
Chapter 271 Hengyang City Breakdown

Chapter 271 Hengyang City Breakdown
Compared with Tang Peiyu, Pu Zitong's record and will can be called "proud".

After all, Hengyang City has persisted for nearly two months.

But the news from the south has been cut off, and now Hengyang City is still crowded with more than 3000 elite and brave soldiers under his command, plus more than [-] wounded, consuming food and military resources in the city every day.

Chi Fuyong found him again.

"The governor..."

Chi Fuyong hesitated to speak, but Pu Zitong knew what he wanted to say.

In the west and north directions of Hengyang City, the outside of the city has already fallen to the enemy.After Gu Shilong and Zhu Qi's army rested for a while, the next step was to directly attack the city walls and gates.

In the south of the city, the Hengyang defenders were still able to control several miles outside the city.

In the east of the city, as long as the Guangdong navy can be blocked temporarily, then the Leishui camp and the defenders in the east of the city can also help guard the rear.

If you want to abandon the city and turn in, now is the last chance.

Now the Guangdong Navy has helped Gu Shilong secure a firm foothold on the south bank of the Huan River in the north of the city, and took down Shitouzui, which guards the confluence of the Huan River and the Xiangshui River. The next step is to completely control the section of the Xiangshui River in the east of the city.

But Pu Zitong didn't know what was going on in the south.

Staring at Chi Fuyong, his voice was a little hoarse: "You bet that Gu Shilong must hold Hengyang firmly, and won't pursue it? The Shenji Battalion and Guangxi soldiers will definitely be able to pursue it. There is also a Fifth Army Battalion to the south. There is a Guangdong navy!"

Chi Fu never spoke.

From the current point of view, it is a big mistake to stick to Hengzhou.

If it was possible to divide the troops to go to Changsha at the beginning, as long as they resisted the imperial army that had not yet assembled at that time and won the first battle, Jingxiang would be defeated and the morale would be greatly boosted.If we can enter Sichuan, where there was chaos before, we will have greater depth.

It's a pity that the orthodoxy is in the hands of Pu Zitong, and he doesn't want to have one more King Ji and one more Tang Peiyu.

But now that several provinces are encircled by armies, it is obvious that after the call for action was issued, all localities did not have wars everywhere due to the pressure of new laws and learning as previously imagined.

Pu Zitong looked at his appearance, stood up silently, and said after a while: "How to make a decision, I will ask Your Majesty the governor."

Chi Fuyong looked at his back and was speechless.

Can that kid have an opinion?

But hearing that Pu Zitong also meant to loosen up, Chi Fuyong hurried back to make preparations.

If you want to abandon the city, it is naturally impossible to take everyone away.

There are many troubles. We must bring enough soldiers to protect our lives, and we must also have food to ensure that so many people can survive to Leiyang and Chenzhou.

The key question is: I don't know if Leiyang and Chenzhou have been taken down by the imperial court.

Pu Zitong was on the way to Prince Rui's residence, he didn't know either.

The Guangdong navy was the most unexpected of Pu Zitong.

After Changning and Shuikoushan fell, he lost Zhan Huabi as an ally and endangered Leishui as a way of retreat.

In the past half a month, there have been bloody battles in the west and north of the city, and Pu Zitong actually has the confidence to defend for another two months.

But only two months.What if after two months, I still can't wait for my connecting flight?
Pu Zitong already regretted his mistake in judging the overall situation and had to make a decision now.

It is to break through Luo An, which is relatively weaker in the south, but Zhaonian's subordinates join forces with the troops from the south of Hengzhou Prefecture and Chenzhou Prefecture, and continue to hold out in Hengyang City.

Of course he didn't ask Prince Rui's opinion, he just needed to change his mood and think about it.

In Yan Chunsheng's temporary residence under the east wall, Cai Jia, who had been helping him keep an eye on Tokyo in the city, hurried over: "Brother Yan, Pu Zitong and Bu Liangzai have both gone to Prince Rui's Mansion, this is the best time!"

Yan Chunsheng gritted his teeth.

Yes, this is a good time, as long as they rush out, they might be able to take down the civil and military leaders in Hengyang City in one go, and they can also guard Prince Rui's Mansion until the army enters the city.

