
Chapter 230 Seven Days Later, One Together

Chapter 230 Seven Days Later, Working Together

On the way from Beijing to Nanjing, Jin Yiwei did not dare to stop for a moment.

In addition to going to Nanjing first, they had to send someone to rush to Zhejiang to find Liu Zhenyuan.

Small fish and shrimp cannot be let go, let alone big fish?
The incident in Sichuan was rushed to Beijing eight hundred miles away, and now they are rushing for time.

Although Commander Luo said that Sichuan must have strictly guarded the pass, it would not take too long for the news to reach Nanjing if it travels all the way eastward by land and water along the Yangtze River.

Yin Mengchun of Yingtianfu is a third grade.

The old party apparently had Fei Hong as its leader, but now the situation is becoming clearer.Since there are corpses to explore the way, it shows that there is another group of people who are really smart and bold.Among this group of people, Meng Chun is at least a figure in the inner circle.

Now, next to Meng Chun, the core figure, several people gathered together again.

"Your Majesty actually moved Hui Anbo, and it's in the name of treason! Jin Yiwei has already arrived in Zhejiang!" Shen Yuanqing, the Patriarch of the Wu Xing Shen family who had discussed with Meng Chun here that day in the name of congratulating his birthday, kept worrying, "Your Majesty, the situation is like water. Fire is like water and fire!"

Although Shen Wenzhou was born in Shandong on the surface, many big families in the south came from the south, and Shen Wenzhou was also the same branch of the ancestors of the Shen family.

Shen Yuanqing was very worried that Jin Yi Wei Ti rode straight to the Shen family and Zheng family when he rode to Zhejiang.

Zheng Mingkun, a young man from the Zheng family who was here that day, remained silent and frowned.

With a sullen face, Meng Chun looked at Shen Yuanqing and said, "Since you are worried that Jin Yiwei went to Zhejiang for your Shen and Zheng families, you still rushed to Nanjing?"

Shen Yuanqing was speechless immediately: "Could it be that the lord wants me to sit and wait for death? Besides, I, the Shen family firm, have often traveled between various provinces."

The others listening silently lowered their eyelids slightly.

The four words "sit and wait" were spoken, and the threatening meaning in the words was also obvious.

How can the Shen family firm travel to various provinces?The big guys also took advantage of it and gave it convenience.

If Jin Yiwei really came for Shen and Zheng's family, what difference would it make if Shen Yuanqing confessed to everyone after he was arrested, or came directly to discuss and let Jin Yiwei touch everyone?
Zheng Mingkun opened his mouth: "What kind of a big deal is remonstrance and impeachment from a corpse? Your Majesty is not afraid of historical discussions to investigate this matter strictly. My lords, in the current situation, the imperial court is really not afraid of what is happening in the world. Under the great crime of treason, you will not worry about it anymore. other."

Including Meng Chun, all the officials were silent.

This is not an ordinary choice.

It took a lot of effort, and with the help and encouragement of Yan Shenggong and many officials and gentry, Zhang Wei had this opportunity.

But the emperor not only did not worry about the fear that would be felt by the relatives after Zhang Wei and others were executed, but also made the decree that the vassal princes and relatives of the world should come to Beijing this year to celebrate their longevity.

The meaning is obvious: it's only been a few months, if you have a disagreement, hurry up.

No one knows what will happen after Longevity this year.

In this situation, there are really only two options: obedience or rebellion.

But now the trouble is: Li Xiang's fire has really burned on the people who planned these things, and it is imminent.

Meng Chun finally opened his mouth and said to another official, "Brother Fang, you are in the household department, and you have a record of the tax changes in Nanzhili, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, and Huguang provinces, right?"

Fang Dingchang, who worked as the right servant in Nanjing's household department, stared intently: "Brother Meng, what else can I do?"

Although the Nanjing Household Department is not the most important among the various yamen in Nanjing, there are a few things that are very important.

First: Manage the yellow book library located in Houhu, Nanjing.After the capital was moved, the Yellow Book Library, which stored the land and household registration files of the entire Ming Dynasty, remained in Houhu and was managed by the Nanjing Household Department.

