
Chapter 304 The Boiling Daming

Chapter 304 The Boiling Daming

The palace examination has just ended, and this year's Wuju Township Examination Enke has begun to be held in some places.

The martial arts system of the Ming Dynasty has long been established, and the rule during the Zhengde period was: quotas were allocated for martial arts candidates from all over the country.

The first is the pro-military system. Both capitals have martial arts. There are a large number of low-level general banners and small banner officers in the pro-guard army, as well as Sheren and Sheyu who have not yet grown up to join the ranks. All are eligible to participate.There are [-] places for martial arts in the two capitals; for other in-service general banner officials, small banner officials, Sheren, and Sheyu who have not enrolled, there are a total of [-] places for Wujuren.

Then there are the guards of Zhili in the north and the south, the special Liaodong, Wanquan, and Liangdu divisions, plus the Shanxi Xingdu division closest to the border, all have [-] places.The rest of the provinces and other special Xingdu Divisions and Left-behind Divisions have a quota ranging from ten to twenty.

Finally, there are civilians, Sheren are the children of military officers, and Sheyu are the rest of the males in military families.The civilians refer to people who are not in the military.Taking part in the Wuju provincial examination together with this status, there are [-] places in the northern and southern Zhili, and [-] places in the rest of the provinces.

The preparations for the Wuju Township Examination took time, and the first to move was naturally the pro-military system in Beijing, which was the first to know the news, and nearby places such as Beizhili, Shandong, Shanxi, Liaodong, and Hebei.

Zhang Fujing knew very well that the emperor's ambition to open up territories in the future had already "ruined" the Confucian family in Qufu, and now he seemed even more "barbaric".

"Sun Wu, Sun Bin, Wu Qi, Tian Dan, Meng Tian, ​​Peng Yue, Chen Tang, Zhuge Liang, Tai Shici, Yu Jin, Wang Meng, Li Ji, Qin Qiong, Cheng Zhijie, Xin Qiji..." Zhang Fujing uttered these names incessantly. The newly established provincial affairs meeting said, "The Governor has been in Shandong for more than a year, and I deeply feel that the people of Shandong really understand righteousness, are brave in public wars and are afraid of private fights! Such outstanding people, just in time for the great world, are heroes. When the generation is born!"

After a pause, he said: "The present is not what it used to be. The military system is changing. Martial arts, martial arts Jinshi, and martial arts champion. Which one is not more promising than before? This year's Enke Enke Township Examination. Are you willing to be lonely? Your majesty's grace and holy decree must be announced to all guards, prefectures and counties. Regardless of the rest, as long as you win the martial arts, you will be defeated in the test. There will also be at least fifteen official positions, ranging from seventh to fifth rank!"

Qi Jingtong's eyes lit up when he heard it.

Although Zhang Fujing does not have the right to directly appoint high-ranking officials, as long as he and Zhang Fujing recommend low-ranking officials together, they can be said to be very stable.

Shandong is the second province where the new law has been tried out. The guards have been diverted to the Shandong battalion and the public security department for recruiting soldiers. Shandong is also the first batch.

High-ranking officials and generous salaries are rewards, and for them, they are a good tool to support and win people's hearts.

As long as you stand out in the Shandong Wuju Township Examination, that's a good starting point.It would be even more serious if he won the martial arts test again.And if he wins the first prize in the palace examination, he will be given a banquet by the emperor's blue eyes and the Wuying Palace!

After the meeting is over, officials at all levels are required to go to the two lines of military and civilians to publicize first, so that people can sign up.

Are Shandong folk customs tough?
It cannot be said simply.Zhang Fujing's words are quite correct. Shandong is a place of prosperous culture and education. In fact, the people are very polite and obedient.Therefore, the culture of loyalty and righteousness is also very strong. If it is for the public, Shandong people are not afraid of war.

As long as the emperor and the imperial court dug a wide ascent channel for the road of joining the army, there are indeed a large number of officers, soldiers and ordinary people at the bottom who are willing to give it a try.

