
Chapter 138

Chapter 138
In the second Tuen Mun naval battle, Wang Hung mobilized almost fifteen times as many troops and ten times as many warships. He also went through the early imitation guns and centipede ships, and ventured into the night to carry out sneak attacks before he won.

But it was a victory after all.

With the prestige of the great victory, Guangdong began to suppress the bandits.

Zhao Jun led the troops to suppress the bandits on land, and after refitting, the Haiphong warships equipped with some new artillery began to go to sea to suppress bandits at the end of October.

Ships are still being built, and troops from Guangxi are being transferred here, because the Portuguese from Manga may attack again.

As for the money and food needed, Zhang Fujing's Tianzi bestowed sword was still pinned to his waist, and all the autumn grain in Guangdong was kept in Guangdong after being collected. Xie Changjie had already presided over the Qingzhang land affairs from the Guangzhou mansion.

The one who took the initiative to cooperate was Liang Chu, and the former elders of the pavilion even made gestures. Does anyone want to try the method of Jie Shenzheng and Yuan Xing Wangfu, who has a daily grim expression?
Xie Changjie was so ruthless that even Zhang Fujing was a little scared: Is this going to make him a lonely minister?
Those who can get a lot of land by Qingzhang are the families of officials and gentry or wealthy businessmen.Who among these people has no friends in the court?Who in the family doesn't have a few study seedlings?

This saved Zhang Fujing a lot of work, but he didn't rush to try any other new methods.What was approved at the national policy meeting was to first clarify the tax situation in Guangdong, improve the "Fanbo Tributary Transaction Law" requested by Wu Tingju, and reform Guangdong's coastal defense system-first focus on defense, supplemented by suppression of bandits.

Zhang Fujing still had two months left, and before the end of the year, he had to sort out the taxation and tribute trade in Guangdong.

But he knows that his most important task is to find out the situation of maritime merchants and pirates under the maritime ban, and to establish a tax revenue system based on Guangdong that can support the prototype of the ocean-going navy.

Only when Guangdong province can reach this level can we talk about the further development of the new law and the next move to make a profit.

He is now thinking, although His Majesty does not need the benefits of Guangdong for the time being, but the Cantonese beauties, His Majesty will still need them next year, right?
So he chose to "comfort" the hard-working Xie Changjie, invited him to a family banquet and asked: "Brother Xie, I concentrate on the emperor's life. You have been in the palace for a long time, and next year's draft will also trouble you to pay more attention when you are not in Qingzhang's land. Of course, don't disturb the people and leave a story!"

Xie Changjie's eyes twitched.

Do you think I know His Majesty's preferences very well or something?
My f*cking lard is blinded, and I plan to bid for the benefit of His Majesty's heir concubine, do you dare to listen to it?
But after he thought about it later, he said seriously: "Lord Futai, Your Majesty has announced the power of heaven in Guangdong. Next year, if you choose a beautiful girl from Guangdong as your empress or concubine, it might be a way to appease you. Your Majesty Futai is an imperial envoy." , the holy family is extraordinary, you might as well speak bluntly and please play it. In this way, it will not appear that Guangdong has other ideas and has fallen behind."

Zhang Fujing was thoughtful.

I pleaded guilty and said that I compared the emperor to Huguang dragon and tiger medicine, and the emperor only replied, "That string of tricks is wonderful."

He is also happy to say that His Majesty is fierce, isn't he?
How about trying again?Now the Emperor Daxing has already passed away, and His Majesty is already sixteen years old.

I just think it was really too fierce to cut people before, Guangdong needs His Majesty's favor now, um.

Zhang Fujing raised his glass with a smile on his face: "Brother Xie reminded you so much! Come, let's have a drink together!"


Huang Zuo belonged to returning to his hometown, so how could he easily become an official in his hometown when he reached the rank of fourth rank?
But Guangdong is now in an extraordinary period after all, and Zhang Fujing killed too hard.Even with Chen Jin, an important minister who is familiar with Guangdong and Guangxi, in charge, many specific tasks still need to be carried out more efficiently.

Huang Zuo is the right councilor, and his specific job is to guard Lingnan Road.This point of keeping the Tao is mainly to do the work of uploading and issuing orders to the prefects and prefects of the local prefectures as the chief envoy. It seems that the authority is not great, but it is actually a local practical work.

The chief envoy and the right and left participating in politics are all about controlling the direction.

In fact, most of the specific work of the chief envoy and the yamen is done by the councilors.

What's more, Huang Zuo's status: Xinke Jinshi, second place in the list, from the Seventh Rank Hanlin Academy to the fourth rank.

