
Chapter 269 Is the New Law Enriching the Country False?

Chapter 269 Is the New Law Enriching the Country False?
Zhu Houcong was stationed in Huaiyin Station.

Since Huai'an is the throat of the canal, how many officials travel between the north and the south?
This Huaiyin post now has one post and two halls. The one on the west bank of the canal is the Lu post; the one on the east bank of the canal to the west of Huai'an City is the water post.

The scale is larger on the west bank of the canal.There are five main halls, five back halls, thirteen halls, fourteen side rooms, and fourteen stables... This is enough to accommodate many core personnel who accompany you.

With Huang Jin here, naturally there is no need for the original post minister to worry about here.

The little post minister does not dare to be here at the moment, he is not qualified to be here.

Outside the post station, Jiang Mian and others waited at Huanghuating first.This Huanghuating Pavilion, also known as the Jieguan Pavilion, is a place dedicated to welcoming and welcoming officials, and there are larger post stations.

Seeing Huang Jin coming out, Jiang Mian went up to meet him first: "How is Eunuch Huang?"

They are all old acquaintances in the Imperial Study Room, Huang Jin said after some polite words: "Your Majesty has been promoted, everyone, go and see him."

Walking next to Jiang Mian were Zang Feng, Governor of Water Transport, and Ma Cheng, General Officer of Water Transport.Then, it was the magistrate of the southern Zhili prefectures.

As for the officials of the ministries in Nanjing, they are waiting in Nanjing.

Zhu Houcong met Jiang Mian.

When he was in Beijing, although Jiang Mian was very thoughtful, he took good care of him.In the past few months in South Zhili, he looks a little older, with a weathered face.

After the ceremony of seeing your Majesty, Zhu Houcong only said: "Let you prefects come over, firstly, to see me. Secondly, I want to tell you personally. My southern tour is for the purpose of watching the disaster. I made a special trip to It took some time to come to Huai'an, but if you can do a good job in disaster relief after you go back, it will be worth it."

The travel and dust rushed here, and the emperor only told them this sentence.

After Jiang Mian waited for them to obey the order in unison, he assured him: "Your Majesty is worried about the livelihood of the people, which is really a blessing for the people of the world. The ministers have made multiple inspections, and all the houses are doing their best. This year's drought, no one dares to be careless!"

Zhu Houcong's eyes swept over them, and paused for a moment on several of them in turn.

After a while he said: "The four prefects of Huizhou, Chizhou, Luzhou, and Songjiang, can you be convicted?"

The bodies of the four people who were named trembled visibly, and then knelt down.

Jiang Mian immediately said: "In the past, the official documents issued by the Ministry of Household Affairs in Nanjing, and then the ministers ordered the governments not to act rashly. The four governments of Huizhou, Chizhou, Luzhou, and Songjiang still wantonly clarified the old fallacies of taxes and taxes, and the officials talked about the importance of the land. The matter of making yellow books. At this time of severe drought, the people are panic-stricken. If the Marquis of Xining and others hadn’t gone to suppress it, there would have been civil uprisings in the four prefectures!”

"...I see that the new law in Guangdong is quite effective, and I think that the new law is bound to be implemented, and I am eager to make contributions..." Chu Yuanren, the prefect of Huizhou, knelt on the ground to argue, and then said in a guilty tone, "I am ashamed that I have not fully understood the essence of the new law. Righteousness, there is no way to manage things, so that this catastrophe is caused."

He said it first, and the other three also defended themselves half wronged and half ashamed.

Zhu Houcong didn't speak, just looked at their heads.

Although the rest of the magistrates were standing, they also lowered their heads and squinted at their heads, their hearts beating wildly.

The atmosphere in the room became more and more oppressive, and the emperor was silent for ten breaths.

What is it, is very clear.When Liu Zhenyuan went south, he arrested many people overnight in Zhejiang and Nanjing.

In the end, Meng Chun and others were actually charged with treason.

As for the official document issued by the Nanjing Household Department in the name of expropriating grain and taxes from several provinces, Jiang Mian then sent a letter to the southern Zhili prefectures to comply with the old system and wait for the imperial court to arrange it.