But joining the army is military membership.

Propaganda in the military system is easy to say, but propaganda aimed at ordinary people still faces considerable suspicion.

"Isn't there Enke in the township examination every year now? There is no good way out of being a soldier. You haven't seen a scholar. If you want to be an official, you can go to the county. If you don't want to be an official, you can be a village sage!"

Faced with his middle-aged son returning home excitedly and talking about this matter, the old father was very angry: "If you pass the exam, there will be males in the family for generations to join the army! Why do your majesty and Zhang Dutai drive so high? Reward? You'll have to work hard! I still count on you to carry on the family line, so don't die outside someday!"

"...you can go to the County Public Security Bureau."

"Don't listen to those nonsense! It's so easy to be an official? What kind of connection does our family have? What's the relationship? It sounds good, isn't it just a small official in the county government? Listen to me! In front of the county lord, the scholar is better than a thousand Mr. Hu has face! Mr. Qianhu, that is the fifth grade!"

For so many years, this kind of scene has been staged in many places.

Young people have passion, while old people have more experience.

The provincial examinations for the common people were organized by the chief envoy, and the Shandong chief envoy arranged for someone to take care of it.But the time has come to the fifth day of April, and it has only been more than a month since the Wuju Township Examination is held, and the registration situation in various counties is still not optimistic.

The time for the examination organization and candidates to arrive in Jinan has to be left, and the actual registration time has been less than 20 days.

"Fantai, there are only a dozen people at most, and at least five people. Not to mention picking one out of a thousand, is it possible that our ten places are only selected from a total of more than a hundred people?"

It can be seen from the fact that only a few dozen people can be selected for each subject of martial arts Jinshi in the whole Ming Dynasty, how unpopular martial arts has always been, and they are basically some officers and soldiers in the guard system who are motivated or want to be gilded will go to participate.

Even though a very attractive reward is given now, in the face of the same "enrollment expansion" of Wen Ju, Wu Ju is still discriminated against.

All things are inferior, only reading is high. This kind of concept has existed for so long, how can it be so easy to change?

"...There are still more than [-] days left, and each prefecture and county should have no less than [-] members, and each prefecture should have no less than [-] members."

They can only do the mission of death, even if they recruit some people to make up the number, don't let the scene of the provincial martial arts examination be too ugly-in Beijing, Cui Yuan is the Zuo Dudu who is in charge of the Shandong Dusi's Zuojun Dudufu.

He is a son-in-law, the Marquis of Jingshan, and even more a counselor. He is the most important official representing the military among the counselors. He is a loyal imperial party who will never change his position!
Shandong Wuju Enke, Zuojun Dudufu will send a second-rank Dudu Qianshi to come here to take the exam!

The Wuju Provincial Examination does not require the status of a scholar like the Wenju Provincial Examination. If at that time, apart from the guards and soldiers, there are only a few hundred people from Shandong who take the exam, wouldn't it be ugly?

Fantai, who was in charge of this matter, was very worried: "If the counties randomly recruit some people to make up the numbers, and they are not familiar with bows and horses by then, wouldn't the scene be even more ugly?"

"...Fifteen official positions have been granted to the governor's platform! These foolish people!"

The chief envoy's yamen did not know how to solve this problem, and was worrying when the book office walked into the official hall: "Master Fantai, the new issue of "Ming Pao" has been delivered."

"Put it aside for now."

"Master Fantai." The book office did not move its feet, "The results of the palace examination are out, and the champion is Tang Shunzhi from Changzhou. In the newspaper, there are articles about the champion, the second place, and Tanhua. In addition, there is another news. Department. Dingguo Anmin, Jingguo Wulue, the leader of each department... Feng Bo!"

"What?" Shandong Zuo Buzheng's beard trembled, and he stood up with forgetfulness, "Uncle Feng? Show me!"

He was not so anxious to care about who the number one scholar was.

But it is really appalling to start a department, and the leaders of these two departments have actually granted the title of earl.

