
Chapter 270

Chapter 270
"The world can fear my might first, and then cherish my virtue."

Hearing the words relayed by Cui Yuan, Jiang Mian and others were silent.

Cui Yuan said again: "You and I both know your majesty's ambitions. The gentry's arguments and thoughts are nothing more than profit. The difficulty of the new law is not the intertwined interests, but the determination. Your majesty's firm determination, In fact, it is the most desire to implement the new law in the past and present. Your Majesty is only twenty, as long as the life is long, the new law will not be rushed. The crime of rebellion is to establish prestige; to cure floods is to be meritorious."

The real leader among the honorable relatives has now taken up the responsibility, and said very solemnly: "Zang Zongcao and Ma Zongbing, water transport is of course a national priority, but my Ming Dynasty has developed water transport for a hundred years, and the shortcomings are not your responsibility, but you are also aware of it." Very detailed. Floods and water transportation are mixed together, and the problems of water transportation cannot be eliminated, and floods are difficult to deal with lightly. You must not avoid talking about this matter anymore!"

Under the eyes of Jiang Mian, Yang Tan, Li Na, Yang Tingyi and others, Zang Feng and Ma Cheng remained silent.

Both of them knew very well that Cui Yuan was reminding them that they should express their views and stand in line.

Whether to take the initiative to participate in the change, or to become the object of change.

In short, the emperor has already said the words of establishing prestige first and then virtue.

After Zangfeng and Ma Cheng looked at each other, they said, "I'm not unwilling, but I just don't know what to do. Don't talk about floods, there are a lot of things about water transportation. Water boat construction, river dredging, grain collection , Escort transportation, porter labor, wind and flood disasters... With all due respect, it is not only me, Ming, Li Tang, Zhao Song, Meng Yuan, how many people want to solve this problem. For hundreds of years, there has never been a shortage of talented people. "

The transportation of materials is the case in this case of limited technical capabilities.

The transportation of strategic materials such as food has always been regardless of the cost.

Now we are discussing how to control the floods in the Yellow River and Huaihe River, which will inevitably affect water transportation.

The others couldn't refute what Zangfeng said.

The change of the water transport system does not really involve the scheduling and arrangement of how many water ships and soldiers, but also includes where the grain and taxes collected in the southern provinces are transported, how to rearrange corvees in various places, and how to prevent bandits from looting the new route. , and also need to break the old circle of interest and rebuild a new circle of interest.

But the terrible thing is that water transportation needs absolute stability.The food needed in the north is indispensable.

Li Wei finally said: "Sea transportation makes up for it. The Huanghuai River is affected by water transportation, mainly in the Huaiyang section. Zheyang Zongjiu is only responsible for transshipment of Liaodong. If the grain of Nanzhili with more than one million shi can be transferred by sea to Tianjin government , the room for water transportation will be greatly increased.”

After he finished speaking, he reminded Jiang Mian and Cui Yuan: "Your Majesty admires the "Daxue Yanyi Bu", and Duke Qiu also strongly advocates trying to restore sea transportation. Thinking about the eternal national policy in the Royal Study Room, this problem must be solved by sea transportation." One of the eyes!"

The current situation is: the emperor threw a question to them, and then went to worship the ancestors.

When he came back, it was time for everyone to answer the questions.

How to cure the Huanghuai floods, the first problem to be solved is how to ensure water transportation.

Don't think about land transfer.The scale is too large, and the cost is far higher than water transportation.

Among water transportation, the choice between water transportation and sea transportation is, in the final analysis, one technical issue and the other an implementation issue.

There are often inexplicable shipwrecks and robbery accidents on the canal. What about the sea?To put it bluntly, how to ensure that the ship was not "wrecked" or "robbed" by internal and external collusion?

But Yang Tan shook his head and said, "I'm afraid, imitating Huang Ming Ji and using the method of purchasing to integrate it into the new method is also one of the problems."

Jiang Mian also added: "The new law requires gentry to abide by the rules, but in the future everyone in the world must enjoy the benefits of the new law. Using the commercial law and tax law as the key to enable merchants to enjoy the benefits of water transportation is probably one of the problems."

They were all people who had stayed with Zhu Houcong a lot before, but now they gradually figured out the intention behind it.