The other person in Guangdong who flew at this speed was his good friend Zhang Fujing.

Therefore, Yang Shen was very restrained in front of Huang Zuo: for no other reason, Guangzhou Mansion is on Lingnan Road.

"Yang Futai, this is a letter from my father's family entrusted by my father."

Yang Shen quickly took it with both hands: "I have Lao Huang to participate in the discussion, and I am very grateful."

"It's a little effort." Huang Zuo is more modest than him, "Xi Zhai has always admired the family's talent and reputation. Now that he is studying with the imperial study and going to the frontier to share his worries, Xi Zhai is even more admirable. Xi Zhai is divided into Lingnan Road If there is any difficulty in the administration of the government in Guangzhou, you must not see outsiders. Xizhai is willing to help the government to quickly understand the hometown and show its ambitions."

Yang Shen hurriedly bowed: "It's really raining after a long drought, I thank you in advance."

Of course, many people are familiar with the situation in Guangdong, but Chen Jin was raped by his father, and he was far away in Wuzhou; Liang Chu was also raped by his father, so it is good not to embarrass him.

Yang Shen didn't expect Huang Zuo to be so humble when he suddenly got such a big promotion and returned home.

Now that I need to face some government affairs in detail, I realize how leisurely and carefree I was in the Imperial Academy in the past.

Although he, the son of the first assistant, would make the subordinates and the country gentry more awe-inspiring, but this identity and the habit of cleanliness he had developed over the years would create a sense of distance between him and others.

Well now, Huang Zuo is a local, and he has stayed in the Imperial Academy, so he is the second place.

There was such a person who was willing to help him, and the two of them were talented enough to get along with each other. Yang Shen relaxed a lot for a while, and immediately invited him to have dinner at home by thanking him for bringing the letter.

Hearing that Huang Zuo had arrived, Zhang Fujing, who had just returned to Guangzhou from Zhaoqing Mansion, then came uninvited.

"At today's table, there are all the No. [-] and No. [-] picks. It's a big deal!" Zhang Fu Jingzhi was full of complacency for a while, but when he saw Huang Zuo was happy, he came late and drank anxiously, and his words were a little drifting.

Huang Zuo glanced at Yang Shen, who was a little embarrassed, and immediately raised his glass with a smile: "Brother Mao Gong, first you gave the head to the criminals of both Guangxi and Guangxi, and then Qingzhang Tiandi was uneasy. With the hope of the number one scholar, you and I I have been awarded the First Class by Your Majesty’s grace, so why not give more instruction in Guangdong? Next year’s provincial examination, Guangdong scholars will gather, and the number one scholar will not hesitate to teach you. He is the son of a tribute student from Kebiduo High School in Guangdong. You and I have the audacity to accompany the lecture. Experience, isn’t it a grand event?”

Yang Shen said hastily, "Don't dare. Since I know the Guangzhou government, the county and government schools will pay more attention to it."

Zhang Fujing also recalled it, and after thinking about it, he said: "Uncle Cai is very right! This time, there are many lands and houses that have been lost in the two major cases. The township examination next year will definitely be a big event, and elementary school and social studies should not be ignored. It can be done." Do more. At present, there are many candidates in Guangdong who are the masters of the Confucianism examination, and there are also the world's literary leaders who are useful to cultivate. We are all gathered together, and it is time to revitalize the name of Guangdong. Uncle Cai, I respect you! Use Xiu, next year I'm counting on you for the township examination!"

Turning the topic to this, it is not only the specific achievements of the imperial examination, but also in line with the elation in the hearts of the three successful people in the imperial examination, and the atmosphere is harmonious.

Originally, the embarrassment of being the best Tanhua and the youngest champion was gone, and only then did Yang Shen realize that the two of them were extraordinary.

Huang Zuo is modest and delicate, but he is not only humble to the lower officials, but also knows how to remind the upper officials tactfully.

Needless to say, Zhang Fujing, but he was also able to accept Huang Zuo's reminder quickly without feeling angry.

They are not simple characters.


"Why he was stabbed to death, I don't know."

In the Zhenjiang Mansion, Gui E, who has compact features and a messy beard, always reveals a sense of provocation that makes people want to give him two punches.

He looked at Zhai Luan and Zhu Wan with his small eyes: "When I was the county magistrate of Dantu, he was not the magistrate. I have only been the county magistrate in Dantu for more than a year, and I don't know much about it."

Zhai Luan and Zhu Wan only felt that there was some distrust in his unruly eyes.

"I ordered you to be summoned by the Governor of Zhejiang Province, and I asked you to help investigate the Qin case." Zhai Luan looked at him, "Why did you offend the Shangguan many times at that time?"

