
Chapter 218 Unknown military disaster and blood disaster?

Chapter 218 Unknown military disaster and blood disaster?
Sure enough, Wang Xian pleaded guilty first.

Not only Wang Xian, but also Wu Tingju, who used to be the Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of War and now serves as the Minister of the Ministry of Households.

Yang Tinghe, Jiang Mian, Cui Yuan, and Yao Mao also stood up and pleaded guilty.

Jiang Mian was the cabinet minister in charge of major affairs in the Beijing camp, Yao Mao was the assistant in charge of the military affairs of the Beijing camp, and Cui Yuan represented the five prefectures.As for Yang Tinghe...his younger brother Yang Tingyi was the former right servant of the Ministry of War and now the left servant of the Ministry of War.

After Fei Maozhong was "driven away" by Yang Tinghe, He Ao, a 12-year Jinshi of Zhengde who was newly recruited as an accompanying bachelor in the imperial study, watched this scene nervously.

Although two seniors, Zhang Bi and Gu Dingchen, have already made up for it, the Beijing Camp is the lifeblood of His Majesty's implementation of the new law. Now that such a major event has happened, how will His Majesty deal with it?

"Your Majesty, since there is this case, it will be easy to handle."

To He Ao's surprise, this group of people seemed to be just pleading guilty as a routine, and then Yang Tinghe said, "If it's just greed for the army's salary, how can you resist the order and seek rebellion? The three judicial departments will strictly investigate, and the Ministry of War will clean up the officials. Secretary Lang Zhong, Yuan Wai Lang, and the principal are all guilty. Your Majesty, the staff is in charge of maps, military systems, city gods, town guards, brevity, and conquest. There are many things and few officials. If this matter continues to be investigated, it will only serve as a warning. two."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Zhu Houcong and continued: "In the old system, although the Ministry of War is responsible for the important task of providing supplies, the salary is still issued by the generals in charge of the army. It is called supervisor, and it is really difficult to do it, especially the generals in the Beijing camp. Most of them are honored ministers. How can a fifth-rank doctor supervise the real hair?"

"Since Your Majesty has a clear order, if anyone obstructs it, can the Ministry of War not play it?" Cui Yuan choked dissatisfiedly, "The military selection department is in charge of the selection of military officers from all over the world. Mr. Yang Ge's words are suspected of shirking responsibility on behalf of the Ministry of War!"

Yang Tinghe said sternly: "I am not shirking responsibility. The Ministry of War selects military officers, and it is impossible to select military officers in the Beijing camp and other places. Your Majesty, if you want to prevent the generals from being corrupted by money, if the ownership is not clear, then there is no way to guarantee the real salary. Sent to every soldier."

Zhu Houcong opened his mouth: "The reform of the military system is not an immediate matter. In this case, the focus of the investigation is not whether the system is suitable or not, but whether the generals and the people involved in the Ministry of War have evil intentions. Cui Yuan is right. If there is a clear order, the military generals who dare to obstruct their actions, and the civil servants who do not fulfill their new responsibilities, then they will all be replaced, and those who are willing to obey orders will be replaced."

Li Chongsi asked: "Your Majesty, Bo Hui'an Bo Zhang Wei has already resisted the decree and failed to obey it, and led the crowd to conspire against him. How should I handle the case?"

The imperial study room fell silent, all looking at the emperor.

Do you do it secretly first, or publicize it?
Li Xiang's case first led to Hui Anbo and Zheng's family, and now Zhang Wei and others have been brought back by Jin Yiwei, will the case be handled by Jin Yiwei or the three courts?

Should the emperor publicly state his position and let the world know that the reason why Zhang Wei resisted the decree and conspired against the decree was because of the new law?
The way this case is handled determines the direction and rhythm of things starting this year.

"Mr. Dingguo is temporarily in charge of the Fifth Army Battalion, and he leaked that the 27 rebels have not yet been captured. The matter cannot be hidden, and there is no need to hide it." Zhu Houcong reassured them, and said solemnly, "My decision, Qing and others should have been clear. .The case of Li Xiang, let’s continue to deal with it.”

