
Chapter 221

Chapter 221

Yang Junlin kept his mission firmly in mind: first stabilize Xue Lun, and prevent him from knowing what Gao Kewei was doing too early.

The marquis is super high grade, and the left and right ministers are all from the second grade.

Regardless of rank, status, or age, Yang Junlin is very humble: "Master Dutai has been away from Fucheng for three days, and I don't know when he will be back. Xuehou, I am also in a hurry."

From Chengdu Fucheng to Xindu County, the distance is only more than forty miles.

Even if you use your legs to hurry, two hours is enough. The roads around the Fucheng are not difficult to walk, and most of the Chengdu Mansion is flat.

Xue Lun looked at him a little strangely. After entering the door, he was courteous for many rounds, but he still hasn't mentioned the main point.

He opened his mouth and asked: "Yang Fantai, I don't know why I am so anxious, please tell me clearly."

"Sichuan is vast and dangerous, and the people of all ethnic groups are tough. It's all thanks to Xuehou's general township in Sichuan, to subdue all guards!" Yang Junlin continued to flatter, and once again put on a hesitant expression for a few breaths, then sighed He breathed a sigh of relief: "This matter must be both Dutai and Hou Ye are concerned about. The Longevity Festival, the prince, Yang Wuhou, and Cheng Anbo will all go to Beijing. Counting the time, I am afraid that we will leave in August. After that, it will be the autumn harvest season. What about Sichuan military affairs?"

"Yang Fantai, there is no rush for this matter." Xue Lun just replied calmly, "We will only leave in August, isn't there still a few months left? Your Majesty will make arrangements."

"Yes, yes." Yang Junlin nodded, "It's just that after Xue Hou entered the capital this time, Xue Hou's virtue is highly respected and his achievements are outstanding, and he must be reused. The situation in the Sichuan capital is complicated, and I am really worried that there will be troubles at that time. Of course, I know For Xue Hou, the matter of asking for military arrangements at this time may cause extra problems. But for the sake of the people of Sichuan, for the sake of summer grain and autumn grain, I have to care about this matter!"

Xue Lun frowned slightly in thought, then glanced at Yang Junlin suspiciously.

Yang Junlin's heart skipped a beat when he saw him, and then he said with a wry smile: "Don't blame Xue Hou, last year and this year, the governors of Taiwan advocated that officials and gentry should pay their own land taxes. Xue Hou knew what happened last year. If the management is not stable this year, then I It's even harder."

"Since that's the case, Yang Fantai can discuss it with Fei Gong, and please play it. Fei Gong will return to Chengdu Mansion as soon as possible after he gets the news."

What Xue Lun was suspicious about was this timing.There are still a few months to go, and Fei Hong hasn't come back yet, what are they discussing in such a hurry?
Governor Fei Hong's military and political affairs in Sichuan, Yang Junlin is extra worried about this?
To put it bluntly, if there is a problem with the summer grain and autumn grain, what does it have to do with him as the general soldier?That was Yang Junlin's job.

"This matter is also inseparable from Xue Hou." Yang Junlin gave Xue Lun a tentative look, "Xue Hou, I am not familiar with Zhang Wei, why would he conspire?"

Xue Lun stood up heartbroken: "I'm in Sichuan, how do I know? Yang Fantai, the governor's matter, I will ask for it. If the Fantai and Fei Gong are worried, they can also go to the evacuation. If there is nothing else, I have military affairs to attend to."

Although Yang Junlin came, he was still so coy.

In that case, dare to test it casually?It's already obvious that I'm against it when I say it!
Now when Xue Lun heard that he seemed to want to chat about Zhang Wei's conspiracy, he immediately reacted like this, and Yang Junlin felt a chill in his heart.

The appearance of avoiding it for fear of being too late, will it really be like Gao Kewei thinks that if he is put on the rack, he will not be able to get off the stage?

Under Xue Lun's "gift", Yang Junlin smiled and walked to the door.

You are the left chief political envoy of a province, even if you have the courage to come here, this "small matter" of delaying Xue Lun has not been done well.

At this moment, he saw a military general rushing towards him.

Taking a closer look, this is Pang Lin, who was "driven" out of Shenji Battalion along with Guo Xun from Beijing at the beginning of this year, and is now the commander of the left guard of Chengdu.

This Chengdu left guard was originally one of the three guards of the king of Shu.At the beginning, the central defender and the right defender were merged into Nanjing Left Guards. Later, the Left Guard was also renamed Chengdu Zuo Guard, which was under the jurisdiction of the Sichuan Metropolitan Division.

Pang Lin went to the gate of the Dusi Yamen, reined in his horse, dismounted and handed the reins to the handyman at the gate, and then went to the gatehouse to report: "Chengdu left guard commander Pang Lin, please see the general soldier, there is an urgent military situation!"

After finishing speaking first, he turned around and walked to Yang Junlin's side to salute: "The last general has seen the Fantai!"

