huangzhuanghuangdian rectification strategy decided at this national policy meeting, and don't make things difficult for me. With a little extra money, you can still enjoy your titles and salaries. What worries do you have?" Zhu Houcong said without a doubt, "As for my rules, it is to give everyone a chance. If you cherish the opportunity, whether it is seeking money or power, I have a solution; if you don't cherish the opportunity, then you will have to talk about the law of the country in the future."

In the compound of the Ministry of Criminal Justice in Nanjing, Zhang Zilin continued: "There are bandits inside and border troubles outside. Those who want to follow the example of their fathers and ancestors and build their achievements are opportunities for military merit. Those who don't want to work hard and want to make money, send a son and a steward to Beijing before the end of the year. Come up with a strategy that allows you to abide by the law and make money."

After a pause, he said with a strange feeling in his heart: "In the past, civil servants and military generals were the emperor's right-hand man, but after the civil engineering change, the emperor could only use more internal officials. Now that the three major battalions have been re-established, and I have set up an imperial study, are there any generals?" I will wait and see for those who have general knowledge and can be used to great effect."

After he finished speaking, Li Quanli couldn't help but look at him.

As a civil servant, how does Zhang Zilin understand this sentence?
Is the civil servant more willing to confront the minister or the general?
I'm afraid it's really hard to tell, especially after the eight tigers came out of the Zhengde court, and Qian Ning, Jiang Bin and a lot of lucky ministers...

What they miss the most is probably the Hongzhi dynasty, right?
It's a pity that His Majesty is not a temple of filial piety.

Zhang Zilin said: "This is the holy decree, can you hear it clearly?"

"My ministers, please abide by the decree!"

Zhang Zilin sat down and said, "Things in the southeast are becoming more and more treacherous now. The governor will go to Zhejiang tomorrow. On the southern Zhili side, you will assist Zhai Langzhong."

Zhai Luan, who used to be the head of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, stood up and saluted. Now because there are too many vacancies in Guangdong and Guangxi, he, the 18-year-old Jinshi of Hongzhi who had returned to the Imperial Academy as a sixth-rank student, also got the chance to be promoted.

Qing Lisi Langzhong, the fifth rank, not to mention being named by Zhang Zilin this time and accompanying him to the south on business?
If done, the next step is unlimited.

The relatives of Nanjing were still pondering over the oracle Zhang Zilin conveyed to them, but they did not dare to belittle Zhai Luan.

This "bestowment" here is naturally tasteless and just a formality.

After the end, Zhang Zilin asked Zhai Luan: "When will Gui E arrive?"

"According to the distance, it should take another four or five days to arrive at Zhenjiang from Jiangxi." Zhai Luan said respectfully, "The Dutai summoned him on the grounds of investigating the Qin case, and he would not dare to delay."

Zhang Zilin nodded: "When he arrives, first ask him why he repeatedly offended his boss back then, if there is an inside story. After asking, send someone to escort him to the Huzhou mansion."

"The subordinate takes orders."

The prefect of Zhenjiang Prefecture under the jurisdiction of Nanzhili was killed, and the prefect of Huzhou Prefecture under the jurisdiction of Zhejiang Province was killed, but one person was the magistrate of both Xiadantu County of Zhenjiang Prefecture and Xiawukang County of Huzhou Prefecture, and both of them lost their positions because of repeatedly offending their superiors. Or resign?
The old Xing named Zhang Zilin discovered this new clue, but he didn't realize that he summoned another fierce person.

In Qianqing palace, what Zhu Houcong said in person was much fiercer than Zhang Zilin.

"I'm controlling the courtiers now to give you a chance!" Zhu Houcong looked at them sharply, "When you first saw the court, you all shouted in unison. Could it be that the civil and military coexistence in the court will be achieved by shouting?"

After all, there were still three or five people whose blood was slightly warmed up, looking at the emperor.

"Guo Xun knew that he couldn't rely on shouting, so he is now training soldiers and suppressing bandits!" Zhu Houcong concealed the fact that he was degrading his children and grandchildren due to crimes, "Don't let me see your names, just Please play the desolate wasteland, which is the memorandum of the officials impeaching you, and it is to ask for the succession of the son or nephew, or to send the salary. I hope you can stand in the court, so that I will always have your name in my heart, and remember you Credit!"

