
Chapter 204

Chapter 204

Does this Li Xiang really think so, or is it a fraud?
But now, Li Xiang pointed out a sharp "fact".

Another version of the story of the court center seems to have exerted its power, on the eve of the new Guangdong law to formally implement the tax and service.

In this version of the story, the treacherous minister Yang Tinghe first left a loophole in the will, which caused the emperor to fall into anxiety about his position because of the issue of succession and succession.

Because he wanted to compete with the treacherous officials for power, he succeeded as a vassal king from then on.It seems that when he first ascended the throne, he stomped on the big traitor, and then he was burned by the fire of Nijingmen.

Yang Tinghe didn't allow His Majesty to thoroughly investigate such a major incident?Since you don't want to conduct a thorough investigation, why did you kill all the suspected Queen Mother Zhang's younger brothers within two years?

All in all, at the beginning, the emperor diligently went to the court and reviewed the memorials, but later the court meeting was changed to only a few times a month.The imperial study room and the national policy meeting were set up to decentralize power, but in the end they tied their own hands and feet.The few old ministers who were recalled were all excluded from the national policy meeting, forcing the emperor to directly marry the daughter of the cabinet minister as the queen, and let the relatives of the state become high officials.

In this process, he welcomed Emperor Jing into the temple and repeatedly emphasized to the world that "Your Majesty was originally a vassal king, not an orthodox one". What does Yang Tinghe want to do?
As for practicum and dialectics, could this be the work of a young emperor who is not yet full?

Undoubtedly, in Li Xiang's writing, the emperor was controlled by Yang Tinghe, the big traitor, emotionally, aspirationally, and in the handling of actual state affairs.Now, he is just in a pitiful, weak and helpless state where he wants to kill the thief but is unable to recover.

At this time Li Xiang stood up and said, don't be afraid, there are many dead men like me!
Now, inside and outside the Fengtian Hall, there are really many people who look inexplicably excited and look at the emperor expectantly.

So many people who are unwilling to make major changes to the old system sincerely hope that what Li Xiang told is a true story.

Now, it seems that only the emperor needs to say something.

The Beijing camp is in the hands of Wu Dinghou and other ministers, and it has already grown to a large scale, although it is not yet known how powerful it will be.

But in the hands of Yang Tinghe and others, is there any bargaining chip that makes the emperor so cautious?

Could it be Zhang Yong?Why did Yang Tinghe, who hated the remnants of the Eight Tigers of Zhengde in the past, not insist on exterminating Zhang Yong, Wei Bin, Gu Dayong and others?

Wei Bin enlisted all his relatives into Huangmingji's interests, and by taking measures, the money that Huangmingji could earn in the future was simply terrifying.

And Gu Dayong also went to Huguang to be the guardian eunuch, and there seemed to be quite a few vassal kings in Huguang...

Seeing the emperor's silence, Yang Tinghe had to stand up and knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, I have been wronged..."

He didn't argue too much, just said these few words, and at the same time cursed Fei Hong in his heart - the emperor doesn't dare to scold him now.

Let's get out of acting!What are you doing all this big?Who was Li Xiang fooled by?
But Yang Tinghe was very worried that this was a trick of the old party: this seemingly loyal remonstrance from Li Xiang might tear up the situation that His Majesty wanted to hide behind the scenes.

Fei Hong knew the emperor's thoughts very well, so he didn't dare to do this.But in the old party camp, there is no shortage of truly smart people.

Seeing that Guangdong is really going to attack taxation and labor, and last year's revenue was not bad, they probably have already made plans and are unwilling to sit still.

Has the emergence of practical science strengthened their determination?

The words "the minister was wronged" were really aggrieved: Wouldn't it be enough if you let us circulate such a suicide note?Why did Zhang Jin have to read it all out?We can't jump ship anymore, what are you worried about?
After reading it, everyone listened: Oh, it turned out that he was not really admonishing the emperor, but using himself to sacrifice the flag for the emperor.

You can see that he praised Zhu Houcong in this Jue Ming Memorial.

But now?

