
Chapter 216 The Pain of the Long Night

Chapter 216 The Pain of the Long Night
Zhang Yong was the first to go to the arsenal, so the gun supervisor opened the door and armed the three generals who wanted to suppress the battalions.

Now, the Fifth Army Battalion is in a situation of unequal equipment.

But there may be potential fear of dark waves, and there are many people.

Zhang Yong rushed to the side of the messenger officer, followed by a group of people who surrounded him vigilantly.

Hearing his words, the sentry officer quickly responded to the situation, and Zhang Yong immediately looked at Mr. Zhong with a hostile expression, and said in a cold voice: "Our family has arrived, and you also suspect that our family has arrived at the Fifth Army Battalion just like Zhang Wei." Came here to falsely preach the imperial decree?"

He is not called Hui'anbo, nor is he called the admiral, but he is called by his first name.

What kind of person is Zhang Yong?The palm seal of the Imperial Horse Supervisor, and the admirals and eunuchs of the entire Beijing camp have gone through the four dynasties of Chenghua, Hongzhi, Zhengde, and Jiajing.

Although he was only a young eunuch during the Chenghua and Hongzhi years, he later served Emperor Zhengde in the East Palace and became one of the famous Eight Tigers in the early years of Zhengde.

Today, he is the only minister among the eight tigers who is still in charge. In the 16th year of Zhengde's Ganzhou mutiny, he also went to the northwest to kill Li Long, the general soldier of Ganzhou.

Now, Zhang Yong was staring at the bell so that the hairs all over his body stood on end.

Behind Zhang Yong, there are five hundred armored upper bodies, with swords and guns shining coldly, and with bows and arrows.

"...The incident happened suddenly, and the general was confused for a while... The general will go to listen to the order!"

Just as Zhang Yong nodded, another fast horse galloped from outside the camp: "Report! Dugong! Dugong! The city guard tenth battalion rebelled, and Mr. Lei Qian is suppressing it!"

"...Leave a sentry, you go to reinforce!"

There are only 500 people there, and to suppress the first battalion, reinforcements are the first order.

Zhang Yong turned his head and looked at Mr. Zhong and the others with icy eyes: "If the Seventh Battalion wants to mutiny, it's early! If you follow the order, leave the camp immediately and rush to the school grounds!"

As he said that, he drew out his knife and looked at Mr. Zhong: "Aren't you going yet?!"

"... Dugong, we can also lead the reinforcements..."

Zhang Yongdao pointed at a bold Mr. Qian: "Since our family and Ding Guogong are here together, the Fifth Army Battalion will not be able to turn around! Save this energy for the future, and now let our family go to the school to listen to the order! Seventh Battalion All the soldiers return to the barracks, and those who disobey the order will be killed immediately!"

He is also a bit bold, the courage to fight against the men is indeed great.

It's all about this joint, and he dared to intervene to ask for his life to claim credit.

As for whether it is a statement or really greedy and brave, it is impossible to distinguish in detail.

Now, Zhang Yong only needs to separate the middle and low-level generals from the ordinary soldiers, and make their hearts determined by the decree.

The Tenth Battalion of the City Guard is really in a mess now. Once the momentum is raised, the suppressors will not be able to tell who is the culprit and who is innocent.

"If you don't have a weapon in your hand, don't listen to the thieves' clamor and return to the barracks, it will be regarded as meritorious and innocent!" Lei Quanyi shouted there, "Zhang Wei is a conspiracy, do you want to be punished by the clan? The surname Pan Tian! Your crime is unforgivable. Even if you rush out of the big camp, can you run faster than the fast horses of the [-] battalion? Ding Guogong was first dispatched from the [-] battalion. The Battalion Praetorian Guards will be here in a moment!"

He didn't know why the two chief executives of the tenth battalion guarding the city were so bold, and why they were so determined to make a mutiny.

But since there has been chaos, these are all rioting officers and soldiers.

In the camp of the Tenth Battalion, this battle is street fighting.

