
Chapter 215

Chapter 215

The twelve Jinyi school lieutenants were led by Wang Zuo to guard Zhang Wei and the others—now, it is not appropriate to take them back to the city.

Dingguo Gong Xu Guangzuo was welcomed here soon. Seeing nearly a hundred soldiers of Xiao Jingguan who had been piled up here, the old Duke's scalp felt cold.

"Is this the end of the matter?"

"Reporting to the Duke of the country, Mr. Zhang was ordered to interrogate, but Zhang Wei actually wanted to resist the order and not obey it. He wanted to surround and kill us with his own soldiers, which shows that he has a strong heart for rebellion. Mr. Zhang has gone to the camps to gather generals and sent another Tang Xianzhong and Deng Jiye ordered the old generals of Tengxiang's Four Guards to repress the battalions." Wang Zuo bowed to him, "The Lord is temporarily in charge of the Fifth Army Battalion, and we need to find out who is Zhang Wei's party in the camp. Zhang Wei saw the Duke Lord, you may be able to confess."

Xu Guangzuo followed him inside in fear, only to see that Zhang Wei, Yang Zhi and others were all tied up in a ball, guarded by twelve school captains in Jinyi with swords drawn.

The Twelve Brocade Clothes Captains were all stained with blood.And on the floor of the room, the blood stains and meat scraps obviously haven't been cleaned in time - just now, the battle broke out inside and outside this room.

"Grandpa Xu, please help, Grandpa Xu, we were all wronged..." Seeing the boss of the Xunchen Group, Yang Zhi and the others raised their voices and begged for mercy.

Xu Guangzuo has been peaceful for most of his life, but these few years have been particularly exciting.

Facing this situation now, he turned a deaf ear to it, and just walked up to Zhang Wei and looked at him: "Why didn't you obey the order?"

In any case, as a general of the Beijing camp, he didn't even obey the imperial decree. This is a problem of nature.

Zhang Wei sneered: "Three imperial edicts, why can't you, Xu Guangzuo, come together? Then why would I be suspicious? If you set a trap for me with this kind of trick, there is no excuse for the crime!"

Xu Guangzuo stomped his feet angrily: "Fool! Cui Cance went to Anlu twice to welcome him, and Wu Dinghou ran around to set up three major battalions! Even me, I have the merit of catering! In just a few months the year before last, I went south to Guangdong and rushed back to the capital! This one of mine Age, you can go wherever your Majesty dictates! What merits have you done for Your Majesty? As an honored minister, you are in charge of the Fifth Army Battalion, isn't that a sign of His Majesty's trust? What happened? You still have doubts about the decree ?”

Zhang Wei had nothing to argue with.

"The decree is suspicious, but what about the secret decree? The admiral of the Beijing camp, the eunuch, and the eunuch of the northern town are here, and you, the admiral of the five army battalions, are suspicious, but you don't doubt it when I come?" Xu Guangzuo stared at him, "When the matter comes Now, if you are just stupid, you may still be able to keep your bloodline! You know what to do!"

"I'm not stupid!" Zhang Weisen smiled, "Afraid of mutiny in the Fifth Army Battalion? Most of the Fifth Army Battalion will be reorganized and drilled after I take charge of the army! Since His Majesty trusts me, as long as you give an order, I will clean up the traitors for Your Majesty! Now that I have been taken away from office and sent to prison for the slightest doubt in order to keep my useful body, does Your Majesty trust me?"

Wang Zuo shook his head at the side: "My lord, it seems that he is not allowed to enter. Uncle Zhangwu and others, I have already asked, they are just supervising the troops in the town. The generals who train the soldiers are all under the supervision of Zhang Wei. Scheduling. He is an admiral, and there is nothing wrong with the generals obeying orders. However, in this situation, the Duke of the State must keep the Fifth Army Battalion stable, and he also needs to make loyal ministers feel safe, and Zhang Wei's party has nowhere to hide."

Xu Guangzuo was upset.

How can I do such a professional thing?I'm just someone who can put on a show!

"Since Eunuch Zhang has the old generals of the four guards of Tengxiang in the camp, there is no problem if he wants to join forces with the two of us." Xu Guangzuo glanced at Zhang Wei, who was hard-spoken, in disappointment, and then said to Wang Zuo, "Wang Zhenfu, you Can't ask anything?"

Wang Zuo sighed silently in his heart: "My lord, if I openly take them back to Jinyiwei Prison, the generals in the camp will really be uneasy."