But now he doesn't know what Gu Shilong's arrangement is.

Afterwards, Pu Zitong's personal soldiers came to deliver an order, asking him to go to Prince Rui's residence to discuss matters.

Cai Jia looked at him worriedly, but Yan Chunsheng just took two guards calmly.

Anyway, he is already a general in the rebel army, it is normal for Yan Chunsheng to bring two guards, after all, who dares to bet that there are no secret agents in Hengyang City?

When he arrived at Prince Rui's mansion, he saw Prince Rui sitting on it, while Pu Zitong was standing facing everyone.

The "prefect" of Hengzhou, Bu Liangzai, remained silent, but Yan Chunsheng soon saw that Chi Fuyong and Pu Zitong's two old generals guarding the west and north of the city had arrived here.

"The west and north of the city have fought fiercely for many days. If the rebel army wants to attack the city next, they should attack the city on three fronts." After finishing this sentence, Pu Zitong said calmly, "The west and north, especially the north of the city, suffered heavy losses. Need to breathe a sigh of relief. Dudu Yan, the east of the city has not experienced a hard battle during this period. Now the governor wants to entrust you with important tasks. The east and north of the city should change their defenses as soon as possible while the rebellious army is resting. You may hold for ten days first and let the north of the city defend The army rests in the east of the city first?"

"...I will not disgrace my life! The general has already had itchy hands!" Yan Chunsheng only showed a moment of astonishment, and then immediately promised.

"The two of you immediately went to arrange and change defenses in batches. Don't let the enemy outside the city see the emptiness of the city wall."

At this point, Yan Chunsheng clasped his fists and left with another "captain" who was in charge of guarding the north of the city.

He knew that Pu Zitong was about to abandon the city and flee to the south, and he also knew that he was never considered to be Pu Zitong's direct descendant, and now he was going to be left behind.

However, Pu Zitong would not leave Hengyang City just like that.Before he left, if he couldn't create a big mess in Hengyang City, wouldn't it be easy for Gu Shilong to pursue him?

And the passage to the south also needs to be opened.

After making an appointment with the "Captain" guarding the north of the city, how to change the first batch of defenses, Yan Chunsheng returned to the east of the city.

He had already made a decision on the way: "Take care of all of us!"

Those "bandits" back then, those who stayed in Hengyang City, and some new brothers who "worshiped" him the most during this period of time, Yan Chunsheng calculated that he had less than 130 people who he could really trust .

Of course, these people are more or less with some soldiers.

Pu Zitong can trust him, but he doesn't completely regard him as a direct descendant. Now it is really the best and last chance to let him die.

Even if the imperial army outside the city had other plans, Yan Chunsheng couldn't wait any longer.

Cai Jia quickly called the people Yan Chunsheng wanted, and most of them stayed in the open space inside the gate in the middle of the east city wall, and the little bosses all went into Yan Chunsheng's room.

"We're going to change Fangchengbei."

When Yan Chunsheng said this first, the eyes of most people in the room changed.

"You take the people to go first, go directly to the city wall, and replace a group of people." Yan Chunsheng ordered a dozen people to go out in one breath, and there were five people in the room, "You are here, waiting for the first batch of soldiers from the north of the city." Come here, and take the rest of the brothers with me. Before the brothers in the north of the city go to the east wall, don't move."

After waiting for the five people to also take orders, Yan Chunsheng said to Cai Jia: "Tell Niu Sanqi, when you see Prince Rui's mansion is on fire, the Three Cannons will take down the guards in the north of the city, take down the Zhanyue Gate, and open the gate to welcome the king. The teacher enters the city."

"Brother Yan, you..." Cai Jia turned pale with shock.

Yan Chunsheng touched his injured leg, bared his teeth and said, "I'll take those 50 people and you guys, that's enough!"

Now that they were about to abandon the city, Pu Zitong, Bu Liangzai and Chi Fuyong must have many things to discuss and arrange.

I, the north guard of the city, still don't understand something about the defense of the city, so it's normal to ask for instructions, right?

At this moment, Shitouzui in the northeast of the city has changed owners, and Gu Shilong's big tent is set up here.

Surrounded by water on three sides, it can be called a Jedi.But the terrain is very high, easy to defend and difficult to attack. This is the last point in the north of the city that was taken down.