Second: The whole country Yanyin Kanhe is managed by Nanjing Hubu and Nanjing Huke. After the printing of Yanyin is completed by Nanjing Huke, it will be stamped with the seal of Nanjing Huke, and then distributed.

Third: Responsible for the collection and transportation of taxes from the various prefectures of Southern Zhili and the three provinces of Huguang, Jiangxi, and Zhejiang, which naturally also involves water transportation.

Fourth: Supervise Nanjing's Weitun grain, grain storage in various warehouses, and Nanjing internal warehouses. At the same time, there are also matters related to the distribution of official salaries in Nanjing.

Now that Meng Chun asked about this matter, what Fang Dingchang was thinking was terrifying.

After all, Nanzhili and the three provinces of Jiangxi, Huguang, and Zhejiang can collect nearly half of the grain tax in the world.Although the Nanjing household department has to report to the Beijing household department for approval in terms of tax collection and other decisions related to money and grain, but if it is an extraordinary time, it still has a lot of autonomy.

Meng Chun knew that he was thinking wrong, and said plainly: "Since the founding of the country, the food tax and department have changed, and there are many bad debts among them, and every bad debt is related to the people. I am afraid that your majesty thinks that our prudent actions are innocent. For the sake of self-interest, I don’t understand how dissatisfied the people will be under the new law. If this is the case, some bad debts might as well be exposed.”

Fang Dingchang's eyes were deep: "What are Brother Meng referring to?"

Meng Chun looked at Shen Yuanqing, thinking about the danger that was approaching him, and said with a sneer: "Reconcile the localities and let the rich and prosperous places take more responsibility. How difficult is it to do well? Isn't it going to be like Guangdong in the future? Editing and reviewing disciplines, and sharing the burden of the rich and the poor? For such things, the Nanjing Ministry of Household Affairs may wish to blow the wind and do some preparations to show the meaning of welcoming the new law. I don’t know about other places, but when I was the prefect of Huizhou, I knew some Local people will never welcome the sharing of rich and poor!"

Fang Dingchang frowned and thought for a while, and realized what kind of thing he was talking about.

"Brother Meng, this year Nanzhili and the three provinces are collecting taxes. The Nanjing Household Department will first ask you to clarify some erroneous rules. There is also the yellow book library?"

Meng Chun nodded: "That's natural. If the imperial court decides to implement the new law to the provinces, the first thing to do is to clear up the land and compile the administrative rules. It's not just officials and gentry who are worried about this."

Who in the world doesn't steal and play tricks?Whenever conditions permit, they will try their best to hide some land area and population to avoid taxation and labor.Apart from officials, gentry and wealthy households, many ordinary people are the same.

Cleaning up the water conservancy will indeed make the people happy, but if some taxes that they did not need to bear in the past are spread to them, that is another matter.

For more than a hundred years, who hasn't the officials in various places balanced all parties?The poorer the place, in order to avoid arousing public resentment and civil uprising, they would not treat them too harshly.

Rich households in wealthy lands actually bear more, and with the promise of other conveniences, this is how the world will live steadily.

fair?There is no simple fairness in everything, it is nothing more than a passable overall situation!

As far as Fang Dingchang is concerned, Meng Chun's proposal is not a problem on the surface.

This can also be regarded as Nanjing officials "observing what they want" and preparing for the new law.

But he also knew that this matter was not that simple.

Shen Yuanqing is also clear, but what he wants is not this, but the imminent fear that needs to be eliminated.

"Your Majesty, these things are far from enough to quench your thirst. If it provokes a civil uprising, it will be in vain." Shen Yuanqing gritted his teeth and asked, "What is the court's decision on the matter of Li Xiang and Zhang Wei? Fei Dutai Ruo Not enough to rely on, what did Yan Shenggong say? Is there anyone in the court who can restore the situation?"

What he wanted to ask was to save himself and Meng Chun himself!Don't let this matter continue to expand!
Meng Chun stared at him sharply: "Could it be that Brother Chen is thinking, either hurry up to save money and avoid disaster, or hurry up to do something big?"

