
Chapter 222 Strong General, Soldier

Chapter 222 Strong General, Soldier

Xue Lun and Pang Lin are in complicated moods now.

People sit at home, and the credit falls in front of them.

But the current situation is not optimistic, because the situation of Yang Junlin's "reporting" is a bit too outrageous.

Xue Lun's face was livid: "He really said that?"

Now that Yang Junlin's legs were already limp on the ground, he nodded again and again: "Master Hou, we are worried that the new law will cause too many civil disturbances. Lord Hou knows this, and Fei Gong is also the governor of Sichuan because of this. But although we have different political opinions, I am Never expected Gao Kewei to be so bold! To be honest, the reason why he didn't tell the truth as soon as he came to Lord Hou was because..."

Xue Lun felt very impatient, looking at the majestic Sichuan Zuo Chief Envoy who was kneeling in front of him with no dignity, he just felt ridiculous.

This guy must have done something, so he hesitated to check his own tone first.

But now after talking for a long time, what are you talking about?
He interrupted Yang Junlin solemnly: "We will talk about these things in the future. If you can report today, I will not hide it in the report! The important thing now is what arrangements he made! I believe you don't know, but you We must have talked about something before, right? Now that Fei Gong is not here, I can only issue military orders by ear! What kind of support does he have to dare to do this?"

After Xue Lun knew about this accident, some of the things he was worried about now would no longer exist.

The premise is that Sichuan can be guarded well!

At this moment, Pang Lin spoke: "Master Hou, those roads I mentioned before..."

Yang Junlin was shocked in his heart: Fortunately, he made this decision!

Since the so-called Yang Tinghe's coercion of His Majesty is nothing but a smoke bomb, then Pang Lin, who was "relegated" from the Shenji Camp to Sichuan, was obviously a well-planned arrangement.

Otherwise, why did Gao Kewei come to Xue Lun to report an urgent military situation just after he decided what to do?

Yang Junlin cursed in his heart: reform as soon as the law is reformed, and so many conspiracies and tricks to gain the world.

Xue Lun shook his head: "Amber has gone to Xindu, don't worry about the other roads."

Since Jin Yiwei's people are watching, there is absolutely no reason to lose them.

The most important thing is to see who Gao Kewei contacts.

He looked at the panicked Yang Junlin who was about to continue asking, when his face suddenly changed: "Not good!"

"Master Hou, what's the matter?" Pang Lin suddenly became nervous.

Xue Lun gritted his teeth and looked at Yang Junlin: "The golden cicada has escaped from its shell! Yang Junlin, what he wants is that you hesitate in front of me and delay for an hour or two!"

Yang Junlin's face turned pale when he said that, Xue Lun had already closed his eyes and was thinking.

After a while, he opened his eyes: "Pang Lin, hurry back to the left guard, lead the troops and rush to Xinjin! If he goes around to the south with light clothes, he must go south through the big river!"

Yang Junlin had already understood, and saw Pang Lin strode out the door solemnly following the orders.

That's right, what if Gao Kewei just put on suspicions and made them all nervous, but he changed his disguise and escaped with a few of the most trustworthy people?
Yang Junlin knew that Gao Kewei had taken advantage of his personality, and Gao Kewei's aggressive attitude really frightened Yang Junlin.

One mouthful is a deadly situation, and it takes courage to jump back!

Now Xue Lun hastily issued military orders to the front, back, right, middle four guards and Ning Chuan guards in Chengdu, ordering them to block all key points and passes in all directions, and then said to Yang Junlin: "He has been in Sichuan for so many years, You know which mansions he has, tell them all!"

An envoy!In the absence of a decree, only Fei Hong in Sichuan has the right to sign an official document to detain him, but Fei Hong is not in Chengdu now.

In a hurry, Xue Lun can go directly to arrest Gao Kewei's relatives and friends.But looking at Gao Kewei's behavior, does he still care about these things?
Now that an inspector is missing, what kind of orders will be issued by the inspector who has been taken away along the way, and will be handed out by his cronies?

Only in the chaos in Sichuan can he escape with his life!

Xue Lun listened to Yang Junlin's hasty "redemption" there, but he was only thinking about what Pang Lin would report when he came over.

Since Jin Yiwei has noticed the movements of Gao Kewei's confidants, what about Gao Kewei himself?

Sichuan has a hidden Jinyiwei walking, and there is also the cicada master of the internal investigation factory. There should be an intelligence contact system for such an important matter!

Now, why is there no more news?