"Guangdong has a city shipping department, and Shandong has Linqing Chaoguan. Based on your majesty's ambitious plans, this canal must not only cause the suffering of the people in the provinces along the river, but cannot nourish the provinces along the river. The new law will require corvees. The system must rely on businessmen." Jiang Mian looked at Zangfeng, "Zang Zongcao, Ma Zongbing, you have to be ready."

Afterwards, everyone began to discuss the possible future direction of the water transport somewhat enthusiastically.After all, this is to formulate new rules for the water transportation system that affects huge interests, and for them, there are also many opportunities.

But Cui Yuan pulled them back: "If there is a solution to the water transportation, then we have to think about what to do about the Huanghuai flood."

There was a moment of silence in the room, and Li Na was rather overwhelmed in the eyes of everyone.

"This problem has always been nothing more than the six characters of saving the Qing, brushing the yellow, and helping the Cao." Li Na still had to speak, who made him the Minister of the Ministry of Industry.

Canals need water, and they need water that is as smooth as possible.

But the Huanghuai River meets here in Huai'an, and there is too much water.

Everyone knows that the Yellow River silt will accumulate.The current solution is nothing more than blocking the water of the Huaihe River, lest it will become a disaster in a year of heavy rain after it merges with the water of the Yellow River.

Instead, for water transportation, the water from the Hongze Hanging Lake formed after blocking should be used to at least repaint the river channel near the throat of the Huai'an Canal at the intersection of the Yellow River and the Huaihe River, so that it will not silt up and ensure water transportation.

The riverbed of the lower reaches of the Yellow River and the Huaihe River after the merging caused by the sedimentation of the Yellow River is getting higher and higher, and the water from the upper reaches of the Huaihe River flows into Hongze Lake, and the water level of this lake is getting higher and higher because it cannot be easily drained.

What it threatens is the ancestral mausoleum that is related to the "fundamental national destiny" of Ming Dynasty.

The ancestral mausoleum cannot be moved, because the ancestral mausoleum is where the "dragon energy" is located.If it moves, Daming will be unstable.

It's a very simple question that everyone agrees with and subconsciously won't touch.

The Yellow River is not allowed to flood, the canals are not allowed to run out of water, the ancestral mausoleums are not allowed to suffer disasters, and the Huaihe River is not allowed to flood.

How to do?
Difficult to do.

Can't do it.

Then Li Wei said: "Liu Tianhe, the Taichang Shaoqing of Nanjing, has a wide range of talents and likes to delve into miscellaneous studies. When he was the magistrate of Huzhou, he tried to implement official land tax and silver, and unify official land and private land. It is a pity that I am idle now."

Jiang Mian was startled when he heard the words: But he has never cured the flood.


The urgent letter from Huai'an to Nanjing was not slow.

Taichang Temple is mainly responsible for sacrifices.It is said that the great affairs of the country lie in the Rong and the Sacrifice.But the Taichang Temple in Nanjing is no better than the Taichang Temple in Beijing, and the boss of the Taichang Temple is only one of the Xiaojiuqing.

Although Taichang Shaoqing, who is assisting Taichang Siqing, is the fourth rank, Nanjing Taichang Siqing is even more marginal.

Liu Tianhe was a Jinshi in the third year of Zhengde. After becoming an official, he offended Liu Jin and was demoted to the county magistrate.Step by step, he was promoted to the county magistrate, the magistrate of Huzhou, and the deputy envoy of Shanxi Tixue. These are all powerful figures in one party.

Then he was changed to Nanjing Taichang Shaoqing.

His rank has not changed, but he is quite happy now, from a powerful official in charge of a province's education and administration to a Nanjing idle official who assists in sacrifices.

"I've been a teacher for five years, and I've gained a lot. Take a look at this "Experienced Prescriptions of Baoshoutang". The first volume has already been written!"

There was a little pride on his face, and it was a young man who was talking in front of him.

The young man took the volume of book that Liu Tianhe handed him, flipped through it and said with a smile: "Mr., this book will last forever. The students are inexplicably grateful."

Liu Tianhe narrowed his eyes a little and smiled, then sized him up: "Did you get anything from going to Guangdong this time?"

