
Chapter 229 Family?Big family?Yan Song's decision

Chapter 229 Family?Big family?Yan Song's decision

If Wei Chun really had a letter, he would naturally communicate with Kong Wenshao himself.

Kong Wenshao's question now can only show that his mind is in a mess.

At this moment, Kong Wenshao didn't know what happened in Sichuan, he only knew about the change of the Fifth Army Battalion in the capital in March, and that Zhang Wei and several other relatives who were in the Fifth Army Battalion were arrested for treason.

Shen Wenzhou, Zhang Wei's staff member, was also arrested, which was what made Kong Wenshao restless.

After leaving the Confucian mansion, Kong Wenshao got into the sedan chair and ordered with a gloomy expression, "Go to the county government."

Yan Shenggong's position is detached, he is a civil servant of the same rank, he has his own official uniform for worship, but at the moment he is only wearing a white singlet.

The weather was getting hotter, and the bearers gritted their teeth and walked steadily, twisting their feet.

For more than a month, Yan Shenggong's temper has not been very good.If the sedan chair is bumped, some will suffer.

Steadily carried him all the way to the gate of the county yamen, the yamen servant had already recognized who it was, and hurriedly stepped forward to help him hold down the sedan chair and open the sedan chair curtain, and said in a flattering tone: "The lord Sheng is here to find the old man Is it? The great master is taking oaths and fasting in the back yamen."

Kong Wenshao nodded: "Xia Ding's great sacrifice, is the county preparing for it?"

"It's all ready, the Holy Father is here to inspect the sacrifice and the vegetable and fruit noodles?"

"I'll talk to Wen Fang first."

Kong Wenshao entered the county government office as if he was going back to his own home. What should he care about about Xia Ding's sacrificial sacrifice?
Every year in February, May, August, and November, the four festivals in spring, summer, autumn and winter are already nothing to worry about.

At this moment in Qufu City, there are all kinds of people working hard on it.

In Qufu, there are many specialized cattle households, pig households, and sheep households.Now, there is a sheep household who is begging for the subordinates who came to his house.

"My lord, who would have thought that most of the cubs from these two litters last year were females? Just that one ram was already offered for the winter sacrifice last year. Please be flexible, I will have a few more litters this year, and next year One more..."

"Just say that when it's your family's turn? That's what the master said when he went to everyone's house. Can you afford to miss the sacrifice?" The subordinate stretched out his hand. Pay the money."

"The master is accommodating, it's really..."

"I will accommodate you, will the supervisor give me any accommodation? It will be the [-]th day before Ding's sacrifice, and the family washing ceremony has not yet been done, let alone no rams!" The subordinate staff stared. He raised his voice, "Don't cry for me, if you don't pay, I have to report it. It's already accommodating to ask you to pay the money and let me go and buy it quickly!"

For Ding Sacrifice, two pure black bulls, 31 sheep, and 26 pigs are used at a time. As for other millet, rice cakes, fruits, vegetables, fish, salt, wine, candles, oil, vinegar, etc., there are more.

Not only that, the sacrifices must be placed in brand-new wooden cages and pavilions with red flags, and Qisheng must also be wrapped in red sarongs.

Four Ding Festivals are held every year. For this reason, it takes more than a month to prepare for each Ding Festival in Qufu.

Now the people who are preparing the sacrificial offerings are suffering, but the officials and scholars who will attend the sacrificial ceremony are looking forward to it.

In Qufu County Yamen, Kong Wenshao didn’t salute when he saw the magistrate, so he opened his mouth and asked, “What are you going to do now that you’re abstaining from vows, fasting and staying overnight? Worried about cleaning up water conservancy?”

Kong Wenfang, the county magistrate of Qufu, was his cousin. Seeing him coming at this time, he gave him a not-so-subtle courtesy: "I don't need to worry about cleaning up the water conservancy. No matter how clean up Qufu is, the rest of the prefectures and counties, The governor and the patrolling censor know it well. Zong Gong, I am thanking guests behind closed doors. After the news came from the capital, many people visited the mansion, right?"