Only these four prefectures are still head-to-head, obedient and violative.

Now they seem to want to be the pioneers and ministers of the new law, what will the emperor do?

There is already a sentence "Can you be convicted?"

Zhu Houcong finally opened his mouth: "I remember, I told the world several times. Five years ago in Jiajing, the new law was only tried out. Now that Shandong has been added for trial, do I have a will to go down to other provinces and counties? I also said However, obstructing the new law is regarded as an accomplice. In the name of enthusiasm for the new law, you have no intention to act recklessly and do not obey the orders. Those who are standing here, kneeling, including sitting here, which one is a fool? I ask you You are guilty, what did you answer?"

"...I am wronged..." Chu Yuanren continued, "I really just want to share the worries of His Majesty and the court, and use the new law to calm the people and enrich the country..."

Zhu Houcong chuckled lightly: "Hengyang City has been surrounded on all sides, and the rebels can break it with a snap of their fingers. Do you think that I will be afraid of rebellion, or will I be cautious when the new law is implemented in the future? Since I am here in person, I am still eloquent, good Courage."

Cui Yuan, Jiang Mian, Yang Tan, Li Nai and others all had solemn faces.

Chu Yuanren also raised his head and looked at Zhu Houcong, with a bit of grief and indignation: "I am loyal to the emperor and use my work. If you say that you are not capable enough, I will be ashamed and unable to argue. However, since the new law will be implemented in all provinces sooner or later, I must first publicize the essence of the new law and do it well." Get ready, I really don't know where the crime is!"

You can say I'm lucky with my face, but you can't say I'm unfaithful.

What Zhu Houcong looked at were the prefects and prefects standing there.

What the four of them did was indeed not considered a serious crime in the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty.It's just that they want to speculate on the new law in order to make progress, which is too aggressive.

Finding out some mistakes in the previous taxation regulations, and publicizing in advance that the land should be cleared to rebuild the yellow book and the fish scale book, is not considered to be arbitrarily implementing the new law.

Even if the new law is really implemented, isn't it a proper new party? Should the emperor praise them for understanding the situation?

Even if "accidentally" almost provoked a civil uprising, that would not be fatal.

But now Zhu Houcong is talking inside and out, and wants to rely on their actions to obstruct the new law and treat them as conspiracy.

When the new law is implemented in the future, will all the officials be afraid of using too much force, so that the efficiency of doing things is low, and nothing is wrong?

In a word, does the emperor really want to punish the "pioneer of the new law"?

Zhu Houcong opened his mouth: "The crime lies in obstructing the new law, which is like plotting rebellion. Detain him and punish him accordingly."

Chu Yuanren looked at him in disbelief, it was hard to imagine that he would really do this.

Jinkou Yuyan, nothing changed, Chu Yuanren and other four people finally couldn't help but yell: "Your Majesty is so unfair, are you not afraid of the world's long-winded mouths, and not afraid of the history of history?"

Zhu Houcong waved his hand, and the four of them were dragged down while cursing "faint lord" and "tyrant".

The emperor's first stop when he arrived in Nanzhili was to kill officials, and he killed the "pioneer of the new law" in the name of treason.

"In the past years when Xining reformed and the new law was implemented to the localities, how many people used the name of the new law to do things that harmed the people and followed the law? The world's officials and gentry should take this as a warning. Today, I will tell you again through your mouth. All over the world, those who obstruct the new law will be treated as co-conspirator and punish the nine clans! If you are afraid of making mistakes in the new law, you should study the essence of the new law! Worrying is that you are eager for quick success and quick benefits, so you can take it slow! Just one thing, in the future, you must listen to the arrangement of the court and follow the steps Follow the new law thoroughly, or simply rebel!"

The rest of the prefects and prefects trembled.

The first time I saw the emperor, the emperor was so cruel and domineering.

If you are not told to move, don't move first.

The four of Chu, Yuanren and others became new chickens to scare the monkeys, and this time, the emperor really directly linked the compliance with the new law with the biggest crime of treason.