Although the officers and soldiers of the Tenth Battalion were not armed, they still kept weapons in the battalion.

Some of the nearly 2000 people were resisting their attack, while the other part was preparing to break the camp and flee on the edge of the camp.How could it be possible for Lei Quanyi's troops to surround this battalion tightly?

The most worrying situation is that once they break through the camp wall, other fearful and innocent soldiers will also escape together, and even arouse the fear of the nearby camp.

There are so many people shouting and killing here, just think about how far it will spread.

There was a sentry tower on the camp wall, and Zhang Yongxin's trustworthy people had already replaced it at this moment, and they kept shooting at the hundreds of people who were desperately trying to demolish the wooden camp.

Among them, two groups of people lit torches and ran left and right, avoiding the arrows, trying to burn the two nearby sentry towers.

Both sides are fighting for time.

Lei Quanyi ordered with a serious face: "Push the van forward! If you haven't returned to the barracks, don't worry about it, let me fire the gun! Send an order to the camp wall and tell the second sentry to hurry over!"

In the 12th year of orthodoxy, the Ming army began to gradually restore chariot soldiers.

In the first year of Jingtai, there was a new kind of chariot called the partial van.This van was up to one foot three feet long, one side of which was covered with wooden boards and leather for defense, and there were holes for guns on the wooden boards.

Each van is equipped with four guns and a cannon. In the other car group, there are one strong archer, two shield players, two long sword players, and ten armored soldiers.

The third battalion of chariot soldiers that Lei Quanyi was in was such a Ming "armored vehicle" unit.

Now in the camp, the mutiny officers and soldiers wanted to seize the three-post van and weapons that Lei Quanyi left here. Although there were quite a few people, the equipment in their hands was too different.

But Lei Quanyi was very dissatisfied when he saw the effect of the small cannon on the van.

Naturally, the other party raised the wooden planks and other defenses.

"Damn it, when will the new guns and tanks from the Shenji Battalion be equipped for our Fifth Army Battalion?" Lei Quanyi muttered and continued to shout, "What are the long swordsmen and soldiers afraid of? Let Lao Tzu rush over from behind! Don’t push the car if it can’t move!”

In front of the van, the road was already blocked by the killed soldiers.

Most of the rest of the rebels relied on the bunkers in the camp, or shot them with the only remaining bows and arrows left here, or threw them here with burning torches.

Chariot soldiers are not used to fight this kind of "street fighting". If they rush out, they may be shot from behind by their own guns and guns.

Lei Quanyi gritted his teeth: "The guns only hit the five barracks! The other long swordsmen and armored soldiers charged me!"

Don't hurry up and kill those culprits, these chaos can't be controlled.

Lei Quanyi held a long knife by himself, and took the lead in rushing into the depths of the camp, heading straight for the direction where they wanted to break through the camp wall, cutting down anyone he saw.

On the other side of the camp wall, Lei Quanyi's second sentry finally arrived. The two sentry towers were already on fire, and the archers above retreated in a panic to the farther sentry towers.

The sentry officer in command of the second sentry saw the situation not far away and immediately shouted: "Don't fire the gun! Damn it, don't help them break the camp wall. Just kill them!"

Although there are really a lot of people on the opposite side, and the hundred or so of them are almost an enemy of six, seven, eighty-nine, but they don't care about that much.

It was their military order to suppress the battalions. If these people were allowed to escape from the Fifth Army Battalion and become bandits, they would be guilty of no merit.

"The governor has already said it! After today, everyone will be paid twice, and everyone will be rewarded! Kill!"


A sentry from this side arrived here to block their retreat, and the two sentry reinforcements from the group led by Zhang Yong finally arrived.

And in the south of Beijing, there were indeed a thousand cavalry rushing eastward under the leadership of Qiu Luan.

Qiu Luan's eyes lit up.

After Guo Xun left the Shenji Camp, after he arrived at the Three Thousand Camp, he was the chief officer of the Fifth Division, one of the five divisions still established under the Three Thousand Camp.