The emperor stated that he wanted to "eliminate" the new party, and the new law was over, because it meant that the emperor recognized that Li Xiang's words were true: Do you know how my emperor came here in the past three years?

Why don't you express your opinion?Yang Tinghe's reputation as a traitor can't be cleared—someone has a dead body to admonish him!The emperor could only "endure" it, the new party's might is already terrifying!
Zhu Houcong looked at Yang Tinghe who was kneeling there.

Because he was kneeling at the front, the only ones who could see his expression were the counselors and the close courtiers around Zhu Houcong, so Yang Tinghe didn't regret his real grievances at all.

Although the New Party is already on the way out, Yang Tinghe really doesn't want to bear the blame for such epic scapegoats as Sima Zhao and Wang Mang.

Zhu Houcong felt that he was about to collapse.

"...Li Xiang's loyalty is commendable."

As soon as Zhu Houcong opened his mouth, Yang Tinghe's heart sank: You don't really think that my power is deeply rooted, and you uprooted me in this so-called "reform" game, right?

Self-declination of eunuch power, seizing the immediate interests of honor and relatives, and then drawing big cakes, doing something about nature, things and people to weaken the sanctity of the emperor, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like something a normal emperor can do.

Zhu Houcong said again: "It's just that Mr. Yang Ge wants to implement the new law because of my ambition to make great efforts to govern the country and strengthen the army. It's not like this. Mr. Yang Ge is loyal to the country, and I really miss him. I'm afraid Li Xiang has misunderstood him, or he may have been misunderstood by others. Bewitching and indignation are difficult to control. The inside story needs to be investigated in detail. Mr. Yang Ge, if you want to stop the world from discussing this matter, you need to find out whether someone ordered it."

Yang Tinghe's heart became even colder: Li Xiang created a deadlock with his life, but the emperor really "forbeared" and asked Yang Tinghe to investigate the behind-the-scenes instigation.

Doesn't the next step mean that the new party is so powerful that people in the world can start planning such epic events as Yidaizhao, Qingjun side, and Qinwang?

Inside and outside Fengtian Hall, the courtiers and relatives had different expressions.

Information asymmetry has created the current situation.

"Your Majesty!" Yang Tinghe took off his official hat resolutely, "I have been impeached like this, if people in the world don't want to talk about it, I have to resign to prove my innocence. No matter why Li Xiang was impeached by fate, I can't do it again." Don't go to the Ten Thousand Years Love Inn if you leave a bad smell!"

Don't do it, daddy!
After speaking, the old man burst into tears: "Your Majesty knows the truth about your loyalty! You have worked hard for three years, but you were impeached by this corpse, so that you have the name of Sima Zhao and Wang Mang! I can't believe that the merits of the new law are small, and the country will not cause chaos. If I don't go, I'm afraid that some foolish and loyal people will mistakenly believe it is true and act on the side of the Qing emperor, and the people will be innocent? I can't investigate whether Li Xiang's death is inside. If your majesty orders you to investigate, I can only resign Against it!"

Everyone remembered that the emperor once said that those who objected by resigning three times would not stay.

There is only one last time left for Yang Tinghe.

If he succeeds by resigning to object, doesn't that mean that the emperor's authority has always been there, and what kind of power traitor is he, Yang Tinghe?
Zhu Houcong looked at Yang Tinghe's puckered mouth and teary eyes, and sighed softly: "The content of this booklet must have been spread to the outside world. What difference does it make if Yang Ge is in the court or in the field?"

Yang Tinghe knelt there and calmed down a bit.

Indeed, if it is really a premeditated matter, what difference does it make if the memorial is read or not?What scruples do he have for a person who is admonishing him?

But the emperor, what do you mean by this?Does it seem that I, Yang Tinghe, can control the situation even if I am not the chief assistant?

"Yang Ge is worried about the people in the world, I know it." Zhu Houcong said with a heavy expression, "I'm afraid that Li Xiang's enthusiasm will be deceived by others, so that he will misidentify loyalty and traitors. The example of charcoal really makes me My heart is shocked. The sufferings of corvee in the world can be solved by Yang Ge’s old saying. The difficulty of using the treasury in the future can be solved by the commercial law and tax law. From the results of Guangdong last year, it is indeed miraculous. How can Yang Ge do it for you Did you retire with all your strength?"