In Qufu, the successors to the honorary title of Lord Yansheng are basically the eldest sons, and under special circumstances, they will be replaced by relatives.

Those who serve as Yan Shenggong are naturally not the most outstanding members of the same family.

The Kong family also has another favor, that is, they can be nominated by Yan Shenggong as the county magistrate of Qufu.The magistrate of Qufu County is the official post of the Confucian family in the regulations, but in fact it is still the hereditary post of the Confucian family.

Whether it is counted from the time when the first descendant of Confucius served as the county magistrate of Qufu during the Tang Yizong period, or from the time when the descendant of Confucius served as the county magistrate of Qufu, which was renamed Xianyuan County during the Song Zhenzong period, the Confucius family has Song, Jin, and Yuan dynasties all had Confucian descendants who served as King Wenxuan or Duke Yansheng as the county magistrate of Qufu.

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't like Yan Shenggong at the time, but in the seventh year of Hongwu, it was only changed to no longer hereditary but recommended by Yan Shenggong.

The Confucius family may only be a spiritual symbol in the whole country, but in Qufu, they are the real emperors of the earth, and they have been inherited for more than 700 years and nearly [-] years.

In this case, there is really no need to worry about cleaning up water conservancy in Qufu - no matter how it is changed, it is basically the land of the Kong family.

Kong Wenshao nodded: "Is there any news from the south? Wen Fang, it was you who said that it was His Majesty who decided to mobilize the world's taxation and labor. Why are Yang Jiefu and others willing to do this? I really can't think about it."

Kong Wenfang laughed: "Mr. Zong, what I can see clearly, they will only see more clearly. It will take time for the news to spread to the south. Why are Yang Jiefu and others willing to do this? Words. Is Zonggong worried about the Longevity Festival?"

"That's right. His Majesty didn't announce me to go to Beijing at the three-year Zhengdan Festival. After the changes in the Fifth Army Battalion, there was such a decree."

"In my opinion, there are still a few months, so don't worry. Since there is a will, it is natural to go." Kong Wenfang said frankly, "In any case, my Kong family is extraordinary. The patrolling censor did not make any big moves in Shandong. It seems that Your Majesty and the court also know the importance of it."

How can Kong Wenshao feel at ease?
"Don't forget the theory of practice!" Kong Wenshao's eyes did not hide his anger, "The theory of the three principles of the day, things, and people is still from the knowledge of the ancient sages, but the theory of practice, especially the dialectics, is so heresy! If he is better than the ancients, then do scholars in the world still need to respect Confucius?"

Kong Wenshao's knowledge level is actually not enough for half a bucket of water.

Kong Wenshao only grasped one of the inferences that frightened him the most about the new learning that was exposed to Shilin at the end of last year.That is: to look at the problem from the perspective of business changes and development, it is natural that the present is better than the ancients.That being the case, it is untenable to follow the example of the sages and sages and spend a lifetime just to get close to them.That being the case, why respect Confucius?
Kong Wenfang shook his head resolutely: "There is no need to worry about this matter. You must know that the scholars in the world today, as long as they have been enlightened and literate and have read the classics, all those preparing for the exam will hate new learning. If new learning will ruin the future of scholars in the world, The new law will take the benefits of scholars all over the world, and there must be far more people who are unwilling than those who flatter their superiors. The Confucius family has gone through thousands of years, so what's the point of this storm? The more it is at this time, the more important it is for the Yanshenggong Mansion to respect teachers, That's why I took the oath and fasted early."

"What about His Majesty and the imperial court oppressing Qufu?"

"Retire, endure." Kong Wenfang said confidently, "Without two or thirty years, the new and old knowledge and the new and old methods will not be able to completely distinguish between the winner and the loser. In the history of reforms, which one has not been like this? My Kong family only worships the ancestors wholeheartedly." It is the same with the sages. Right and wrong are fair, and people are at ease!"