"But Your Majesty is determined to deal with it strictly, my Shen family will be overthrown soon!" Shen Yuanqing was impatient, and his tone was not respectful, "If I go to prison, how can I stand it!"

Meng Chun replied indifferently: "What do you say that far water can't quench your thirst? Before the Longevity Festival, the world will change at any time. If you don't know the severity, and don't care about the future of your children and grandchildren, what can I say? Your Majesty must clarify the law. After all, the Tribunal is under trial. Shen Yuanqing, if you haven't made up your mind, now you and I can only wait!"

Having said that, the news he was waiting for really came.

After asking for instructions, the housekeeper came in and handed over a letter.

Meng Chun did not hide the excitement on his face after reading it: "Sichuan is suddenly closed, allowing people to enter and not leaving, there must be something big!"

Shen Yuanqing was stunned: "Fei Dutai is not..."

Meng Chun smiled and said, "Fei Dutai may be a fake, but Yangfantai and Gaojietai are inseparable. No matter what happens now, Sichuan is going to be in chaos! With this fire coming together, what will happen to the rest of the provinces? Jingying In the new chaos, how does His Majesty choose? Are you not afraid of something happening in the world? That’s because there is nothing wrong!"


The world is too big, and the capital is too small.

For those who have never met Zhu Houcong himself, their thinking is stuck in the inertia of the past monarchs and ministers in dealing with major events in the world, and their news lags behind the express delivery system specially established for the emperor to control the huge territory.

At this moment, the most efficient operating system in the entire Ming Dynasty is the Imperial Study Room, followed by the Jinyiwei and the Inner Factory system that the emperor has re-trained himself.

Luo An had just attended Zhou Zhao's funeral, and then summoned Wang Zuo.

"I am going south, but you are in the capital. Your Majesty has arranged this, and you should understand the meaning."

"A humble position must live up to the entrustment of the command, and live up to His Majesty's kindness as deep as the sea!"

Wang Zuo naturally understood.

With Luo An's visit, I'm afraid that in the fifth year of Jiajing and even before the situation in the world is stable, he will have to travel all over the country, so that the trips to the provinces that the emperor personally confessed and the special teams of the provincial security departments in the future can be effective.

As for Wang Zuo's reuse, that was already a very clear signal: after Luo An, the commander of Jin Yiwei would be him, Wang Zuo.

Luo An's expression was dignified: "Although there is still an internal factory, there will be many newcomers this time. It is an extraordinary time, and we must not slack off. Under the thunderstorm, if there are still people who take risks, it must be a small trouble."

Wang Zuo nodded: "The humble job understands!"

After this big commotion, although there will be fewer fence-sitting factions in Beijing.But if the local situation is not right, I am afraid that there will be more fence-sitting factions.

Counselors are no exception.

Otherwise, how could there be a change in the past?

When Luo An went to other places, the capital had to rely on Wang Zuo to preside over the overall situation of Jinyiwei.

"We must also pay attention to the relatives."

Luo An knew that Wang Zuo was actually smarter and more capable than himself.But since he is the commander, he has to make some arrangements that Wang Zuo will naturally understand, and hand over some things.

For example, as the commander of Jin Yiwei, he has direct communication channels with the Forbidden Palace, and this power must be temporarily delegated to Wang Zuo.

After everything was sorted out, the Commander of Jin Yiwei led Baiqi and left the capital.

Secretly left a few days ago, let alone know how much.

Under Wang Zuo's hands, the strength is actually quite empty for the time being.

But he also knows very well that it is actually the most unlikely that there will be any big waves in the capital now.Except for Zhang Yong, who was in charge of the Beijing camp, the nine gates of the capital, the soldiers and horses of the five cities, and the guards in the city, they have not stopped training since the change of the five military camps.

These days, it's more about place.

After the change in Sichuan, the official documents of the civil servant system finally arrived in the capital.Through the Secretary of General Administration, quite a few people knew the news. After all, the plans of the Shenji Battalion and the Fifth Army Battalion's selection of forwards had been announced.

The Ministry of War wrote a document to give Fei Hong and Xue Lun the right to take advantage of it. Even the unintelligent leaders of the old party already knew about it.

