
Chapter 212

Chapter 212

Of course afraid.

But what I'm afraid of is that with Yan Shenggong's appeal, it will be more difficult to implement the new law.

Yang Tinghe sighed: "Your Majesty, you should know that there are reasons for honoring Duke Yan in all dynasties."

Zhu Houcong was already a "mature" emperor, so he naturally understood this truth: it was just a deal between the emperor and the Confucian sect.

Accumulated for thousands of years, Confucianism has equated itself with "learning", "talented" and "virtuous".Giving honor to Yan Shenggong is to reassure the hearts of scholars in the world: there is preferential treatment, a future, and a smooth road to the pinnacle of life.

At the same time, Confucianism is also the controller of public opinion.Whichever emperor gave Yan Shenggong preferential treatment, Yan Shenggong would regard it as Zhengshuo; this kind of era theory cap, Yan Shenggong's cap is the most powerful.

If Yan Shenggong is on Zhu Houcong's side, then no matter who wants to rebel, Yan Shenggong will say that the other party is "disloyal, unfilial, disorderly officials and thieves", then the support of scholars all over the world will be tied up.

But what about the opposite?

Zhu Houcong said calmly again: "I naturally know this truth. As far as I am concerned, Ruoyan Shenggong is restless, but it is very good."

Yang Tinghe and the others looked at him anxiously: "Is it really going to be a dead end?"Why does it sound like they are expecting to punish the Kong family with treason?
Zhu Houcong laughed softly: "Everything has advantages and disadvantages. It is easy to respect the Confucian family, but as long as the method of obtaining scholars by opening a subject is not abolished, then it is a real respect for learning. The Ming Dynasty does not need to be as gold and yuan as necessary to achieve the righteousness of the country. Rely on Yan Shenggong to spread it. If Kong Wenshao dares to be proud of his blood, I will teach the descendants of the Kong family how to behave on behalf of Confucius."

When Zhao Gou traveled south in the past, there were Yan Shenggongs in Jin, Yuan and Song Dynasties, one in Quzhou, one in Kaifeng, and one in Qufu.

The Kong family, who were extremely proud on the surface, always thought they were indispensable.Little do they know that the emergence of the imperial examination system itself has guaranteed the upward channel of scholars from the system.

As a mascot without knowing it, it is getting more and more outrageous.

In the era, the emperors of all dynasties tend to choose to use the most relaxed respect for Confucius to win the hearts of the world.But respecting Confucius for so long has also had a very bad influence: it seems that the legitimacy of the regime still needs to be confirmed by respecting Confucius.

Who gave Yan Shenggong this invisible power?

The question is, who is in power, who he licks.No matter how that seat was obtained, as long as it can continue to honor the Kong family.

If this honor is not given, how many teachers does Yan Shenggong have?Really invincible?
Zhu Houcong didn't care that much about Yang Tinghe and the others' minds.

Raising his hand to stop them from continuing to talk about this matter, Zhu Houcong said: "He is not important. I mentioned this matter only to tell Qing and others that I will not do things that are not sure. The new law will definitely come true. From the beginning, we prepared for the worst possible situation. Now, the more clowns, the better. By creating a new world, the latecomers will be able to slap their hands on the stage, and the common people will be less exploited."

After a pause, he ordered: "Since the Zheng family and Zhang Wei have been found out, then continue to investigate! The Beijing camp is for recruiting soldiers, and it is I who pay the money, not Zhang Wei!"


The ancestor of Hui'anbo was the queen's family of Emperor Renzong Zhu Gaochi.

Therefore, Hui Anbo's original identity was only a relative of the state, but during the Yongle period at that time, many relatives of the state were indeed from the army.

When he arrived at Zhang Wei, he did think he knew the soldiers because of his experience in leading troops to suppress the uprising of Liu Liu and Liu Qi.

What does Zhang Wei rely on?Yang Tinghe and others were worried, and Zhang Yong, who was ordered to bring Zhang Wei back, did not dare to take it lightly.