"After reading "Journey to the South of the Five Ridges", I know that Guangdong is experimenting with new laws, so I have to read it." The young man replied respectfully, "Now Guangdong is indeed quite different from other provinces. Although the government and people's livelihood have improved greatly, But the student is afraid that His Majesty poured out the power of the country and used the country's cadres to have this merit. It remains to be seen whether there are any disadvantages after the various methods have been tried for many years."

Liu Tianhe nodded: "It's reasonable. But your Majesty has a firm heart for reform this time. I'm afraid you don't know that the prefects of Huizhou, Chizhou, Luzhou, and Songjiang took the lead in clarifying taxes because they didn't follow orders. The old absurdity, the big propaganda of rebuilding the Qingzhang land into the yellow book, has been taken by His Majesty for the crime of conspiracy to obstruct the new law."

"Treason?" The young man turned pale with shock, "How dare you ask such a crime?"

Liu Tianhe sighed: "Don't be in a hurry, and don't be in a hurry. Your Majesty has changed a lot when talking about Xining Reform being pushed to the local level. This time, he really wants to order the local government to obey the orders. Mr. Yang Ge After proposing the various dharmas, I have been studying as a teacher for more than two years, and I have many doubts. However, you are very fond of dealing with the affairs of the world. You not only read thousands of books, but also travel thousands of miles in various places. , know it well. When you go to Guangdong and come back, we, the teacher and the student, can confirm it."

After saying that, he laughed: "With your talents, you will definitely be in high school in the Jiajing five-year Ritual Examination, so you don't have to rush back to Huzhou. When you go to high school next year, His Majesty is determined to reform the law and make the country rich, and you will definitely have a chance to make great achievements."

The one he calls Weizhong is Tang Shu, a native of Guian County, Huzhou Prefecture, and he is now 27 years old.

His handwriting is the same as Yan Song's.

When Liu Tianhe was the magistrate of Huzhou, Tang Shu was elected, and the two also had a teacher-student friendship.

In addition to admiring each other's talents, learning and character, it is also because they both have some common hobbies: being pragmatic and fond of miscellaneous learning.

It's like Liu Tianhe's idleness is also idle, and he even tinkered with medical books.

What he didn't know was that the medical books he worked on were also very powerful, and were later quoted in Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica", and many prescriptions were included in it.

Tang Shu listened to Liu Tianhe's words, he was modest for a while, and then said: "Sir, because of the chaos of Chen Hao, he was idled here. With his learning, he is a man of age, why do you want to retire?"

Liu Tianhe was stunned for a moment, and then smiled wryly: "You know that as a teacher, you are not good at management, and how dangerous the officialdom will be if you implement new laws in the future? Now, as a teacher, I feel that after writing these four volumes of "Baoshoutang Experience Prescriptions", there will be nothing in this life. Sorry."

The resoluteness of Zhu Houcong's methods still makes some people fearful. After all, the "crime of treason" is not a joke.

But then there was an official document, and the Prime Minister of Taichang Temple came in person: "Liu Shaoqing, the governor's office has written a letter, please set off for Huai'an as soon as possible, in case your majesty asks questions about the Huanghuai River."

Liu Tianhe was a little confused: "Me? Huanghuai flood?"

"That's what it says in the official document, Mr. Li Ge recommended it." Taichang Temple Cheng said enviously, "Congratulations Liu Shaoqing."

I have been idle for five years, and now I have the opportunity to meet you, and it was recommended by Li Wei.

Liu Tianhe was stunned for a moment, then he could only shake his head: "It's difficult..."

Really difficult.

Huanghuai floods, what do you want him to do?
After finishing speaking, he pulled Tang Shu: "Go with me as a teacher, I must help out with ideas!"

Two people who were not well-known in history were put on the shelves just like that. Neither of them had seriously studied any floods.

However, Li Nai and Jiang Mian's behavior of randomly arresting dead horses and treating them as living horses in the face of major problems did catch some people.

At this moment in Huzhou Prefecture, there is a three-year-old doll playing with mud. According to the original historical trajectory, he would later become a student of Tang Shu, and had many contacts with Liu Tianhe, who was the future governor of rivers. Leave an indelible mark on history.

