
Chapter 207

Chapter 207

Those who inspect Jiangxi's water conservancy have a very special status.

He married His Majesty's sister, but his elder brother married Yang Tinghe's daughter.

In terms of status, he is the son-in-law of Super Grade.In terms of official position, although he is only a seventh-rank supervisory censor, he is now under the emperor's order, but he is here to inspect Jiangxi to reorganize water conservancy.

Everyone murmured about his true position, Yu Chengye didn't start from Nanchang Mansion, but from Jianchang Mansion, first went to Yi Wang's vassal.

The grandson of Yi Wang Zhu Youbin still has a sensitive identity: Zhu Houzhao's heir, Rui Wang Zhu Zaihou.

Although the name has been changed, this Prince Rui is the grandson of Prince Yi after all.

After Yu Chengye arrived at Jianchang Mansion, he first visited Yiwang Mansion in the name of his clan.

No one knew what he said when he entered the mansion.

But after he left Prince Yi's mansion, he went to the countryside.

"Yi Wangye is benevolent and loves the people!" said the old farmer, "I heard that the prince only eats vegetables and tofu on weekdays. Clothes, shoes and hats are washed and worn, and they are worn out before they are worn. The prince is virtuous, Only then will the heirs prosper!"

Yu Chengye nodded with a smile: "Do you know when the [-] hectares of fertile land around Wangjun Terrace were given to King Yi?"

"Remember! That's five years since Hongzhi."

"For so many years, the county has been in charge? Didn't the palace send anyone to Cui Zheng?"

"It's all managed by the county! The prince never asks about these things, and his family's income is also simple."

Yu Chengye still smiled: "There is no shortage of water in Jiangxi, why do I see that you are busy carrying water to pour the fields? This is preparing to raise seedlings, right?"

"Hey! Master, do you still know about the field?" The old farmer was a little surprised, "The rice seedlings are delicate, so the little old man can only pay more attention."

"How many fields have you rented and planted at Wangjun Terrace?"

The old farmer hesitated, and then said: "The little old man didn't rent the land at Wangjuntai, so there are more than nine acres of land in the bay."

Yu Chengye didn't point it out either: "Although the terrain on the side of Wangjuntai is higher, but there are many canals, why do you need to carry water to irrigate your field, old man?"

"...Master, what kind of official are you?" The old farmer asked hesitantly.

"I'm the censor who came to Jiangxi to inspect water conservancy." Yu Chengye didn't say his identity as a son-in-law, "Old man, you said that if the weir in the upper reaches of the river in front were opened a little more, wouldn't it be more convenient for you to use water here? Don't you have a son at home, I think you are tired of carrying water by yourself."

"Oh! Master Censor! That's the water in Wangzhuang, how dare the little old man fight for it? The prince's good deeds and good deeds will kill the young old man's life! Carrying water is just a few more legs back and forth, the old man is so weak It’s okay. There are many rivers in Jiangxi, so we have to guard against Xia Xun every year. Although the little old man’s son has gone to serve to repair the embankment, the little old man still cares about it!”

Yu Chengye continued to laugh and said: "King Yi is benevolent and loves the people. If he sees the people near his Wangzhuang working so hard, he will also offer to change it. Only two more small weirs will be opened, so unless there is a big disaster on the Wangjun Terrace. Drought, otherwise the crops will not be missed."

The old farmer looked at him, and suddenly knelt down and kowtowed his head: "If it can be done, it would be great. The few acres of Susukida, my little old man, can also harvest three or five buckets of grain every year."

Yu Chengye helped him up: "It's all about repairing the river. I will take care of the repairing of the river this year. The old man might as well go back and discuss it with Lizheng and the villagers, and see if the river in your area can rise a little bit. , how to fix it. Where are some ponds being dug, and where can a new weir be built. As for the downstream, there are many rivers in Jiangxi."

The old farmer left his knees off the ground, fearing that his clothes would be soiled, he still bent his knees and said, "The little old man must go back and tell the good news to the villagers! I don't know the name of Master Qingtian yet, we in Qujiawan I will definitely set up a shrine for you, and burn incense every day."

"I'm just on orders. Last year and the year before last, someone came to survey the rivers and ditches, just for today. Your Majesty and Mr. Yang Ge are thinking of you. It is convenient to use water in your fields. Just cultivate the fields with your heart."

"Oops! The little old man forgot to kowtow to His Majesty!" After that, he found Bei Mian and knelt down and kowtowed a few more times, and wiped the corners of his eyes when he got up.

As for Mr. Yang Ge, how do the people in the countryside know what is going on in the court?Didn't Mr. Yang Ge follow the emperor's order to run errands?

It's just that Yu Chengye's behavior fell into the eyes of the local county magistrate, that is, he really attacked the Wang Zhuang of Yiwang Mansion!
When Yu Chengye came to their side, his face changed into a calm and serious expression: "So, when Fang Zhixian took office, the weir had already been set up. For so many years in the county, the grain harvested is also based on the amount of official land. The Fu came to collect, did not follow the rule set by the imperial court to pay half of the color, and the remaining food was paid to the palace at the original amount?"

The county magistrate was sweating on the back of his head: "The lower officials only took office a year and a half ago, and the county has indeed been doing this all the time. The weir was erected after the 15th year of Zhengde's military disaster, and I heard that there were troubles back then. , the official ordered Jiageku to look for the dossier from that year."

"No need." Yu Chengye said lightly, "My job is only to inspect the water conservancy. As long as Fangzhi County doesn't obstruct it, I don't have to dig out the old things."

The county magistrate repeatedly said yes, but his heart was utterly horrified.