On the contrary, Wang Zuo didn't care much.

In the Fifth Army Camp, Zhang Wei already knew that Zheng Kejing and his son had been taken away by the Sanfa Division.

Now in his hall, Shen Wenzhou, Zhang Wei's former staff member who was hired after being "reused", said with confidence: "Don't worry, general. The general is in charge of the vital points of the Fifth Army Battalion. If Mr. Yang Ge really wants to use the general, he will be honored and honored in the world." Isn't there a lot of enthusiasm? If Wu Dinghou is forced to leave, and if the general's words are followed, the banners of the Qing emperor will be everywhere immediately!"

Zhang Wei patted the table bitterly: "It's a pity for Li Xiang!"

Shen Wenzhou sighed: "Your Majesty knows Brother Li's loyalty. Now that you know that the general is actually his father-in-law, it is natural to know the general's loyalty. If Mr. Yang Ge really wants to investigate the general, it can only be said that he has shown his rebellion! The general ascended and shouted." , with the five army battalions, we can relieve His Majesty's worries and eradicate the new party in one fell swoop!"

Zhang Wei said worriedly: "It's just that your majesty is trapped in the Forbidden Palace. Now that Yang Tinghe and Zhang Yong are in collusion, he would be able to make trouble. If Yang Tinghe and Zhang Yong take risks, your majesty will be in danger!"

"Yang Tinghe will not dare to harm His Majesty!" Shen Wenzhou replied decisively, "The new law has not yet been implemented, and there are many criticisms about the new learning. Although Yang Tinghe has power at this time, if he wants to usurp the throne and his reputation is too far behind, how can the world return to his heart? It is the new party who dares to take risks, and the general is also the one who has made great achievements in protecting the country and making strategies!"

Zhang Wei's eyes were bright.

Although the Beijing camp has Zhang Yong as the warlord, the chiefs of each battalion are all Xunchen after all!Li Quanli from the Shenji Camp had just arrived in Beijing. He didn't know the situation, so he was easy to win over.Li Min, the Marquis of Fengcheng in the Three Thousand Battalion, got drunk with Guo Xun before Guo Xun went south, and I heard that he cried, which must be caused by worrying about the king.

"Your nephew went to contact the Marquis of Fengcheng and the Uncle Xiangcheng's family, did you get an answer?"

After hearing this, Shen Wenzhou replied in a low voice: "I dare not directly contact the Marquis of Fengcheng and the Uncle Xiangcheng for such a secret matter. It will take some time for the exchange of news."

Zhang Wei stood up and walked back and forth: "Now the Sanfa Division has taken Mr. Zheng and Ke Jing into the prison of the Criminal Ministry for several days! With their methods, I don't know how many tortures have been done! This general can't sit still. You go, put the battalions in prison. The battalion officers are here!"

"General! The most important thing is the Nine Gates of the capital! Can the gates really be opened to welcome the General into the city?"

"Isn't this general unprepared for the past few months? Don't worry, there are people from this general in Chongwenmen, and my son is still in the city!" Zhang Wei said confidently, "Shouldn't the door be opened immediately to welcome King Qin's righteous flag? Your Majesty re-established the three major camps, why did you come here?"

"It must be so!" Shen Wenzhou also looked very excited, "Since the general has made up his mind, I might as well go to the Marquis of Fengcheng and the uncle of Xiangcheng as soon as possible to make trouble together!"

He left the Fifth Army Battalion, only thinking that Zhang Wei is a fool.

Given the current situation, how could it be so easy for Zhang Wei to lead troops into the city at the city gate?It's just that the general of the Beijing camp made a move, and the emperor and Yang Tinghe had to punish Zhang Wei if they didn't want to implicate their relatives.