The new newspaper was in his hands, and after he spread it out, his eyes were first attracted by the imperial examination questions on the headlines on the front page.

After taking a closer look, he couldn't help taking a breath: "...is it so difficult?"

The political participant also put his head in the past, with the same shocked expression.

The format of the imperial examination questions has changed!

He was also a Jinshi, so he naturally took part in the imperial examination.

Seeing the palace examination questions in this form, especially the amount of information and the difficulty of answering the questions, he, who has been promoted from the third rank to participate in politics, couldn't help being stunned.

If you asked him to answer in the palace exam...

"Changzhou Tang Shunzhi? Who is he?"

He muttered to himself.

If you can win the champion in this subject, you have to read the articles of the champion, the second place, and the third prize.

Such a topic is already closely related to the new law, and it is already a very specific government affairs.Now that such a question has been raised, the three people's policy writings must be extremely brilliant, and may even represent many follow-up reform directions related to the money law.

For a moment, the two forgot about the difficulty of registering for the Wuju provincial examination, forgot to read the news about Ke Fengbo's examination, and even forgot to arrange for the following to use this news to attract more folks to sign up.

"...This person, this person..." Zuo Buzheng was already reading Tang Shunzhi's article on a later edition, and he could only mutter in surprise as he watched it.

"A true prime minister!" Canzheng admired, and then evaluated with his eyes, "Although he didn't take the new study, this person was selected as the number one scholar by His Majesty because of his deep understanding of the new study!"

The left chief envoy nodded solemnly.

Since new learning is to be promoted, what better sign is there than the No. [-] Scholar?
But not only that, this Tang Shunzhi's policy article is indeed quite insightful.

"...Three qian in parallel until the banknote value is gradually stabilized, silver is cast as a treasure to avoid the cost of weighing and exchanging fire, new banknotes replace old ones and banknotes are used..." Zuo Buzheng fell into deep thought.

Bank notes, of course, have long been there.

Treasure banknotes were also in large denominations at first, but they gradually depreciated later.

But it is quite difficult to turn the worthless banknotes into the most valuable banknotes.

Tang Shunzhi gave a way to gradually change this point: first of all, let today's treasure money really buy things, and they are necessary things.For example, the popularization of iron farm tools, since subsidy is required, it is better to count the cost in the recycling of treasure banknotes, so that people can directly buy iron farm tools sold by the government with treasure banknotes.Like that benefiting the people's pharmacy, the tuition fees of primary and secondary schools, and many good policies that benefit the people in the future can do the same.

The imperial court will naturally bear a large cost, but the banknotes cannot be lightly discarded, and the waste will cause chaos.First, a large number of old banknotes are recovered, and then new banknotes are printed. Finally, some old banknotes can be exchanged for new Tongbao and Yinbao, while the new banknotes are directly used as the largest amount of banknotes.

For this reason, since the imperial court has established [-] enterprises, the Ministry of Household Affairs, in order to facilitate the exchange of money and to avoid the pain of depreciation and waiting during the delivery, why not follow the example of private banks and set up official treasures in each government?
"...It's really bold..." Canzheng said with emotion, "All chambers of commerce and money houses in various places should not be underestimated. Replace them with official villages, after all, it is the opinion of scholars."

Zuo Buzheng glanced at him and said lightly: "Businessmen? Officials? Who dares to say anything now? Who can say anything? After the establishment of the tax department, if all taxes are collected and transported by the official village, where does the merchant's money come from?" Is it more convenient to pay?"

"...I can't believe it."

"If you really want to change the old banknotes into new banknotes, the imperial court must establish trust." Zuo Buzheng's experience is still a bit more, "What's more, isn't there a sage in the village?"

Participating in politics was dumbfounded.

Yes, there are sages.Selected by the government and appointed by His Majesty, he can always respond one or two.

This is, after all, a slow process.