With the current situation, Gu Shilong expected the defenders in the city to attack here from the long and narrow place beside the Xiangshui River in the east of the city.

But the gates of Hengyang City are closed.

There is another advantage of the huge height here. With a telescope, you can see a little bit of the movement in the northeast corner of the city.

"The next step is to conquer Hengyang City, and we can't waste lives in vain." Gu Shilong said to Yao Yu's pacesetter battalion officer after taking a few glances, "You send a letter to Yao Dutai, and the grain and grass will be transferred to Chenzhou. Within three days , this Marquis will take Hengyang City."

Zhu Qi used [-] Guangxi soldiers and a Jiuxi guard to drive the defenders outside the west city wall of Hengyang into Hengyang City, which is enough credit.

Ma always came along the way, and he helped take down the south of the steaming water, but he still gave him a good fortune.Anpin's father will surely be one of His Majesty's military exploits in the future.

"Pass down the order, the officers and soldiers east of the Xiangshui River are ready to cross the river and attack the east of the city! On the west and north sides, only wait for the city to be in chaos before attacking the city, but there is no need to attack by force. Wait for the friendly troops from the east of the city to enter the city and take down the gates!"

Gu Shilong was making the next stage of deployment, unaware of the changes that had taken place in the city.

At this moment, Yan Chunsheng brought those five younger brothers who worshiped him and the soldiers they were in charge of.

As agreed, the north of the city is the most important.First, Yan Chunsheng's large army of more than a thousand people went to the east side of the city to replace the defenders on the city wall.After the group of defenders from the north of the city arrived at the east of the city, Yan Chunsheng took the rest of them there, and exchanged the "Soldier Talisman" and the lock keys of the gates with the defenders from the north of the city face to face.

Now, the east of the city is full of defenders in the north of the city, but there are still many original defenders in the north of the city.

They will all change to the east of the city after Yan Chunsheng himself arrives.

Yan Chunsheng's new younger brother is now puzzled: "Dudu Yan, go from the middle of the city to the north of the city?"

He thought he would go straight past the city wall.

"Go to your majesty and the governor, and then ask for instructions on the arrangements for the defense of the north of the city."

Cai Jia looked at these people while listening to Yan Chunsheng perfunctory them.

There are only 61 people, which is not conspicuous.

When they arrived at the gate of Prince Rui's Mansion, there were naturally guards arranged by Pu Zitong inside and outside.

However, Yan Chunsheng walked in swaggeringly, and only ordered: "You wait outside the door first, and I will come out after I have asked the chief governor for instructions."

After all, he took the two guards and went in as before.

Cai Jia stayed at the gate of Prince Rui's Mansion, and saw that the guards at the gate didn't respond in any other way - after all, not long ago, Yan Chunsheng also entered in this way.

He has been in Hengyang City for almost three months, and Yan Chunsheng is a familiar face, one of the governors of the "Wang Shi", his status in the army is second only to Pu Zitong and several other senior governors.

But when he reached the entrance of the main hall, Yan Chunsheng was stopped: "Dudu Yan, weapons."

To enter the palace, Yan Chunsheng couldn't be fully armed.It is not easy to get rid of the armor, but the bow and arrow and the waist knife have to be taken off.

Yan Chunsheng grinned at the two people at the door: "Is the governor in the hall?"

"The governor, please wait here for a while, waiting for the humble post to be announced. The governor is discussing matters with the prefect Bu and the governor Chi."

Yan Chunsheng nodded: "Okay, okay, okay!"

Three good times in a row, his two guards suddenly moved like rabbits, one left and one right rushed over and wiped their roar with short knives in their hands.

But Yan Chunsheng bent his bow and drew an arrow, and quickly shot at the guards standing in two rows in the courtyard until the gate.

The change came so suddenly, the guards over there just looked at this side in astonishment, and two of them were knocked down by the arrows.

"Cai Jia!"

Yan Chunsheng yelled, but his hands didn't stop.

Outside the gate of Prince Rui's Mansion, Cai Jia had already been waiting with tense nerves.

When he heard the movement inside, he threw out a throwing knife.

A few people who had been lurking in Hengyang City for an unknown amount of time quickly killed the guards guarding the gate of Prince Rui's Mansion, and the more than 50 people brought by Yan Chunsheng were stunned and confused for a moment.