This matter cannot be accomplished, but it is like pushing Li Xiang to impeach him, this matter only needs to appear!
There are too many objects of interest for the new law, and now only a little spark is needed!The emperor hides behind the scenes, doesn't he also want to have room for maneuver?The fake show has come true, Yang Ting and these people really don't care about their own lives?
Shen Wenzhou didn't go to the Shenji Camp and the Three Thousand Camp at all, but entered the city.

Li Quanli and Li Min must be aware of the situation, and there is no way to stop them.Although Shen Wenzhou didn't quite understand why the emperor chose an unknown Zhang Wei to take charge of the Fifth Army Battalion, since this loophole was left, even if it was a trap, he should take advantage of it!
When he arrived near the Guozijian, Shen Wenzhou found Kong Zhewen, a Gongsheng of the Confucian family in the imperial court.

"Brother Kong, Hui Anbo has decided to make a move!" Shen Wenzhou said excitedly, "As long as the Sanfa Division sends someone to interrogate Hui Anbo, he will lead troops in from Chongwen Gate. On the supervisor's side, Brother Kong can encourage one or two. "

Kong Zhewen asked in surprise: "Really?"

"It's true. He must not seriously enter the city. If he moves the capital camp rashly, the New Party will be unable to get rid of the tiger. If the crime is seized, the honor and relatives will be disappointed. The supervisor will definitely stir up this matter, either to force the New Party to retreat, or to make His Majesty unable to do so." Then pretend to be hijacked by the new party. The will of the new law comes from above, and there will be no luck in the world. If you don't resist, you will lose all your favor!"

Kong Zhewen nodded again and again: "Brother Shen, don't worry, I will do my best. You should let Your Majesty know what the people of the world want, practice and study will harm the hearts of the people, and the new law will harm the people a lot. If the ancestral system is changed, the disaster will be endless!"

When the two discussed secretly, Zhang Yong and Wang Zuo had already arrived at the Fifth Army Battalion.

According to the old system, the Fifth Military Battalion was selected and transferred from various places in Ming Dynasty.Now the main generals of the Chinese army and the front, rear, left, and right four armies are all Xunchen.

Zhang Wei said impassionedly: "When the Shenji Battalion and the [-] Battalion were re-established, many of the battalion officers were mostly strong generals transferred from the border town. Why did we all choose us honorable ministers when the Fifth Army Battalion was finally established? Your Majesty chose Everyone, what you want is today, and what you want is loyalty!"

Uncle Zhangwu Yang Zhi asked worriedly: "There must be a secret decree from His Majesty, right? The Ministry of War has no writing..."

Zhang Wei said with burning eyes: "Now that the traitors control the Forbidden Palace, how can His Majesty's secret decree come out? If it drags on, I'm afraid I will be transferred by the traitor party under the pretext! You forgot that when His Majesty gave a banquet, he told me to be brave. Fighting with civil servants? Plan ahead, His Majesty just can’t say it clearly! Knowing that the traitors want to take back the official store and the Shibosi, that’s why the Emperor Ming Ji was set up. Think about the imperial edict at that time!”

Obviously, the emperor was eccentric at the beginning, but the situation is different, and these honorable ministers who are not enough brains feel different in retrospect.

"'Don't embarrass me'! At that time, His Majesty said so when Yang Tinghe led the rectification of the Huangzhuang Huangdian. If we don't obey the law, we fear that these relatives, like the Zhang brothers, will be found by the traitor party Let's do it from scratch!"

Zhang Wei said excitedly: "You have to listen to the other way around! Looking at it today, how did His Majesty control the courtiers and give us a chance? It is clear that the courtiers were coerced and lured by the civil servants, and restrained His Majesty! Your Majesty repeatedly said the same day. , If you want to make the world respect you, you must always worry about the great position, and the civil servants will not respect you!"

"Your Majesty said that we hope that we will go to the palace to drink again in the future. We are all heroes! Why are our ancestors heroes? Dare to fight!" Zhang Wei encouraged, "Think about it, is this the reason? Only Beijing The battalion was built by His Majesty with the money from the internal treasury after enduring the anger of the Japanese Jingmen. Now that the traitorous party is in power, maybe one day we will all be found out for the reason, and the civil servants will come to admiral the Jingying camp! In that case, His Majesty will have no cards to save his life! If the treacherous party controls the Beijing camp, there will be no more big waves in the world, and the usurpation of the court will not be far away!"