But there is no way, who made the Jinyiwei, the inner factory, the third division, the guarding eunuch, the governor's patrol, etc. supervise each other?
With Jin Yiwei's manpower in Sichuan alone, could it be that he wanted to take the credit for capturing Gao Kewei all to himself?

The entire system of Jinyiwei is indeed huge, but it is impossible to deploy too many people in each province.

The setting of Jinyiwei walking in each province is only a transitional choice for the special forces of the public security departments in each province in the future.

Now, there are indeed not many people under Jinyiwei Sichuan Walking.

For Luo An and Wang Zuo, this matter was only put on the agenda when the first "Jinyiwei Walking in the South of the Five Ridges" appeared in Guangdong.

Afterwards, it was the preparatory establishment of the special service office in Jinyiwei, which carried out special training in accordance with the emperor's requirements.

Even if the provincial special service teams are all in place, it is only a one-hundred-household establishment.

At this time, the Jinyiwei in Sichuan was walking, and the special service team under his command had actually all secretly arrived in Sichuan.

However, the order has not yet arrived.Therefore, Jin Yiwei's strength in Sichuan is only to secretly pay attention to the high-ranking civil and military officials in Sichuan according to Wang Zuo's request.

With their manpower, they can only roughly pay attention to these high-ranking officials with more than a prefect and more than a thousand households.Considering the size of Sichuan, there are only about [-] people staying in Chengdu.

Now, with two people in a team, the five cronies sent by Gao Kewei dispersed and left ten people.

There must be people in the Fucheng, so when Gao Kewei himself left the Fucheng, he could only send four people to follow him.

And the ride that Gao Kewei photographed immediately after he left from the chief envoy and returned to the inspector was actually ignored.

After all, there was nothing unusual at the time. According to the people coming and going in the inspectorate, how could they all stare at them?

Right now, Guo Zan is leading 20 riders to Xindu, while more than [-] fake servants led by the head of the Xu family have already broken into the Yang family.

"Puxian Zun, you have already read the writings of Dutai and Sansi. You are responsible for guarding the Yang family. If the Yang family is not copied later, Puxian Zun will also make great contributions." He was in charge of the prison, but he acted like an order to the magistrate, and then he said to his subordinates, "Declarate the decree, draw the sword, and arrest the people! If there is a servant who resists, he will be killed without mercy!"

He looked at the county magistrate of Xindu again: "Please trouble Mr. Pu to arrange a strong squad to suppress the Yang family's Ding Jianpu together."

The magistrate of Xindu came here in a hurry after this team of regular officials entered the city, and only joined them not far from the gate of the Yang Mansion.

Hearing the decree, Xindu Zhixian's heart almost burst.

He is not the person to receive the decree, he can only listen to the recitation and cannot see the content of the imperial decree.But that document had the seals of Fei Hong and San Si impressively on it.

At this time, Puxian Zun didn't know what major changes had happened in the court, but since the Shangguan made a clear order, he was very happy to hear the meaning of this "Yan Si Prison"'s words.

"Prisoner Yan, the Yang family is no small matter after all, why didn't adults from Taiwan come in person?" He first ordered the head of the strong squad to listen to Patriarch Xu's wishes, and then accompanied him to the main hall, asking at the same time.

The head of the Xu family proudly replied: "Your Majesty's secret decree to arrive in Shu, how many things do adults in Taiwan have to arrange? There are a few relatives in the old house of the Yang family in the district, why do adults in Taiwan need to come in person?"

Amidst the din, the yamen servants of the Zhuang class in Xindu County, in a strange excitement, went straight to the main hall of Yang's family with the generals, and even rushed into the backyard, right?
This is the dignified old house of the chief assistant!On weekdays in Xindu, who can't be respectful to the Yang family?
Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, there has only been one champion in Sichuan, and that is Yang Shen.This is Wen Quxing's family. Now starting from Yang Ting and his father, the family has produced five Jinshi and three Juren!
But who knows that he has the ambition to usurp the throne!
Thinking of these yamen servants, the Yang family is completely finished!
At this moment in the main hall of Yang's back house, several people already knew the news from outside.

Yang Tinghe has five younger brothers.

Today, Yang Tingyi's official residence is Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of War, and he is in the capital; Yang Tingping was a candidate in the 11th year of Hongzhi, and Yang Tingxuan was a candidate in the 14th year of Hongzhi, and they are both serving as officials abroad.Yang Tingli Yinbu Guozi Jiansheng, who lives in the capital.

In the old house of the Yang family, Yang Ting and his most unpromising younger brother Yang Tingzhong are the heads of the house.