"If you don't want to die, come in first!"

Cai Jia was the first to lead people in to meet Yan Chunsheng, and the fifty or so people were scared out of their wits.

This is in Hengyang City, how did Boss Yan fight with the general's soldiers?
But they are people who follow Yan Chunsheng, Cai Jia's words are extremely lethal.

Fifty people looked around in horror.

After many months of fighting in Hengyang City, ordinary people have long been afraid to go out easily.

The fighting in the various sects was tense, and the streets were not full of guards everywhere, and the manpower was transferred to the various city walls.

Only important places like the original palace are still guarded by personal soldiers.

They didn't know whether the scene just now was seen, but Cai Jia and the others obviously didn't care whether they would be discovered or not.

Confused and terrified, they followed Cai Jia and rushed in. They really wanted to know what was going on.

As far as the eye can see, it is Yan Chunsheng who is brutally slaughtering.

"Yan Daniu rebels..."


Some people wanted to warn, while others only reacted by yelling in horror.

They all saw three people rushing out of the main hall, Pu Zitong looked at him in disbelief.

"Yan Daniu!"

Chi Fuyong's stern shout was accompanied by the footsteps of the waist knife being unsheathed, while the remaining guards of Pu Zitong in the hall stood in front of Pu Zitong and Bu Liangzai.

Yan Chunsheng turned around and fired arrows one after another, first hitting Chi Fuyong's legs that were not protected by the skirt armor, and then he had already pushed into the gate of the main hall under the protection of his two brothers.

In this way, Pu Zitong's personal guards could no longer close their doors and wait for help.

"Keep the gate and light the fire!" Yan Chunsheng gave an order, Cai Jia and the others cleaned up the guards in the front yard, took the oil they had already brought at their waists, and sprinkled it on a big tree in the courtyard in front of the main hall, and set it on fire.

In the main hall, Pu Zitong's eyes were gloomy and cruel, thinking about his new decision before: Let Yan Daniu defend the north.

Outside the north is Gu Shilong's army.

The Jinyiwei walking in Hunan once said that there are elaborations in Hengyang City.

But Yan Daniu came from outside the city!

"Who the hell are you!"

Under Yan Chunsheng's arrows, Pu Zitong looked at Chi Fuyong who was surrounded and hacked to death by Cai Jia and others because of his leg injury, and shouted with tears in his eyes.

Yan Chunsheng's younger brothers also want to know this question.

He was answered by three muffled cannon shots from the north of the city.

Gu Shilong looked towards the north of the city in astonishment from Shitouzui, and then saw a wisp of smoke in the city through the binoculars.

"In His Majesty's order, you are the bandit leader who needs to be captured alive." Yan Chunsheng said with a smile, "There are a total of three hundred Jinyiwei on the north city wall. Now that the gates of the city have been opened, Master Wang will surely win!"

After Yan Chunsheng ridiculed such a sentence, he smiled and asked: "Brother Pu knows Yan's arrow skills. The general situation is over, brothers, how do you choose? Capture Pu Zitong alive, and Bu Liangzai's head. It’s all a great achievement, and any sin can be forgiven.”

He was looking at the six guards in front of Pu Zitong.

A sentence of Jin Yiwei caused question marks to appear on the heads of the fifty or so people outside the hall.

Aren't you the big bandit leader on Mount Heng?
Pu Zitong had already grasped his sword in his hand: "Don't listen to his gossip to confuse the crowd! What three hundred brocade guards are exaggerating! You have been asked to guard the east of the city, and you, as the governor, did not guard against you? Take him down!"

"Then how could I rush here and kill Chi Fuyong?" After a pause, Yan Chunsheng said, "Old Mo, do the five of you want this great effort?"

What choice do his five newly recruited bosses have?They followed Yan Chunsheng.

When it was time to fight desperately, there was a scuffle in the hall.

Arrows are more effective than melee combat, but Yan Chunsheng also had someone in front of him to fight with the six puzitong's personal guards.

Pu Zitong was not willing to fail like this, but Yan Chunsheng was able to accept this task because of his archery skills that surpassed Jinyiwei.

It is also good to be close, the arrow can penetrate armor.