After finishing speaking, he persuaded him earnestly: "Right and wrong, there will be a fair judgment in the future. Mr. Yang Ge, I still can't do without you."

Yang Tinghe shook his head stubbornly: "When the princes are in the court, even if the ministers resign, the state affairs will not worry."

Whoever likes to rush to the front will rush to the front, even if Yang Tinghe slips away, the New Party will still not fall, and Yang Tinghe will not have to bear the pressure from the side of the Qing Dynasty in the future.

To be honest, to this day, Yang Tinghe has no idea in his heart whether the new law will be successful in the future.

Guangdong's commercial tax can be collected because of the convenience of the Shibo Department.What about other inland provinces?

In the future, when the number of officials across the country increases to that extent, Yang Tinghe will only bite the bullet and implement the new law. In fact, he is very worried that the future treasury will not be able to support this set of methods.

No wonder people say he is Wang Mang. The scope of this restructuring is really big, so big that even the consultants who are familiar with the process can't fully understand it, and not all of them are full of confidence.

At present, the emperor can use the money from the internal treasury as the purchase expenditure for the palace's year-old and sit-down offices in Guangdong. What about the whole country in the future?

More than half of the charcoal for the Tuntian Qingli Division is supplied to the palace!Will the internal treasury be able to spend all the money in the future?Where does the emperor's internal treasury have so much silver in a steady stream?

Suddenly, Yang Tinghe was a little grateful to Li Xiang: Maybe it was Fei Hong who hinted to him to take this opportunity to let the emperor see the difficulty of changing the old system on such a large scale.Since the effect in Guangdong is not bad, it is because there are special reasons.

In the future, only a part of the new law will suffice, such as the law on the treatment of officials.Purchasing law, business law, tax law, fine-tuning other places, the goal of doubling annual income in ten years can be achieved.

At most, it will be extended to Fujian and Zhejiang, which have the advantages of market ships.

If the new party loses several leaders because of this, the new law and the old system should naturally be reconciled.

Maybe that guy Fei Hong wrote the screenplay to this day.

Seeing Yang Tinghe's determination, Zhu Houcong remained silent.

At this time, Wang Qiong came out and said loudly: "The ministers of the government and the public have old grievances with Mr. Yang Ge. I can testify that Mr. Yang Ge is definitely not the generation of Sima Zhao and Wang Mang! The new law has not been completed, and Mr. Yang Ge must not give up halfway! Li Xiangqi There must be something hidden, I would like to ask you to investigate it carefully!"

Yang Tinghe turned to look at him: Are you still working hard?This is a new revenge!

What is the level of impeachment?I can't bear it!There will really be Qing Jun's side!
He looked at the emperor again: It's about this time, you hurry up and show the world your brilliance and prowess in the imperial study, and talk about new learning!Let’s analyze the new law!Let everyone in the world know what you want to do!
Why are you still driving us to a dead end?

Looking at the emperor's deep eyes, Yang Tinghe was suddenly startled, and had a clear understanding in his heart.

Yang Tinghe knew why he wanted to fish in the first place.The fish you catch include not only the stubborn old party members, but also the delusional princes, right?

Now that this incident happened, the emperor deliberately read it in front of everyone and continued to keep him. Could it be that he wanted to take advantage of the situation and let those people have a clear banner?

This is really going to cause civil turmoil!
Now, the emperor looked at Wang Qiong strangely, as if hesitating and fearful.

After a while, Yang Tan, Wu Tingju, Wang Xian and others stepped forward to protect Yang Tinghe and prove his "innocence".

Yang Tinghe's heart was cold: you fucking...

All the ministers at the court meeting could see clearly that the counselors seemed to be all Yang Tinghe's people.

At this time, Zhang Zuo came back, holding two secret reports in his hands.