Under the fifth division, is the real elite main force of the Three Thousand Battalion.

Just under the sentinel battalion, there are four generals in the Shangzhi Ming Jiaguan army, as well as tiger killers and attendant battalions.

Now, Qiu Luan led two cavalry from the Sentinel Battalion, and went straight to the Fifth Army Battalion.

This is just a mission to chase down possible deserters. Although Qiu Luan is young, he is not afraid.

Your Majesty is also young, this is the time to make meritorious service!

The southern suburbs of Beijing are not uninhabited places. The former small school yard outside Xuanwu Gate and the current Sanqian Battalion hastily left a thousand riders. Many people have seen the news.

That appearance doesn't look like going out to practice at the horse farm of the [-] battalion that is still under renovation as before.

Shen Wenzhou who came out of the city also heard the news, so his expression changed.

Logically speaking, with Hui Anbo's status, it would be impossible for him to be questioned because of the impeachment case of Li Xiang's corpse, right?
That was the Fifth Military Battalion with tens of thousands of people!
That being the case, after contacting Kong Zhewen, Shen Wenzhou felt that it was time to go for a walk earlier.

Seeing that he hired a carriage at the carriage and horse shop outside the city to go east, two people, one big and one small, stood up from the tea stand next to the carriage and horse shop.

"Uncle Li, what should we do? Wang Zhenfu told me that if he sees him entering the city, he should only keep an eye on him. I don't know what's going on with the Fifth Army Battalion now. He seems to be going in the direction of Tongzhou."

The person who spoke was a young man who looked to be just fourteen or fifteen years old, but the person beside him was a middle-aged man in his forties, who looked like an ordinary father and son.

The middle-aged man hesitated, "You just follow me to practice first..."

"He's not going back to the Fifth Army Battalion. He must have heard the wind and is about to run away! You heard them say that a thousand riders went out from the Three Thousand Battalion when you were drinking tea just now! Uncle Li, don't hesitate! Wang Zhenfu Now that he has gone to the Fifth Army Camp, it is nothing more than whether to arrest him sooner or later. Even if no evidence is found on the spot, he will spit out everything when he enters the imperial prison. But if he escapes to Tongzhou, can we still catch him? Going south? I have to go back to school tomorrow!"

The middle-aged man looked at him: "How about your fist?"

The boy grinned: "I will definitely win the martial arts competition next year!"

"...Okay, let's rent two horses and go after him first!" The middle-aged man looked over there with a glint in his eyes, "You can only practice your hands. After capturing him, I will go directly to the Fifth Army Battalion. Lu Bing, you Don't join me in the fun anymore."

Lu Bing, who was fifteen years old, nodded repeatedly.

It's just a scholar, the important thing is that the master agrees that he will experience with Li Yi, and see how the new special service hidden guard in the capital of Jinyiwei behaves.

This Li Yi has a strong background.The fifth grandson of Cao Guogong and Li Wenzhong, King Wujing of Qiyang, is now the uncle of Li Xing, the commander of Jinyiwei in Nanjing.

His elder brother Li Lian only served as the commander of Jiludu, but Li Yi was really on business in Nanjing Jinyiwei before, and was transferred to Beijing by Wang Zuo.

Now, Li Yi also knew Wang Zuo's intention of sending this beautiful mission to him, the Chief Banner Officer of the Beijing Special Service Shadow Guard.

Honorable ministers are important, but they are related to the new law, and it is mainly officials and gentry who are planning behind the scenes.

This master of staff of Zhang Wei is the clue to the real big wave in the next step.

Lu Bing was very excited: Although he will not be rewarded this time, but after the birth of His Majesty's first son, he can always go to drink a glass of wedding wine with his father, right?
He is 15 years old!

In the Forbidden Palace, Zhu Houcong has not yet reached the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Lu Song was guarding here, and when he saw the counselors coming out with dignified faces, he couldn't help stepping forward and shouting: "Cui Cance!"

Because they were worried that staying in the palace at night would make the capital uneasy, the counselors decided to leave the palace first.

