
Chapter 205: One Word from the Son of Heaven

Chapter 205 A word from the emperor, the sun and the moon share lessons

When they arrived at the Hall of Mental Cultivation, when they entered the imperial study room, they saw that the emperor had already sat down with a very serious expression.

Yang Tinghe didn't suppress his doubts anymore: "The minister joined the three princes before he became an official, and even gave the palace a minister, and he didn't follow the court. What's wrong with Li Xiang's matter? Why did your majesty deal with it like this?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Wang Qiong and the others: "Why are you making noise?"

The previous resolute resignation did not seem to be because of too much pressure and wanted to escape, but because he had another judgment and thought it was better.

"Huang Jin, close the door. Let the idlers wait a hundred steps away."

As soon as Zhu Houcong said these words, everyone's expressions became serious.

When Huang Jin came back after going out for a while, Zhu Houcong said calmly: "The monarchs and ministers in the imperial study are all of one mind, and I forced them out, and I know it."

Yang Tinghe was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help but said: "Gouzi made such a fuss in Guangdong, the minister is already the leader of the new party in the government and the opposition; His Majesty Ming made up his mind, and Wang Bo'an respects His Majesty's knowledge! Your Majesty has made every effort to plan, and it is true that his advice is sincere!"

He might feel that his tone was too strong, so he eased up a bit before he said in a tangled voice: "I have really been thinking about it for more than a year. Given the current situation, the new law will not be shelved if your majesty is ready to serve. I dare to say bluntly, even if your majesty If you want to cut down the feudal clan, it is not difficult at this time!"

Everyone could hear that Yang Tinghe was indeed full of resentment.

After Wang Qiong looked at the emperor, he suddenly said, "I thought Yang Ge was thinking about it."

Yang Tinghe was also angry with him, so he asked back, "Ask for advice!"

"I have the courage to analyze it." Wang Qiong bowed to Zhu Houcong first, and then said after a moment of consideration, "The Beijing camp has just been established. As Jie Fu said, there is Fei Zichong in the middle of planning, and the old party is hard to overthrow. It is the intention to cut down the vassal. With the heart of counselors, the world will not be in chaos."

Zhu Houcong remained silent, Wang Qiong was the first to stand up and act according to Zhu Houcong's intention, Zhu Houcong wanted to see if he had seen it through.

Wang Qiong looked at the emperor again, and continued: "Your Majesty and we all know that there are still several new laws that have not been announced to the public. Even at this moment, the laws are very different from previous dynasties. , What will people from all walks of life do? I can't just rely on our single-minded and hastily trained Beijing camp to feel safe. Don't forget, the system of guarding the fields in the guards still dare not move lightly!"

Yang Tinghe frowned: The palace was on the cusp of the storm before, but he forgot the reaction of the Tianxia Guard to the new law.

"Why can't your Majesty mention the law of household registration first? It's mainly because of military households! Whether the new law can be implemented now depends on the circulation of people, money, and power. Most of the addition of so many officials is to deal with the people of the world in the future. It is not restricted by household registration and not restricted by too many road guides."

After a pause, Wang Qiong said: "Then Qianfa and Kufa want to manage the world's wealth better and livelier. All these things are not easy to do now, why? The world can't be said to sit back and relax. I don't necessarily have any doubts in my heart about whether this new method, which I have never heard of before, can be realized."

He saluted Zhu Houcong: "I have served as Minister of the Household Department for many years, and I don't know how many times I have studied the new law in the past two years. In my opinion, if this new law is not fully implemented, all previous efforts will be wasted. If we want to get to that point, That not only requires the unity of the monarchs and ministers in the imperial study, but also requires the people in the world to think that they are worthy!"

"As soon as practical studies come out, achievements in physics should come into the room. Miscellaneous, craftsmen, and businessmen are indeed the new force of Ming Dynasty's wealth creation in addition to farmers. For these people, it is not enough for His Majesty to set up a Wanfa Pavilion. Honorable."

Wang Qiong finally looked at Yang Tinghe, and said coldly: "The number of officials in the world is at least ten times higher, and a group of physical talents has been added to the country. Does Mr. Ge think that the world can be bloodless and get rid of many people so that so many people can enjoy it?" Honor, agree with the new law wholeheartedly? Besides, even if His Majesty wants to eliminate the hidden dangers of the clan, how can he take the initiative to do it out of no name?"