Can't we not let the ancestors succeed?
The sages and sages who are already worthy of being in the Confucian Temple must be respected, right?
The foundation of the Confucian family has always been the status of Confucius, and Kong Wenfang has full confidence in the unshakable status of Confucius and the strong interests involved in Confucianism.

After Kong Wenshao heard him say this, he just asked, "Shen Wenzhou next to Zhang Wei was arrested, and Zhewen has many contacts with him, are you not worried?"

Hearing him mentioning his son, Kong Wenfang was silent for a while after all, and then said: "If the Kong family is punished in the name of rebelling against the party, then the court is really crazy. If the Kong family is a rebellious minister , Who among the scholars in the world is not a minister of rebellion? The ancestors taught that the word loyalty is the first."


Starting from the decree to order the world's vassal kings and relatives to enter Beijing to celebrate before Halloween, there were Tiqi going south at that time.

This team of Tiqi was first ordered to arrest the characters in the first batch of lists.

Pujiang Zheng family, Wu Xing Shen family.

In today's Zhejiang, there is no Wuxing County, but Wucheng County where Huzhou Prefecture is located.

The Wu Xingshen family, which has been well-known since the Eastern Jin Dynasty, is not completely residing in Huzhou Prefecture now.

As for the Pujiang Zheng family, since the Yongle period, they no longer abide by the ancestral precepts and live together in one place, but live scattered in various counties, without mentioning their ancestors' origins much.

So the problem facing the governor of Zhejiang now is: the sudden uprooting of these two families that have been passed down for many years will have a great impact on Yan Song's deployment in Zhejiang.

"Since Liu Qianhu has found him in front of this Futai, is there any difficulty?" Yan Song looked solemnly at Qianhu, who was in charge of the prison in charge of Fusi of Jinyiwei North Town.

The frightening Jinyi Weizhao Prison Manager Qianhu came to Zhejiang in person, which shows the decision of the holy will.Yan Song will not resist, but is very cautious.

Yan Song, who had stayed by the emperor's side for a long time, knew better that ever since Luo An went to Jinyiwei and Wang Zuo became the Fushi of Beizhen, the Fusi of Beizhen had been selecting characters with high martial arts skills, courage and scheming. The name of the so-called "Caibao".

This was originally the name of the Sangong, and the so-called "Caibao" inside Jinyiwei were undoubtedly those who must be absolutely loyal to the emperor's order, decisive and brave.

Yan Song felt some uncomfortable pressure from Liu Zhenyuan.

Liu Zhenyuan nodded and replied: "Futai is a loyal minister of His Majesty. Naturally, I know that Jinyiwei has traveled in various provinces. I already have a list in my hand. After arriving in Zhejiang, I also arranged for people to visit first. There are a few more people on the list. Just don't move. After Li Xiang died and his father-in-law Zheng's father and son were imprisoned, the Zhejiang Zheng family hid a lot of people. Now that I have arrived in Zhejiang, some people have heard of the news and made moves in the past ten days. The delay is unbearable. , Futai has been in Zhejiang for more than half a year, can you give me another list?"

Yan Song asked solemnly: "If you are serious, don't ask whether it is involved or not, just deal with it directly?"

Liu Zhenyuan replied lightly: "Guilty or not, I went to the capital to interrogate myself. How can I investigate such a big matter as treason?"

Yan Song frowned and thought for a while, and then made up his mind: "If you don't move, you're dead. If you want to move, don't just arrest Zheng and Shen. I have achieved something in Zhejiang for more than half a year. Liu Give me five days from Qianhu, and I will give another list to Liu Qianhu."

Sending Liu Zhenyuan away, Yan Song then gave orders: "Xingwen Fan's Yamen, please come over to Sun Fantai, and then go to Liang Gonggong's, and say that Futai is hosting a banquet tonight, and discuss the future of Huangming's record number." thing."