"Don't let me soften my heart by thinking about the merits of your ancestors or the status of relatives when facing the officials impeaching you. How many times can I soften my heart? How many times will the blood shed by your ancestors be enough for you to consume from generation to generation?" Zhu Houcong sighed, "Those who dare not go to the border should first train soldiers and suppress bandits like Guo Xun. Those who dare not even do this should guard their family property and raise their children and grandchildren well. If you don't want to be aggressive and violate the laws of the country Those who accumulate wealth and indulge relatives and servants to be domineering, my vassal king will inherit the throne, and the only way to make the world respect is to deal with it according to the law of the country."

Cui Yuan, the emperor's "entrustment", said loudly again: "I would like to obey the holy edict!"

Everyone doesn't know what the "strategy to make money with you" the emperor said, but today there are a total of three instructions that I understand.

First: Clean up the Huangzhuang Huangdian, be obedient and cooperate-this meal is so fucking expensive!
Second: If you want to know what to do in the future, if you want to make progress, do meritorious service, and you will gain more and more status in the court. Guo Xun and Cui Yuanneng's participation in the national policy meeting is an example.

Third: It doesn't matter if you want to make money, operate in a law-abiding manner.On the contrary, the emperor is not able to soften his heart several times, but never softens his heart once.

The successor to the vassal king!Then from time to time, you have to pick out who is going to kill so much blood, and let others suppress some of their thoughts.

Zhang Fujing slashed towards Guangdong and Guangxi with a sharp knife, and the Guangzhou mansion was full of heads.

Now, Zhang Zilin, Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice, has gone to the southeast again.

After finishing his stance inside and outside the Qianqing Palace, Zhu Houcong laughed again: "In the past, Xunchen didn't have to be suppressed by Wenchen, isn't it good?"

"……it is good."

"I haven't eaten the wine and meat yet, so I don't have the energy?"

"Okay!" After a shock, they immediately increased the volume in unison.

"In the past, the honored officials and generals didn't have to look at the faces of the ministers, didn't they?"

"it is good!!"

"In the past, when everyone saw your father and grandfather, they all had to say 'heroes', isn't it?"

"it is good!!!"

Cui Yuan felt that the emperor was a demagogue or an alchemist, but he didn't mention the relatives in his words. Fortunately, he is no longer a pure relatives.

The honored ministers and generals once again roared in unison in the Forbidden City. The hearts of the relatives present trembled for a moment, and the two brothers Zhang Heling and Zhang Yanling were extremely embarrassed.

And under the emperor's temptation again and again, the voice became louder and louder, reaching Wenyuan Pavilion in the southeast. Yang Tinghe and the others looked at each other: What's good?

The sound also spread all the way to Qingning Palace in the northeast, and the noble ladies showed sincere smiles when they heard the arrogance over there: the monarchs and ministers were all in high spirits.Being able to shout so loudly together, it seems that my husband is also full of energy, so he went back to kill some time at night.

At the Qianqing Palace, there was only Zhang Bi, a "living official". He was shocked by the sound waves, especially the words asked by the emperor.

How do you remember?

Zhu Houcong nodded with satisfaction: "The victory news of the Tuen Mun naval battle has come, and I don't even bother to publicize it! I captured the warships, as well as the guns of the Westerners. I killed more than [-] enemies and captured more than [-] people. I hope that one day in the future, When you come to my house for a drink, you will all be heroes! Pass on the meal and serve the meal!"

You came to my house for a drink, how enthusiastically did you talk?
This very expensive family dinner can finally start to eat.

Zhu Houcong knew that it was impossible for these waste dim sums to be changed just because of a "remonstrance", but it didn't matter, with the prestige of Guangdong's success report and the danger of killing officials in the southeast, before the subtlety of the fire of Nijingmen has not dissipated, let's get rid of these wastes first. A batch of Huangzhuang Huangdian was taken from their hands lightly.

What's more, maybe it can really inspire one or two useful ones?

As for those who don't listen carefully, and don't take it seriously, they will naturally kill a chicken next time and have a meal with a whole meal.

When Zhu Houcong picked up the wine glass, he smiled and nodded slightly towards the two brothers Zhang Heling and Zhang Yanling.

Both of them smirked together.

(End of this chapter)

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