Yang Tinghe remained silent.

He has already taken the blame for getting rid of the Zhang brothers; if His Majesty wants to eliminate the hidden dangers of the clan, does he still need to use the name of the new law to let him continue to take the blame?
Wang Qiong pointed out a point that really cannot be ignored: the military settlement.

After mobilizing gentry tax and labor, will the next one be military settlements?It is indeed strange that those who still have hopes of bringing down the new party do not provoke the sensitive issue of military settlements.

However, after the previous discussion, the new law only implements the current ones. Is the emperor really like what Wang Qiong analyzed, and will he still attack the army in the future?Didn't they pay the recruits outside the army to collect their hearts?
"As the Great Heavenly Official said, is His Majesty really planning such a plan?" Yang Tinghe asked bluntly.

Zhu Houcong nodded: "Elder Yang Ge has received my reward, and today I am going to make you and others understand my heart. It has been 58 and [-] years since the founding of the country, and there is no way to recreate the universe. The new law is nothing more than a continuation of life. Wait. A hundred years from now, I'm afraid my face will be completely different."

Yang Tinghe looked at him with a complicated expression.

The universe is recreated... As for playing so big?Do you really want to establish the law of the world?

With these practices now, it can be called a huge restructuring.Is it really like what Wang Qiong said, if one link is missing, all previous efforts will be wasted?
"Clans, relatives, military generals, officials and gentry." Zhu Houcong said calmly, "Today, all the wealth in the world can be said to come from the hard work of the common people, and support the entire Ming Dynasty. Starting from taxation and labor, we can relieve the suffering, and treat the symptoms, not the root cause. What I need , it is these four types of people who sit back and enjoy the benefits that will create wealth for Daming in the future."

"...Take it slow, and things will come together slowly!" Yang Tinghe earnestly said, "Now that the food and wages are not ready, there is a big war, internal and external troubles are coming, and the lives of the people are dying. Why does your majesty always want to complete his achievements in one battle?"

"It's not that dangerous." Zhu Houcong shook his head, "Do you still remember the three-year national policy of investigating water conservancy and flood hazards?"

They were all stunned for a moment, and Li Wei couldn't help but said: "But the princes bestowed Tian Nei..."

Yang Tinghe immediately asked: "What happened to the fields bestowed by the feudal vassals?"

Zhu Houcong replied on his behalf: "It's not just the feudal vassals who grant fields. It should be said that the fields in the world are roughly divided into two categories: the fields of the poor and the rich, and the fields of the rich and powerful. Nowadays, in farming, the harvest depends on the sky, and how much is due to irrigation. Water? The world has overhauled water conservancy, can the common people enjoy the convenience of their fields now?"

Seeing that they were silent, Zhu Houcong said very clearly: "Cut off roads, change canals, dig pools to store water. Even the water conservancy self-cultivated by the localities mostly makes it convenient for the rich and powerful."

"...What does this matter have to do with not being so dangerous?" Yang Tinghe didn't understand.

"The one who wins the hearts of the people wins the world." Zhu Houcong looked at Yang Tinghe, "Mr. Yang Ge, you need to be brave. Focus on water conservancy all day long to make the people more convenient. This does not mean that the new law was implemented in other provinces five years ago in Jiajing, right? Yang Since Mr. Ge has already poured his power into the government and the public, it is only natural that he first wins the hearts of the people of the provinces and then investigates the dignitaries blocked by the provinces in the name of this, right?"

"...What if the vassal king grants water conservancy to the fields?" Yang Tinghe understood the meaning, the people's agitation was the root cause of the chaos.If the people feel that the new law is good, then only the guards are worth worrying about.

Zhu Houcong said calmly: "I know the burden on Yang Ge's shoulders is heavy, so I made an appointment with the Taimiao. Determined, old-fashioned officials, corrupt generals and vassal kings will join forces without hesitation. The death of Li Xiang, Jin Yiwei and the inner factory report are exactly as the palace said, this must be some people throwing stones to ask the way to confirm the situation. Now, Yang Ge The boss can investigate the name of the water conservancy all day long, and I will punish them one by one according to the wishes of the elders, just like the court meeting today."