There are really not many usable people left among the brave generals who were born in the founding of the country.

In the imperial prison, isn't the whole of the Fifth Army Battalion not afraid of Zhang Wei being beaten into a trick, or that he will wantonly bite?
I thought that with the prestige of Ding Guogong and his status as a fellow minister, he might be able to ask Zhang Wei why he dared to do this.

In the end, could it be that reason: the honored ministers serving in the five military battalions are the useless ones selected by His Majesty from the current honored ministers, and some of them were pulled out in one go after they became famous?
If there is no reason or even a small mistake, it is really not easy to use a big knife against this group of privileged ministers.

Thinking of this, Wang Zuo saluted: "Grandpa, since Zhang Wei refuses to say what kind of support he has in the camp, with Mr. Zhang and Mr. Guo here, I think there will be no big trouble. Let me watch them first." , Lord Duke, go to the school grounds to announce the decree."

Xu Guangzuo asked Zhang Wei one last time: "This is a serious crime of treason! You don't say anything, what is more important than your Zhang family's hereditary earl?"

Zhang Wei snorted: "Hui Anbo's lineage has been loyal to the emperor for generations, everyone knows! It is still the same sentence that I conspired against the emperor, and there is no excuse for the crime!"

Xu Guangzuo felt that he was simply unreasonable, so he walked away.

After watching him leave, Wang Zuo turned around and looked back at Zhang Wei.

After a little smile, he opened his mouth: "It is true that you are an idiot, and you don't even know that you were sold out. After consciously taking charge of the Fifth Army Battalion, your commanding skills have improved a lot compared to before? You just don't understand , that Shen Wenzhou is serving you wholeheartedly, for what it might be."

After all, amidst Wang Zuo's seemingly casual ridicule, Zhang Wei's expression changed obviously.

Can't Wang Zuo really ask anything?
No, he didn't ask.

When Xu Guangzuo arrived in person and still found nothing, it was his time for Wang Zuo to ask.

Seeing that Xu Guangzuo really came in person, Zhang Wei should be just talking hard and panicking.

Now, Zhang Wei's expression changed.

Wang Zuo added with a smile: "Did you forget that there was also a very capable master named Fang Muxian next to Zhang Heling, the Marquis of Shouning? What kind of hero are you, Zhang Wei? Praise the painting for you wholeheartedly? With Wu Xingshen's talent, is it difficult for him to pass the exam?"

"...What exactly do you mean? Shen Wenzhou was born in Shandong, what does it have to do with Wu Xing's Shen family?"

"I didn't find him in the camp just now, but Li Quanli, Boss of Xiangcheng from Shenji Camp, and Chen Rujia, Marquis of Taining from Sanqian Battalion, met Shen Wenzhou." Wang Zuo still smiled, "You are so bold today. , did you send Shen Wenzhou to contact Uncle Xiangcheng and Marquis Taining?"

"...Traitor, how dare you spy on important court officials like this!"

Wang Zuo really looked at him like a fool.

As long as you don't do such a big thing as treason, as long as you don't do such a big thing, no one will ask you what crime you say or do.Even if there is, it's just a fine of some money.

Important officials of the imperial court, who doesn't know what Jinyiwei and Neichang do?

"Then do you know who did Shen Wenzhou meet the most when he entered the city?"

Zhang Wei just looked at him.

Wang Zuo sighed: "Yan Shenggong's nephew, Kong Zhewen. And which family is this Kong Zhewen closest to in Beijing? Of course it is Yan Shenggong's step-in-law, Xuancheng Bo Weichun. Uncle Xuan Cheng, who was in charge of the Guoyong Camp of the Twelfth Regiment in his hometown, is really a good candidate to succeed you Zhang Wei, and he can also get the court Yan Shenggong's support for the new law. But what can you Zhang Wei get?"

Zhang Wei's pupils trembled.


There are tens of thousands of people in the Fifth Military Battalion, which is larger than the permanent population in many counties today.

With so many people, the camp of the Fifth Army Battalion cannot be small.In addition to the barracks, there must be a school yard, many weapons and logistical support facilities.

Tang Xianzhong and Deng Jiye were ordered by Zhang Yong to go to the camp where the former army and the right army of the fifth army camp were located.

The people they want to pass on the order are the commander-in-chief of the first battalion of soldiers led by the former army, and the commander-in-chief of the third battalion of chariot soldiers led by the right army.

These two people are Tang Xianzhong and Deng Jiye's Shangguan respectively.

