
Chapter 206 Invite people's hearts, cultivate reputation, usurp power!

Chapter 206 Invite people's hearts, cultivate reputation, usurp power!

Li Xiang's body was impeached in exchange for Yang Ting and Jia Taibao, who bestowed the palace with a good reputation and refused to worship.

The new arrangement that was subsequently decided at the National Policy Conference was: Marquis Guo Xun of Wuding guarded Nanjing, and "handed over" the Shenji Battalion, which had been practiced the longest among the three battalions after the reset, and was replaced by a battalion that had only helped Zhang Zilin suppress bandits in the Yangtze River. Li Quanli, uncle of Xiangcheng, and Qiu Luan, Marquis of Xianning, were subordinate to him.

The most important thing is that Zhang Yong started to oversee the three major battalions again!

The Earl is in charge of the Shenji Battalion, the Marquis is guarding Nanjing, and the seal of the Imperial Horse Supervisor is on the stage again.

Guo Xun's majesty's speech even just went through the process at the court meeting like ordinary officials entering and leaving Beijing, and the emperor didn't say anything else.

Guo Xun left Beijing with a few servants in the first month, and then Shenji Camp was originally recommended by Guo Xun as a battalion officer, and all five generals were dispersed and sent to Huguang, Jiangxi, and Nanzhi. The Dusi system in Li, Zhejiang and other places.

The military power near the capital began to be attacked. Although everything was ordered by the emperor, the officials in Beijing were even more afraid of Yang Tinghe.

Instead, Li Xiang, who was impeached, became a case, and Wang Qiong began to investigate and deal with it.

But he is the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and he is only supervised by order.The one who actually investigated the case was Li Chongsi, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, recommended by Zhang Zilin, the leader of the New Party.

There is also a very sensitive point, Fei Hong's nephew Fei Maoxian had already been proposed by the emperor as a bachelor in the imperial study.But as soon as this matter came out, he was released to any prefecture in the headquarters of the new law in Guangdong.

The first living Sangong of the Ming Dynasty was already powerful.

He is not a lucky minister, but the leader of civil servants who have stood in the court for many years.Nowadays, with the banner of new learning and new laws, not only the counselors, but also the emperor must "be careful in words and deeds."The selection and dismissal of officials all over the world depends on his face. Now, he has also colluded with the great eunuch Zhang Yong who is in charge of the military power and the gate control of the palace.

The monstrous waves that Li Xiang should have set off were easily suppressed like this.

[...I was born in the countryside of Anlu, and I know the suffering of the people.Since the Yuan Dynasty was changed, at the request of Yang Taibao, I ordered the Ministry of Industry to investigate the floods and water conservancy problems in the world.Now, at the invitation of Yang Taibao, I must renew the water conservancy all day long to benefit the people. 】

[All the people in the world are my people, how can I tolerate my people worrying about floods and droughts?Specially dispatched 200 million taels of silver to the internal transport warehouse, and ordered the national policy meeting to select [-] members of the supervisory censor who inspected water conservancy, and went to provinces other than Guangdong, North Zhili, and South Zhili to inspect and reorganize water conservancy. 】

[This is good governance and national policy that benefits the people and the country!Clans, relatives, gentry, and common people all over the world must see the system and follow it, and don't obstruct it because of your own selfishness!It may take five or ten years of hard work to achieve initial results in water conservancy all day long, but the merits in the present age will benefit the future!If all the fertile fields in the world can benefit from water conservancy, the Ming Dynasty will be prosperous and the people will live and work in peace and contentment. I can comfort the ancestors of the Taiming Dynasty! 】

[Here! 】

An imperial edict was then promulgated, and fourteen water patrol censors went to various places except Guangdong.

Should water conservancy be overhauled?That is of course good governance, as it should be.

But what the imperial edict said is clearly not those large-scale water conservancy projects, but only the repair of small irrigation channels and ditches scattered all over the place.

To put it more clearly, change the water channels that the vassal kings, gentry, and dignitaries changed in the past to better irrigate their fertile fields, and change them to benefit the common people.

The silver that was taken out of the emperor's inner treasury was used!

"See you Yang Ting and Tu Qiong!"

