
Chapter 214

Chapter 214

Cui Yuan was restless in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

No matter how worried Yang Ting and the others were about the Beijing camp, they would not dare to intervene in the current situation—although it was a drama, how could His Majesty really allow the new party to control more and more power?
Everything can only be acted in accordance with the direction and steps planned by the emperor.

"Your Majesty, the three decrees have passed, could it have been long ago..."

Ever since he became the spokesperson of the Xunqi at the national policy meeting, Cui Yuan has increasingly become an indispensable person in Ming Dynasty.

The large group of relatives all count on Cui Yuan to fight for their interests.

But now the situation is becoming more and more obvious. From the beginning, His Majesty did not just want to implement the new law to enrich the country and strengthen the army.In this game of chess, the vassal king's clan, relatives, Confucian officials and gentry are all involved.

Cui Yuan couldn't figure it out: Why did His Majesty dig his foundation so violently?Just because the counselors have enough prestige right now, so they have to do their best in one battle?
If Huianbo Zhang Wei and those incompetent ministers in the Fifth Army Battalion who wanted to earn military merit were punished for treason, it would be like a major earthquake in the hearts of the servants all over the world.

Only the New Party can't do this, His Majesty must come out to express his position.

Blocking the new law is tantamount to treason. This is not just a statement, it must be the emperor's true attitude.

Is there no need to continue to leave room?

Zhu Houcong put down his pen, raised his head and said, "Master Zhou is seriously ill, I'm afraid he won't be able to survive this time."

Cui Yuan was stunned for a moment: Zhou Zhao and Zhou Xizheng?Why did you bring him up all of a sudden?

"In the 16th year of Zhengde, Master Zhou advised me to put the country as the most important thing, to treat the honorable relatives kindly, and the ambition to make the country rich cannot be taken care of." Zhu Houcong sighed softly, "Although I am old, but my body is strong, I hope to survive the old age. Years. It’s just that I am determined to do so, but Master Zhou is still too worried.”

Cui Yuan smiled wryly: "Your Majesty, even though most of the counselors are old, they will not fail to take care of them. Although Li Xiang's matter was sudden, but he dealt with it so violently, I'm afraid they will fall into the tricks of the thieves."

I am afraid that what people really want is that the pressure of the world is ignited and vented, so that the court will face a Ming Dynasty that is on fire everywhere.

But Zhu Houcong said: "The new law I want is not to treat guests to dinner and discuss concessions. Maoren, you are not as sure as Dehua."

Cui Yuan recalled what Wang Qiong had said.

Is it the sentence that the world can not shed blood?
But why start with the relatives who are most dependent on the emperor's trustworthiness?
"Your Majesty, if there are no rebels in the world, weeds will be hard to eradicate?" Cui Yuan asked.

So at first Fei Hong said that the emperor should leave room, but what His Majesty thought was to lure some people to rebel?

Zhu Houcong just said indifferently: "Invading fields and seizing shops, violating the ban on smuggling, and harming the people, how long will it take to find evidence at the local level? How many of the officials in charge of affairs will do their best? Zhang Fujing killed twice in Guangdong, and Increase the number of officials and encourage businessmen to divide it up. This year, Guangdong’s tax and labor sharing will still need to be suppressed by force from the capital and the public security department. This is a matter that touches the fundamental interests, and I never thought that it could be carried out in a dignified and smooth manner.”

He looked at Cui Yuan, as if he had seen it through, and said: "Even if the central government and ministers are united, it will not help if it is implemented locally. The imperial power that can reach the county itself is just some decrees that will not harm their interests. I am very clear about these things. The new law Whether it can be achieved does not depend on the order of implementation, whether the counselors can concentrate on their work, or whether there is a play for the world to see. It involves fundamental interests, and the play will be regarded as real. I have no room for it. Conservative system The emperor is a good emperor for those who already have interests in the world."

Cui Yuan was silent.

The emperor can say these words to him because he regards him as a true confidant.

But he was really worried about the chain reaction after doing Zhang Wei and others.

