
Chapter 219 Shovel Yang Ting and Ancestral Grave!

Chapter 219 Shovel Yang Ting and Ancestral Grave!

The vassal kings from all over the world came to Beijing this year to celebrate their majesty and the emperor's sons on the Longevity Day. This purpose is quite simple.

The vassal king of the Ming Dynasty was not allowed to enter Beijing without an edict.But this time, the emperor ordered the vassals from all over the country to come to Beijing together, no matter how close or distant they are.

After the edict was passed to Chu Wangfu, Chu Wang Zhu Rong fell ill immediately.

He was really sick.

Of course, it was precisely because of his illness that his son, younger brother, and close relatives of Chu Fan were able to visit him.With the female relatives on the side, it is inconvenient for the officials of the royal family to stay in the prince's bedroom.

"It's really a repeat of the past!" Zhu Rongtan's eyes were full of unwillingness, "In the past when Lord Jianwen was in power, it was also two or three courtiers who bewitched the New Deal and cut down the vassals!"

"Cough cough cough..." Zhu Rong was taken aback, "Don't...don't talk nonsense!"

"Brother Wang! Guangdong's new law, how important is the taxation department? Not to mention the taxation department, if the water conservancy is cleaned up and the land is cleared, even if the palace does not have to bear taxes like officials and gentry, how much income will be short in the future? Besides, there is a precedent for the family's salary to be discounted, who knows if there will be more salary reductions and more discounts in the future?"

At the beginning of the Hongwu Dynasty, the clan salary was given in full.But by the later period of the Hongwu Dynasty, in fact, more than half of the food and half of the treasures had already appeared.

In the 13th year of orthodoxy, a vassal king asked for a full salary of his own nature, but the Ministry of Households blocked it.

In the third year of Hongzhi, a large number of clan relatives asked for the full salary of the original color, but the household department still blocked it.

Today, half of the prince's discount is half, while those below the county king have [-]% or even [-]% of the discount.

When the treasure banknotes first came out, the usual treasure banknotes were worth a stone of rice.During the Yongle period, the ten-column banknote was worth only one stone of rice.Now, not to mention.

Zhu Xianrong said indignantly: "Under the general or the county head, the annual salary is less than [-] shi. After the death, the real food is less than [-] shi, and the whole family lives on this salary. If there is any debt, the clan is not allowed to leave How can they survive if they are enfeoffed and are not allowed to fend for themselves?"

At this moment, he is talking about a large number of low-level clans accumulated over a hundred years in a prosperous suzerain.

There are indeed many restrictions on the clan in Ming Dynasty: they can only stay in the fiefdom, and they need to get a special permit to travel; they are not allowed to participate in scientific examinations; they are not allowed to make a living; they are not allowed to make friends with officials...

But for the princes of each vassal, there are still a lot of resources in their hands.

The first is the lutian land that was granted when the feudal clan was enfeoffed. Normally, these fields are managed by the local government, but after the land tax is collected every year, it will be counted in the local grain reserve, and then paid to the royal family.

In addition, each princely palace has a Mingmian Zhuangtian that can be granted during the feudal period and later.These farmlands are all tax-free, so the palace rents out these farmlands. As long as the price is set, many people are willing to rent them out.

As for additional special assets such as the Wuchang tax department, that is another matter.

Zhu Xianrong said that it was very difficult for the low-level lieutenants of Zhenguo, Lieutenant of Fuguo, Lieutenant of Fengguo, county lords, and county lords to live because they really could only rely on their salaries.

When it comes to clan relatives, the princes of each clan and generation are their suzerains.But how can the various other incomes of the palace be distributed to these low-level clans?
Junzi Zhize will be beheaded for the fifth generation!

Zhu Rong doesn't care about these at all now, he just asked in a panic: "Wan... Wanshou Holy Day... what should I do?"

He really didn't know what would happen to him after entering Beijing under the order.