Those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish.

Between the lives of the nine clans and the benefits of the land, the emperor is forcing the world's officials and gentry to make a choice.

Are you really looking forward to more fires of rebellion?

Many prefects and prefectures in Nanzhili witnessed their colleague Xiti Jiuzu Xiaoxiaole with their own eyes, and heard the emperor reiterated the current main task-disaster relief.

Then there is no doubt that those who cause serious disasters due to poor disaster relief will be unforgivable.

The emperor who appeared in Nanzhili was a cruel tyrant, and they left sweating.

Jiang Mian then said worriedly: "Your Majesty, the prefects of the four prefectures..."

"The driver has already selected four people."

How long ago was Meng Chun arrested?How long ago did these four prefectures do these things?

Jiang Mian saw that the emperor had already prepared a way to deal with this matter, so he could only look at Yang Tan, who was the former Minister of the Household Department: "There must be many people from all over the country trying to echo Huguang and start a prairie fire."

Yang Tan sighed: "So it's a crime of treason."

Zhu Houcong looked firm: "This is a trivial matter. If we don't get rid of more weeds, how can Jiahe get ahead? You all know another important event of our southern tour. Now that we have arrived in Huai'an, you should first discuss the matter of Cao, Huai, and Huang." Right. After I return from Fengyang and Zuling, Gong Hong should also arrive."


Zhu Houcong took his son and three concubines and went west along Hongze Lake under the guard of Li Quanli.

On the Huaiyin Post, there is a top-level lineup discussing the major events that Zhu Houcong said.

Li Nai was the former minister of the Ministry of Industry, Yang Tan was originally the minister of the Ministry of Households, Zang Feng was the governor of the water transport, and Ma Cheng was in charge of the Cao army.

Zhang Zheng, the governor of the river, has already been questioned. He is absent, but Gong Hong, another former governor of the river, is on his way.

Jiang Mian is the former cabinet minister and the current governor of Nanzhili.

What they faced was a complex problem: the Yellow River, the Canal, and the Huaihe River.

There are not only floods, but also the economic lifeline related to the north-south water transport, and even the delicate relationship between Nanjing and Beijing, the economic center of gravity and the political center of the Ming Dynasty.

Jiang Mian looked at Cui Yuan: "Brother Cui, does Your Majesty have a plan?"

"...I've never heard of it."

Li Nai sighed: "Let's talk about the simplest one first, the Huanghuai flood. In 16, Zhengde established a three-year national policy of investigating floods and water conservancy. This year, the provinces have sent water patrol censors to start some small water conservancy cleanups. Starting next year, This biggest flood in the Yellow River and Huaihe River has to come up with a good solution, this is a great event of great benefit for thousands of years, after it is settled, it will definitely be another century-old national policy in the imperial study."

"Easiest?" Jiang Mian smiled wryly, "The river yamen are not doing their job effectively, and something like this happened on the canal embankment, His Majesty Longyan was furious. Zhang Zheng was convicted, he was corrupt, but this is a matter of river governance , who can have a magic trick?"

"It's hard to return, it's always a matter of discussion. When His Majesty comes back, are we still at a loss?"

The subject of testing the vision, structure, and talents of the important ministers of the Ming Dynasty has arrived.

This is the top problem of Ming Dynasty. If anyone can solve this problem, it is true that ten thousand families live Buddha.

However, if we really want to control the floods in the Yellow River and Huaihe River, first of all, the total investment will be tens of millions of taels and countless labors, and it will last for tens of years. What is the method?
Professionals are needed.

"Zhang Zheng can't do it, I asked him." Li Na shook his head, "I've been thinking about this problem for several years, and I can't do anything about it. I can only fix it. Gong Hong...I'm afraid he can't come up with a solution."

Jiang Mian complained: "Then you still say it's the easiest?"

But Li Nai looked at Zangfeng and Ma Cheng: "Why don't we first discuss the new law and then the matter of water transportation?"

Zang Feng and Ma Cheng's eyelids trembled.

The matter of water transportation seems simple, but it involves the most mysterious people's hearts and interests.