Nearly a year has passed since the battle for tribute at the turn of April and May last year, and the Zhejiang Shipping Department has been abolished.

After Yan Song arrived in Zhejiang after slowly circling Jiangxi last year, he did not go to war like Yang Tinghe was aggressive at the court meeting at that time.

Now, what everyone in Zhejiang pays most attention to is Yan Song's attitude.

The Beijing camp rebelled, Zhang Wei conspired against him, and Jin Yiwei rode to Zhejiang. The governor hosted a banquet for the eunuch Liang Yao and Sun Xiu, the governor of Zhejiang. Many people in Hangzhou knew the news.

The governor's yamen was built by Sun Xiu with the help of Yan Song, and Yan Song accepted it with a smile - anyway, it was a public yamen, not his private house.

But the backyard of the governor's yamen is extremely exquisite, with strange stones and curved water, and a scene at every step.

This small banquet was held in a pavilion in the garden.It is already April, the nose is full of flowers, and even the young maids are bringing delicacies again and again.

Liang Yao and Sun Xiu had been courteous with Yan Song for a long time, but they never got to the point.

What about Huang Ming’s scorecard?That doesn't require labor. Yan Song personally invited Liang Yao and Sun Xiu to discuss something together.

After the abolition of the Shibo Department, Yan Song asked to set up the Huangming Branch Office in Zhejiang, and Liu Zhong and others from the Hangzhou Weaving Bureau had already gotten quite close to Yan Song.

Today, although the Shibosi no longer exists, the ships of the Huangmingji Zhejiang Branch often go to Guangdong under the escort of Haiphongdao warships arranged by the inspector Wang Hung.

"Futai, I don't know what's new about Huangming's scoring, and I need to discuss it with Eunuch Liang?" Sun Xiu finally spoke after drinking two glasses of wine.

Yan Song only said: "There is nothing wrong with Huang Ming. There are other reasons for inviting the two of you to have a small gathering today."

Sun Xiu put down his wine glass and saluted: "Ask Futai for advice."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the governor who was ten years younger than himself.

Last year, Sun Xiu judged from Yan Song's lack of rush to Zhejiang that he was not really going to be the vanguard of the new law under Yang Tinghe's hands, so he cleaned up Zhejiang first.Yan Song's arrival in Zhejiang during the autumn harvest is a signal for stability.

For the governor's yamen built in a rush in Zhejiang, he accepted it with a smile.

After that, Hu Dingzhi and Zhang Qin, who were really not effective in the battle for tribute, were impeached one or two times, and transferred to Nanjing, and then Wang Hung went to Zhejiang as the inspector.

In addition, there is no change in Zhejiang.On the contrary, please set up the Huangming scoring system, and some gentry and wealthy households in Zhejiang have an additional channel for legal transactions.

Sun Xiu looked at Yan Song who was a little abnormal, and thought in his heart that it is only now that he started to dig up old scores and do something?For more than half a year, Yan Song has never refused to come to many things.

Yan Song pursed his lips and smiled: "Let me first talk about the past events in the imperial study room after Wang Chientai's first defeat in the Tuen Mun naval battle in Guangdong."

Liang Yao and Sun Xiu's heart skipped a beat.

Then, it was how Wei Bin knelt at the gate of Qianqing Palace for several hours at that time, and later Chen Jin and Guo Xun pleaded guilty on their own, and they drank the emperor's golden cup together.

Sun Xiu and Liang Yao broke out in a cold sweat when they heard this.

They are not fools, they know that there will be heavy storms in Zhejiang.

They naturally understood what Yan Song meant: they had to stand in line.

Suddenly speaking of these secret matters solemnly proved to Sun Xiu what he had long guessed from the Five Army Battalion Incident: the new law was fundamentally something the emperor was determined to do, so the correspondence with Fei Hong was not credible. I'm afraid Hong has already stood in line, otherwise he will be the governor of Sichuan?