Everyone was in awe, and after a while, Yang Tinghe asked hesitantly: "Is it ominous that the birth of the imperial concubine's son, the military disaster and the bloody disaster?"

Everyone couldn't help but glanced at him.

Zhu Houcong made no waves: "Li Yi, Tang Xianzhong, and Deng Jiye have all made meritorious service. Although Chang Xuanzhen has not yet made meritorious service, plus Liu Bowen's descendants, the Ministry of Rites will invite all five families to return to the throne. Pass on my will, three A total of [-] soldiers were selected for the battalion, and the army was prepared for war. In the first three years of Jiajing, a salary was paid first, and if there was any chaos, or meritorious service, it would be paid again this year. The required silver taels will be approved by the Ministry of War and borrowed from the Ministry of Households. I will prepare it."

"...The minister waits to obey the order!"

Just like his predecessors, He Ao was thinking about how to write this note on daily life with trepidation.

The bow is about to start. If this big case goes on, I am afraid it will be no less than the few big cases in the Hongwu Dynasty.How many relatives, senior officials, even feudal lords and aristocratic families will be wiped out after this big case?
"The decree will continue, the emperor's son will be born, and this year's Longevity Day, the feudal princes and relatives from all over the country will come to Beijing to congratulate." Zhu Houcong then ordered, "It's been three years since I have been imperial, and I haven't gathered with my clan and relatives. By the way , Yan Shenggong also sent envoys to pass it on."

His Longevity Day is at the end of September.

In the past three years, Xinjun Longevity Festival has not been a big deal.

This year, His Majesty has also passed.When it comes to Longevity Day, it is eighteen years old.

It's really worth doing a big job.

But under the current situation, it will undoubtedly make many people think complicated.

From now to September, there is still half a year.In the past six months, there must have been a turbulent undercurrent.

The local government is cleaning up the water conservancy, and the Li Xiang case has been determined to be dealt with. The new law will decide whether to push it to the whole country after the fifth year of Jiajing this year or next.

Are some feudal princes and relatives willing to enter Beijing in person?
And after the vassal kings and relatives of some places enter Beijing, what will other local powers do?


After the birth of the emperor's son, there were naturally temporary sacrificial activities in the capital.

When the good news came out, all relatives and Beijing officials were preparing congratulatory forms.

But Hui'anbo Mansion, who was about to ask Zhang Wei for instructions on what kind of gift should be prepared in the mansion, welcomed Jin Yiwei.

Flying fish suits filed in, all with knives pinned to their waists.

Without extra words, Wang Zuo only said: "Take away all the little ones, and lock up the servants."

Zhang Lan, Zhang Wei's son, yelled in horror, "What's wrong with my family?"

Wang Zuo doesn't care so much: "Resist the decree and seek rebellion. Search!"

The same thing happened in several other families of honorable ministers.

The case was presided over by the Sanju Department, but Jin Yiwei had to do it for Xunchen to see if there were any other letters and other evidence at home.

In Xuancheng Bo's mansion, 51-year-old Wei Chun looked serious: "Did you hear me right?"

"How could there be a mistake?" His son, Wei Shou, said in a panic, "Uncle Hui'an, Uncle Zhangwu...the houses of seven relatives in total were surrounded by Jin Yiwei, who said they were rebelling against the imperial edict! Rumor has it that there was a fire in the southeastern suburbs last night, and the [-] cavalry from the [-] Battalion were used to put down the rebellion! Hui Anbo and others were escorted into the palace by Commander Luo and others early in the morning, and the Criminal Department has already arrested people in the city!"

"Who else are you arresting?" Wei Chun asked hastily.

Before the guard could answer, Wei Chun's housekeeper rushed in to report: "Uncle, there is an imperial edict."

Wei Chun didn't dare to be lighthearted, so he hurried to receive the order.