At the beginning, Emperor Zhengde was seriously ill when he fell into the water, thinking that the son of King Yi might also have a good chance of succeeding in Beijing, so his predecessor hastily flattered him to repair the weir and block the water, turning the [-] hectares of land on Wangjuntai into a real land. fat land.

Now, Mr. Yang Ge has joined the Taibao as a cabinet minister. The news of the situation in Beijing is very scary.Even though Yu Chengye had favored His Majesty's own sister, he actually attacked the clan so neatly!

His Majesty's edict will always spread throughout the village, and all the people will know that His Majesty's decree is because of Elder Yang Ge's request.

Fortunately, Jiangxi, after the abolition of the Ning Fan, there were not many vassal kings in Jiangxi, and now there is a huge wave in Huguang.

But even the water conservancy of the Zhuangtian of the vassal king has been mobilized first, what about the fields of other relatives, officials and gentry?

Shanxi does not have as many rivers and lakes as Jiangxi, and the situation in Shanxi is much worse.

Shanxi governor Yang Zhixue looked at the Xunshui Yushi who came to Shanxi and said: "In September of the 16th year of Zhengde, the governor of Datong at that time played a performance! The generation of the vassal clan branch multiplied, and the regular Fu of Datong Mansion was no longer enough to supply the vassals. Lu! Today’s Shanxi, the Dai Fan of Datong, the Jin Fan of Taiyuan, and the Shen Fan of Luzhou are not just about water conservancy. If Shanxi wants to benefit from water conservancy, it will not help if the imperial court’s 200 million taels are used in Shanxi!”

There is a border town in the north, and there is drought and little water. Now I go to Shanxi to inspect the water conservancy, isn't that noisy?

It was Yu Chengye's brother Yu Chengxun who came to Shanxi. He stared at Yang Zhixue and said, "Yang Futai will be the governor of Datong first, and then he will be the governor according to the old system. He shouldn't be in Shanxi."

Yang Zhixue narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Yu Chengxun.

"Futai was able to govern Shanxi, three points were because of Yang Zhitai's recommendation, three points were because of the love of the border people, and four points were because the imperial court trusted Futai."

Yang Zhixue's eyes were bright: "Your Majesty has great faith, and Zhixue is always in his heart."

"Although Shanxi is arid and has little rain, there is still room for water conservancy at the bottom of valleys such as Fen River." Yu Chengxun saluted him, "Shanxi is a barren land that provides more than [-]% of the world's grain, and the imperial court has never forgotten it. Cheng Xun's coming here will not make Futai difficult, but will have a merit that will shine through the ages."

Yang Zhixue said His Majesty, he said the imperial court.

This made Yang Zhixue feel more vigilant after hearing the so-called outstanding achievements through the ages.

Yang Tinghe's son-in-law, what exactly does this mean?
Yu Chengxun continued: "Since His Majesty set up Huangmingji, he has been ordering Huangmingji to pay attention to overseas species and rare treasures in maritime trade. After the Yuan Dynasty was changed, Huangmingji presented several overseas grain species. His Majesty set up a hall of ten thousand methods and invited old farmers to worship , has been planted in Huangzhuang for two years. Now following the principles of things, we have first learned the method. There is one thing that can be planted in dry land, and the yield per mu can be more than two thousand catties. Your Majesty is grateful to Yang Ge for his old age in cutting Ge Huangzhuang When you shop, please set up Huangming Ji, and ask Mr. Yang Ge to name it Yangshu."

"... More than two thousand catties? Yield per mu? Dry land?" Yang Zhixue stood up abruptly,

Then...wait a minute: "Yang Shu?"

"The Ocean of South Seas."

Yang Zhixue looked at him with mixed feelings: What's the difference?
But if this statement is true, it is indeed a feat that will shine through the ages!

It was His Majesty and Elder Yang Ge, Yang Zhixue didn't know whether he should ask or not.

Why is the court situation so complicated?

Yu Chengxun continued: "Chengxun has brought more than [-] catties of this species, and there are three people enshrined in the Wanfa Pavilion. It is so easy to plant, and it can be planted on a pole to get its fruit. Chengxun knows Futai has doubts in his heart, but I don’t know if this thing can relieve the poverty of Shanxi and make the people of Shanxi have enough to eat? Futai is not willing to do such a good government?”

Yang Zhixue also found it incredible.

His unbelievable thing also includes one point: Yang Tinghe has created so many good policies and invited the hearts of the people all over the world. There is no turning back!

"Ben Fu heard that your brother has gone to Jiangxi?"

"Chengye is a son-in-law, and there are many water conservancy affairs in Jiangxi. The responsibility of Chengye is more difficult than that of Chengxun." That's all Yu Chengxun said.

"... I want to meet those... potato seeds first, and there are three Wanfa Pavilion enshrined."

"As it should be."

Yu Chengxun seemed frank.

Yang Zhixue felt a little nervous.

If it is really a good breed of this level as he said, then there will be no shortage of food in Shanxi.

How many dry lands are there in the world?Thinking about Yang Tinghe when he wondered how many people would talk about potato, he thought Yang Tinghe was crazy.

Do you really dare to give a name to this kind of merit that is like the birth of a Buddha from thousands of families?

Now Yang Zhixue really wanted to write a letter to Yang Yiqing, asking something frankly.

The center is really weird!

Yang Tinghe is like this, so Yang Yiqing, the trilateral system, didn't respond?

He was an old minister who was recalled by His Majesty right after he took the throne!
At this time, Yang Yiqing was stepping up his inspections.

Beilu must have found out about the internal affairs of the Ming Dynasty.

But he was really passionate, he never thought that the emperor would be able to make such a big splash in less than three years!
(End of this chapter)

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