Of the other three, one is his son, one is his cousin, and the other is not from the Yang family.

Now Yang Tingzhong only asked that person anxiously: "Chen Baihu, my elder brother is loyal to the emperor, how could he conspire against him? This is definitely a major event in Fucheng, what should we do now?"

He is a county student, and now at his age, the scientific examination is hopeless.Encountering this kind of situation right now, it is also a sense of desperation.

The news spread into the house that the people in charge have imperial edicts, badges, and official documents. Yang Tingzhong is afraid that this Jinyiwei Baihu who lived in Yang's family in the name of studying abroad after Fei Hong arrived in Shu the year before will also be punished for this. The Yang family turned against each other.

"Mr. Yang is right. There must be changes in the prefecture." Chen Yin, a member of Jinyiwei Baihu, said solemnly, "I haven't received a new order, so the previous order is still valid. Don't worry, Mr. Yang, I will accompany you." For a while, people from Sichuan's Niesi Yamen."

"According to His Majesty's order, arrest the traitor's relatives, and those who dare to stop them will be killed without mercy!"

There were already harsh shouts outside the door, Yang Tingzhong could only look at Chen Yin tremblingly.


It seemed that the servants outside the door did not dare to stop the group of people from the yamen who were accompanied by the county lord, and the door of the main hall in the backyard was kicked open.

Yang Tingzhong looked at the jailer of the standard yamen holding an imperial decree in one hand and a knife in the other with a pale face, and then looked at Puzhi County who had always been respectful to the Yang family in the past.

"Pu Xianzun, these people are all relatives of Yang Tinghe's clan, right?"

"That's right, that's Yang Tingzhong, Yang Tinghe's younger brother, and that's..."

The head of the Xu family only waited for him to say a word before he swung the knife: "Tie him up and take him away!"

"Wait!" Chen Yin yelled loudly, and then took a step forward, "Old Chief Assistant of Yang Ge, you said that he conspired against him, did he have a purpose?"

"My official said, if you dare to obstruct those who resist arrest, you will be killed without mercy!" Patriarch Xu didn't care at all about this young man who looked like a blue Taoist robe often worn by scholars, and let his juniors who looked like yamen servants embrace him.

It doesn't make any difference whether they are killed here or on the road after they are brought out of Xindu County.

The purpose is to collect some blood debt first and create a big chaos.

Yang Tingzhong exclaimed: "This is Mr. Chen, who was ordered by the emperor to sit in charge of my Yang family! My brother will never seek rebellion. Otherwise, why would Chen Baihu be in charge of my Yang family?"

The catastrophe was imminent, Yang Tingzhong only found Chen Yin in a hurry, and now this group of people is very aggressive, he can only use these words to try to calm down the situation first.

Among the crowd, only Pu Zhixian's face changed, and he looked at Chen Yin in surprise.

The shadow of the famous tree of people, although there is only one person in front of him, is the hundred households of Jinyiwei.

In their moment of astonishment, Chen Yin had already taken out a waist card and faced them: "I was born in a hidden mansion, commanded by Jin Yiwei, Lord Luo was appointed by His Majesty to guard the Yang family, and to Anyang Ge Lao to implement the new law. You said that His Majesty has a secret decree, I want to see if it is true or not."

After finishing speaking, he only looked at Puzhi County: "Master Puxian, you have to be careful! That secret decree, have you checked whether it is true or not?"

Patriarch Xu neither wanted to delay, nor was he prepared to take care of this so-called brocade guard who only wore the clothes of a scholar.

This is the advantage of the surprise attack, otherwise, when they have dispatched their manpower, how can it be done?
"The traitor even dares to get involved in the capital camp, let alone the Jinyiwei?" He just waved his knife, "Since the governor has a life, if there is any grievance, you can go to the governor and tell him!"

Puzhi County's mood sank: something is wrong!How does it sound like Fei Hong, the leader of the old party, made a brazen move?

A small county magistrate like him is not qualified to know if there is a real secret decree. Even if he has to choose a side now, can the county government's strong squad stop this group of ordinary soldiers with knives?

"Duke Yang, back off!"

Seeing that they were so unreasonable, Chen Yin's face became serious.

In front of him, several people with sharp knives rushed towards him.When something happened suddenly, Chen Yin was still wearing a loose Taoist robe as usual, instead of wearing a strong suit and bringing his own weapon.

But...it's nothing more than brave.

I saw Chen Yin took two steps back with a heavy waist, one hand reached behind the edge of the Eight Immortals table, and then he shouted: "Go!"

