
Chapter 213 5 Changes in the Barracks

Chapter 213 The Change of the Five Barracks

Inside and outside the city of Beijing, the three major battalions each have government offices and school grounds.In the large school field in the northern suburbs, the officers and soldiers of the Shenji Battalion are now practicing there.

To the south, the original "small school field" outside Xuanwu Gate has now been expanded a bit, and the soldiers of the [-] Battalion are practicing there.

The newly opened area outside Chongwen Gate is the base of the Fifth Army Battalion.

Now, it is called [-] people, but there are actually more.

The three battalions are the old system, the Shenji Battalion is the firearms unit, the [-] Battalion is the elite cavalry, and the Fifth Army Battalion is the main force for infantry.

The actual number of people in the Fifth Army Battalion accounted for nearly half of the Beijing Battalion.

Like the [-] Battalion, at first it was only [-] elite cavalry.No matter how the number of people is expanded now, it is impossible to quickly form a cavalry force of over ten thousand.

The most powerful at present is naturally the Shenji Battalion. Not only is the establishment far superior to that of the previous dynasty, but it was also the first to be reset.

The number of people in the Fifth Army Battalion is large, that is because no matter how many people were abolished and indiscriminate before, there will still be a lot of favors and blessings in the end.

The 15 Beijing battalion at this moment may be barely more than [-] in real terms.

The remaining history left in the original Beijing camp was basically put into the Fifth Army Battalion. Because of this, it seems that now the relatives are more united with Zhang Wei, rather than Wu Dinghou—he is really all in the Shenji Battalion. It was the soldier who was bitter before.

Just like that, Zhang Yong and Wang Zuo led twelve Jinyi school captains into the admiral's tent of the Fifth Army Battalion.

Zhang Wei stared at Zhang Yong, stood up and saluted him: "Mr. Du, this Governor is summoning the generals to discuss matters. I have not greeted you far away. Please forgive me."

Zhang Yong is now the admiral and eunuch of the Beijing Camp.In non-wartime, he supervised the generals of the Beijing camp on behalf of the emperor.

I looked at the generals of each army under the five army battalions. Under each general, there were horses and troop commanders, plus some generals and deputy generals.

So many people looked at Zhang Yong and Wang Zuo, their expressions were obviously nervous.

Zhang Yong nodded and didn't say much: "Bo Hui'an and Zhang Wei listen to the order!"

Just now, Zhang Wei was still saying that after Zhang Yong came, there must be a verbal order, and now Zhang Yong really took out a Minghuang imperial decree.

There was an imperial edict, but Zhang Wei was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "The only copy of the edict?"

Zhang Yong smiled: "It's better for Huianbo to listen to this decree alone."

Zhang Wei didn't answer.

The atmosphere in the tent became tense all of a sudden, Zhang Wei looked at Zhang Yong.

I heard that when he went to Shaanxi, he directly killed the general officer of Ganzhou with a single knife, and then passed it on to Nine Sides.Now, in the name of the imperial decree, the others are sent away first. Could it be that he is so bold that he is not afraid of the mutiny of the Fifth Army Battalion?
"...Since there is no order, then the governor will obey the order like this. The governor will rule the army and treat the soldiers with sincerity!" Zhang Wei gritted his teeth, and just went to the center of the big tent and knelt on one knee, "the last general will listen to the order , ask St. Ann?"

"Sheng Gongan." Zhang Yong said flatly, and after taking a look at him, he unfolded the imperial decree, "Fengtian Chengyun Emperor, the imperial decree said: After investigation, Li Xiang's widow is actually from Hui'an Bo Zhang Wei's ecclesiastical house, and Zhang Yong is ordered to interrogate her." Zhang Wei, I hope you answer truthfully to clear up my doubts."

After reading it, he turned the imperial decree over so that Zhang Wei could see the seal on the decree clearly to prove that it was a real imperial decree.

After Zhang Wei read it, he could only take a look at Zhang Yong first, and then reached out to accept the order: "I know everything and say everything!"

"Hui Anbo, please rise, and now I am asking questions on behalf of His Majesty."

Zhang Yong faced him face to face, and after Zhang Wei stood up, he said, "I ask you, is Li Xiang's widow, Zheng Shi, your biological daughter of Zhang Wei?"