Jingying, are you ready to counter the rebellion?
What about food and salary?
There are many ways to implement the new law, but His Majesty has to choose such a violent and hasty one.

He also said it wasn't that dangerous.

"Whether the new law can be achieved, the most important thing is determination." Zhu Houcong said after a pause, "In the past dynasties, the emperor reused his subordinates to implement the new law, and there was room for it. When it comes to the fundamentals of imperial power, the old party has something to rely on, and the new party will eventually be difficult. It’s all done. There’s never a day when Mr. Yang Ge doesn’t hope that I will stand up and tell the people in the world that I am determined to implement the new law, and he is just a loyal and virtuous minister.”

Cui Yuan also admitted this point, Yang Tinghe is getting older visibly with the naked eye every day.

"Since the capital camp has just been established, I don't have to be the same as before." Zhu Houcong looked at him, "Mao Ren, I will tell you a few words, you should understand it with your heart."

"...I would like to listen to the holy edict."

"First, it has been more than [-] and [-] years since the founding of the country, and my implementation of the new law is tantamount to conquering the world again, rather than defending the country."

Cui Yuan listened silently: Conquering the world again with the orthodox imperial power and the new training camp?
Zhu Houcong continued: "Secondly, it's easier to establish prestige than to raise prestige. The world can fear my prestige first, and then cherish my virtue."

Cui Yuan thought about the transformation process of Wang Qiong, Yang Tinghe and others, and found that it was the same.

"Thirdly, I have created a new sky, and the people of the world and civil servants and generals who really look forward to new laws and new opportunities can become dignitaries and be loyal to me wholeheartedly."

Cui Yuan looked up at the map of the world that had always been hanging in the imperial study, and said slowly: "Before the Ming Dynasty can expand its territory and make new profits, if the new law is to be implemented, it can only be taken from the old powerful officials and gentry. From the perspective of His Majesty's practice, selfish desires are always changing, so no one will really stand still. The previous calm was nothing more than waiting for an opportunity, waiting for a few leaders, and first trying to see if we can win from the party struggle."

Zhu Houcong nodded: "Fourth, you must always be clear that those who are dissatisfied with the new law are not the common people. If the common people think the new law is good, the Ming Dynasty will not be in chaos. Where do you worry about wearing shoes? The Ming Dynasty has no shortage of pillars. I'm afraid I lost my foundation."

Cui Yuan stood up slowly, saluted and said: "I understand. Now that your Majesty's intention has been decided, I will go to discuss the matter of food and salary with Mr. Yang Ge and Da Situ."

Zhu Houcong smiled: "That's right. You don't have to wait for Zhang Yong's news here. Didn't Duke Ding also go? I said three years ago that the secret storehouse would really imitate Zhao Song and serve the northern captives." Assuming? The world is stable, the new law is successful, so why not worry about being rich? Money is only spent when it is spent, and you can plan it with confidence."

"... I dare to ask, the internal treasury has already borrowed a lot of money from the branch office, how much money does your majesty have?"

Zhu Houcong has continued to bow his head and write: "Even if the Beijing camp is full of double pay, there is no worry. Besides, they are now targeting the richest group of people in Ming Dynasty, and their families are not short of food and silver."

Cui Yuan only felt his scalp go numb.

If the words are rough and the rationale is not rough, this is really not beating the poor.

Now he also understands a little bit why His Majesty is not always ready to act and implement the new law as smoothly as Yang Tinghe thought, but insists on inducing a big chaos.

Because of mental arithmetic and unintentional, counter-insurgency does not require reasons, does not need to go to trial slowly, only soldiers are needed.

Whoever just came out, cut it directly.

This is the real sharp knife.

His Majesty's meaning is already very clear: taking Daming, which has been at peace for a hundred years, so many pampered and wealthy families, if they want to rebel, they can jump out. He is afraid that not enough people will jump out.

Otherwise, how will the new civil servants and military generals climb up?