Pan Jixun hadn't grown up yet, but his masters could only leave for Huai'an nervously.

Now, Gong Hong is also on the way.

Entering the territory of Yangzhou Prefecture, it is not far from Huai'an.

As the boat sailed on the canal, Gong Hong looked at everything he was familiar with.

He used to be the governor of the canal, and he was familiar with every section of the canal.

Staring at the river with old eyes, Gong Hong didn't understand why the emperor had such great ambition.

There have already been rebellions, but we still have to unswervingly implement the new law that most people can't understand and have changed so much, and now we have to face the eternal problem of flooding in the Yellow River and Huaihe River.

With such a mischievous emperor, Yang Ting and the others are still steadfastly following him?

Now, the rampant emperor in Gong Hong's impression had just arrived at the ancestral mausoleum in Sizhou.

For the sacrificial ceremony, Zhu Houcong did not make the Fengyang Mansion prepare exaggeratedly.

What matters is that he himself arrives.

After the construction of the Sizhou ancestral mausoleum, Zhu Yuanzhang himself did not come to worship in person.

Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, except for Zhu Biao, the prince who was in charge of supervising the building, and Zhu Di who came here when he was the prince, in fact, no emperor has come here to worship when he was in power.

This ancestral mausoleum, which enshrines the clothes of Zhu Yuanzhang's grandfather, great-grandfather, and high-father, has the greatest function of "dragon spirit".

After all, it must not be easy for the descendants to be able to get out of the tomb of the founding emperor.

Dragon veins.

Zhu Houcong's body is their descendants, but his mind doesn't care about these.

Therefore, although his coming to worship in person would be interpreted by his courtiers as a symbolic act of "strengthening the legal system", Zhu Houcong had other reasons for coming to worship in person.

Zhu Yuanzhang's great-grandfather Zhu Bailiu, great-grandfather Zhu Sijiu, and grandfather Zhu Chuyi.

The name on the altar shows that Zhu Yuanzhang was born in abject poverty, and his family has not had a literate name for several generations.

So in front of the God Lord, Zhu Houcong said solemnly: "The people of the Zhu family in the Ming Dynasty were born. Since they ruled the world, the people in the world are all one family. The unfilial son Houcong sacrificed to the ancestors. If we leave today, we have made a decision to disobey the ancestors."

Floods in the Yellow River and Huaihe River cannot avoid one point: the ancestral mausoleum is not allowed to suffer from disasters.

The land of the dragon veins of the ancestral mausoleum is related to the fundamental national destiny of the Ming Dynasty, and the ancestral mausoleum cannot be moved.

Even if Zhu Houcong didn't care about moving the ancestral mausoleum, the officials of the New Party would be shocked.

No way, they believe this.

But at the end of the Ming Dynasty, although the ancestral mausoleum did not move, Daming still died, and was later flooded.

Now that Zhu Houcong has to face the problem of flooding in the Huanghuai River, he should not make it even more difficult and have too many scruples.

So he has to go to another place: Fengyang.

There is also an imperial mausoleum built by Zhu Yuanzhang for his parents, brother and sister-in-law.

In Fengyang, there are still six high walls that have been built to guard many guilty "common people" in the clan.

At present, the vassal king's rebellion is happening, and Zhu Houcong's move will also be interpreted by his subordinates.

At this moment, the battle of Hengyang has been going on for many days, and the Xia family felt at ease, fear, and anticipation during this time.

Because I don't know what will happen after the city is broken.

Because...she hugged the young Prince Rui and said, "It's fine within the high wall, or..."

It is good to be within the high walls, there are servants to serve, and there will be no shortage of food and clothing, except that there is no freedom.

So much so that at the end of the Ming Dynasty, there were still a large number of low-level clans who deliberately broke the law, just trying to get into the high wall to have a full meal.

Yan Chunsheng was still waiting. After the defenders outside the city walls in the west and north of the city resisted for nearly ten days and suffered heavy casualties, Pu Zitong finally released the rest of them back into the city—he couldn't chill the hearts of the defenders in the city.

Gu Shilong can no longer fill the pits of storming the city wall for the sake of training soldiers and taking more lives?

That time should be near, it is already the winter moon.

(End of this chapter)

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