In the Mansion of the King of Chu in Wuchang Mansion, Huguang, Zhu Rongchen, the younger brother of Zhu Rong, the sixth generation king of Chu, said indignantly: "The late emperor passed away, and His Majesty ordered all the vassals in the world to live in the mansion to mourn the late emperor for 27 months. Now it seems that Yang Tinghe Meaning! Brother Wang, there are frequent floods in Huguang, and I, the Chu Fan, have not been able to reap the benefits of Tianben year after year! The salary has been owed for a long time, and now even weddings and funerals are difficult."

"Please advance 7000 taels of silver from the treasury of the Huguang government, and then use the salary of the vassal mansion to pay it back. The imperial court will not allow it. Is it really your majesty's intention to ask brother Wang to admonish my clansmen of the Chu vassal?" The more angry he said, "If your majesty is so wary of the feudal vassals, how could you adopt the youngest son to the late emperor and establish a vassal in Jiangxi? Yang Ting and the old thief, now want to use the name of the world's water conservancy to harm the interests of the clan to win the hearts of the people, and the next step is to raise Prestige has usurped the position, this is an act of disobedience!"

Zhu Rong's 19-year-old son, Zhu Xianrong, also said: "Father, my son's wedding has been delayed because of mourning! It was hard to get married without losing the dignity of the palace. If Yang Tinghe will become famous next year with the new Guangdong law How about promoting the provinces? According to the ancestral system, I, the Chu Fan, should be in charge of the tax department! But in recent years, has the tax department ever handed over the income to the palace? Father, I really can’t be so weak and be bullied by him! "

When the first king of Chu established Wuchang, Zhu Yuanzhang gave the tax department of Wuchang Prefecture to Zhu Zhen, king of Chu, to take charge.

Wuchang is the thoroughfare of the nine provinces, and the tax department collects a lot of money every year from merchants, butchers, miscellaneous markets, and sales of land and houses.

Zhu Rong has a soft personality, and now he only has a sad expression on his face.

Because of the son's big marriage before, please play the 7000 taels, and the Chu Palace boldly tried it out.

"My ancestor, King Zhao, originally gave it to the Taxation Department of Wuchang Prefecture. Now it is the fifth generation, and it has been invaded by Yousi. Begging to change it to the seal, it is attached to the government, and it is regarded as the world's business."

Zhang Zilin, who was in charge of the Ministry of Rites, naturally rejected it sternly.

Zhu Rongcheng continued: "Guangdong has set up a tax department to stand side by side with the vassal department, the capital department, the punishment department, the public security department, and the capital inspection department! If the new law is implemented in Huguang, the tax department's ancestors can return to the palace? Brother Wang, This great ancestor bestows the favor of the Chu Fan! Yang Ting and the national traitors first hijacked His Majesty, and then invited the hearts of the people of the world. The desire to usurp the throne has been revealed! Brother Wang, what should be done!"

"Did the father forget to slander the father's rule before accepting the Pan Dynasty and leave the palace to ask Chu Fan to be dismissed? Fortunately, His Majesty's Ming Dynasty is so beautiful! This Pan Dynasty is a person sent by the Ministry of Rites!"

Zhu Xianrong was as anxious as Zhu Rongcheng.He is the eldest son of the king of Chu, Zhu Rong has no sons, Zhu Xianrong is now the closest person to the king of Chu.

If Chu Fan was dismissed, what else would he have?
After several generations, Chu Fan has become a behemoth.Many county kings, generals of Zhenguo, generals of Fuguo, generals of Fengguo, lieutenants of Zhenguo, lieutenants of Fuguo, and lieutenants of Fengguo.There are so many county masters, county masters, and township lords... the king of Chu, the suzerain of the Chu clan, will come to the fore if they have any problems.

But Zhu Rong could only say one thing: "This is a big matter, let me think about it again..."

Zhu Xianrong and his uncle looked at each other with different thoughts.

On the way to leave Zhu Rong's bedroom, Zhu Xianrong just said in a gloomy manner: "Fourth Uncle, now that the late emperor's funeral is over, I can't go out much. You should think of a way while guarding against the officials of the palace."


Zhu Rongchan didn't think much about it.It's just that now that the emperor is under control, the only ones he can rely on are his relatives and clan.

And the old party.

If he made a great contribution, at least the outstanding salary of Chu Fan and the tax department of Wuchang Mansion would be securely secured!

These are only the vassal kings who were granted during the Taizu period, and they are far away from the great position.What are Zhu Jianshen's descendants thinking at this moment?
After the news reached the Chengdu mansion, Fei Hong invited several people to the house, but also retreated.

Then he lowered his face: "Could it be that one of you has a crooked mind? What kind of stupid tricks are you thinking!"