No matter how strong Pu Zitong's armor was, it couldn't protect his palm.

After an arrow was shot in the palm of his right hand, Yan Chunsheng shot another arrow at Pu Zitong's familiar position - the place where Yan Chunsheng was injured in the camp of Chaoyang.

It was this potentially crippling arrow that gave him basic trust in Yan Chunsheng.

In the melee of dozens of people against a mere eight people, the battle ended quickly.

Pu Zitong desperately wanted to commit suicide to avoid suffering, but after being injured, Yan Chunsheng was no longer afraid of getting close to him, so he drew out his waist knife and rushed forward and cut his other hand and ankle.

"Stick to the palace and wait for the master to enter the city! Cai Jia, go find Prince Rui and Empress Zhuang Su and protect them!"

After the despair in Pu Zitong's eyes was revealed, what appeared again was madness.

"Unfaithful, unfilial, ruthless and unrighteous dog emperor! Set up this game, lay this bait, do you think that if I win, I will win the hearts of the world?" With his wife and children as bait, what an ungrateful, vicious and vicious person. Now that you protect His Majesty with hypocrisy, won't the people think too much?"

At first, Yan Chunsheng remembered that he wanted to capture Pu Zitong alive, but after hearing that, things became more and more wrong.

He heard Pu Zitong say, "Don't people in the world think too much?" After thinking about it for a while, the hairs all over his body stood on end, and then he slit his throat with a knife while his heart was beating wildly, and at the same time punched his mouth with a fist.

Yan Chunsheng didn't know much, but he realized a dilemma.

Even if it's just for Yan Chunsheng's own life, Pu Zitong's mouth must be killed first - no, there are more mouths to be killed.

When Gu Shilong was stunned and hurriedly dispatched troops to attack Hengyang City, and when the rest of the guards in Hengyang City saw the heads of Pu Zitong and Bu Liangzai hanging high at the gate of Prince Rui's mansion, they immediately collapsed and scattered.

Everything planned in advance was too late, the southern generals were the first to flee to the south with all of them, desperately attacking from the Shuikou cottage that Luo An and Dan Zhaonian guarded.

Strangely, Luo An and Dan Zhaonian did not go out to stop them.

But when Gu Shilong saw Yan Chunsheng, he only saw him kneeling on the ground covered in blood: "Pu Zitong has decided to abandon the city and flee to the south, and his humble position dare not wait any longer, so he has to disobey the order and start ahead of time. This brother saved Prince Rui's mother and son. It's a pity that Pu Zitong couldn't be captured alive, so he had to kill him!"

The reason was explained by him, but then Luo An who came to Hengyang City saw a very unusual situation from the excessive corpses in Prince Rui's Mansion.

Yan Chunsheng was seriously injured, and his three remaining brothers were also in critical condition.

Not only that, but all the eunuchs and maids in the mansion died.

After Gu Shilong and Luo An looked at each other for a while, they both saw the seriousness in each other's eyes.

Then, Gu Shilong said decisively: "Order all the troops, give up the plan of shepherding, and don't let any of the rebels go!"

No matter what kind of long-term plan His Majesty has, we must try our best to prevent some rumors from appearing.

When Zhu Houcong returned to Huai'an at the end of November, the good news from Hengyang finally came.

There is another sentence in Gu Shilong's memorial.

【Whether Prince Rui is being held hostage or not, I, Luo An and others are investigating.However, the remaining rebels should be eliminated quickly.The minister has ordered all the armies and Wang Bo'an to transfer to Chenzhou and encircle the remnant army. Please give your majesty permission to die! 】

Zhu Houcong fell silent, and everyone who was standing here also fell silent.

Could it be that Gu Shilong was coerced by military exploits and disobeyed?

The court said that Prince Rui was kidnapped, but now Gu Shilong said that he, Luo An and others are investigating this matter, so what is the order to rescue Prince Rui's mother and son?
Zhu Houcong didn't want to show his doubtful side in front of the courtiers he had already subdued, so he kept thinking in silence.

If it is played correctly, then the plan of suppressing power leveling will go bankrupt.

The emperor was silent, and no one else spoke.

Until Cui Yuan gritted his teeth, Dali knelt down and said: "Please play the right one alone!"

(End of this chapter)

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