Zhang Wei was silent for a moment, then answered loudly: "Yes!"

Zhang Yong looked into his eyes again, and continued to ask: "I'll ask you again, Li Xiang died under Deng Wen's drum, did you know before that he was going to impeach Mr. Yang Ge?"

Looking at each other, Zhang Wei couldn't tell what Zhang Yong was thinking.

But after a slight pause, he still replied: "Yes!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the expressions of the other generals of the Fifth Army Battalion in the tent became even more disturbed.

"My third question, before the first month's grand court meeting, the imperial guards who were on duty at night neglected their duties and did not find out to stop Li Xiang. Did you say hello to them?"


Zhang Yong didn't take it seriously, and asked the next question: "Since Li Xiang is your son-in-law, since you knew he was going to impeach Mr. Yang Ge, why didn't you dissuade him for the sake of your daughter?"

Zhang Wei didn't speak, so Zhang Yong just waited.

As a father, why did he have the heart to let his daughter be widowed and his grandson lose his father when he knew about this in advance?

"Huianbo?" Zhang Yong urged.

Zhang Wei stared at him: "If I answer truthfully, I wonder if Your Majesty might hear it?"

Zhang Yong narrowed his eyes: "I am here to inquire on behalf of your Majesty, and I will report back truthfully."

Zhang Wei was silent for a while, and said decisively: "The reason for this, unless I can face the saint, otherwise I can't answer! The previous few questions, I have nothing to hide, and I have proved my magnanimity!"

"Uncle Hui'an doesn't trust our family?" Zhang Yong looked at Wang Zuo with a smile, "The governor of Beizhen is also here, what is Uncle Hui'an worried about?"

Wang Zuo looked at Zhang Wei, Zhang Wu Bo Yang Zhi and others also looked at Zhang Yong nervously.

The above questions undoubtedly want Zhang Wei to admit that he is behind the scenes.It is impossible for Zhang Wei to admit that he can still persuade the guards on duty, that is a taboo.But what's the point of admitting that he knew in advance that Li Xiang was going to be impeached?
"The governor wants the governor to trust the governor, so I don't know how to deal with the governor after His Majesty orders the governor to interrogate him?"

Zhang Wei asked back, his eyes were sharp, and he said clearly that he couldn't trust Zhang Yong and Wang Zuo.

Zhang Yong glanced at Wang Zuo, seeing that he still didn't care much, he said quietly: "If Uncle Hui'an is really involved in this case, he should go along with the governor."

Where is Beizhen Fusi?Zhang Wei seemed to laugh angrily: "This governor has no shame in his heart, and he was not afraid to go with Wang Zhenfu! It's just that this governor is loyal, and this governor doesn't believe that this is His Majesty's will! Dugong, Your Majesty treats you well , why do you pretend to help the evildoers?"

Zhang Yong sighed: "Could it be that the imperial decree in Bo Hui'an's hand is fake?"

"I am the admiral of the Fifth Army Battalion, and I am listed in the honor book! If your majesty has any doubts about such a major matter, why don't you declare your minister face to face?"

"Hui Anbo, then you will come with our family into the palace to meet the saint?"

Zhang Wei was choked suddenly.

This glaring trick reminded him of Jiang Bin at that time.It was also because he entered the palace to mourn a funeral, and was arrested afterwards.

Looking at his reaction, Zhang Yong said solemnly: "Our family and the envoy Wang Zhen came here lightly, but Hui Anbo doesn't believe it. There is an imperial decree, and Hui Anbo doesn't believe it either."

"'I order you to lead the trial of the new law in Guangdong. If the relatives you invite to play violate the law, the three judges can first determine the punishment and then submit it to me for a ruling. Let the world know that five years before Jiajing, the rest of the provinces will wait and see the effect. If Some people used ingenious powers to prevent them from a distance, and those who found out the facts were regarded as treason!' In the first year of Jiajing, His Majesty had a decree when he killed Guangdong's non-officials and raised his son! Now that Huian Bo is involved in Li Xiang's matter, did the San Judiciary find out first? Clues, His Majesty ordered our family to interrogate? Huianbo, which of our family's actions today is not in the clear? Do you really not believe it, or do you not want to believe it?"