Only by benefiting His Majesty can one truly be loyal to His Majesty.

Not long after Cui Yuan left, an urgent voice came from the backyard of the Hall of Mental Cultivation: "Your Majesty, are you here?"

"...What's the matter? There's no one here."

Wen Suyun ran over in short steps, bringing out a series of crisp tiaras and jade rings, followed by Zhang Qiaomei beside Sun Ming: "Sister Ming is about to give birth."

Zhu Houcong immediately put down his pen: "Have you already given orders from Tai Hospital and Wen Po?"

"Someone has been sent." Zhang Qiaomei quickly replied, "Your Majesty, the Empress is a little scared..."

Zhu Houcong couldn't help laughing: "It seems that I think it's too dangerous to conceive at a young age. Forget it, I'll go and see her first."

After finishing speaking, he got up and said to Huang Jin, "Help me put it away first."

Wen Suyun glanced at the paper on the imperial case strangely, and saw that it was full of words: "Your Majesty, my concubine heard that important state affairs are being discussed today, are you still practicing calligraphy?"

"...you worry a lot, don't you?" Zhu Houcong tugged at her face, "Go back to your palace and stay here first."

This girl just likes to talk more when she sees everything.

On the side of the Wulou outside Fengtian Hall, Cui Yuan invited Yang Tinghe, Jiang Mian, Yang Tan, Wu Tingju, Wang Xian, Li Nai and others.

In Wulou instead of Wenlou, it means that this is a major military event.

After hearing what Cui Yuan said about the situation, Yang Tinghe was mixed with worry and joy: "Your Majesty really said that?"

"Eunuch Zhang went to ask questions with such words, Zhang Wei will either wait for investigation, or he will definitely take risks." Cui Yuan nodded solemnly, "Now no matter what, His Majesty wants to use Zhang Wei to instigate Li Xiang to obstruct the new law. The minister is a foregone conclusion! There are many military officers in the provinces and ministers in border towns. Although it will take some time for the news to spread, those who are interested will probably step up their clamor. The Beijing camp will start preparations for counter-insurgency from now on.”

Yang Tinghe was pleasantly surprised that His Majesty was going to step forward, so that he, the leader of the party, would not bear the reputation of having power over the government and the public.

But he was worried the same as Cui Yuan: What kind of operation is the emperor luring his subjects to rebel?
Although I understand the truth, but the pillar is the pillar that defends the imperial power at this moment after all!

After all, Yang Tinghe and others are old, and they have lived their whole lives under the compromise principle of "things go smoothly".

Jiang Mian's eyes brightened: "How to arrange?"

Yang Tinghe gritted his teeth: "I need to see Your Majesty on this matter! Once Zhang Wei is imprisoned, the news will spread like wildfire. Since food and salary are not a problem, who can be trusted in the provinces, how the Beijing camp will be dispatched, who will be in command, and how many people will stay behind, we need to get it as soon as possible." Come up with a plan."

What Cui Yuan wanted was for them to unify their opinions as soon as possible.If the Beijing camp is to be mobilized, the governors of the five armies will all be involved, so he said: "This is a big matter. I think that when Duke Ding returns to the city, all the governors of the five armies should be invited to attend."

Yang Tinghe's eyes were fixed: "What if among the governors of the five prefectures, except Cui Zuojun and Ding Guogong, the others are involved?"

A Huianbo has been found out, who knows if there are any other princes or princes in the future?

Cui Yuan shook his head: "After Guo Xun defended Nanjing, His Majesty has already considered this festival for the adjustment of the governors of the five prefectures. At this moment, the governors of the five prefectures all follow His Majesty's wishes and wholeheartedly participate in the Huangmingji House."

"...Including Uncle Xiangcheng?" Jiang Mian couldn't help asking.

Cui Yuan smiled: "Xia Gongjin went to Nanjing to admiral Cao Jiang, but it was not just for this matter. If Uncle Xiangcheng didn't have the trust of His Majesty, why would he succeed Marquis Wu Ding?"