Gui E said calmly, "I have a bad temper."

Zhai Luan and Zhu Wan looked at each other: We have already felt this.

But Gui E put on a posture of "I'll come if you ask me, but I don't know what you ask", Zhai Luan and Zhu Wan couldn't help it for a while.

"In Renzhi County, Wukang County, Huzhou, is it also because of bad temper that you repeatedly offended the Shangguan?"

"I really have a bad temper." Gui E's smile was hidden in his beard, and there was some cunning in his eyes.

The three of them were stalemate here for the time being. Zhang Zilin didn't know that an investigation branch he had arranged was actually two cabinet ministers in history and a border official who were temporarily promoted in ranking.

The current three are still relatively good.

It was Zhu Wan who opened the mouth first: "Brother Zishi, the late Xue Mojin came to Zhenjiang under the order of Dutai, and the first thing he did was to supervise and suppress the bandits. After a few days of investigation, the Yangtze River water bandits were mostly involved in smuggled salt. No need to go into details Thinking, there are few melons and vines in the south of the Yangtze River, and there are few people who come out of the mud and are not stained. My brother Guan Zishi has a temper, and he is not like the people who are as good as the light and the dust as the predecessors said, but because of this, he has repeatedly offended the Shangguan?"

Gui E restrained the cunning in her eyes a little, but still looked at Zhu Wan with vigilance.

"Brother Zishi may not know that I am from Suzhou Prefecture. My father was the teacher of Jingning County in the past, but he was dismissed because of his colleagues' frame-ups. After that, he was persecuted in every way. My brother was not angry and attacked the official. I was born three days ago because of Rebellion implicates the whole family in jail."

When Zhu Wan said this plainly, even Zhai Luan couldn't help but look at him.

Gui E fell silent, looking at him solemnly.

Zhu Wan saluted and bowed: "Your Majesty is furious by killing officials in the southeast. Dutai was ordered to go south, which is clarifying the opportunity for the southeast officials to govern. Brother Zishi has learned all his life, why does he retreat to the mountains because he meets villains repeatedly? Help Dutai solve the case, Dutai Brother Zishi must be recommended, it is no longer just a little county magistrate being held hostage by superiors to make things difficult for him.”

"What is Zi Chunxian's ambition in this life?" Gui E suddenly asked.

Zhu Wan said calmly: "There are so many nobles, officials and gentry in the south of the Yangtze River, and all the slaves are for the people who are struggling to survive. Natural disasters and man-made disasters cause people to be displaced from time to time. My brother has no great talent. I only want to do my best to protect the land and keep the people safe."

Gui E's eyes lit up, then she stood up straighter, straightened her sleeves and saluted, "I'm sorry!"

Then he looked at Zhai Luan: "My lord, although Your Majesty is furious, the matter in the southeast is complicated and complicated, and it may be difficult for the governor to unravel it. Killing officials, the officials and soldiers in the southeast die of old age, illness, and falling into the water every year. Not much? If I hadn’t been a little bit bad-tempered in the past, I’m afraid I would have died long ago. This time, the blatant killing of officials, including prefects and inspectors, is obviously a big net. But as far as I know, this southeast official is making money I do have the guts, but I really don’t have the guts. The person who weaves the net may not be in the southeast. Dutai’s meritorious service is in the southeast, and I’m afraid it’s the opposite.”


"Your Majesty, do you still remember what I said in the palace?" Zhou Zhao, who had been in training for nearly two months, finally recovered. The magistrate of Yuehui County in Qiongzhou Prefecture was infested by pirates. At that time, Haiphong Road was not suppressed. Now it seems that maritime merchants and pirates have been in touch with Guangdong for a long time. My father was responsible for guarding the land but he could not ignore it. Then died."

Zhou Zhao, who was nearly eighty years old, recalled the past with tears in his eyes.

"My father encountered rocks falling on a steep slope on the way to supervise the mountain-building road. Qiongzhou Prefecture was rainy and densely forested, and there was no heavy rain at that time. How could the rocks loosen? However, rolling boulders poured down from the top of the mountain. My father and dozens of servants and officials The dead will not be dead." Zhou Zhao said solemnly, "Although there is no clear evidence, under the national policy of banning the sea, anyone who dares to go to sea will die! Your Majesty entered Beijing and swallowed thousands of miles. However, on the way back to Beijing, I heard that your majesty ordered an imperial envoy to bring the emperor to give a sword to the south. , Anxiety is overwhelming! Your Majesty, hurry up!"

Even Yuan Zonggao couldn't speak to Zhu Houcong in a "reprimanding" tone like Zhou Zhao.