Both Zhu Rongcheng and Zhu Xianrong were silent.

Can you still resist?

"Hateful!" Zhu Xianrong looked at his father, who was getting worse and worse, and was even more worried about whether the prince could be passed on to him smoothly, "Fang Xiaoru, Qi Tai, and Huang Zicheng advocated the reduction of the feudal clan in the past, and then there was Jing Nan! Now that Yang Tinghe and the others are promoting the new law, they are bewitching His Majesty to call the vassals from all over the world to Beijing together, there must be some conspiracy!"

"Brother Wang, is there another secret behind the Marquis of Jing'an's stay in Wuchang Mansion?" Zhu Rongchan said with bright eyes, "With such an abnormal intention, His Majesty's situation is already quite critical! The Marquis of Zhenyuan greeted the Marquis of Jing’an all the way to Wuchang Mansion, and then they got along very closely! The Marquis of Zhenyuan is also the commander-in-chief of Huguang! If he also enters Beijing, who will take over the military power of Huguang?”

Zhu Xianrong answered immediately: "The news in Beijing said that Hui Anbo was arrested for treason, but in fact he was only greedy for money! There is no such thing as money in the world. This is inspired by the importance of the Beijing camp to His Majesty. If you surround the world's vassals and their relatives in one go, the two lineages loyal to His Majesty will be wiped out, and there will be no obstacles in front of the treacherous party!"

They analyze decently.

In the emperor's decree, it is really relatively simple for the vassal king to enter the capital.

The most important thing is the relatives from all over the country, especially those who hold important official positions.

If they want to enter Beijing, what will happen to their original official positions?All honored relatives from all over the world have entered Beijing, who can take over these official positions?

Do you want a vote for standing in the team?
Gu Shilong's hands trembled a little, and he asked Sun Jiao in a trembling voice, "What is Your Majesty doing?"

The grandson, who was relieved a lot about her daughter's smooth birth just now, smiled bitterly: "What do you think? Is it true that when the new law is about to be implemented across the country, there are still quarrels everywhere? Five years ago in Jiajing, it was time to clean up the provinces .Now, let’s start with the clan members who resisted.”

His words were straightforward, and Gu Shilong looked at him in disbelief: "Although my Zhenyuanhou family has always considered that the family style is strict, it is still unavoidable to have unfilial sons. How many of the world's honored relatives are clean? The world's military generals, and How many people are not greedy for food and salary?"

In Gu Shilong's view, this will only make most people fear and unite.

After all, Sun Jiao is a consultant, and the letter he received was different from the order Gu Shilong received.

"Conspiracy is treason. If you think greed for ink is the reason, you are either stupid or deliberate instigating." Sun Jiao briefly recounted the relationship between Zhang Wei and Li Xiang, and the existence of people like Yan Shenggong, Shen Wenzhou, and Zheng Shi. , "When the case continues, the world will know that they were convicted of treason. Not only did they block the new law as treason, but they had already reached out to the Beijing camp, so that Zhang Wei dared to resist the order and raise troops to rebel! Corrupt ink It's just a small matter, whether or not the new law is blocked is the big thing!"

"...The exchange of news is measured in months! Since Your Majesty intends to do this, why don't you make it known to the world?" Gu Shilong only felt that it was too difficult to control the situation. "In the current situation, how to distinguish who is loyal and who is traitor? If someone takes risks out of fear , there will be people who follow blindly, how can the world be suppressed as soon as possible?"

"That's why I stayed in Huguang!" Sun Jiao said decisively, "Since His Majesty has issued such a decree, the Jingying must have been selecting fronts and even sending them to the provinces, and the Tiqi must have been scattered to various places. In Daming, if you want to Fighting with force, you will either become a traitor and be wiped out, or you will collude with the vassal or important ministers to make a statement in the name of the Qing emperor. If there is chaos, there will be meritorious deeds. It depends on how the vassals and relatives are selected. Now, your majesty only needs a roster ,Do you understand?"