Yang Tinghe and the others had nothing else to say.

Your Majesty is really ready to fight a long time ago.

At this moment, it seems that the five governments are going to discuss with the counselors together on major military affairs, and Yang Tinghe and others don't care too much. .

In the Fifth Army Battalion, Zhang Wei, Yang Zhi and others were all tied up.

The scene is only inside the house, and the space is only so big, which can be described as a narrow road.

Zhang Wei has already felt the real difference in bravery, even the brave personal soldiers he thought could not break through the defensive circle of 12 people at all, and Wang Zuo even dared to fight out with a knife.

What's more, there are soldiers under the command of Tang Xianzhong and Deng Jiye pouring in from outside the door.

Zhang Wei also didn't quite understand how Tang Xianzhong and Deng Jiye, two people who hadn't revealed their identities before, had the courage to swing their knives at the admiral of the Fifth Army Battalion with hundreds of people who died.

Now, both Tang Xianzhong and Deng Jiye stood in front of Zhang Yong: "The leader of the thief has been captured, please give orders from the governor."

Zhang Wei's hair was disheveled but he was tightly tied up, but his mouth hadn't been gagged yet: "Traitor, if you pass the imperial decree, can you take me and get out of the camp to prevent the mutiny of the soldiers? Say me This admiral conspired against him, so the five army battalions are all ministers and soldiers who conspired against the rebellion?"

Zhang Yong had a sullen face, he knew that what Zhang Wei said was more difficult.

It's simple to take down him who thinks highly of himself and a few useless officials, how to appease the Fifth Army Battalion?The great crime of treason, if it is not done well, it will cause chaos.A few caring people got mixed up in the camp a little bit, so if we encourage them, what should we do if there is a roar in the camp at night?
Mobilizing the Shenji Battalion to encircle the Fifth Army Battalion is even worse, it will only make the generals more nervous.

Zhang Yong was about to say something, when Wang Zuo came back alone, holding the handle of the knife still dripping with both hands, and said: "Duke Ding has arrived outside the camp."

Wang Zuo nodded, and saluted Zhang Yong: "Mr. Zhang, please beat the drums and cheer for the general. Duke Ding has an imperial edict."

Zhang Wei was stunned.

With so many honorable ministers of the Ming Dynasty, the Xu family is always special.Of the six founders of the country, only the Xu family still exists.

And Xu Guangzuo has been a noble for nearly 20 years, and he is not comparable to other ministers in terms of age or seniority.What's more, he Xu Guangzuo is still a hero who welcomed His Majesty.

At this moment, Yang Zhi and others finally clearly confirmed that the imperial decree announced by Zhang Yong was the real imperial decree.

If Yang Tinghe and others can easily instigate Zhang Yong, Wang Zuo, and Ding Guogong, it can only show that His Majesty is dispensable.

Zhang Yong also nodded in shock, and gave orders first as the admiral and eunuch of the Beijing camp.

What happened near this large tent has naturally spread.

Fighting can't cover it up, not to mention that Admiral Zhang Wei has been in charge of the Fifth Army Battalion for more than a year, there are always some people whose cronies or interests have been tied together.

At this time, the reason for sending Zhang Yonglai was revealed - the four guards of Tengxiang in the regiment battalion before were Admiral Zhang Yong for many years.After the reset, the Tengxiang Four Guards were also incorporated into the initial prototype of the three major battalions.

He was also the admiral and eunuch of the Beijing camp.

"Tang Xianzhong and Deng Jiye, you two will serve as personal guards temporarily, and will be dispatched to the camps of the former army and the right army, and order the generals below to follow my order!"

Zhang Yong skillfully said the names of some middle-level generals, and finally ordered Tang Xianzhong and Deng Jiye: "Let them lead the various ministries to patrol the constitution and each battalion, and first tell the soldiers: Your Majesty has an order to temporarily control the five military battalions with the Lord Dingguo. Those who are loyal to the emperor and obey the orders , the great achievements are just in front of your eyes!"

(End of this chapter)

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