When Zhang Wei heard him repeat the purpose at that time, there were only those four words in his mind: it is regarded as treason!
He was terrified and furious: "If you want to commit a crime, there is no excuse! I am loyal, how can I have any objection?"

Zhang Yong looked at him: "Let's ask the last sentence on behalf of His Majesty: Zhang Wei, I ask you, do you agree with the new law?"

I knew in advance that Li Xiang wanted to impeach him but didn't stop him. Do I need to ask this question?
But to say a thousand words and ten thousand words is the foundation now.

The smart ones have already seen through this scene of the imperial court.But no matter whether you are smart or stupid, as long as your interests conflict with it, you will always reject new methods in your own thinking and cognition.

The smart ones know this is a trap, but the confused ones are more inclined to believe that Yang Tinghe has kidnapped the emperor.

But there was an emperor's golden words, five years before Jiajing, His Majesty had ordered: The world should not block the new law.

Now, facing this direct question, Zhang Wei felt sweat dripping from the back of his head, struggling in his heart.

Yang Zhi was frightened, and wanted to persuade him: "Brother Zhang..."

Suddenly, Zhang Wei's blood surged up, and he drew his knife sharply and said sharply: "Words must be called new laws! Zhang Yong, you are a servant of the emperor, and you should help His Majesty abide by the old rules! Your Majesty's loyal ministers are here, how can you allow us to wreak havoc! ah!"

Zhang Yong suddenly changed color, Zhang Wei was really so courageous.

Having said all this, he still can't turn the corner. I'm afraid he really hates the new law, and I don't know how many interests are involved behind it.

Looking at the personal soldiers pouring into the account, Zhang Wei's deliberate preparations are even more clear at a glance.

Zhang Yong and the twelve Jinyi school captains brought by Wang Zuo immediately surrounded them. Zhang Wei held up the imperial decree: "Following the decree, arrest the rebels and enter the city to eradicate traitors!"

Before Yang Zhi and the others heard clearly what the imperial decree said, now Zhang Wei is blatantly correcting the decree.

And Zhang Wei was already looking at Yang Zhi and the others with stern eyes, his face showing a fierce look.

In this situation, it seems that a decision must be made.If he didn't follow Zhang Wei, he might be hacked to death here.

Who stood behind Zhang Wei and gave him such confidence?

Zhang Yong knew that there were some people in the Fifth Army Battalion that His Majesty had buried in a long time ago. He was worried that Zhang Wei would turn his face on the spot if he was so bold.

Now, Zhang Yong could only look at Wang Zuo: It's all like this, how did it end?

He, the admiral and eunuch, has too much power, and there are some things that Zhang never knows, which he can understand.

But Wang Zuo only looked at Uncle Zhang Wuyang and asked them, and he spoke for the first time after he came in: "Zhang Wei is pretending to seek rebellion, sirs, are you going to attach to the rebel or capture the rebel?"

Zhang Wei's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Those who are ambushing here are all his personal soldiers, what kind of waves can Yang Zhi and the others make.

Although Zhang Wei's soldiers heard Wang Zuo's words, their expressions did not change, and their blades faced each other.

"Yang Zhi, success or failure depends on one stroke! You all said well just now that you want to be loyal to the emperor and serve the country together, but now you want to go back on your word?"

Yang Zhi's face changed when he heard this, just based on this sentence, Zhang Yong and the others will not have Yang Zhi's good fruit after they go back, let alone the steel knife of Zhang Wei's personal soldiers.

Hearing this, he drew out his knife in awe: "It's time to be loyal to the emperor and serve the country!"

Zhang Yong's heart sank, could Wang Zuo's preparation be based on the hope that some timid people in the Fifth Army Battalion would not dare to rebel?
Wang Zuo sighed: "Family and enemies are quick. Zhang Wei, you have been coaxed around by Shen Wenzhou, have you forgotten that your Hui'anbo mansion is still in the city?"

Zhang Wei's expression changed, and then he became even more furious: "Traitor! Even if my whole family is loyal and loyal, I still want to eradicate traitors for Your Majesty!"