"...this policy article is really true..." Zuobu Political Envoy quickly read it again from the beginning, "he was selected as the number one scholar because of the fact that every word in this article is not true. Although the national policy is discussed, it is just like the policy. The problem is general, starting from the details, there are specific and feasible methods.”

"...Master Fantai, the leader of the department is Feng Bo..."

The reason why the secretary came to remind me in such a stupid way is because he knows what is worrying about the yamen recently.

The Zuo Buzheng just woke up like a dream: "Yes, yes, yes! Just wait for me to have a look!"

He turned over the front page, this news was on the front page, together with the results of the palace examination.

There were two news articles on the front page, "The Palace Examination Released, Tang Shunzhi of Changzhou was named the No.

Now, the shock of becoming an earl came to the hearts of the two of them again.

Dingguoan Minke, Yasukuni Martial Arts Division.

One article, one weapon.

There is no subject that tests knowledge and literary talent.

What is important now is also the eligibility for the test.

In the Song Dynasty, there were mainly nine subjects, three of which were open to civilians, namely Gaodaoqiuyuanke, Shenshencaozeke, and Maocaiyi.The other six subjects are open to people with official status. They are: Virtuous Founder can be outspoken and extremely admonishing, Botong Dian is good at education, knowledgeable and brilliant in physical application, detailed official theory can be learned from politics, and insight into strategy. Operational Research Division, Military Strategy Hongyuancai Ren Bianji Division.

Later, the qualifications for the test were changed to require two ministers as referees.

This time, there are only two subjects in the six-year Jiajing system, and only officials with official status are allowed to participate. Only those who are of the sixth rank and below are allowed to participate, and they are limited to those under 35 years old. recommendation.

This means that a large number of magistrates in Ming Dynasty can also participate if they get a recommendation.

But correspondingly, each recommender can only recommend a maximum of two people to participate.There are only so many officials above the fourth grade in the Ming Dynasty, which has already determined the total number of people who will take part in the system examination.

The content of the exam is as difficult as the Song Dynasty system.

The first item is still the volume.Fifty papers on policy and theories on weekdays must be submitted, which is the first screening.Those who pass are allowed to enter Beijing to take part in the policy test.

This policy test will be presided over by the counselors of the National Policy Conference, and the test location will be in the National Policy Hall.During the five-hour examination time a day, a total of five policy theories have to be completed.

This one also passed, that is, the imperial examination.The emperor will only ask one question, but it must be completed face to face in the Qianqing Palace.After the completion, there will be a performance link.The emperor asked three questions face to face, and he had to answer them immediately.

Shandong Zuo Chief Envoy murmured, "This Earl...is not easy to get..."

To be qualified for the test, it means that the recommended person has good interpersonal skills and can be appreciated by at least three senior members of the fourth rank.

Being able to pass the entry test shows that they do not rely entirely on their interpersonal skills.The recommender is dignified and above the fourth grade, so you can't randomly recommend someone who is trusted to slap yourself in the face in front of the emperor.

As for the policy test, the 24 most important ministers of Ming Dynasty take the test together.If you can pass this level, even if you can't pass the last level, you will be appreciated by at least a few counselors, and your official career will be prosperous in the future.

In the last imperial examination, you must answer the policy questions and play the correct one.Picking the chief and conferring on the uncle is the next best thing. The emperor's favor is certain. In the future, the literati, Zaifu, and the warriors will only have to make new contributions.

"...the ladder to the blue sky!" What Shen Zheng saw was an opportunity.

Both of them are not eligible to take the test, but they are eligible for recommendation.

They glanced at each other, and then their eyes lit up, and they felt a little more emotional.

"The new law is implemented. If the county magistrate and below want to climb the ladder to the blue sky, how dare they neglect this year?" Participating in political affairs tsk-tsk, "It's time to die!"

The responsibility for implementing the new law falls first on the heads of the provincial officials, and if the local governments and counties are not aggressive, they must do it in a perfunctory manner and minimize offending people as much as possible.

However, the temptation to win the favor of the senior members of the fourth grade first, and then the counselors, and even soar into the sky is too great.