After such a long time, only one message came back from the Fifth Army Battalion: Zhang Wei resisted the decree and led his own soldiers to surround and kill Zhang Yong and Wang Zuo, and he had obviously been captured.

This is the worst case, so the [-] battalion has already been mobilized, and whether the tens of thousands of the fifth army battalion can be suppressed by Xu Guangzuo, Zhang Yong, and Wang Zuo is very important.

The city still doesn't know the news from the Fifth Army Battalion, Hui'an Bo Mansion and other mansions are quiet.

But every moment, I don't know if someone or any news will come back.

But in the Forbidden Palace, there is also one important thing: the empress is giving birth, and there is no news of the successful birth of the prince yet.

"Lu Tongzhi?"

Cui Yuan turned to look at him with a anxious expression.

Lu Song had heard Huang Jinchuan's will just now, so he could only say at this moment: "The dog is going to leave today, but with the permission of Wang Zhenfu, I went to practice with Li Zongqi. The nine gates of the capital are under martial law, and I hope Cui Shence will pay attention to it." Whether the dog returns to the house or not."

Cui Yuan nodded: "Don't worry, Lu Tongzhi, I will send someone to your residence to ask after I leave the palace. If I haven't returned to the residence, I will tell Commander Luo."

"Thank you!"

Lu Song looked at his back as he left in a hurry, and his face became serious.

After looking back in the direction of Kunning Palace, he led his team to leave the Hall of Mental Cultivation, leaving only two people on duty at the door.

I don't know what kind of changes will happen tonight. The gates of the Forbidden City also need to be guarded with [-]% energy.

Zhang Wei dared to resist the decree, and he didn't know what kind of secrets were hidden behind it!
The outside is loose and the inside is tight, but the inner palace is completely tense.

From before noon to now, after the queen started to mobilize, her birth was extremely slow.

It's more than four hours now!
The emperor has been in Kunning Palace.When a woman gives birth, men are not allowed to enter the delivery room according to the rules, let alone the emperor?
Zhu Houcong also knew that this was just a custom at this time, the so-called filth and bloodshed...

But he is the emperor, if he really went in, the busy people inside would be extremely nervous.

He may not care about these things himself, but everyone else has such a concept.

The queen is giving birth, the emperor is by his side, and the stable woman and the serving maids are so stressed that they may tremble.

Sun Ming's birth was so slow, Mrs. Wen and the imperial physician had already told her.One is because of the first child, the queen is not very old.Second, because of Sun Ming's physique, he didn't gain much weight, and the child absorbs nutrients quite well, so he is a bit big.

Fortunately, there was no such thing as improper fetal position that would directly lead to dystocia.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, I've been on the pulse for the empress before, the empress is in good health, and now I just need to spend more time and effort..."

The imperial doctor of the imperial hospital comforted him with some anxiety, but Zhu Houcong just waved his hand.

Then Empress Dowager Jiang also waved her hand: "What have you been waiting for all this time? The queen mother is here to guard! Huang Jin is running back and forth between the Hall of Mental Cultivation and here, you go to busy with the affairs of the previous court!"

Zhu Houcong shook his head: "The former court is not a big deal. The queen knows that I am here, so she has always been strong in her heart. Didn't the son let Qiaomei rest her heart? I did as my son explained before, and now it is Hold on, work harder, my son is with her."

Feeling the difficulty of Sun Ming's childbirth, Zhu Houcong was a little thankful that he still insisted on the strategy of avoiding their conceiving for more than a year.

Otherwise, I am afraid that in the next year, I will always face the risk of the prince's dystocia.

The treatment and nutrition in the palace are still very good, and although I talk a lot to Sun Ming, she still has a lot of inherent concepts, and I am afraid that walking around will move her fetus.

Since the Spring Festival this year, my belly is getting bigger and bigger, and the weather has not turned warm yet.Except for walking with her a few times, she has not been insisting on walking in the past few months.