Yang Tinghe looked at him with a complicated expression: "Your Majesty, I'm really old. I can't bear the reputation of being the most powerful traitor in history."

"Where is this? The elder Ge's power at this time is far worse than the traitors in the history books. What are you afraid of? In the future, he will retire and return the government to me. The world will naturally understand the elder's painstaking efforts and praise his good name. "Zhu Houcong laughed, "It's windy and rainy now, and the sun will shine brightly in the future."

Yang Tinghe didn't speak.

Zhu Houcong put away his smile, and said seriously: "Qing and others feel that I am in a hurry, but Mr. Yang Ge's words just pointed out the key point."

They looked over together, and Zhu Houcong said: "I can indeed do it one by one slowly. I am indeed young, but Qing is not young anymore. After three or five years, Qing will be old and the newly promoted important ministers, how can I do that?" The prestige of Youqing and others? That is, Zhang Fujing was able to participate in the national policy at that time, how can all the counselors be the pillars of the court for many years?"

Time doesn't wait. Although it will take many years for the new law to take effect, how long will it take to wait for the good time to lay the foundation now?
How good is it that all the people who help him implement the new law are famous?

The power of the eighteen arhats is much stronger than that of the eighteen monks.

Yang Tinghe, Wang Qiong and others looked at his young face and had to admit this.

Those present, including Yang Yiqing, Fei Hong, and Wang Shouren who are not here now, are all important ministers who have been famous in the government and the public since the Zhengde Dynasty.

What really happened, their disciples have old acquaintances all over the world, and they can't be suppressed.

In a few years, they will be old, dead, and retired. Will the new batch of consultants still have such prestige?
It will be more than ten years after their reputation grows day by day.

Although they thought such a time span was normal, the emperor obviously didn't see it that way.

Everyone thought of the Great Wall on the South Seas.I am afraid that the Beijing camp, which has been preparing troops and horses first, is not prepared for naval battles, so there is still the north...

Zhu Houcong looked at them and said: "It's hard for me to get you back. No matter what tricks you use, you are on the way of the new law. If the new law comes true, it will be of great benefit to the people. You will not fail to see this. A little. That's why I said, it's not that dangerous."

"Although I have the intention of restraining my clan relatives and harming the people to take their benefits, I believe that my ancestors and clansmen can understand my painstaking efforts for the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, I can swear in the name of my ancestors and clans today." Zhu Houcong stared at Yang Tinghe, " If Qing and others can help me rebuild the Ming Dynasty, I will not fail Qing and others in the future. A word from the Son of Heaven, the sun and the moon will learn from each other!"

Wei Bin, Chen Jin, Guo Xun, Wang Qiong and others who are still alive and kicking have all proved Zhu Houcong's trustworthiness.

Now, Zhu Houcong has made new promises to them, under the premise of emphasizing the covenant with Yang Tinghe's Taimiao.

Yang Tinghe felt that he was being manipulated.

Indeed, I was a little touched.

He was thinking in his heart: Yang Yiqing restrained the Northwest Frontier Army in the border town, and the 15 Beijing battalion had already been recruited.The national treasury was spent like running water, but the emperor was no longer as stingy as his cousin in taking money from the internal treasury.

That guy Fei Hong should see the situation clearly.If he really has a ghost, His Majesty will never hesitate to eradicate him completely.

Marquis Zhenyuan guarding Huguang, Zhu Qi guarding Guangdong and Guangxi...

The remaining vassal kings don't seem to be able to accomplish anything.This summer, Wang Shouren can also come out again.

As for those guard generals in the southeast who couldn't do anything to take more than a hundred Japanese pirates...

He gritted his teeth: "Then, let's try to be a 'power traitor'! It's just that your Majesty, Nanzhili needs to have a safe arrangement!"

Zhu Houcong said bluntly: "The Beijing camp was first established, and Marquis Wuding went south to defend Nanjing."

Yang Tinghe opened his mouth: Why does it look like I forced away another loyal minister to the emperor?
(End of this chapter)

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