Gu Shilong's back felt cold.

Just need the list, it's ruthless.

What about the falsely accused list?


When the news reached Sichuan, there were two Xunchen who received the order here.

The military officer in Sichuan, Xue Lun, Marquis of Yangwu, who had just taken the throne, was Cheng Anbo Guo Zan who had experienced training in Sichuan.

Naturally, there is Zhu Rangxu, the tenth king of Shu.

Xue Lun became a nobleman in 12 years, and it has been 48 years.Guo Zan, on the other hand, only came to the throne last year, and he was as young as Xue Lun's grandson.

"Master Hou, if we all go to Beijing, what will happen to the capital of Sichuan?"

Xue Lun was silent for a while, and then he just said: "It's only April, there's still half a year left, His Majesty will make arrangements."

In the 16th year of Zhengde, when His Majesty gave a banquet in the palace to announce the holy decree, it was Guo Zan's father who attended the banquet.

Later, Guo Zan was invited by his father to play in the army, expressing his intention to continue to follow the route of military merit.

After attacking the lord, Guo Zan went to the capital of Sichuan and served as the commander of the capital.

Xue Lun, on the other hand, was similar to Gu Shilong, and had always been one of the honored ministers who could have some prestige in the army.

Hearing what Xue Lun said, Guo Zan hesitated to speak.

Who doesn't know what's special about Sichuan?The hometown of Yang Tinghe, the leader of the new party, is now governed by Fei Hong, the leader of the old party.

Xue Lun, who was already old, and Guo Zan, who had just ascended to the throne, were undoubtedly loyal to the imperial party.

One needs to be concerned about the succession of one's title, and the other needs the emperor's trust to get a chance.

"Master Hou, please teach me, I really can't understand this purpose."

Xue Lun shook his head: "If you can't figure it out, I can't figure it out either. Now that you've received the order, let's submit the congratulatory form first. I'll ask for instructions on military matters."

In Chengdu Mansion, Governor Fei Hong went down to visit the tea class.

Tea is produced in Sichuan, and March and April are the seasons for tea production, and tea production accounts for a large proportion of Sichuan tax and silver.

Now, in the Sichuan chief envoy, Yang Junlin, the left chief envoy, and Gao Kewei, the inspector envoy, have gathered together.

The tea in front of the two of them was already cold, but they were not waiting for Fei Hong either.

Their furrowed brows mean only one thing: tough decisions are being made.

"Meng Chun's letter will take a month to pass." Gao Kewei said, "Li Xiang's corpse was found out, and it was His Majesty who directly accused Hui Anbo of treason! The prefect of Guangzhou. There are too many things to worry about now! Will Fei Zichong wait for the time to move or help His Majesty slow down the army? Is there any other secret decree to Sichuan? Conspiring against this net..."

Before he finished speaking, Yang Junlin held the teacup irritably and knocked it on the cup: "What's the rush! Even if His Majesty decided to change the law and act like this now, the most fearful thing is Yang Tinghe! The world is in panic, and Yang Tinghe is pushed out all the time. The possibility of civilian indignation and peace of mind!"

"You can coax others, but don't coax yourself!"

Gao Kewei was not polite, he took a sip of this spring's new tea that had already cooled down after saying something.

Yang Junlin's face was dark.

yes.Yang Tinghe didn't dare to make such a suggestion to call the vassal princes and relatives into Beijing, let alone do it so ruthlessly.

Who would dare to do this without a strong enough army at hand?

If the military power is already in Yang Tinghe's hands, why did he do such a thing and cause the world to discuss it?
So this can only be the will of the emperor himself.

Here's the problem: the turmoil that this approach creates is also there.

Previously, the new law only affected officials and gentry taxes and services, but now it has also taken action against vassal kings and relatives.

In the field of the world, civil servants of the third rank and above generally have a book in their hearts.