The officials of various provinces have a new tool in their hands: do you want to do it well?I do not recommend you!
If you take this year's new law promotion performance and the implementation of the facts that His Majesty cares about as the starting point, then even if the person who recommends you can't pass the first test, it will still be meritorious!

"Wonderful." Zuo Buzheng suddenly opened his mind and felt at ease.

Of the two people I can recommend, one is the seed player, and the other rewards meritorious officials. This principle must be unified!

It is easy to count people who are above the fourth grade in Shandong.Add it all together, how many places can you recommend?

He burst into laughter: "The governor will definitely call another provincial affairs meeting, don't worry, we will discuss everything!"

He is not in a hurry, the newspaper is not avoiding anyone.

After half a year, the new type of printing press was gradually being built, and Ming Pao was printing better and better, and more and more copies were being printed. Those who made a living by handwriting felt that their business was gradually becoming difficult.

However, Ming Pao, which was transported to Shandong in only five days, has caused Shandong officials and the people to explode.

On the one hand, it is the difficulty of the palace examination questions, on the other hand, it is the many arguments brought about by the direct discussion on Qian Fa, on the other hand, it is the glory of the new scholars, especially the arguments on the number one scholar Tang Shunzhi, the second place Tang Shu, and the king of Tanhua Shenzhong.

"If it was in previous years, I'm afraid the number one scholar is this Wang Shenzhong! Look at this literary talent!"

"It's only because of literary talents that Tanhualang was chosen? One of the top three must have a better literary talent."

"That's wrong! Xiongtai really thinks that the number one scholar can't write colorful articles?"

"Tang Shunzhi, Tang Shu, there are two surnamed Tang in the first three miles! My Tang family should be happy!"

"...A man from Changzhou Prefecture and a man from Huai'an Prefecture are both from Nanzhili. What is the relationship with the Nanqiu Tang family?"

"The ancestors are naturally of the same clan! My Nanqiu Tang clan also moved to Linzi from Qingzhou Tang clan. I don't know how many Shandong Tang clans moved south in the past!"

In the officialdom, everyone watched the news of the department dry-mouthed.

Grade [-] and below are eligible to participate.

This is the sixth grade, very subtle.Da Ming magistrates are all six grades.Among the new Jinshi, even the number one scholar, the official award at the beginning will not exceed the sixth rank.

Now some people know that there is no chance, but after all, it is an opportunity for their strategy to reach the center directly, and will be seen by the court officials.Those who are ambitious and want to make progress are eager to try.

There are also some magistrates and lower-level officials who don't count on these at all, but they don't lack political wisdom.

After seeing the news, I just sighed again and again: "Bitter!"

Shangguan had another whip in his hand.

Not doing well?Perfunctory?

But during the performance appraisal, a word of lack of aggressiveness will be given.

I didn't expect to fly to the sky, but it doesn't mean that I will be satisfied with only climbing to the sixth rank in my life.

Now that the Enke Enke Entrance Examination is held every year, there must be more and more sub-list candidates and fellow candidates.

What if the good official position of the sixth rank cannot be kept, and they are moved to other poor yamen?

The news continued to spread to the south, and when they arrived in Huai'an, Liu Tianhe was naturally very happy, but at the same time he was a little sad: suddenly he was ranked second in high school, so could it be easy to invite Tang Shu to the Hedao Yamen?
The news spread to Nanjing again, Nanzhili won the top two, with ten seats in the first place, and the situation that Nanzhili was the most cultural and educational place remained unchanged.But Xu Jie, who was working as a doctor in the Ministry of Officials in Nanjing, was disappointed: because of Yan Song's support, he was promoted too quickly, and he kind of wished that he was still a magistrate of the sixth rank.