Just as he was about to say something more, the guards from outside the house barged in, with a very disturbed expression on his face: "It's not good, General! The admiral, Eunuch Zhang, and the Fushi Beizhen have arrived in the camp together!"

Zhang Wei suddenly changed color and stood up: "How many people are here?"

"Only 14 people."

Zhang Wei lowered his face.

It really came.

He looked at the crowd and said, "To be honest, Li Xiang is my son-in-law! His Majesty said 'loyalty is commendable' in the palace that day, and then he changed his words after Jin Yiwei presented a report. Now, they really want to use this case Let me be the admiral first, and you all will be next!"

As soon as these words came out, Yang Zhi and the others were shocked.

Zhang Weineng was provoked by Shen Wenzhou for a natural reason: "The new law wants to seize our land and close our shop. What about your majesty? Your majesty tried to use Huangmingji to lead us to make money, and he had to pay taxes at the Guangdong Shipbuilding Department under Wen Chen's control." ! Regardless of the secret decree and text, will you listen to this general's military order?"

"Brother Zhang, you have led soldiers, you can order! How to do it?"

Nothing can inspire this group of honorable ministers carefully selected by Zhu Houcong later than Duotian Guandian.

Can these people really lead troops?But one after another expressed that they wanted to make military achievements, so they had to give them the opportunity.

Now, they are ready to "make military achievements".

Do you really care about Zhu Houcong's life?If the situation is really as Zhang Wei thinks, he is no more than relying on himself to control this army, and after fighting in and out, he will become the most accomplished person among the honored officials.What Shen Wenzhou hinted at him also included that if Yang Tinghe and the others really took the risk, Zhang Wei might not be able to get rid of the new party and participate in the election of the new monarch!

Honorary relatives, officials and gentry... There are a large number of courageous people who only value self-interest in each group.

Zhang Wei is very courageous now, and said fiercely: "How dare you bring a dozen people to lure me into the city! Detain them first, and then order troops to announce the decree, and enter the city to eradicate traitors!"

"... Where did the purpose come from?"

"Isn't Zhang Yong here? He will bring it by word of mouth!"

After all, Zhang Wei gave orders to the personal soldiers, asking them to bring guys to ambush, and then pass it on to let Zhang Yong and Wang Zuo come over.

Outside, Zhang Yong looked at Wang Zuo: "Uncle Hui'an's brain is not very good. In the past when he conquered Liu Liu and Liu Qi, he killed the good and pretended to be meritorious. Liu Liu and Liu Qi retreated from Qufu, and he was welcomed by Yan Shenggong After entering the Confucian Mansion, he wore a few high hats so that he thought that his martial arts were world-class, and he completely forgot that Liu Liu and Liu Qi transferred to Hebei on their own."

Wang Zuo smiled and saluted him: "Eunuch Zhang, don't worry, it's useless for him to be brave. The ministers in the five military battalions were carefully selected by His Majesty based on the secret report presented by the Jin Yiwei. Those who are not successful enough to fail, Your Majesty needs them to be bold."

Zhang Yong has aged a lot, and he sighed worriedly when he heard the words: "There is such a big battle between clansmen, relatives, officials and gentry, and if we want to solve most of the problems together, there will really be a battle." Big battle."

But Wang Zuo said to him: "Eunuch Zhang knows how to fight. Your Majesty is a man of great talent. Soldiers always need to see blood and practice. These internal enemies with soft bones are better trained than brave foreign enemies."

Zhang Yong could only nod solemnly.

From the first day when he decided to reform, His Majesty was probably already prepared to fight a battle.

The truth is that some people cannot be persuaded, only swords and guns will do.

(End of this chapter)

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