The Eight Immortals Table, which still had tea cups and other objects on it, was flipped by him with one hand, and then flew towards several people in front of him.

The momentum was heavy, and three of them couldn't dodge in time, and they were immediately hit by the force so that blood sprayed out of their mouths, and the whole room immediately became chaotic, with cups and cups splashing everywhere.

Patriarch Xu didn't expect this young man who looked like a scholar to be so brave, with an extremely ugly expression on his face.

"kill him!"

Hearing the words, Chen Yin looked at the hesitant crowd again, laughed and untied the Taoist robe, revealing his strong body in the thin inner garment.

"I, Chen Yin, have a chance to make meritorious deeds! Don't run away!"

After finishing speaking, he pushed hard on the official hat chair next to him, and a fine yellow rosewood official hat chair was torn apart by him.The chair held in Chen Yin's hands was still connected to the back legs and backboard of the chair, and he suddenly used both hands to hold the slender back leg in his hands, and with a smirk, he rushed to the front and held the knife. of the people.

When he stepped across the ground full of debris, he didn't know how hard his feet were. A piece of broken porcelain was picked up by his toes and smashed into someone's face, and he cut off the piece in his hand and took it with him The sharp, spiky chair legs were thrown like javelins at another man's face.

With his bare hands, he walked extremely fast, and when the man swung his knife to cut off the leg of the chair, he had already stepped forward.

Reach out and hold the wrist, bend it hard, grab the knife, and kick the abdomen, all in one go.

In an instant, he had a real weapon in his hand again.

After weighing the knife, he raised the knife and pointed at the guy holding the imperial decree but his face was livid: "I said, if there is a decree, you can verify the authenticity for me. If the decree is true, I will help you. If the decree is false , I won’t hold back from now on!”

Surrounded by so many people, he has no fear, and Pu Zhixian feels more and more wrong.

This highly skilled Baihu said that he was born in Qiandi!That is naturally a trustworthy person by His Majesty's side.

Looking at the embarrassing so-called "Yan Si Prison" again, Pu Zhixian backed away in fear and shouted: "Guban leader, lead people to surround the people who are in charge of the department!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Chen Yin's mouth: the local magistrates are the most tactful.

Xing ordered himself to stay at Yang's house, but he didn't expect to make a great contribution today.

Then Patriarch Xu is riding a tiger, never thought that in order to let Yang Tinghe carry out the new law with peace of mind, the emperor would actually arrange such a brave general in the Yang family who can be defeated by a mere one person?

After a moment, he became mad: "Rush into the backyard, start killing, set fire to the house, revenge!"

After all, he didn't care about anything, and with a ferocious face, he went to Puzhi County, whose legs were already weak, to bully him.

And the group of ordinary soldiers also knew that there was no reason, so they scattered and killed desperately.

It's okay for the strong class to bully the people, but it's not okay to meet these dead soldiers who have been practicing secretly for more than two years, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

"Chen Baihu, save me!" Pu Zhixian scrambled and scrambled, looking at Prison Yan who was slashing left and right with a knife and slashing towards him.

"How courageous!" Chen Yin looked at the twenty or so people who were scattered and prepared to kill and set fire everywhere, and couldn't hold back anymore.

He is only one after all.

Capture the thief first and capture the king first. Seeing that the person headed by the general secretary is clearly a scholar who doesn't know how to fight and only has bravery, Chen Yin rushed over.

Just when Patriarch Xu's knife was about to hit Puzhi County's head, Chen Yin stretched out the knife to hold the sharp edge.

Just a hard pick, then Patriarch Xu lost his weapon.

When Chen Yin put the knife on his neck and was about to blackmail other people, he saw the man in front of him with bloodshot eyes and shouted loudly: "The only thing left is death, revenge!"

Chen Yin was startled, and was about to withdraw the knife, but Patriarch Xu had already grasped the knife with his hand with a smirk, pointed at his belly, and rushed towards him, tightly hugging Chen Yin's arm.

The tip of the knife had already pierced his belly, Chen Yin could only hear him screaming loudly: "Kill the Yang family, the world is in chaos! Faint king, kill!"



Chen Yin is a kind of bravery, and this group of people is another kind of determination to die.

Pu Zhixian's face turned pale and his crotch was wet.

It can be heard that many people speak with a Cantonese accent.

Things are already clear.

Chen Yin was trying his best to break free from his dying entanglement, while the twenty or so dead soldiers were already madly rushing towards the Yang family's backyard.

(End of this chapter)

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