The news then spread to Changzhou Mansion in the east of Nanjing and northwest of Hangzhou, and the glory of the No. [-] Scholar really ignited the Changzhou Mansion.And Wujin County, where Tang Shunzhi was born and raised, was decorated with lanterns, festoons and gongs and drums.Tang Shunzhi's old Juren father wept with joy, and the prefect of Changzhou and Wujin County were still congratulating: "Tang Weng, it's still early! I have read the No. [-] Scholar Gongxiong's essay, and with the talent of virtue, I will win the title next year and then be named an earl. Hopeful! At this time next year, this place will probably be the old residence of the Earl, and Weng Tang will definitely have a gift!"

When the news reached Hangzhou, Yan Song thought about who to recommend and who to support.

The news reached Fujian, where registration for the Wuju provincial examination is being organized.

There was a Tanhua Lang in Quanzhou Prefecture, and Gong Yongqing was also ranked No. 24. Yu Dayou was happy while staring at the words "Jingguo Martial Arts Division".

If you have to write so many policy essays on the system, you will still be a Confucian general after all.Among the generals, how many people can take the exam?
This might be his best chance yet!

People like Tang Shunzhi, Tang Shu, and Wang Shenzhong, their goal is naturally the Ding Guoan Minke.

As for the Dingguo Martial Arts Department, the test must be the art of war.How many of these "Wenqu stars" are good at these?

Among Zhao Ben's scholars, he, a descendant of the Zhao and Song royal family, saw that Zhu Houcong followed the example of the Song Dynasty and started a department again, and he liked him a lot. At the same time, he also focused more on the special training of Yu Dayou.

"This is your best chance. After being named uncle, you will never be lowered! What you have learned all your life as a teacher, I hope you will inherit the mantle and restore the country!"

At this time in Beijing, Tang Shunzhi had just arrived at the Ministry of War to report.

In order to prepare for the department, the top ones in this department did not go back to their hometown to enjoy the glory or get married like some people in the previous department.

Tang Shunzhi was appointed as the head of the Ministry of War, and he was the sixth grade.

The reason why he came to the Ministry of War is very simple: Wang Shouren is the Minister of the Ministry of War and one of the people who has the deepest study of new learning.

Wang Shouren also has great military achievements, and his literary and military strategies are equally good.

"Don't delay the errand." Wang Shouren solemnly told him, "It's close to the water. Once the errand is done, you will be able to understand the military affairs of the Ming Dynasty."

"Remember, lower officials!"

"If you're really willing to take the Yasukuni Martial Arts Department?" Wang Shouren asked this because Tang Shunzhi's imperial examination papers made Fei Hong's heart itch, and he very much hoped that Tang Shunzhi would develop in the direction of civil affairs.

Tang Shunzhi sighed: "There is no mention of the lack of silver in the Ming Dynasty in the official policy. If we want to set up a bank, how can we not have millions of taels of silver treasures stored in various places to pay for withdrawals? We need to solve the problem of lack of silver, I'm afraid It is to expand the territory and find silver mountains. Since your Majesty said that Baozhuang's strategy is very good and its name is a bank, how can the lower officials not understand this concern?"

Wang Shouren felt relieved, and nodded: "Then once every five days, I will come to my house after the shift."

"Mr. Xie, a student, is generous with his teaching!"

Yu Dayou, who was far away in Quanzhou, didn't know that Jinke Zhuangyuan Lang had become a competitor in his mind.

However, the martial arts palace examination and the examination in February of the following year have already ignited the emotions of the low-ranking officials, low-level generals and even folk warriors in Ming Dynasty.

After listening to Zhang Tong's report in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Zhu Houcong nodded happily: "Everyone who is a hero, come here! I have always liked heroes in my life!"

Zhang Tong and Huang Jin felt a little strange, because when His Majesty said this, he deliberately adjusted his tone of voice for some reason, and then laughed himself.

Zhu Houcong felt the joy of Tang Taizong saying in the history books that "all the heroes in the world are in my pocket".

Now that everything is new in Daming, Zhu Houcong still has a big blueprint in his chest, what is lacking is a steady stream of talents and new blood.

Eclectic drop talent!

(End of this chapter)

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