"...Commander Pang, what emergency situation does the left guard in Chengdu have?" Yang Junlin said seriously, "Could it be that something happened to Zhang Yushi in Meizhou?"

The Chengdu Zuowei is stationed in Liuli south of Chengdu, and Meizhou is in the southwest of Chengdu. Yang Junlin just found a reason for this, to make it appear that he is concerned about government affairs when he asks about military affairs.

"Please pardon Fantai!" Pang Lin remained polite, didn't say much, and didn't look at him too much.

"Commander Pang, Lord Hou, please report to the court immediately!"

During this brief courtesy, Xue Lun's soldiers had already received the news and rushed to the door, telling Pang Lin to go in quickly.

Pang Lin bowed his hands to Yang Junlin again, and strode towards the main hall of the city yamen.

"...Master, should we go back on horseback or in a sedan chair?"

Yang Junlin turned a deaf ear to the words of his followers, and looked into the gate of the capital's yamen with uncertain eyes.

Impossible, throughout the ages, how can civil servants rebel?
Gao Kewei felt that everyone was doomed, but... even Yang Junlin, who helped Li Xiang and Zheng's family to connect, and one of Fei Hong's "old party backbones" in Sichuan, felt that there was no way out.

It's a big deal to switch to the new party. I just didn't understand the essence of the new law before!

Yang Junlin took a step towards the gate of the Dusi Yamen, and then stopped.

But isn't Gao Kewei afraid of betraying him to make meritorious service?

That's right, after more than two years of taking over as the left chief envoy of Sichuan, Gao Kewei knew that he had too many things to handle.

Why is this guy so brave?Did he do something more serious than connecting Li Xiang with the Zheng family?

Now, Gao Kewei's behavior is a complete rebellion. If he is not captured, he will definitely accuse himself of being an accomplice!

I was kidnapped!
To betray him, Gao Kewei should have come to Xue Lun to report directly after he left the chief envoy's office!

Going now would have added an additional crime of trying to win over Xue Lun.

"Master?" His entourage asked again suspiciously.

I saw Yang Junlin trembling suddenly, beads of sweat pouring out from the corner of his forehead.

He took a step, and staggered a bit in this step, obviously retreating a little softly.Afterwards, he hurried to the Dusi Yamen, and then directly to the main hall.

"Lord Fantai, Lord Hou is..."

"I have an urgent military situation!" Yang Junlin suddenly figured it out, ran to the entrance of the main hall, and yelled loudly before entering, "Xue Zongbing, something is wrong, quickly lead the troops to Xindu, Gao Jietai wants rebellion!"


Although only a little more than an hour passed, the fast horse from Chengdu Mansion to Xindu had already arrived.

Gao Kewei was not here, only Yiqi came.

This time I rode to Xindu County, but did not go to Yang's house, but transferred to a house on the outskirts of the county.

He entered the courtyard and immediately shouted: "Where is Patriarch Xu?"

A middle-aged man with the appearance of a gentry in his forties quickly rushed to the main hall from the backyard and looked at this man.

"Letter written by an adult from Taiwan!"

Without hesitation, he took out an envelope from his pocket and handed it over. The middle-aged man quickly opened the envelope, and after taking out the contents, there were only two copies.

One was a stamped official document, the other the real letter.

When the middle-aged man read the contents of the letter, his face was cloudy and uncertain.Looking at the official document again, he gritted his teeth and said to the butler: "Find out all the robes of the yamen, and let the big guys change them! Quickly tidy up the clothes!"

The butler's face also changed, and then he left in a hurry without saying a word.

At this time, the middle-aged man said to the man who came to deliver the letter: "Do you still have a letter to deliver? After you go, tell him to lead the caravan to wait for us at Wailongzang Temple in Xinfan County. Good food all the way to Songpan!"


The messenger left neatly.

The head of the Xu family hurried to the backyard. Seeing him hurrying over, his concubine asked worriedly, "What happened?"

"Follow me into the house!"

When he reached the backyard, he said to a young man who followed him, "Call all the servants over."

The young man nodded solemnly, and the concubine panicked even more when she saw this.

Followed him into the bedroom in the back room, and saw him take out a key to open the lock in the cabinet.

"Master, what's the matter?"

Patriarch Xu didn't say a word, and after opening the cabinet door, he just turned his back to her: "Turn around first, don't peek!"

The tone was so harsh that the concubine dared not disobey.

After a while, I felt that I was hugged by him from behind: "Master, in broad daylight..."

She couldn't speak any more after she said this, because after her mouth was covered, she immediately felt a chill in her throat, followed by severe pain and struggle.

Just as her consciousness gradually dissipated, she heard the adopted son of the master outside saying: "Come in one by one, the master heard the good news today, everyone will be rewarded..."

When she fell limply to the ground, Patriarch Xu's eyes were cold, and he continued to pack the things in the cabinet.

Outside the house, there was the sound of something heavy falling to the ground from time to time, and the sound of being dragged.