"The admiral and the commanders of the battalions are under restraint?" Zhuo Zhitian, the commander-in-chief of the first battalion of Zhanbing, is just 32. Hearing Tang Xianzhong's words, he couldn't help asking, "Do you want me to lead the troops to patrol the battalions?"

Tang Xianzhong nodded solemnly: "All battalion commanders and above must go to the school grounds to listen to the order. This is the military order of the governor. Now the matter over there must have spread. It is impossible to distinguish which people in the battalion are Zhang Wei's party members, so we need to Suppress the battalions. Chief Zhuo, we have few people, and we are only in charge of the front and rear troops. The right army, left army, and central army are all in charge of Lei Qian.”

This Zhuo Zhitian and Lei Quanyi, the commander of the third battalion of the chariot soldiers, both met when Zhang Yong "went out" during the Anhua Rebellion.At that time, they were all soldiers under Xianning Hou Qiuyue.

Now, Qiu Luan is still too young, but after so many years, the two of them have also been promoted from a mere soldier at that time to general manager and general manager Qian.

Zhuo Zhitian became excited when he heard the words: "Let's go!"

The generals in the Fifth Army Battalion are divided into two categories: one is selected by the Five Governments and the Ministry of War, and they are high-ranking generals; while other ordinary middle- and low-level generals, such as sentry officers, generals, and generals, are all promoted from within the battalion. Paichong only reported the roster to the five prefectures and the Ministry of war.

Therefore, once Zhang Wei is appointed as the admiral of the Fifth Army Battalion, at least he has a lot of power in the usual military training process.

In the appointment of these middle and low-level generals, there will naturally be a lot of interest exchanges between relatives.Like Zhuo Zhitian and Lei Quanyi, they have both the face of Marquis Wu Ding and Marquis Xianning, as well as the face of Zhang Yong.

Other than Xunchen, if a military general wants to climb up the ranks, he must follow the path of Wufu and Xunchen.

Now that there is such a big turmoil in the upper echelons of the Fifth Military Battalion, if Zhuo Zhitian and Lei Quanyi can contribute at the critical moment, they may be able to break through the restrictions of the middle and lower generals in the next step.

Unlike the two middle-level and low-level generals who are full of motivation, in some battalions, Mr. Qian and Mr. Ba, who were promoted purely through the channels of Zhang Wei and Yang Zhi, panicked a little.

"Your Majesty has a decree that Duke Dingguo shall be in charge of the five military camps temporarily. The sentry officers and above of each battalion shall go to the large school grounds to listen to the decree of Duke Dingguo as soon as they see the order! Under the order of Duke Du, the rest of the officers and soldiers shall stay in the camp and shall not move rashly or violate the order. Commanders beheaded! Military orders are like a mountain, and those who act according to the orders will be considered meritorious, and the Ministry of War will reward them separately! Those who are loyal to the emperor will have great achievements at their fingertips, and all will be rewarded!"

The pawns that Zhang Yong temporarily took over from Tang Xianzhong and Deng Jiye served as temporary personal soldiers, and rode fast horses to the gates of each battalion.

They held the imperial edicts of Ming and Huang received by Tang Xianzhong and Zhang Yong respectively. Although the contents were not what they said, who would dare to forge the imperial edicts?There is no need to open it for these people to see.

These soldiers who had just participated in a fight, still had blood stains on their bodies, and had murderous looks in their eyes, staring at the generals above the sentinel of each battalion.

A mutiny in the camp, the news cannot be blocked.After all, Zhang Yong has experienced many things, so he made a decisive decision to let them pass the information to each battalion.

Looking at the blood stains on their bodies, Zhang Wei, the admiral of the Fifth Army Battalion, was just like that?
Let the elderly Dingguo come to temporarily supervise the Fifth Army Battalion, which shows what a big deal it is.

For a major event of this level, most people who have nothing to do with it will naturally walk out of the camp first obediently: those who are disobedient at this time will immediately become a great achievement that is easy to get in the eyes of others.

However, after all, some people have ghosts in their hearts.

"What happened? I am in command of the Seventh Battalion of Chariots. I want to see the Governor's hand token or the general's warrant!"

The men and horses who passed the military order in the Seventh Battalion of Chariot Soldiers immediately became nervous.

Under the new Beijing battalion system, there are still five people in a team, but three teams are a team, three teams are a row, and three rows are a sentry.

Above the whistle, there are four whistles plus the general guard team and the messenger team.