Now, this is a life-and-death test for Sun Ming.

Her physical strength, delivery and medical technology at this time may become a problem at every moment in the future.

The voices in the delivery room kept coming out, and the maids carrying hot water came in and out, and Zhu Houcong had been waiting here.

After about three quarters of an hour, there was no good news, but Huang Jin came to the gate of Kunning Palace again.

Zhu Houcong walked over: "Say."

Huang Jin lowered his head and said, "One of the five battalions mutinied, and Marquis Shen of Xianning led his troops to leave the camp at five o'clock."

Zhu Houcong nodded: "What about in the city?"

"The nine gates are closed, and there is no movement in all the mansions. The factory guards and the soldiers and horses of the five cities are all patrolling."

Zhu Houcong closed his eyes.

Zhang Wei is very brave.

Some people in the Fifth Army Battalion under his control are even more daring.

A prince, an admiral and eunuch, three imperial edicts, and even a battalion of officers and soldiers mutinied.

When it was dawn, Wang Xian of the Ministry of War had to plead guilty: according to the new system, the Ministry of War had to send people to the camp to supervise the payment.Now there is actually a mutiny of a battalion of officers and soldiers. The generals may have other interests tied to Zhang Wei and others. What about ordinary soldiers?

The only thing that is directly related to the ordinary soldiers of the Beijing camp is the salary.

This is why it is necessary to make a quick decision: Even if the consultants can only bite the bullet and implement the new law, how many of the officials working below are trying to save trouble or even have other ideas?Faced with demands and bribes from people like Zhang Wei, how many people would really keep the emperor's orders and the orders of the Shangguan in their hearts?
This is still the Beijing camp under the eyes of the emperor!

Although the factory guard was powerful, he really couldn't stare at every corner of Daming for twelve hours.

Tonight, soldiers will die.

But for a loyal Beijing camp capable of fighting, this is a necessary baptism.

"...Your Majesty, do you have a decree for the slaves to pass on?"

Huang Jin asked again, and Zhu Houcong was about to open his mouth to answer him, when a baby's cry came from behind him.

Immediately, the heaviness on Huang Jin's face that had been entangled for a whole day loosened a lot, and immediately knelt down and said loudly: "My servant congratulates your majesty, congratulations to your majesty!"

When Zhu Houcong turned around and walked into the palace, the eunuchs, court ladies and imperial physicians also knelt down to congratulate the emperor with relief.

"How about the queen?" Zhu Houcong only shouted loudly to the inside.

Amidst the hurried footsteps, Zhang Qiaomei ran out and knelt down and said happily: "I finally gave birth, the empress just lost her strength. Your Majesty, you are a prince, mother and child are safe!"

When the emperor's son was born, the Empress Dowager Jiang was overjoyed and wanted to go in to see it.

Around Zhu Houcong, there was naturally another round of congratulations.

The child still needs to be cleaned inside, Zhu Houcong finally smiled, and He Xi's baby cries were heard in his ears.

"It's all hard work, Huang Jin, first take it to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, reward!"

Whether it is a daughter or a prince, Zhu Houcong heard that imperial physicians can also judge one or two through pulse diagnosis and other experiences.

However, when it comes to the sensitive throne, who dares to make false claims?

After tossing and tossing for a long time, they left here with cold sweat all over their bodies, and happily went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Although Zhu Houcong didn't anger their tyrannical king just because of his temper, but this is the empress giving birth, who dares to relax?
After they left, after a while, firecrackers started to sound in the Forbidden City, and the little eunuch who had been ordered by Huang Jin happily ran around to tell the news.

The voice faintly spread near the Xuanwu Gate. Lu Song, who patrolled here, looked to the south, and knew that the queen had given birth to a child, which should be good news, but he didn't know if it was a boy or a girl.

He relaxed a little, as long as it was good news.

Now, he still couldn't relax his vigilance, but continued to strictly order everyone not to slack off, and then looked north.

In the northern suburbs, that is where the Shenji Camp is located.

(End of this chapter)

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