When he packed all the important things and put them in two big bags, he saw five people piled up behind the screen outside the inner room.

The sixth servant had just entered the room and turned around the screen that blocked the door. His adopted son stood guard at the door and went around the opening of the screen. After reaching the screen, he took the dagger and wiped his throat.

Patriarch Xu looked at the number of people indifferently and nodded.

That is to say, six servants were used in the inner house.

Handed him the two bundles: "Wash and change clothes. After we left Banzhuxiang, we poured vegetable oil, set fire to the house, and then took these to the pier by the Southwest River. After hiring a boat Drive five miles downstream, kill the boatman and wait for us. Is it possible?"

"No problem!" He spoke with a Cantonese accent.

Patriarch Xu nodded and set off to the front yard.

Over there, the housekeeper had already prepared a set of official uniforms for him.

With a sudden change, he became the jailer of the inspector.

And in the front yard, there were 27 official servants neatly, all of them armed with knives.

The housekeeper handed over another box, and when he opened it, there was an imperial decree, a token, and an official document with the seals of the Sansi and Fei Hong.

Patriarch Xu knew that these were all fake. The imperial decree was the Zhengde pilgrimage imperial decree that Gao Kewei had received, and the token and the official document were forged.

But he doesn't care.

Looking at the children in front of him, he said in a deep voice: "The year before last when we were doing business outside, we all escaped with our lives. Fortunately, the adults in Taiwan took us in! What kind of new law did the thieves come up with, and we all ruined our families. Today is the day of revenge." Are you afraid?"

The 27 people in front of them didn't make a sound, but they all shook their heads.

"When you arrive at the Yang family, don't worry about the rest. If you tie up the Yang family, follow me. If you leave the city and go south and west, there will be boats waiting for us. When we arrive at Xinfan County, no one will be able to catch us anymore. Be quick. , do you understand?"

With this false sacred decree and the official uniform of the standard yamen, even if someone in Xindu County came to investigate the situation, they would not dare to stop it.

Patriarch Xu knew that he was in a hurry, so he didn't hesitate: "Raise the guard of honor, let's go!"

Soon, many servants came out of this house in the southeastern suburb of Xindu County, and there was a small official riding a horse at the head.

The place where they hid had been prepared for a long time, and there were no other houses nearby.

The nearby villages all know that this is just a place where a certain official's family is said to be guarding the ancestral grave.

Now, not far away, some people working in the fields saw this team of officials, but they didn't know where they came from.

This group of people rushed to Xindu County in such a hurry, less than three miles away from the county. When they were about to reach the county, a thick smoke could be seen from the house that was burning in the distance.

At this moment, Gao Kewei had already taken off his official uniform.

After he left Chengdu Fucheng, he changed into casual clothes not long after he left.

Now, he and his personal soldiers have left the guard of honor and official uniforms in a small courtyard, and brought out a few more people from the small courtyard.

Sitting on the boat heading for Guan County, Gao Kewei was full of gloom.

At most, it will take two or three days. Now it depends on whether they can know where they are fleeing in time, and whether they can stop them in time by dispatching troops.

"Go ashore when you arrive in Guan County, take Yulei Mountain and Jizong Pass, as long as you reach Yuexi Pengsi and pass Qixing Pass, you will have no major problems." Gao Kewei ordered in a deep voice, "If the wind is not enough, shake it more paddle!"

rebel?Create a fart against!
If it weren't for the mutiny in the Fifth Army Battalion and the Tenth Battalion of the city guards, there were two generals and one thousand generals who he had stuffed in through Zhang Wei's relationship, why would Gao Kewei be like this?

Gao Kewei sat in the cabin and looked around nervously.

Yang Junlin must be inseparable from the impeachment of Li Xiang's corpse.

But I just got acquainted with some local generals through inspecting Sichuan and military preparations, and then connected with Zhang Wei through Yang Junlin on matters such as in-laws, fields, and military settlements.

Now, Gao Kewei doesn't know what's going on in Jingli.

Whether Zhang Wei recruited or not, he really didn't know.

But since the news came that the tenth battalion of the city guard had mutinied, then Gao Kewei was dead.

Only escape!
Kuizhou, Chongqing, Baoningfu, Jianchangwei... the plenum who received the letter was restless. Even if Xue Lun didn't dare to rebel and protect himself, there would be many places to put out the fire!
Gao Kewei didn't believe that in so many places, there was no one who defended himself out of fear.

And he, at worst, hide in Duogan Cangtang recruiting department first!

At this moment, Patriarch Xu and the others finally rushed to the door of Yang's house amidst other people's discussions, holding up the set of imperial edict tokens and so on.

To the north of Chengdu Mansion, Guo Zan led [-] cavalry to the new capital.

In front of Xue Lun, Yang Junlin was kneeling now, and said with tears and snot in his nose: "I only know that he is going to Xindu, I don't know if he has other arrangements!"

 Class A, work...not full-time, please forgive me, don't wait tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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