As for the first battalion, in addition to the regular three generals who accompanied the battalion and each led two generals, there were also generals who had their own guards and order posts, plus the second generals who selected the left and right forwards of the high-ranking generals of each battalion, and some other guards.

In the five armies of the five army battalions, the battalion officers of each army are all honored ministers, and each of them has a general who commands a battalion.

Usually, military orders can be passed on at the levels of generals, generals, and generals, and each general at these three levels can also have an independent supervisory force for his subordinates.

But in the current situation, the selection of these participating generals, the commander-in-chief, the guards of the commander-in-chief, and the guards of the commander-in-chief also share weal and woe with their respective generals.

The leader of the Seventh Battalion of the Che Bing is also the general's left selection forward general, the confidant of the confidantes.

There is only one person on his head: the brave general of the Seventh Battalion of the Chariot Bing.

The sentinel under Lei Quanyi's command stared at him and said, "Mr. Zhong, are you going to disobey the Duke's military order?"

"Orders are prohibited! If there is a war, I will be able to follow the military talisman. Now that it is normal, there are clear texts in the drill code, and I will follow the general's order to practice..."

"Didn't you hear the bell clearly?" The sentry officer's tone was already very blunt, "Now it's not a drill, but His Majesty has an order. Duke Ding has arrived in the camp, and the sentry officers of each battalion go to the big school to listen to the order. I'm just delivering orders on behalf of Duke Ding and Duke Du, so Zhong Ba always thinks clearly, whether every word or deed at this moment is obeying the order or not!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at the other commanders Qian Zong, Ba Zong and sentry officers in the Seventh Battalion: "Are you all planning to advance and retreat with Zhong Ba?"

Many pairs of eyes looked at the two generals of the Seventh Battalion, with an inexplicable gleam in their eyes.

The sentry officer's eyes returned to the face of the bell commander: "The governor has orders. If anyone has doubts, let me say something more. The food and salaries of the Beijing camp are all issued by His Majesty. If someone in the Beijing camp becomes a private Bing, that means you have forgotten the roots! Mr. Zhong, if you really want to see Duke Du’s hand token, then don’t worry. I’ll send someone to report to Duke Du to invite you in person. I wonder if that’s okay?”

The word "please" was dragged into a long tone, so the inexplicable light in the eyes of many of the Seventh Battalion became more intense.

There is an imperial decree coming, just to listen to the decree, why does Zhong Baozong go to such lengths?
"I don't know if the governor has an order, or will he follow the order and suppress those who don't obey?" A general raised his fists at the messenger officer, eager to try.

This is a great achievement at your fingertips!
The current situation is very tense, but the general situation of the Fifth Army Battalion is actually very clear-how can Zhang Wei, He De, manage the Five Army Battalions as a monolith in just a few years?
The words are rough and the rationale is not rough, it is not Zhang Wei himself who pays the salary.

On the contrary, Zhang Wei who handled it was not without cheating.

Immediately, a sentry officer who was not afraid of the high-level bustle said, "So that the governor can find out! Last year's salary for our Seventh Battalion has not been fully paid until March!"

The messenger officer's face changed: You fucking, can't you say it later when you get to the school grounds?The salary is not fully paid, and this is also the case with the third infantry battalion, can I not know?

First transfer the generals of each battalion out of the battalion, so that the soldiers below will lose their heads and there will be no chaos.

Mr. Zhong's face immediately turned ugly, and the messenger shouted: "Mr. Zhong! I'm just passing on orders, and I don't care about these things! At this moment, Duke Ding and Duke Du are in the camp. What's the real situation? Don’t be fooled! Your majesty is wise, and you will not wrong a good person! This brother, if you have any grievances, you can complain when you arrive at the big school! If you want to make a mess here, everyone will be a rebellious soldier, and you have to think clearly!"

The change of the five army battalions has come in such a storm, why are the battalions in a state of preparation for war?
There are gun supervisors in the entire Fifth Army Battalion!How can armor and weapons be distributed to everyone?

The messenger was afraid that these greedy people would steal the guy in front of him, so he used the name of repression to wipe out the left and right picks of the Seventh Battalion—at least capture the leader of the picks.

He was in a hurry, and a large group of people rushed over quickly.

Zhang Yong was already sitting on the horse in full armor, and there was a whole group of people behind him.

"Why did it take so long for the sentinel of the Seventh Battalion of the Infantry to come?"

(End of this chapter)

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