"Fei Gong, how can it be our thoughts? It can only be said that there are many staunch people in the world!"

"Corpse impeachment! It's enough to accumulate momentum gradually. Such violence will only lead to bad things!" Fei Hong said with hatred on his face, "I visited the New Party more in advance, so pretentious, it will only give the New Party an excuse! It's good now, by reorganizing The world's water conservancy, the new party will definitely find a group of people to operate!"

"This fact is very strange. Fei Gong, why don't you think it was done by the New Party?" Someone said, "Even Zhang Yong is in cahoots with Yang Tinghe, and with Zhang Yong's help, they can really get rid of Li Xiang and fake it." Become a dead body."

"Handwriting, time!" Fei Hong glanced at him, "The Dengwen drum is just outside the palace wall, next to the five mansions! Before the Wangrichao meeting, under the watchful eyes of the imperial guards, if Yang Tinghe is so domineering, what else should he worry about? "

"People's hearts! Prestige!" The man said decisively, "And it's also a test! To test His Majesty's will, to test the reaction of the world! Fei Gong, this sincere society is in danger, if the new party really uses the water conservancy all day long to make things happen , praise from all the people in the world, Yang Tinghe will be accomplished!"

"Anyway, we respect the teachings of sages and sages. Morally speaking, this is good governance! How can we stop it?" Fei Hong said through gritted teeth. How to refute the theory of practice as heresy?"

"But if Yang Ting's peace is achieved, His Majesty is in danger! Fei Gong, His Majesty has high hopes for you to appoint Governor of Sichuan!" The man choked up, "Thinking of how frightened His Majesty is now, I really can't bear it! King Anhua, Ning The king's rebellion was before, and now everyone in the clan is in danger. Fei Gong, what His Majesty can entrust, is only me who can be in the middle and help the orthodoxy!"

"...This is a big matter." Fei Hong was silent for a while before staring at them, "Anyway, if what happened to Li Xiang was really done by you, then it's better to think about how to deal with the court's pursuit! Don't underestimate Yang Tinghe! Other things, Wait for me to think about it carefully!"

After talking for a while and sending them away, Fei Hong waited quietly in the study.

After a while, the housekeeper came over, and Fei Hong asked, "Has Jin Huangba ever been here?"

The housekeeper was a little surprised: "Master, do you want to eat today?"

"I'm upset, I want to eat some sweet concoction." Fei Hong nodded.

Unlike later generations, Sichuan cuisine at this time and before was mainly sweet. "Shuzhong Guangji" has a saying that Shu people like to cook sweets and honey to taste.After Fei Hong came to Sichuan, he fell in love with Huangba, which is popular in Sichuan at that time.

Although there are many shops that make yellow rice cakes, Fei Hong only loves one small shop.

Of course, Fei Hong has been in Sichuan for more than a year, and the small shop is showing signs of development.

After the housekeeper went and came back, he finally brought another food box.

Putting one of the plates of yellow cakes sprinkled with icing sugar on the table in Fei Hong's study, and made another cup of tea, the housekeeper left and closed the door.

Only then did Fei Hong pick up the chopsticks with a solemn face, and picked up the yellow cakes one by one, until he finally found a small bamboo tube in one of them, and then found three more.

He breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that the upheaval hadn't really affected him for the time being.

The person who runs that small shop is by no means the leader of the inner factory in Sichuan, or the unknown Jinyiwei walking in Sichuan.

Fei Hong is the leader of the old party. In this scene, apart from the secret box in the past, his connection with the court center is this line.

But now the situation must have changed, and Fei Hong hadn't had time to submit the question to the emperor through the secret box.The next time we try to make it through, maybe Yang Ting and the other side will come back and forth in order to do enough tricks.

The addition of the Taibao after the key corpse impeachment really made it hard for Fei Hong to imagine what the situation is now.

Fortunately, the news is still here.

After cooling the bamboo tube, he carefully opened it and took out a piece of paper full of small characters.

Every piece of paper like this is after the yellow cake is steamed, and then put back into it with skillful hands to restore it to its original state.

The means of the inner factory are also a bit unimaginable.

In the beginning, this method was used to convey some special news to Fei Hong, probably with the intention of beating Fei Hong.

With such small shops or other existences, what kind of net has the current Daming spread out?

Fei Hong concentrated his attention and carefully deciphered the tiny handwriting on it.

(End of this chapter)

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