"Yes, since you have a concubine, why don't you have a concubine?" Wang Zuo still didn't change his expression, "But Uncle Zhangwu, you have to think about it. Since we dare to come here with only 12 people , How could you be unprepared? Zhang Wei, Beijing City, you can’t get in.”

"The matter has come to this point, there is no need to say more!" Zhang Wei said fiercely, "Want to delay the time? Let me capture these two first, and the rest will be killed!"

His personal soldiers were about to surround and kill 14 people when Wang Zuo shouted, "Where are Tang Xianzhong and Deng Jiye!"

Outside the tents of the admirals of the five military battalions, two loud shouts sounded at this time: "The last general has ordered his troops to come to help!"

"Please give orders!"

"Please give orders!"

Hearing the thundering roar that surrounded the surrounding area, Zhang Wei, Yang Zhi and the others looked at Zhang Yong and the others with drastically changed expressions.

This is called bringing only 12 people?
Tang Xianzhong, Deng Jiye... Zhang Wei thought back for a while, and vaguely remembered that they were just low-level generals under the first battalion of soldiers and the third battalion of chariot soldiers, a sentry officer, and a general.

The sentinel only led a hundred people, making a total of 500 people.

But the problem now is the word "following the order".

There is another purpose, without the admiral of the Fifth Army Battalion?
Zhang Yong looked at Zhang Wei: "Your relatives are surrounding us, how many soldiers from the Fifth Army Battalion are surrounding you? Huian Bo, our family still has the same saying, if you want to face the saint and express your feelings, you can come into the palace with our family."

The steps seemed to be given to Zhang Wei, but Zhang Wei shouted in a stubborn temper: "Your Majesty dares to coerce you. What's the difficulty in issuing another order from the Ministry of War to you and other rebels? This governor is the admiral of the Fifth Army Battalion! Tang Shaozong, Deng Jikun, Are you trying to rebel?"

Because of the changes outside, Zhang Wei's soldiers in the tent were nervous and hesitant after all, and resumed their confrontation.

Wang Zuo smiled and said: "Tang Xianzhong is the successor of Tang Dingchen, King of Xiangwu in Dongou. Deng Jiye is the successor of Deng Boyan, King of Wushun in Ninghe. Both of them were promoted by His Majesty to the Tang family and Deng family, the hereditary commanders of Jinyiwei in Nanjing. Do you say that the rebels cover the sky with one hand?"

The names of Tang He and Deng Yu are still useful.

The descendants of these two families, Zhang Wei and others naturally know.In today's Tang family and Deng family, only the patriarchs Tang Shaozong and Deng Jikun receive the salary of the hereditary Nanjing Jinyiwei commander, but they don't actually have any errands, and they have long been forgotten in the circle of ministers of the Ming Dynasty.

If it were Tang Shaozong and Deng Jikun themselves, what else would they realize.But what about Tang Xianzhong and Deng Jiye...why is it that their origins are not stated in the volume, but only said to be recruited from Nanjing to stay behind?
With the saber out of its sheath, Zhang Wei couldn't get off the tiger.

He was about to capture Zhang Yong and Wang Zuo first, but Wang Zuo drew his sword and said in a cold voice: "Governor, Hui'an Bo Zhang Wei led the people to make up their minds and plot rebellion. If you die, you will not repent. Give an order!"

Zhang Yong looked at the backs of the 12 people in front of him who were as powerful as tigers and leopards, and knew that this was a real expert brought out by Wang Zuo from the Fusi of Jinyiwei North Town, and he only needed to persist for a while.

In person, Jane has never proclaimed the decree, nothing more than not teaching and punishing.

But now Zhang Wei is obviously in a daze, or he has a reason why he must be so.

Since he is unwilling to be taken into the city peacefully for investigation, then the chaos is nothing more than a little bit bigger.

Isn't it just to calm down the follow-up scene by asking him, the admiral and eunuch of the Beijing camp, to come here?

Zhang Yong raised his voice and shouted: "Tang Xianzhong and Deng Jiye listen to the order! Capture the thief!"

As soon as the words fell, Yang Zhi's legs softened: "Grand Du, we are under coercion!"

"Gorky!" Zhang Wei looked crazy, "Kill!"

But the first to rush over was the person brought by Wang Zuo.

(End of this chapter)

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