Everyone waited suffocatedly for the emperor to finish reading, only to see that the emperor fell silent again after finishing, as if he was about to make a difficult choice.

Yang Tinghe looked at the emperor, trembling slightly: Stop acting, please.

"The status of the Beijing officials checked by Jin Yiwei is here." Zhu Houcong said slowly, with a bleak tone, "Before and after the Zhengdan Festival, the officials Li Xiang visited were mainly those who advocated the new law. Since he hates the new law so much, Why is this? There are people behind the scenes who have hidden evil intentions to corrupt the new law, and I have awakened. Mr. Yang Ge does not need to be wronged by the villain's slander, and I am always grateful for the loyalty of Aiqing."

After finishing speaking, he said: "Guangdong's new law has achieved results. Yang Ge's husband is loyal to the country, and takes the weight of the country with a weak body. He is really an example of loyal ministers in the world. Add the Taibao, give the palace a good reputation, and enter the court. The title, Mr. Ge has resigned three years ago, don’t refuse this time! In the future, the new law will be successful, and I will have Mr. Yang Ge to accompany me to worship around a hundred years later. It will be a good story in the history. So that the world will not talk about it. If you are Wang Mang, why do I have so much trust?"

Looking at the emperor's deep eyes, Yang Tinghe felt cold sweat running down his back.

Living with three princes, as well as the privilege of sitting in a sedan chair in the palace and not entering the court... You might as well write the word power and rape on my face!
How can this be a privilege that you trust me and dote on me? Why do you say that you are afraid that I will not accept it?
Did Li Xiang really visit so many new parties?Don't know, maybe there is.But the emperor seemed to only show one thing when he said this: even Jinyiwei and Neichang belonged to Yang Tinghe, and he only picked what was beneficial to Yang Tinghe.

Li Xiang, who was loyal and commendable at the beginning, has now become a slanderous villain.

Looking at the emperor's eyes, Yang Tinghe was really not sure what would happen after he insisted on resigning.

Could it be that he saw through the idea of ​​going downhill just now?

And people like Wang Qiong!Everyone only follows the emperor's mind, aren't they afraid that the people of the world will die because of the future "King Qin" military disaster?

Both inside and outside Fengtian Hall looked at Yang Tinghe.

Huo Sangong, you didn't say no immediately?
When His Majesty visited the court for the first time back then, it might have been to appease Yang Ting and Jia Taibao.But the current tone is clearly deeply fearful.

That is another appeasement!
Yang Tinghe felt that he was numb, as if he was walking on the Naihe Bridge, and had finished drinking Mengpo soup.

As if he had never said the words of "self-proving innocence" before, he seemed to be choked up with gratitude and kowtowed: "The old minister is ashamed, and there is no way to repay the king's kindness, only to die and die!"

This is Zhuge Liang's word!

You must be able to tell that I am not Yi Yin Huo Guang, nor Sima Zhao Wang Mang!

Zhu Houcong seemed relieved, and hurriedly said: "Let's leave the court, all the counselors discuss the matter in the Imperial Study Room!"

The matter seemed to be over in such a hurry, Li Xiang's body was still cold, and it seemed to be lonely with his body as a drum.

Those in the court who previously had inexplicable hopes in their hearts could only watch the emperor turn and walk heavily to the inner court, while Wang Qiong and others eagerly walked to Yang Tinghe's side to help him up, congratulating him with smiles on their faces.

Yang Tinghe's expression was very complicated, with a wry smile and a bit of fear, and finally he relaxed a lot.

Many people couldn't help but have a thought in their hearts: Could it be that Li Xiang's corpse was arranged by the New Party to test the emperor?
Only the counselors who walked into the back of the Fengtian Hall and headed to the Imperial Study Room later restrained their faces and felt heavy.

The emperor handled this matter in such a way, did he really plan to deal with a civil strife?

Li Xiang's death was already a campaign, right?What did Jin Yiwei and the inner factory find out?
 I recommend a friend's new book "There Is an Extraordinary Girl Inside You": extraordinary fighting, pushing horizontally all the way, and driving slickly. .


(End of this chapter)

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