In comparison, it is indeed easier to face the Huanghuai floods that only need to face the power of heaven and earth-provided that a feasible method is found.

"... Bo'an is the deepest in the study of the way of investigating things. If he is here, he may be able to have a high-level discussion."

Hearing what Jiang Mian said, Cui Yuan shook his head and said: "Sitting here is not an option. For this matter, we must learn from others' strengths and ask for advice. In Huangming University, many offerings were originally invited from the people. Jiang Getai, widely distributed rewards Right. With heavy rewards, you may have a good policy, not to mention your Majesty's determination to cure the floods in the Yellow River and Huaihe River, this is a great achievement for thousands of years, and the best good governance."

Jiang Mian nodded: "Then let's make an announcement here in Huai'an first, and then send out a post to all directions."

Zhu Houcong went south to watch disasters, including droughts and floods in the Yellow River and Huaihe River.

Although the place he went to originally belonged to Huai'an, it has now been placed under the jurisdiction of Fengyang Mansion, and the prefect of Fengyang went with him.

Next to Hongze Lake and Bad Water, the disaster situation in Fengyang Mansion is quite serious.

Zhu Houcong couldn't help thinking of the "Fengyang Flower Drum" that was widely circulated later: Tao Fengyang, Tao Fengyang, Fengyang is a good place.Since Emperor Zhu came out, there have been nine years of famine in ten years.

This was only spread in the late Ming Dynasty, but at this time, the treatment enjoyed by Fengyang Mansion was different.

As the land of Longxing, the people of Fengyang Mansion will be permanently exempted from taxes and servitude.

Not only that, but at the beginning, construction was carried out to build the central capital, and wealthy households in the south of the Yangtze River were relocated to fill the population of the war-torn Fengyang Prefecture.

But now, Fengyang has not been used as the central capital, and its level is still only a prefecture.

Although tax and labor can be exempted, why are there still frequent disasters?

Zhu Houcong's royal driver marched on the Hanhuai Weir.

"Already called Gaojiayan?" He asked.

The prefect of Fengyang who accompanied him immediately replied: "In the past, Bo Chenxuan of Pingjiang was ordered by Emperor Taizong to manage the Caohe River, open [-] miles of canals from Jiangpu in the Qing Dynasty, guide the water from Hongze Lake into the Huaihe River, build four gates, and reinforce the weirs to defend the Huaihe River. The folks have called it Gaojiayan, and its scale is far greater than that of defending Huaiyan in the past."

Chen Xuan was the actual creator of the canal in the Ming Dynasty, and managed the river for 30 years.

First he was in charge of shipping. After Zhu Di decided to give up shipping and focus on water transport, he was in charge of water grain transport to Beijing.

But now Zhu Houcong said: "Huaiyang is far less prosperous than the Tang and Song Dynasties, isn't it?"

"What Your Majesty said is true. The prosperity of Huaiyang was indeed the most prosperous in the Tang Dynasty, followed by the Song Dynasty. It's just that after the Yellow River seized the Huaihe River and entered the sea, Huaiyang became farther and farther away from the sea on the one hand. Let Shandong Linqing come from behind. In order to ensure the water transport, not only Huaiyang, but also the people of Fengyang Prefecture can benefit from the canal far less than the harm from the Huanghuai flood."

Zhu Houcong comforted him: "Don't worry, as long as the disaster relief is effective, it will be a merit. I know the difficulties in the Huanghuai area."

Behind him, notices have been posted in Huai'an city.

Your Majesty is determined to cure the floods in the Yellow River and Huaihe River, and ask the world for advice.

When the news spread, the first reaction of many gentry was stunned.

Counterinsurgency, disaster relief, flood control, which one does not cost a lot of money?

Your Majesty wants to implement the new law, isn't it just to save money for the prosperity of the country?Where is so much money spent?
Then they all thought of the magistrate of the four prefectures who had been punished for treason just after they met today, and then they were terrified: Could it be that the new law to enrich the country is false, and the family copying and enrichment of the country is true?
(End of this chapter)

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