Regardless of Huangzhuang, the tax-free farmland of the imperial clan in the world should add up to tens of thousands of hectares in total - this figure can only be obtained unless the whole country has completely cleared the land.

After the clan, the relatives also have Zhuangtian.With the honor of his relatives and the convenience of being a military officer everywhere, the farmland that was granted in the open, the fields that were bought, the military personnel that were obtained secretly, and the fields under the names of in-laws, the total can reach 20 hectares, right?

Yang Junlin is not sure about these figures, but he knows that the resistance of the clan members to the new law will also affect them.

"If your majesty is using the big hat of treason to force some vassal kings and relatives to submit to the new law, the more severe the pressure now, the more serious the backlash will be in the future!"

Gao Kewei's eyes widened after hearing him say this: "The future? Today is the present! The knife has been drawn out, can we wait for the future?"

What he worries about is the fate of these old parties.

Therefore, he hated Fei Hong even more!
It seems that the emperor decided to support the new party because of the bad state of Guangdong, which made the emperor angry, but in fact it became more and more wrong later on.

An important reason for the implementation of the new Guangdong law is Huangmingji!Huangmingji and Zhang Fujing cooperated tacitly. Is there really the emperor's scruples about the new party?

On the contrary, Fei Hong, the leader of the old party, had fought tit-for-tat with the new party for several months when he was a cabinet minister. After arriving in Sichuan, he said one word: forbearance!

Should some of the Yang family's local handles be used for impeachment?Shinobu: This will only make His Majesty feel that we are engaging in factionalism with low-level means.

What should I do if the tax in Guangdong has increased a lot last year?Forbearance: We in Sichuan let His Majesty take a look. If it is not so big, the officials and gentry can make the country rich by paying their own money.

Tea class, salt class, cleaning up water conservancy... Fei Hong, the leader of the old party, with a competitive attitude, isn't what he is doing in Sichuan also a matter of reform?It's just that it hasn't changed as much as Guangdong.

"Officials and gentry pay by themselves. Once you pay, it will become a statute! Now it is clear that the new law is simply His Majesty's decision, and we have all been deceived by Feizi! I don't believe that you can't see that this is a slap in the face! Quick knife!"

Gao Kewei's eyes showed a fierce look: "What your Majesty wants is not to wait until the world is full of flames of war, but to preemptively strike and subdue the rest! To do this kind of thing, you must first find a name, and then have a list. You want Think about it, over the past two years, how big a list Fei Hong has had!"

Yang Junlin suddenly turned his head and looked at him: "Anzhi, this is not a trick. Those who make the world dissatisfied with the new law jump out first? The year before last and last year, they could still complain about the disadvantages of the new law. This year, it only depends on whether Zai Shangshu will be convicted! Never! Just act rashly like that! You were trained in the Beijing camp for nothing? You are just a few soldiers in the yamen, how can you be so bold?"

Gao Kewei sneered: "For members of the army station, the ministers can pretend that they don't exist, but the burden is on the head of the guard. Since the court is acting, we can also act! Yang Tinghe kidnapped His Majesty to kill the servants, and now even the Beijing camp is under control. I want to wipe out all the feudal kings and relatives of the world! They have raised their sharp knives, so we have to wait? The time is right for Qing Jun!"

Yang Junlin was shocked: "Are you crazy?"

"Who doesn't know the difficulty of the road to Shu? Yang Wuhou and Cheng Anbo, if I shovel the Yang family's ancestor's grave in their names, can these two honorable ministers have a way back? Will your majesty believe it? Can Yang Tinghe let go?" Have you ever passed them and Fei Hong?"

Gao Kewei looked at Yang Junlin fiercely: "What do you say?"

"...If you are not like-minded, how can you get things done?"

Gao Kewei shook his head: "We are timid. On the matter of the new law, how many like-minded people are there? They are all afraid of things! Now the new law is so powerful, and once it rises to the top, what kind of crowd will there be! Don't dare, I will dare!"

(End of this chapter)

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