In front of them were the opportunities for the seven consultants to stay after going to various places.

Beijing officials have to start to stand in line, and it is impossible for them to stand on the opposite side of the new party under the eyes of the emperor and the "powerful" new party.

"Who is coming to Shandong?" When the news reached Qufu, Kong Wenshao asked Kong Wenfang anxiously.

"No." Kong Wenfang shook his head, even a little happy, "I asked Futai, but he didn't receive a decree. Everything in Shandong remains the same. Sichuan has undergone such drastic changes. If His Majesty continues to attack Shandong, scholars all over the world will fear His Majesty." Do you want to completely replace the learning of the ancestors with new learning? It has been almost half a year, and your majesty's three principles, many physics are all strange skills and tricks, how many scholars in the world are ashamed to study?"

Everything in Shandong remains the same, which means that the imperial court knows the importance.

It is true to plow and sweep the world in the name of the new law, and it is also true to take some profits from officials and gentry.

If you don't kill a batch, where will there be more land?Smart people actually understand this truth.Reform, when talking about a rich country, in fact, it is just a redistribution of benefits.

The copied ones and the extra ones should be properly divided.

Kong Wenfang said: "Your Majesty, don't worry. Even if it is temporarily moved to the Confucian family's tax and service, it is just a long way to fortify the world. As long as the roots of Confucianism are not thoroughly dug out, my Confucian family is as safe as Mount Tai. Besides, Sichuan has changed now. , I don’t know what will happen to the world.”

He really enjoys the feeling that Kong Wenshao keeps coming to ask him for his opinion.

Compared with this Yanshenggong cousin, Kong Wenfang thought he was much smarter than him.

Yan Shenggong communicated with many people in the imperial court. During the process of the new law, if the "old party"'s big knife with the intention of "conspiring against" really fell on the Kong family, it would only cut on Yan Shenggong's head first.

But as long as the imperial court still needs to use the Kong family to appease the hearts of scholars in the world, then the matter of my father replacing Kong Wenshao's father Kong Hongxu in the past may be able to repeat itself.

As long as you are "loyal" when the time comes.

At this time in Nanzhili, the imperial edict had not yet arrived, and Jiang Mian had just set off.

Meng Chun already knew about the change in Sichuan, but he didn't know how the change would develop now.

But he didn't think it mattered.Fang Dingchang, who was worried that doing so would provoke a "civil uprising", even after discussing with some ministers in Nanjing, in the name of "standing in line", began to send letters to all prefectures and prefectures to clear up the problematic taxation regulations in the past. At the same time, make preparations for clearing the land and rebuilding the yellow books.

Liu Zhenyuan, who had just received the new list from Sun Xiu, received a new letter before he could make a move in Zhejiang.

There was excitement in his eyes.

How can a rich family in Zhejiang compare with a high-ranking official in Nanjing?

Jin Yiwei's people in Nanjing are not enough to preside over the overall situation.

"You can't let the news out first!" Liu Zhenyuan looked at his deputy, "The list is already there, old eight, you take this."

Jin Yiwei walked in Zhejiang and He Pingan saw Liu Zhenyuan took out a few things from a small cabinet brought to Zhejiang.

"New things from Wanfa Hall." Liu Zhenyuan handed it to him like a treasure, "I will go to Nanjing for a few days. Seven days later, at [-] o'clock at night, you will be dispatched together in Zhejiang!"

"Nine o'clock?"

Liu Zhenyuan nodded: "This clock is extremely accurate. It turns twice a day, and two hours is a big hour. In the future, this thing will be made a lot more, and many important things can be done in many places at the same time. Remember, do things at the same time by surprise!"

It took so long for the clocks to be seized from the Portuguese, and finally there is a batch of handmade miniatures.Although it has not reached the level of a pocket watch, it can already be carried with you.

After Liu Zhenyuan arranged the affairs in Zhejiang, he got on his horse and left Hangzhou Mansion.

Some people saw it and breathed a sigh of relief: Sichuan has undergone major changes, after all, His Majesty still can't care about some "accomplices" in Zhejiang.

(End of this chapter)

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