Hearing about the arrangements for this year's Longevity Festival, Wei Chun's heart trembled: His Majesty has been enthroned for almost four years, and finally you want to invite Lord Yansheng to the capital?
But what is more important at this time is the change of the Fifth Army Battalion. He continued to question Wei Shouzheng.

"Officials, supervisors, etc. who were born in the Zheng family in Pujiang."

"...Quick! Go and tell Zhewen, don't act rashly!"

Last night, the emperor's son was born, the fifth army battalion mutinied, and today Dasuo capital was killed.

The head of the Staff Department of the Ministry of War is Zheng Xiao, a Jinshi in the second year of Jiajing last year.

"After the appointment of the Secretary-General last year, you will go to the battalions to supervise the payment of the Beijing camp's salary." In the lobby of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Li Chongsi looked at him, "Your Majesty has a clear order that the Beijing camp will recruit soldiers, and the salary needs to be paid by the Ministry of War The supervisors in the battalion are dispatched to the soldiers. Nowadays, the soldiers of each battalion are more or less in arrears, what do you say?"

Zheng Xiao is still an official, this incident will not immediately punish him for his serious crime, but now he has been removed from the official uniform and kneeling on the ground.

"The lower official ranks six and is a new official. How can I refute the opinions of all the honorable officials? The lower official is indeed guilty of dereliction of duty. If there is punishment, the lower official is willing to accept it." Zheng Xiao said angrily, "The lower official is indeed guilty of dereliction of duty. Knowing that the Five Army Battalions have owed their salary, but the chief commander needs to learn from it, all the guards and battalions in the world may all owe their salary! What can I do if I serve as the head of the Ministry of War?"

Li Chongsi looked at his resume, and asked lightly: "You were born in Haiyan County, Jiaxing Prefecture, Zhejiang Province, and the Zheng family in Pujiang, Jinhua Prefecture. Are you from the same clan?"

Zheng Xiao was stunned for a moment, and then replied solemnly: "There are so many Zheng families in Zhejiang. In terms of origin, they are all after the southward migration since the Han and Tang Dynasties. The Haiyan Zheng family, which was born as a subordinate official, branched from the Quzhou Zheng family, and the Pujiang Zheng family Branched from Sui'an Zheng's."

"Last year, Wang Sima, who was in the Ministry of Political Affairs and Military Affairs, said in your examination that you like to read old documents and know all about the confines of the world and the strength and weakness of soldiers and horses." Li Chongsi stared at him, "Zheng Xiao, Your Majesty entrusts you with What's your intention, why don't you focus on handling affairs and supervising the payment of the Beijing camp's military pay, and still use your post to survey maps and the world's towns and garrisons?"

Zheng Xiao seemed to be even more indignant: "How can the head of the official party not go down to military affairs tomorrow? The chief officer asked the next official's intentions, how should the next official answer?"

"Li Xiang is actually Zhang Wei's son-in-law, and his wife was actually born to Zhang Wei's wife, who came from the Zheng family in Pujiang." Li Chongsi looked at him coldly, "Zhang Wei's master, Shen Wenzhou, confessed after being captured that he also I have visited you many times. If it is just for the convenience of paying the salary, it is really just a routine, and there is nothing you can do about it. But now Zhang Wei is resisting the order because he is greedy for the military salary? Zheng Xiao, if you want to eat If you are willing to say it after suffering, then the official can only torture and serve you."

"The lower officials are wronged!"

Zheng Xiao suddenly shouted.

Was he wronged? The case has already started.

And in the prison of the Ministry of Punishment, Shen Wenzhou was screaming.

"I... I... yesterday... have already recruited... all of them!"

During the gap, Shen Wenzhou replied feebly.

"Those people you talked nonsense have been arrested first, and they are being interrogated one by one." One of the prison guards was sitting by the side drinking tea, and said leisurely, "You were caught by Jin Yiwei last night, and you wanted to run away. Didn’t make it, do you think you can fool many people by talking nonsense? Jin Yiwei caught you in time, don’t you think how long you’ve been stared at? This officer doesn’t want those, you went to the city yesterday and met the supervisor Kong Zhewen ,What did you say?"