First of all, he left the palace for several years after all, and missed the most critical years of the emperor's childhood and youth.

Secondly, he is not as old as Zhou Zhao.

Nearly 77 years old, never overstepping the rules.Zhou Zhao was strong without desire, and only had pure concern for the emperor.

Zhu Houcong was silent, and it took a while before he replied: "I made an imperial decree to expel the Portuguese, and hundreds of soldiers died because of it. I really blame myself..."

"Your Majesty loves the people like a son, and it is a blessing in the world." Zhou Zhao sighed, "Fortunately, Your Majesty showed his courage before, received the hearts of the central government, and used the rivalry between the two factions to frighten the court. If not, Zhang Fujing Although the sword is fast, Guangdong and Guangxi have already been in chaos! This time, it is dangerous and dangerous! It seems that there is a well-planned strategy to win thousands of miles, but in fact, if the entrustment is not human, if there are one or two people in the center hiding their minds and pretending to be paralyzed, things will change!"

"...I have been taught."

What Zhou Zhao said was that he did not expect Zhang Fujing to be so decisive and brave, nor did he expect that after the establishment of the National Policy Conference, the two factions would compete so subtly to form a temporary tacit understanding.

In Zhou Zhao's view, this is still not safe, but a manifestation of "urgency".

"Let the world's officials and officials read "On Hai Ce" again, and we will be kind enough to promote new scholars, which will increase the danger!" Zhou Zhaoyu said earnestly, "I grew up by the sea since I was young, and I know the benefits of the sea. For a hundred years Under the Forbidden Sea, how many officials, gentry and great families along the coast use this as the foundation of their clan? Those generations have already become powerful because of this, and I hope there is no slight change! Although it is only discussed now and has not changed, it is enough to make some people uneasy. There are people with ulterior motives who instigate trouble, and those people are under coercion, and there is no way out!"

Zhu Houcong frowned.

Zhou Zhao said sincerely: "Your Majesty! You have just ascended to the Great Treasure, and you will have a bright future. What you should focus on now is not Liangguang, nor Southeast, nor border towns, but the feudal lord! In just two or three years, Your Majesty will have great momentum. Self-contained! Gradually promote new advances, calmly arrange, this is the best policy! People with a heart, only look forward to your majesty's urgency. The drama of central changes, the generation loves to hear and see; the speed of new promotions, the generation loves to see it! "

"As long as there is a little more spark, the undercurrents in the world will surge, and the opportunity that the generation can take advantage of will come! Since the dispute between His Majesty and the ministers for the gift, the generation must have started planning because of this! The fire of the Rijing Sect started, and continued. With the defeat at Tuen Mun, officials will be killed in the southeast! Everywhere, the net is aimed at the high position! Your Majesty, I beg your Majesty to learn from you, don't ignore it because of the appearance of the center's salty service!"

Zhou Zhao finished speaking in one breath, and then coughed.

Huang Jin and Zhu Qingping were extremely worried and couldn't help but look at the emperor.

Zhu Houcong stood up and bowed: "Thank you Master Zhou for your teaching, I must be cautious!"

Zhou Zhao was gratified and sad: "The honorable relatives are the pillars of the heavenly family. Although there are many incompetent and arrogant people, why should your majesty demote, remove titles, seize property, and reprimand at this time? Wait a few years! Why didn't Mr. Zhongde speak out to advise? "

He started to blame Yuan Zonggao for what he said.

Hearing Zhou Zhao's words so straightforwardly, Zhu Houcong couldn't help doubting himself: Could it be that he really drifted away?Really in a hurry?

He felt that he was already patient enough, but he was really anxious about the sea, which was driven by his sense of responsibility.

After Zhou Zhao rebuked Yuan Zonggao, he looked at Zhu Houcong angrily: "It's good to be diligent, but what's the point of discussing politics until late at night? The most important thing for your majesty now is to take care of your body, get married and give birth to a prince as soon as possible! It is better than His Majesty's several plans!"

The emperor's teacher scolded the emperor, and Zhu Houcong suddenly became a little numb: No matter how wise and powerful I am now, I can't give birth to a big fat boy sooner?
 Recommend a friend's new book "Longevity Begins with Pleasure": [Marrying a Wife + Contrast + Adding Dots + Gou Dao + Manipulating Talismans] Meng Chao, as a negative teaching material for traveling through the world of cultivating immortals, had to give up cultivating immortals and return to the world because of his mediocre talent and over fifty years old.Unexpectedly, after joining the Jiaofang Division, you can get rewards if you start enjoying yourself, and your practice has been soaring since then.


(End of this chapter)

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