Sun Xiu bit the bullet and said: "Your Majesty's mind... I admire you so much. Today's Futai banquet has something to do with Jinyi Weiti riding south?"

To catch who?Sun Xiu didn't know, he hadn't met Jin Yiwei's people face to face.

Hearing Yan Song's hint, he thought it had something to do with him, Sun Xiu himself.

Of course it is also related, Yan Song sighed: "Sun Fantai's expectations are not bad. When I came to Zhejiang, the original intention was to spread the applause first, and wait and see the effect of the new law in Guangdong. But now some people are impatient, and they have acted so boldly that they have disrupted the capital and Italy. Plotting rebellion. The two of you know who it is. Your majesty is clear about the world's wait-and-see attitude. Now you know that your majesty has a strong heart to reform and seek strength. It is better to make a decision early. The big family of Zhejiang is just in case, and the two of you It can't be a fluke. I really can't bear to see the two of you sinking into the mud when I tell you about the forbidden things."

Sun Xiu and Liang Yao were sweating profusely, and quickly argued: "Master Futai's words are wrong, how dare I have the heart of waiting and watching, and the intention of conspiracy?"

"If that's the case, how can I invite the two of you?" Yan Song picked up his wine glass and said with a smile, "It's not long since I was governor of Zhejiang, and many people still don't trust me. The two are different. This is the time for meritorious service. Zhejiang The conspiratorial big clans in series, and thousands of households who are in charge of prisons in Beizhen, can't just arrest some insignificant people."

Only then did the two realize that the person who came was Qianhu, who was in charge of the prison, and their hearts were extremely cold: "Then what do you mean by Futai?"

Only then did Yan Song put away his smiling face, stared at Sun Xiu and said, "In Zhejiang, it is Sun Fantai who communicates with Fei Dutai by letter. Which big families in Zhejiang are most determined to resist the new law, Sun Fantai knows best? Zheng family, The Shen family, relying on the many branches, is just rushing forward."

Sun Xiu's hand holding the wine glass suddenly shook and spilled a lot of wine.

Fei Hong exchanged letters with him, and Sun Xiu would burn the letters every time he read them.But Yan Song knew all about this, so what else could he say?
Over the past two years, what has the emperor arranged?It was Zhengde who had such courage in 16 years.At that time, he "respected the rivers and seas of the Ming Dynasty and the mountains and rivers of China", Yang Tinghe Yinyin could no longer block the new law, and the ambition to rebuild the Ming Dynasty was due to the struggle between monarchy and power?
But then, how did Yang Tinghe become more and more radical, so disregarding the future of the Yang family to become the leader of the new party?

Without him, I am afraid that he is more aware of the emperor's will and skills.

The emperor is too young. Even if the new law takes 30 to [-] years to completely decide the outcome, he can afford to wait and is determined enough.

The premise is... His Majesty can really reign for as long as his cousin.

Sun Xiu knew about these future events, and it was impossible for him to think about them any more.

"...The next official should relieve your worries!"

Hurry up and stand in line!
Yan Song raised his glass with a smile: "Your Majesty said that you should not evade selfishness, but you must have family and country in your heart. Brother Sun, don't worry too much. Eunuch Wei, Chen Dutai, and Marquis Wu Ding come first. As long as Brother Sun rein in the precipice, he will be His Majesty's loyal minister."

"...I have always been a loyal minister!"

Sun Xiu cursed in his heart: Fei Hong, this old bastard... I almost bit the hook!
Yan Song looked at him with a smile.

His Majesty can do it, so why not Yan Song?
Now, Sun Xiu, who is like a bright mirror in his heart, knows that he has long been on the list, so what will happen to his willingness to commit crimes and meritorious deeds?

He, Yan Song, came to Zhejiang to win over some smart gentry and wealthy households, let Sun Xiu do the dirty work.

Wang Hung, the Prosecutor, will be busy next time!

(End of this chapter)

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