Shen Wenzhou's eyes were frightened.

If you thought you were talking nonsense, why did those people arrest them first?
Is the case being handled so roughly?Are the emperor and the new party crazy?Are you really not afraid of panic in the world?
Now, he still wants to involve the Kong family...

People in the capital were indeed panicked. Last night, the admiral of the Fifth Army Battalion, Zhang Wei, resisted the order and conspired against the order, and news of another battalion's mutiny spread.

Under such circumstances, it seems understandable for the emperor to be furious and thoroughly investigate the case.

But this kind of posture of doing a special thing really makes too many people worry about being implicated in the future.

Two questions linger in the hearts of many relatives: Where does Zhang Wei have such courage?How can His Majesty calm down the anger?

Now in the Wuying Hall, Zhang Wei and others are kneeling in front of Zhu Houcong.

"Stop talking about those loyal nonsense." Zhu Houcong looked down at Zhang Wei, "You are greedy for the salary I send down, and you obstruct the new law in the name of loyalty to the emperor, resist the decree and seek rebellion. Who gave you what kind of promise? Say ten."

"The ministers are loyal to His Majesty, the official store has been handed over, and the Huangming Ji has also taken out the silver. Why was Your Majesty being bewitched by Yang Ting and those people to be so harsh on your relatives?" Zhang Wei heard that Jinkou Yuyan had convicted him of treason, Now it is completely broken, "Can't your majesty see that the new party is messing up the Ming Dynasty?"

Zhu Houcong sighed: "I'm only asking this one last time. If you don't say anything here, go to the prison to try Wang Zuo's methods. Without any other confidence, you dare to take risks and rebel? Who gave you a guarantee, and how did you plan it?" of?"

Zhang Wei sneered: "I am loyal, Your Majesty said that I conspired against you. Your Majesty wants to find some excuses to kill some relatives, just kill my ministers!"

If you can easily ask something, you will naturally have to try it.

If he couldn't ask, Zhu Houcong didn't bother to ask.

After Luo An took them away again, Cui Yuan accompanied Zhu Houcong to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

"There must be many honorable ministers visiting you, this time I can convey what I mean."

"...Listen, my lord."

"Xun Qi should be what I asked him to do, and he will do what he wants. He is really loyal if he is obedient." Give it a chance, and submit it quickly. If it is found out, seizing the title is the lightest."

Cui Yuan could only answer softly: "I remember it."

Zhu Houcong walked slowly ahead, and Cui Yuan watched his back.

Zhang Wei said that he treats his relatives harshly, which means that the standards are completely different.

This will also be the simplest conflict in this new law chaos.

Whether it is honors or relatives, or officials and gentry, too many people think that it is right for them to enjoy preferential treatment in today's order.

Now, the emperor wants to re-establish the rules for the world.

How much food and salary should be stipulated, and the military commander must actually pay it.According to the law, no one should think about how much tax and labor should be borne.

Is it right?As it should be.

But behind this, there is always that selfish desire.

Under selfish desires, how many people should not be reconciled to the old system being broken like this?How to ensure that this rule can be enforced in the future?

Cui Yuan didn't think there would be a good solution, but he only knew that the emperor was probably on the way of the Taizu's strict law.

The Forbidden City is peaceful, but a violent battle between the old and the new is about to start heating up everywhere.

The change in the capital also began to spread outward, and the plans of many people in the world were forced to change their rhythm again.

Zhenyuan Hou Gu Shilong's pleadings, Jing'an Housun's memorials to stay in Huguang temporarily are entering Beijing, and Jin Yiwei sent Tiqi to Nanzhili and Zhejiang, and people who went to various places to proclaim orders to the feudal kings and relatives left the capital.

From now to Longevity Day, it will be a crucial six months to determine the future direction of Ming Dynasty.

 I got sick from drinking yesterday, so I will only update one chapter today, T_T
(End of this chapter)

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